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Reaping the Immortal

Page 16

by Pamela Labud

  He swallowed. Now that wasn't a pleasant thought at all.

  "She will give in, you know."

  The old man sat upon his throne, an overly large recliner positioned in the center of the room. It was made of expensive leather, as was everything in the oversized room. A gothic mansion, the place had high ceilings and polished marble floors. Whoever had lived there before had quite expensive and exquisite tastes.

  "I told you. She's tougher than you think."

  "Ah, but her emotions rule her. Holly Dent has a soft center. She'll see you suffering and do the humane thing and send you to the beyond. It's why I chose her, you know. Her sympathetic heart. She'll do what's necessary to end another's pain."

  Max knew that was the truth and hoped it didn't get that far. It was a long shot, but he'd already taken measures to keep as healthy as possible for the time being.

  Using the nexus that existed between him and his twin, he'd managed to pull some of his brother's magic to add to his own. Although he knew if they ever made it out of this situation, Matty wasn't going to be very happy about it. Hopefully by now he was unconscious and no longer aware of the discomfort.

  Max yawned. "This is so boring. You're out to take revenge on those that slighted you, blah, blah, blah..." Maybe baiting the madman wasn't such a good idea, but the more of his anger he directed at Max, the less he would have for Holly.

  "You will cease your mockery of me this instant. If not, I'll not make your Reaping so easy."

  "I don't think you have the strength, if you did, I'd be rendered unconscious by now."

  The Reaper stood to his feet. "Do you dare challenge me, Immortal? You're risking her life as well, you know."

  "If you say so, but again, I think she'll surprise you."

  With that comment, the Reaper howled in anger. Turning, he reached for his scythe and when he faced Max again, he held it high. Max saw the onslaught of the Reaper's attack a few seconds before he felt it.

  The atmosphere charged around him, lights blazed, and a shock of pain lit every nerve in his body. Before he'd met Holly, he would have fast been on his knees begging for the pain to stop. He'd have given his last breath in exchange for sweet release.

  But now, knowing what she faced, he would not give in. He would not help this fiend destroy her.

  It wasn’t just the devastating loss of Max in her life, as bad as that might be. Max knew the sort of power hungry wretch standing before him, and the Reaper would not stop until he vanquished anyone who stood against him — including Holly. Either way, Max was sure the Reaper would surely destroy her, and that, Max would not allow.

  Suddenly, the pain eased and disappeared. He was so shaken that he didn't realize at first it was gone, the resonance of his pain still twisting inside him. But when he noticed the lights had again dimmed and the air around him returned to normal, he caught a glimpse of Renault falling back, his face red and his breathing short and labored.

  The older man’s change lasted only a few moments and soon his color returned to normal and his breathing evened out. Despite his rapid recovery, the Reaper was obviously shaken. He didn't say a word, but backed away slowly. When he reached the door, he spun around and ran from the room.

  Only then did Max let out the breath he was holding. There was a way to defeat the old Reaper then, and he was certain he knew how to do it.

  Now, if only Holly would agree, they would have a chance to put away the beast once and for all.


  It was an hour past dark when Holly pulled the rental car into the long drive that led to the Reaper's mansion. A tall, imposing building, it reminded her of one of those broken-down castles from a horror movie. She could easily envision walking down long, dust filled corridors only to be attacked by a terrifying ghost or unrelenting ghoul.

  But this wasn't a movie and she wasn't a scared heroine walking into trouble. She was facing the most dangerous Reaper ever born and she had to be ready for his attacks. Despite her avoidance of confrontation in the past, and her mild manner and quiet demeanor, she was not a wallflower. Nothing in her life had brought out the lioness in her the way seeing Max hurt by this villain did. She would see it through. She would thwart Master Georges and bring Max home.

  Or she would perish in the attempt.

  Taking a final breath, she turned off the car's engine, slipped from the driver's seat and stood beside the car. A gust of wind blew past her. She felt the storm building. The air prickled with electricity and a distant rumbling echoed the emotion stirring within her.

  "Come on, Holly," she told herself. "Time to gut up and finish this once and for all."

  Turning back to the car, she pulled her scythe from the back seat, and started reciting the mantra that always sent her into full Reaper mode. The clouds stirred in the sky and distant thunder boomed. Multiple shards of lightning crackled all around her. A dim blue light emanated from her talisman and almost instantly, she felt the energy begin to flow, rising like a river during a torrential rain.

  It felt both good and bad to be in this state. Excitement swelled at summoning the magic that had helped guide souls. Magic moved through her veins setting her nerves alight. Her senses came alive and every living creature sang to her. She felt life buzzing around her and then located the one soul who was her target...

  And that's where the bad came in.

  "Max," she whispered. She felt his pain as if it were her own, the constant, raw ache he felt, as if every strip of his flesh was being pulled and twisted.

  Walking to the mansion's front entrance, she saw Renault's minion there waiting for her just inside the doorway.

  "Follow me," he said.

  Without saying a word, she walked behind him, down the long, dark corridor through the old house. Musky scents and crannies left untended too long assailed her senses, and their movement stirred up whorls of dust as they passed.

