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Nyght's Eve

Page 6

by Laurie Roma

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea...”

  She groaned, rolling her eyes at him. “You are one of those annoying people.”

  “I know what I want,” he snapped before he could help himself, staring at her with incredulity. “Is this how you talk to all your clients? Because I have to say, I’m surprised you’re still in business.”

  Chuckling, she shook her head. “Naw, this is just how I treat my friends. Since Hammer is marrying one of my best friends, that practically makes us family, so get used to it.”

  “Gee, aren’t I lucky.” Huffing out a breath, he sat down on the black leather chair in front of her. He’d been putting off getting the addition to his tattoo for far too long now, and he’d damn well do it now. Even if he had to put up with this woman to see it done. He briefly thought about waiting until Hunter was working to do this, but he considered it might be easier dealing with a virtual stranger for this particular venture. She waited patiently for him to speak, and he finally gave in with a frustrated sigh.

  “I need five barbs added to my arm tat,” he bit out as he pushed up his short sleeve to expose his arm.

  Her body seemed to tense. “That’s a very specific number.”

  “It is,” he said softly.

  The grief was clear in her voice when she asked, “Did we lose so many?”

  Dare closed his eyes for a moment as he struggled to control his emotions. Because she knew. She knew without him having to say a word about what his tattoo stood for and what he’d been through. He could see it in her knowing gaze.

  And there was a kind of brutal comfort in that.

  He shook his head. “They were victims of the bombings in Spain. Patients that I couldn’t save. Kind of stupid, huh?”

  Nikita sat silently for a long minute, then turned slowly on the stool until her back was facing him. “Do you see this?”

  She pulled her hair to the side, exposing her back. Dare stared at the tattoo design of a large tree that covered her back. The bark of the tree was done in various shades of brown, and it continued below the material of her tank top. He could see the majority of the branches were bare on the top of the tree, creating a stark, ominous image. At first he thought it was depressing, even grim looking, but as he looked closer he could see that there were a dozen or more lush, green leaves blooming on some of the branches. The leaves were vibrant with color, and had a sort of gleam to them as if they were kissed by the sun’s rays and covered in morning dew.

  “Doing what we do, we lose a lot of people. Everyone deals with it differently. They may be gone, but I choose to keep them with me this way.” She turned back around, and her violet eyes held a fierce light in them now. “You’re creating a personal tribute. However you need to remember isn’t stupid.”

  Dare nodded his head, grateful for her acceptance of something he’d never tried to explain to anyone before. “Thanks.”

  She grunted in response. “Take off your shirt or roll up the sleeve. I need a better look at your arm.”

  He pulled off his t-shit, exposing his upper body and turned so she could look at his right arm. The barbwire tattoo that wound around his bicep was simply done in black and grays. It had been something private he had done long ago to deal with his grief at losing a few of his first patients, and he’d been adding to it ever since.

  Nikita leaned closer, studying the design on his arm. All business now, she said, “I’m going to have to add to the length of the wire to add the barbs if you want them to be evenly spaced.”

  “That’s fine.”

  She turned away from him and began to set up the things she needed, leaving Dare to sit and think as he watched her draw out the addition on his arm freehand. As someone who had her own, Dare realized Nikita had been right when she called it a personal tribute. But while she had decided to give life to those she had lost, Dare had chosen to use the image of sharp, jagged edges to represent the pain of each loss he felt.

  Still, the meaning was the same.

  When she was done, she asked, “What do you think?”

  Dare got up and looked in the mirror, then down at his arm. “Perfect.”

  “Great. Have a seat again. We’ll get started in a minute.” The sound of buzzing filled the air as Nikita tested the mechanical needle she would use to tattoo him. Once again, he looked around the room and admired the comfortable atmosphere she had created in her space.

  “You work in here alone?” Dare asked, unable to keep the censure from his tone.

  She shot him a smirk, clearly amused. “You worried about me, Doc? Save your concern for anyone who comes in here wanting to fuck me.”

  Dare didn’t doubt she could handle herself, but whatever remained of the southern gentlemen inside him still didn’t like the thought of a woman working alone in such a secluded place. “So, people have come in here and bothered you?”

  Nikita let out a loud, aggrieved sigh. “You just can’t help it can you? Just because I don’t have a penis doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself.”

  “Christ, shoot a guy for caring,” he said with a scowl. Damn, she was an obstinate woman. Smiling, she patted his arm. What was with people doing that today? “I know Hunter works with you part-time...”

  “He does. And I have two more guys that work here at night. The security in this place is better than you can see, and I have a sort of reputation around the area. People know better than to fuck with me or mine. Trust me when I say I can take care of myself.” She lifted an armrest, and locked it into place. “Put your arm up here.”

  He did as she asked, and waiting as she put new rubber gloves on. “How did you do it?”

  She stopped what she was doing and looked up. “Do what?”

  “This,” he said, gesturing around the room. “Get back to normal.”

  She cocked her head to the side and raised a brow as she sanitized the area on his arm where she would place the ink. “You call this normal?”

