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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

Page 14

by Crystal Daniels

“Come on.”

  Getting to his feet he holds my hand in his as I begin to lead him in the direction of the headstones. Stopping in front of his mother’s, I place half the flowers against her headstone before moving to his Aunt Lily’s and resting the remaining half of flowers against hers as well.

  The whole time I can feel Logan watching me. Turning back around I wrap my arms around his waist and place my head on his chest, and listen to the beating of his heart against my ear. I want him to know how much it means to me that he brought me out here. “I wish I could have had the chance to known them both.”

  We walk back to the bike. The sun has set and the air is getting cooler. Logan wraps the blanket around my waist, giving me extra protection from the night air once I’m seated on the bike. I’m on the verge of falling asleep when we finally make it back to the compound. Logan has me nuzzled into his side as we make our way into the clubhouse. We bypass everyone on our way in. From the looks on some of the brother’s faces, I’m guessing word has gotten around about the whole family reunion. He doesn’t pay them any mind as he guides me upstairs. I stop long enough to peek in on my sister, who has fallen asleep reading. I walk in and place her Kindle on the night stand but leave the bathroom light on before closing her door and heading into mine and Logan’s room. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before stripping out of my clothes, slipping on one of Logan’s t-shirts, then crawl into bed.

  Once he’s done brushing his teeth he strips down to nothing before walking out the bathroom. I can’t help but admire his toned inked body. He catches me looking and gives me his signature smile.

  “Didn’t get enough earlier, babe?” he slides into bed.

  “Never,” I smile at him.

  He reaches over, pulling my back to his chest, spooning me from behind.

  It’s been a long day, for the both of us. I yawn as I snuggle further into his embrace.

  “Goodnight, Angel.”

  “Goodnight, Logan.”



  She’s so fuckin beautiful, caring, sweet and she’s mine. I watch as Bella drops her towel from her body and starts applying her favorite vanilla lotion that always has her smelling so damn good.

  I woke up with the sun because her little ass was rubbing my cock and it became too much to ignore, so I woke her up with my mouth, before sinking into her. We lay in bed for a few hours talking more about yesterday’s events. Fuck, the whole damn situation is insane and the timing; I can’t decide if it’s good or bad. Does he really want a father-son relationship or do they have an ulterior motive? I’m not sure what to think. Out of all the chaos lately, the woman in front of me is the calm to my storm.

  Bella lifts her head, she blushes a little as I continue watching her. Her eyes twinkling as she notices the physical effect she’s having on me.

  I continue watching her dress as she shimmies into some tight as hell jeans. “Fuck woman, you keep wiggling that little ass, we won’t ever leave this damn room.”

  “Doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me.” She says, slipping a t-shirt over her head.

  I grab my gun and shoulder holster off the dresser and slip it on before reaching for my cut.

  “So, beautiful, let’s go over a few things. You’ll be riding with a prospect today. You’ll be accompanied by a brother whenever you or your sister need to go anywhere, just until we resolve all this shit with Los Demonios and that bastard Lee.” I slide my cut on as she walks up to me. I pull her in close.

  “Alright, I can handle that for a while.”

  Walking over and sitting on the bed, she starts to pull her boots on. “You going to be at the garage today?” She asks.

  “Just gonna be Austin and Quinn again, Angel. Got shit to take care of today.”

  Walking back over to me, she stretches her arms up, clasping her hands behind my head, pulling me down far enough so our lips can meet.

  “Maybe you should go see Demetri and Nikolai.”

  Sighing I kiss the top of her head. “Don’t know about that. Not sure I won’t lose my shit. I can’t look past the fact that his father is the reason my mom is dead.”

  “I’m not saying you should have a relationship with him. Go find the answers you’re looking for, that’s all.”

  I know she means well. Bella is more optimistic about people than I am. I’ve come to find she’s a good judge of character, so maybe I should go. She amazes me, how after the hardships she’s had to overcome, she always focuses on the good in life. I find it hard to trust anyone outside the club. I’ve found more times than not people would rather use you for their own personal gain.

  Before we’re able to finish our little talk, there’s a knock at the bedroom door, followed by Quinn’s voice from the other side.

  “Yo, brother! Everyone’s looking for you. We got church in ten minutes.”

  Still holding Bella, I look down, “Why don’t you grab your sister and head on downstairs, I’ll come eat something with you before you leave. Okay?”

  Snaking her arms down around my waist she rests her head on my chest, hugging me. “Okay.”

  Then with another kiss, I watch her walk out the door.

  “Hey, Quinn,” Bella waves, as she walks by him on her way to her sister’s room.

  “Hey, darlin’, how’s it goin’?”

  Bella gets halfway down the hall when Quinn hollers out. “Hey, I got a question for ya’. Why doesn’t a chicken wear pants?”

  I hear her holler back “I have no idea.” The laughter in her voice fills the hallway.

  Quinn continues, “Because his pecker is on his head!”

  I chuckle. Where does he get these damn jokes from? I’ve put up with the endless jokes for so long most times I tune them out, but my woman seems to love them.

  Still laughing, she tells him, “See ya later, Quinn.”