  They came to an impressive spiral staircase that seemed to rise out of nothing before going on forever. It had to be at least three floors, she thought. It had an ornate gold railing and thick marble stairs and along its base were pale yellow track lights.

  At long last, the servant led her to a central room. Judging from its two-story high domed ceiling, it must have been a ballroom at one time. From the center of the dome hung an elaborate crystal chandelier. The floor was polished white marble with onyx trim. High glass windows surrounded them and off to one side was a raised dais with thick, crimson drapes hanging behind it.

  A light came on over the dais and Holly caught sight of Renault, wearing his shimmering gold robes, a glowing white scythe in his hand, his stance poised to strike his victim.

  He was ready to begin the Reaping. Beside him, seated in a high back chair, was Max.

  The sight of him nearly broke her, and Holly's breath caught in her throat. He was panting, and it was clear that his condition was worsening, his energy draining by the moment.

  "Welcome, Reaper Dent," Renault called out. "So glad you could make it."

  Holly clenched her jaw, reining in her anger. "Let him go."

  "I will not. I've worked too hard and too long to turn away now."

  "Holly," Max said, his voice coarse, his tone raw. "It's okay. I've made my peace. I'm begging you, let me go."

  Shock and agony shot through her. "I can't," she told him. "I won't..."

  "There's no hope for us, Holly. There never has been." He started to say more but was overcome by a coughing fit. Gasping, he shook his head. "Don't you see?”

  She shook her head, eyes suddenly burning, hot tears forming like a pot getting ready to boil over. "You're wrong. I can beat him. We can make this right."

  Max shook his head. "I know you want to believe that, but we're too different. Too much is at stake for us to be so selfish." He pulled her into his arms, his warm, solid body felt so good against her and she sought his touch like a ship throwing an anchor into a tumultuous sea.

bsp; "I won't let you do this."

  "Yes, you will." He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. "When he Reaps me, his powers will weaken. That's when you need to go after him. You're far stronger than you think, Holly. And when you defeat him, his magic will fail and then the Council can deal with him once and for all."

  She pushed back from him. "If I do that, you'll die."

  "It's okay. I've lived a long time, Holly. I've never had the chance to be the hero, you know."

  "But, you've been a soldier, for heaven's sake."

  "I've played at war, yes. I could fight, yes. I could be injured and feel the pain of each musket ball, each stab of the bayonet, the burning agony from each bullet, but in the end, I would live. An inconvenience, but no real sacrifice."

  Holly felt the steam of her arguments cool against her skin. "I don't want to lose you," she said.

  "I feel the same," he said, caressing her face, placing his forehead against hers. "But, I need to do this. You've been a heroine for a very long time, Holly. Every soul you guided through the veil, every kindness you’ve shown them and every hour you've grieved for their loss. Let me do this."

  A thick despair covered her then. She'd lost her parents, her friends, her family, and now she was losing him. She didn't know how she could stand it — how she could go on once he was gone from her life forever.

  But, deep within her, she knew he spoke the truth. She also knew she couldn't deny him.

  Her heart, already cracked and bruised, was on the verge of shattering.

  "Okay," she said in a small, weak voice, the last of the fight going out of her.

  He pulled her back into his arms, and she fell against him, her energy waning. She wanted to surrender, to die with him, but she knew that was not possible. The living needed her, her guild needed her, and all the realm needed her. She would not disappoint.

  Starting to pull back, she was surprised to find his arms entwining around her once again, his hand finding the back of her neck, and leaning down, his mouth finding hers. He kissed her then, deep and long, gentle and hungry at the same time. Holly barely breathed.

  That one kiss would be the completion of their time together and she was powerless to stop it.


  "Enough," Renault said from is dais. "It's time to begin the Reaping."

  Letting go of Holly was the hardest thing he'd ever done. Finally, he'd found the one person who completed him. One who would love him through eternity and give his life purpose. But now that was ending.

  He'd never claimed to be an unselfish man. Immortals rarely were. He'd not been unkind, or thoughtless when it came to others, but neither had he been particularly sympathetic.

  He'd given plenty of his money to charities over the years, but what did money, or any earthly thing mean to one who lived forever? Fortunes rose and fortunes fell. He'd survived famine and feast. Life had been a grand adventure and it had never meant more than a jolly run, he a casual observer.

  Now, things were different and he realized what a fool he'd been all along. Life had value and every minute was precious.

  If nothing else, he owed that to Holly. She made life precious for him and if not for her, he might have died not ever knowing the truth of it all.

  "Well, Immortal, what say you now?"

  He pushed away from Holly and felt her pain as sharply as he did his own.

  "I'm ready," he said. Straightening his spine, he lifted his chin and stared straight into the old Reaper's face. "The question is, are you?"

  Renault glared at him. "I've been waiting an eternity for this moment. On your knees; accept your fate."

  For the first time since meeting the ancient Mage, Max saw the vision of the creature he truly was — older than time, fearful and shrinking against his scythe. A pitiful being, really. His soul was necrotic, reeking of rot, fear, and death.

  Max sank to his knees, the sound of Holly's single sob bruising his heart.

  "I feel sorry for you, old Mage. A being can have all the magic in this world and the next, it still won't fill the emptiness inside of him."