  Feeling like he’d found someone who understood what he was going through, Dare glared at her impatiently. “You know what I mean.”

  “You don’t get it yet, do you, Doc? Normal is relative. People like us can never go back to what we were. This is our new normal. You need to accept that so you can learn how to deal with the now.”

  “That’s...pretty fucking depressing.”

  “It is what it is,” she said with a shrug. “You’re a doctor. What would you tell someone who has lost an arm or a leg?”

  He blew out a breath as he considered what she said. “Logically, I know what you’re saying. It’s a different story getting myself to believe it at this point. And frankly, it fucking sucks.”

  “Buddy, you need to learn to embrace the suck. If not, you’ll never be able to move on with your life. It’s good you came here. To Breakers, I mean. It’s hard enough dealing with this shit, but at least here there are other people who know what you’re going through. I can tell you from personal experience that it makes it easier.” Nikita picked up the mechanical needle, then dipped the tip into the black ink. “I’m going to start now. Let me know if you need a break. I’ll give it to you, but I can’t promise I won’t tell your friends you cried like a baby.”

  Scowling again, he said, “You’re all heart.”

  “Aren’t I just?”

  Dare let his mind drift as he listened to the mechanical buzzing as she worked on him. He forced himself to relax despite the pain of getting the tattoo, and used the time to reflect on what they had talked about. Dare didn’t know if Nikita was right or not, but he did feel better being able to speak to her about it. It wasn’t easy for him to talk about this shit, but perhaps he had been avoiding dealing with everything by keeping to himself.

  The tattoo didn’t take long and he was pleased when he saw the finished product. Despite Nikita’s somewhat abrasive manner, he felt easy around her. Talking to her had been like talking to one of the guys, not that he was stupid enough to say that out loud. She was a beautiful woman, but he had a feel
ing she was just as deadly. Like a viper waiting to strike, and Dare felt sorry for whatever man took her on. Regardless, he knew without being told that he was lucky a woman like her considered him a friend.

  Feeling slightly foolish with a paper towel taped around his arm, Dare decided against going to the gym for a workout like he’d originally planned. Instead, he got back on his bike and went for a drive. There was only so much he could take, and he’d had enough self-torture of socializing today.

  Being a doctor, he knew he should wear a helmet when riding. He had one, but he enjoyed feeling the wind on his face at the moment too much to wear it. He opted to go slower and just enjoy the drive. He drove for about an hour before he began to head back to Breakers. It was a good area, and he could see why Hammer had chosen to come back to the area when given the choice.

  A man could find peace here, Dare thought. He hadn’t had a home since he’d left his family when he joined the Army, and it hadn’t even been a real home back then. Considering settling down somewhere made him feel a good amount of anxiety, but he also felt a little bit of longing, which surprised him. It left him feeling conflicted about whether or not to put down roots just yet.

  Hell, there was a lot he wasn’t sure of still.

  And that meant he had a lot of thinking to do.

  Chapter Five

  There she is...

  Dare saw Evie walking with her four dogs down by the pond as soon as he pulled into the drive heading toward the boarding house. Without thinking, he bypassed his turn off and continued on until he found himself parking near the pond. It was late in the evening and the stars were beginning to fill the sky overhead as the sun sank into the horizon. He turned off his bike, getting off of it to walk toward her. All four dogs ran forward and he bent down to greet them even though he couldn’t seem to take his gaze of Evie’s face.

  Twilight seemed to suit her.

  She joined them at a more sedate pace, almost as if she were hesitating, but he couldn’t really blame her for that. He’d been an ass yesterday. Hell, he’d been an ass every time he was around her. It was as if he just couldn’t help himself, but he’d try.

  Damn it, he’d try to act normal around her now...even if it killed him.

  That was one thing he’d come to terms with on his ride. Since the moment he first saw Evie, his desire for her had been sparked, and those flames just seemed to grow each time he was with her. There was something about her that drew him. It wasn’t just her appearance. No, it was more than that. Not only was she beautiful, she was also dedicated, hard working and cared deeply for others. His respect for her grew with each bit of information he learned about her, and it made him want to understand her better.

  Embrace the suck.

  He mentally snorted as he repeated Nikita’s advice to himself. If he was going to try and get on with his life, then there was no better time than the present. He wanted Evie. Now, he just needed to figure out what the hell to do about it.

  Evie watched Dare, conflicted by the feelings bouncing around inside her. When she saw Dare park, her first instinct was to turn around and head the other way, but she didn’t like the thought of retreating. She wasn’t that kind of woman. It frustrated her that she couldn’t seem to get a handle on him, though. One minute she was practically melting with lust, then the next she wanted to smack him across the face.

  It was...confusing.

  His presumptuous statement yesterday had put her back up, but it had also been gratifying to know that he also felt whatever strange attraction she did. Not that she would act on it. Evie knew that Dare wasn’t a man that wanted happily ever after, and that was exactly what she was looking matter how elusive it may be.

  She had been alone for so long that it was enticing to just give any relationship a try, but she couldn’t make herself settle no matter how hard she tried. In the past, Evie had dated men hoping that her feelings for them would develop more, would deepen.