  Stepping into the hallway I catch him looking at my woman’s ass as she makes her way down the hall, and give him a pop upside the head. “Quit staring at her ass, dipshit.”

  Quinn doesn’t pay me any mind. He only smiles. Walking downstairs we head into church, where the rest of the men are gathering. Just before entering I catch Gabriel and Reid waiting outside the door as Quinn and I approach.

  Reid is the first to speak, “Hey, man. We just wanted to make sure you’re good. We heard about what went down yesterday. Shit man, that’s a lot to take in brother,” he says rubbing the back of his neck. I look to Gabriel, he doesn’t speak, just nods his head in agreement before placing his hand on my shoulder. Quinn, and Reid follow with the same gesture. This right here is my family. No matter what choices I make in the future, they are the one that have always been a part of my life.

  “Thanks brothers, I’m good.”

  Jake is sitting in his usual spot at the head of the table and I walk over, sitting down in mine. It looks like he wants to say something to me but doesn’t. I’m sure he had just as many questions, if not more than I did yesterday. Clearing his throat, he starts talking.

  “Alright, let’s get this shit over with. First, got news that there was a group of Los Demonios heading South of Dixon last night. Had a couple brothers tail them, so Reid, make sure you’re on top of those burners today just in case anything should happen.”

  “Got it, Prez,” Reid answers.

  Jake reaches over and takes a sip of his coffee before adding. “Logan’s woman—”

  A collective sound of fists hitting the table fills the room. I do my best to hide a smile as a few of my brother yell “Hell yeah!”

  “As I was saying, you all know Bella and her sister are staying with us for as long as necessary until we resolve the issue with Los Demonios and the connection those fuckers have with their stepdad. We need to make sure that a brother is with them at all times. I’ll leave it up to Logan as to who gets put on watch for both.”

  I lift my chin acknowledging the choice is mine to make.

  “Oh, and there is one
more thing. The issue of the asshole down in the basement. It’s starting to fuckin’ stink down there from him pissing himself. Logan, it’s your call. What do you want done with him?

  I stew on in for a minute. “I’m pretty sure we’ve hit a wall with that one. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a loose end that we don’t need anymore. We’ll have him disposed of before the day is done,” I tell Jake.

  He bobs his head in agreement. With no other objections from the rest of the brothers, he slams the gavel on the table, ending church for the day, and we all file out and make our way towards the delicious smells coming from the kitchen. I find Bella along with her sister and Lisa setting the table with platters of food.

  After having breakfast with my woman and some of the other brothers, I see to it that Austin, one of the prospects is put on watch to keep an eye on Bella and her sister. Giving him this responsibility is a big deal, so he knows not to fuck it up because there won’t be any second chances given. I’ve also decided to take Bella’s advice and ride out to the estate that Demetri is staying at nearby. I run down to Jake’s office to see if he has the address. I find him in his office sipping on a cold beer and knock on the open door before going in.

  He looks up from what has his current attention. “Hey son, sit down.”

  I pull the chair out and sit. I need to get something off my chest before I ask him for anything.

  “Listen, Jake...about yesterday.” I rub my hand over the back of my neck, “Sorry about running out on you yesterday and leaving you here to deal with that shit storm all by yourself.”

  “Son, I’m not worried about any of that shit. Hell, the whole goddamn situation took me by surprise, but you handled it the only way you could. What I want to know is if you’re doing alright with it all. That was some heavy shit yesterday.”

  I don’t mince the words with Jake. The man raised me. He’s the one I should be calling dad. “I’ve got a better grasp on everything. Bella helped me see things in a different perspective. Which is why I’m here. I want to go out and talk with Volkov. Do you have the address for his estate?”

  Reaching into his desk drawer he pulls out an envelope, handing it to me. “He gave this to me not long after you left yesterday Said to give this to you if you came asking to get in touch.”

  I open the envelope and pull out the letter that’s inside.


  If you wish to talk I’m at your disposal. My personal phone and address are listed below. The guard at the gate was given instructions to let you through if you choose to see me.

  Your Father,

  Demetri Volkov

  I fold the letter back up, shove it into my pocket and stand. Jake stands, stepping in front of me.

  “Logan, no matter what you choose to do I support you. That man may be your father, but I consider you my son, no matter who else makes that claim.”

  He pulls me in for a quick hug and slaps me on the back. “Let me know how things go,” he says as he steps back over to his desk sitting down.

  “I’ll fill you in over a drink later,” I tell him and turn to leave.

  Turns out I really don’t have to drive too far because he’s staying out on Point Road, just north of King’s Point. When I reach the end of the road, the property is surrounded by a solid ten-foot wrought iron privacy fence along with a large wrought iron gate. As I’m pulling up and prepare to stop, the gate swings open and the guard steps out. With a deep Russian accent, he tells me I will be greeted at the door.

  I pull into the circular driveway and park my bike. Victor, the guy who accompanied my father and brother to the compound yesterday, is waiting at the steps. “Your father is pleased to hear of your arrival Mr. Kane, follow me.”