  That was the crux of it all. Renault was a pathetic, empty being, who somehow lost himself in his hatred and insurmountable jealousy.

  Max's thoughts must have shown on his face because he watched the Reaper's expression change from furious insanity to maniacal rage.

  "Are we going to do this, or what?" Max asked trying to get the Reaper to throw his magic at him.

  The old beast eyed him suspiciously. "So, now you want to die?"

  "Not at all. You're beginning to bore me."

  He started forward, but then froze in mid step. "Give me this fool to take, Reaper Dent. Ending his life will be a pleasure."

  Max watched Holly hesitate. Her eyes brimmed with tears and he couldn't mistake the slight quiver of her chin. This was the worst thing she would ever do and he felt like a monster for making her do it.

  But he had no choice.

  "Trust me," he whispered to her.

  With a barely noticeable nod, she took a breath. "High honor, Reaper Renault, I now give you all control over this subject..."

  Max held his breath. They were down to the last of it now. He imagined it would go very fast, the Reaping. In the time of a single breath, his life would end and he would pass into the ages.

  No one knew what was in the next realm, those that had already passed were not always forthcoming with information. Some thought the way you lived this life would determine your fate, others, not so much. Even ghosts were tight-lipped. After all, they'd elected to remain behind.

  But, whatever lie beyond his Reaping, Max was ready to face it. This was for Holly. Not just her alone but her future. The preservation of her life, her family and friends. And to give her time to meet a man that would ultimately fulfill her dreams. Although, that thought did sting him a bit. To think of Holly with someone else...

  "Get on with it, girl,” Renault growled. "Say the name."

  Holly shot the old man a sharp look, but when she began to speak, she turned back to Max. Her eyes tight on his, all her emotion — fury, frustration, and love — shone through and her voice trembled when she said his name. He heard it surround him, encase him in her fierce possession of him, and shore up her resolve. He sensed a part of her would perish with this act and he grieved for her.

  Outside, the wind howled and tree limbs crashed as debris slammed against the side of the manse.

  "Maximillian Hyland."

  The very atmosphere snapped around them. The bubble of sanity popped and Max realized that Holly had been holding him in her thoughts, suspending him, protecting him in her psychic fortress.

  The moment she let go, the air exploded into flames around him. He was instantly enveloped in the old Reaper’s pain, fear, and gut-wrenching hatred. The depth of the master Reaper's madness added another layer of agony to his already dreadful state.

  "At last," Renault declared in a triumphant tone. "You've no idea how long I've waited for this moment." He walked closer until he stood facing Max, eye to eye.

  "As crazy as you are, I think I have a pretty good idea," he ground out, though the very act of speech tore at his throat. Max would not let the crazy man have the last word, though each word he uttered ripped into his throat with demonic agony.

  "Please," Holly begged behind them. “End his suffering."

  "Why, Reaper Dent, you really do care?" He turned toward Max. "And, how noble you are to sacrifice yourself for her. Or, is there perhaps another, more selfish reason? Want to avoid meeting with the High Council? Facing centuries of imprisonment must be terrifying for an Immortal."

  Max's blood ran cold. Of course, he'd not been looking forward to that, but a thousand years of imprisonment versus death? While neither were desirable, as an Immortal, he was used to waiting.

  A thousand years was a bit much, but still doable.

  Death, on the other hand, was final.

  Death was no 'do-overs.'

  Death was an endlessly deep chasm of isolation.

  So imprisonment wasn’t really that bad.

  Even if it meant he would never be with Holly again, at least if she had her chance at life and happiness, then it would be worth it. If there was one thing Immortals were familiar with, it was loneliness.

  Then again, maybe death was preferable after all.

  But Max could not let the Reaper think he'd done them any favors.

  "Pah," Max scoffed. "A thousand years or twenty, it makes no difference. I've had a good run. Do your worst... if you dare."

  That was when the first wave hit him.

  If he'd been in pain before, it was but a pin prick to the solid wall of skin shredding torture that now ripped his flesh.

  It was such horrible feeling that Max didn't realize the screaming he heard was coming from him.

  To his surprise, one moment he was caught in a maelstrom of pain, and the next he found a tiny island of comfort.

  "Holly?" he sought her through the white haze. "What are you doing?"

  "Helping you," she told him, her voice straining against the monumental energy she expended. "I'm going to make your passing easier." She bit down a sob. "It's the least I can do."

  Renault must have realized what she was doing because he roared in fury behind her. As he did, his energy output tripled and cut through the wall of protection that Holly had erected around Max.

  His agony returned, but the shock and fury of it hit Max so hard, he lost all awareness of everything outside of his torture.

  Max instinctively knew that the end was near. Once the Reaper let him loose, he would be forever gone from this plane of existence. Death, and whatever mystery it held, was now nigh.

  He sought out Holly one final time. Whether to say good-bye, to thank her for all that she'd given him, or tell her he loved her, Max didn't know. He knew he couldn't face what lie ahead of him without one final touch of her thoughts intertwined with his own.

  Instead, he opened his eyes to see the old Reaper, arms raised, body encased in a white-hot glow.


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