  Only, they didn’t.

  For years, she had thought something was wrong with her. That she was cold and selfish just like all her exes had called her. She knew they resented the time and dedication she gave the rescue center and the search and rescue team, but what no one seemed to understand was that they weren’t just a hobby for her. Those things were an integral part of who she was.

  She wanted to feel the all-consuming passion that she saw in other couples around her. For years, Evie had witnessed the power of love. How it inspired, how it made people stronger. Evie knew that she had family who loved her, but that wasn’t the same as having a lover who was also a real partner. Someone who would always put her first. Her parents had loved each other completely, and Evie wanted to find that for herself.

  But a little part of her questioned if she truly deserved that kind of happiness...

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Evie blinked up at Dare, who stood in front of her, gripping her shoulders gently. “I’m fine. Sorry, I just zoned out there for a second.”

  “I heard you were out on a rescue today. You must be tired.”

  “I am, but I still need to settle down. Hence, the walk.”

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Evie paused, acutely aware that he was still holding onto her shoulders. She wanted to say she was done and go back to her house, but something had her agreeing. “Sure.”

  He let go of her slowly, and they began walking around the pond, enjoying the cool night air now that the heat of the sun was gone. All four dogs trotted with them, darting ahead happily, then coming back to join their little group. They walked a few minutes in silence and Evie was surprised how comfortable she was having him as company despite the fact he made her a little nervous.

  She tried to stop herself from peeking up at him, but she just couldn’t help herself. He really was a good-looking man. His stoic expression made his strong features look even harsher, reminding her of a warrior of old. It was fitting, since he was a soldier. She quickly glanced away, but seeing something out of the corner of her eye had her turning back. “Why do you have a paper towel wrapped around your arm?”

  “What? Oh, I stopped by Ink This today.”

  She wanted to ask him to show her what he’d gotten done. Since the bandage was around the same area of his barbed wire tattoo she assumed he had added on to it. Now wanting to pry, she settled on asking, “Was Niki working today?”

  “Yeah, she’s...something.”

  Chuckling, Evie nodded. “That she is.”

  “Is that where Hammer’s mom and your uncle live?” Dare asked as they walked toward the small house on the other side of the pond.

  “Yes. We’ve missed them around here, but my cousins and I gave them a two week cruise to Alaska for Christmas and we finally convinced them to take it. They’re flying to Hawaii for a few days after the cruise before they come home.”

  “Must be nice, being surrounded by family.”

  “It is,” she agreed. “When Uncle Tony and the others moved here, we decided we all wanted to stay close. It’s nice having everyone close by, even though we all have pretty different schedules.”

  “I noticed Francesca and Beckett haven’t been around much.”

  “Beckett works at the animal clinic in town half the week, and Francesca is in Las Vegas right now. She’s a romance author and every year she meets up with some of her writer friends she doesn’t get to see too often.”

  “A group of romance authors in Vegas?” Dare grinned. “Now why does that sound like trouble?”

  She laughed. “It is. She takes a lot of trips doing research for her books since she writes a lot of romantic suspense. She’s the only one of us that got bit with a case of wanderlust.”

  “She goes on these trips alone?”

  “Most of the time. But sometimes she goes with another author friend of hers who is even more crazy than she is. I don’t even want to think about the mischief those two can get into.”

  Evie looked toward her house as the out
side lights came on automatically, like beacons of welcome against the coming night. It wasn’t just her home.

  It was her sanctuary.

  Dare frowned. “Not that I don’t like your new house, because I do, but why not just stay in the plantation house? Why build a new home and make that one into a boarding house?”

  Evie couldn’t help but stiffen at his question. “That place holds some bad memories for me.”

  He seemed to wait to see if she would explain her cryptic statement, but she didn’t. It wasn’t something she liked talking about. Ever.

  As if understood, he changed the subject. “So, what happened today?”

  Evie relaxed a bit, glad to talk about anything but her past. “It was just a couple of stupid teens. They decided to ditch school yesterday and went out hiking. We get a lot of hikers in the area. He thought he’d get laid, but what he ended up with was a broken ankle.”


  Amused, she bumped his side. “I’m sure you know how that goes.”

  “A guy can hope.”

  That made her smile. “Anyways, he couldn’t walk and she was too freaked out to go get help by herself. When they didn’t come home last night, we got called out. It didn’t take us long to find them once we found their trail. I took Lancelot with me today and Hunter took Percival. That’s why the others have so much energy. They always get jealous when we go play without them.”

  “So, you only take one dog with you?”

  “One dog per searcher. It is easier for them to focus that way and lock in the scent cones.”

  “I think it’s great you do that. It can’t be easy searching for lost people. I’m guessing it doesn’t always turn out as good as today did.”

  “No, it doesn’t,” she said softly. She moved her head from side to side, trying to ease the tension in her neck and shoulders, but it didn’t help much. “I heard you were at the center again today. We appreciate you helping out.”

  “It’s the least I can do after yesterday.”

  She glanced up at him through veiled lashes. “What exactly do you mean by that?”


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