  I take a good look around, noticing all the cameras mounted to the house, and I’m impressed. I expected to walk into a grand, over the top sterile environment, but instead, the interior matches the exterior of the large log cabin home, furnished much like my own. I’m lead into a large den/living room area. A floor-to-ceiling window takes up one whole wall, giving an amazing view of the waterfront. I’m left to wait, so I walk over to gaze out at the water.


  I turn as I hear my name. Demetri makes his way over, extending his hand for a shake. He’s much more casual today. Jeans and a t-shirt. The resemblance between us is a bit unnerving.

  “Come sit. Would you care for a drink?”

  I take a seat in one of the leather chairs close to the window but facing the entrance to the room. I’m not ready to let my guard down. I have no reason, other than the fact he says he’s my father to trust him or anyone that works for him. We do business with them and that’s as far as it goes—for now.

  “I’ll take a beer.”

  Walking over to the mini bar off to the side of the room, he opens the small fridge and pulls out two bottles, pops the tops off and brings them over. He hands one to me as he takes a sip of the one in his other hand.

  “You must have many more questions. I promise I will answer them all to the best of my ability.”

  I take a pull of my beer, wondering where to start. The questions I have are all a jumbled mess in my head. “Why not tell your family to fuck off if you loved my mom so much?” I take another drink from the bottle before setting it on the table beside me.

  He doesn’t hesitate to answer and what he says is unexpected. “To save her. I was trying to save her life. My father didn’t frown upon what he thought was a fling, but when he became aware I had fallen in love, he not only threatened your mother but my mother and sister as well. Said he would not only ruin Rose’s life but if I walked away from my obligation, he would throw my mother and sister out to the wolves.”

  Demetri walks over to the bar and sits his half-empty beer down and pours himself two fingers of whiskey into a glass tumbler. Holding it up he offers a glass, but I decline. I’ll just stick to having a beer. I would rather be clear headed, ready for whatever he throws at me.

  “I did what was necessary to protect the most important people in my life from a heartless bastard with the power to do and get away with whatever he promised would happen. So, like I told you yesterday, your mother and I parted ways. For her own good, I married another woman that I despised. Who was just as ruthless and conniving as my father.”

  He may have sacrificed but that still doesn’t do much to squash the resentment I’m feeling towards the man.

  “You never once tried to get in touch with her the years she was alive. Why? With all the resources and power your family has, why is it you didn’t have a clue about me?”


  “Don’t call me son. You haven’t earned that right.” I bite out.

  His shoulders slump a little. “Fair enough.”

  Sitting back down into the leather chair across from me, he sighs. “Logan, after going back to my home country and leaving your mother here, my father had me put on lock down so to speak. His men watching my every move. I was never left alone. The marriage between my ex-wife and I was purely a business merger to bring two of the most powerful families in Russia together.”

  None of what he says has me giving a damn. He still left my mother and never looked back.

  “The day I found those files, found out what my father had done...I told you before, if he weren’t already dead I would have killed him myself. When I found the letters written to me from your mother, my Rose, it nearly did me in. When I found out I had created a life with the only woman I had ever loved...” He pauses, trying to collect himself, “not only did I find out my father hid all of this from me, but I also discovered my own wife knew I had another son before we had our own...”

  Before he can finish, his son—my brother walks in holding a metal lock box, setting it down next to Demetri.

  “Sorry to interrupt, Father, but this was just delivered. I assume you wish to have it now?” Nikolai cuts his eyes to me. My younger brother looks so much like me in appearance it’s fucking freaky a
s shit, right down to the genetic trait the three of us share, our eye colors. I stand, stretching out my arm, offering my hand to greet him.

  “Logan, it’s good to see you here today.”

  “You too, brother.” And I mean it. No matter what my feelings are now when it comes to Demetri, I have no ill feelings towards Nikolai. He’s my brother and I’m fucking happy about that. I sit back down in the chair I was occupying and Demetri directs Nikolai to sit as well.

  “As I was saying. My ex played a part in the deception, which is one of the many reasons I divorced her.”

  I cut my eyes to my brother because this is his mother his father is talking about, but he doesn’t show any signs of discomfort. Nikolai cut his eyes to me, “What my father says is true, Logan. My mother is a heartless woman. I envy you. Your mother loved you.”

  She did love me.

  I watch as Demetri takes a chain from around his neck and on the end, is a small key. Shifting to his right he lifts the lock box sitting on the table.

  “In this box, I keep the letters along with other small mementos from when I knew your mother.”

  Inserting the key and unlocking it, he lifts the lid and pulls out a bundle of envelopes. “I would like to share these with you. They are the letters Rose wrote to me before she died.”

  Before she was murdered.

  I grab the letters as he hands them to me and randomly pull one from the pile. As I open the envelope, there is a faint yet familiar smell. She must have sprayed perfume on the paper. I unfold the letter that looks like it’s been read a thousand times as worn as it is, and I begin to read it,

  Dearest Demetri,

  Today is Logan’s fifth birthday. He’s getting so big and looking more like you every day. He starts kindergarten in a couple of months. Can you believe it! Time has gone by so fast. Enclosed you will find a photo. I took it just last week at the lake. I take him to our special place as often as I can. He loves it there. I hope this letter finds you well. I miss you.

  Love always,


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