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Nyght's Eve

Page 18

by Laurie Roma

  Madeline rolled her eyes. “Tony gets like this when he has one of his little plans. I wonder what it is this time.”

  Evie had been wondering that herself. For the last week, Dare had continuously been disappearing over to the boarding house, which had been declared off limits to all the females in family. At first, Evie had been baffled by the request. No, it hadn’t been a request. It had been a decree. Once she got over her irritation, curiosity had begun eating away at her, but Dare refused to tell her what the men were doing.

  He said he would just have to wait and see.

  During the week she had also gotten the phone call from her doctor she had been waiting for. Evie had broken down and cried when it was confirmed she didn’t have cancer. As soon as she got the call, she had rushed outside to find Dare, who had been running around the pond with the dog, Hero. Hearing her good news he had lifted her off her feet and kissed her so passionately, she couldn’t even remember her own name.

  After she and Dare had celebrated her good news, she had sought out some time with her uncle Tony. They had taken a walk together, and when she told him he had gotten misty eyed. He spoke of his love for his first wife, Colleen, and how painful it had been to lose her. He also said he understood why Evie had worried about telling him, but made her promise never to keep a secret like that from him again.

  That night she had invited her family over for dinner, thankfully Madeline had ended up cooking the meal, much to everyone’s relief. Her cousins and friends were still upset with Evie for not telling them about her fears, but Madeline had shushed them. Dare had given Evie that look of his that told her he was angry. He always got angry whenever he thought about her being sick, and she had come to understand it was his way of dealing with his fear of losing her.

  Dare still made time to seek her out during the day, as if he couldn’t bear to be away from her for more than a few hours at a time. Normally, she would have gotten annoyed at the interruptions, but the truth was she missed Dare just as much as he missed her. Since she had told him she loved him he had become insatiable.

  Lucky her.

  Every time he touched her she went up in flames, and she didn’t even mind all the extra showers she had to take during the day to get rid of the smell of sex before she went back to the rescue center. Dare had become such an integral part of her life, that she didn’t know what she was going to do when he decided to quit working at the center.

  A rumbling noise in the distance had Evie pushing aside her worries about what would happen with Dare, and the women turned to look in the direction the sound was coming from. As the noise got louder, Evie realized what they were hearing was the roar of dozens of motorcycles heading their way. Tim, Nate and Shane came out on the porch as the noise grew deafening.

  “What in the world is that?” Tim asked. As a staid corporate attorney, Tim had never been one to ride a motorcycle, but Evie could see the unholy gleam of interest in his eyes as the parade of motorcycles rode into view.

  Evie’s eyes widened as she watched all the bikes pull to a stop in from of Tim and Ana’s house, blocking off the entire street. Neighbors came out of their houses, looking concerned and slightly afraid. Evie couldn’t blame them. Dressed mostly in black, the group made an intimidating sight. Most of them were wearing helmets, and when they took them off she could see a few of them were wearing bandanas on their heads. Some had on leather jackets, while others wore leather vests with their jeans. The only thing all the riders had in common was the logo on their clothing that proclaimed all of them as Breakers’ Bad Boys.

  Her gaze shot over to where Nikita and Sam were getting off their own bikes. The women just shrugged at Evie’s unspoken question as the rest of the group came to stand on Anna and Tim’s front lawn. Dare was unceremoniously pushed to the front, and Evie saw him turn to shoot a glare at her uncle Tony, who only grinned in response.

  “Umm...” Anna put a protective hand on Shane’s shoulder as he held his cast in front of his body, but Evie could see the little boy wasn’t afraid. His eyes were wide, but they were filled with excitement and a little bit of wonder.

  “We’re here to see the Diaz brothers,” Dare called out, and Shane walked down the steps with Nate beside him.

  Nate looked over at Hammer. “What’s going on, Hammer? What is all this?”

  “Wait and see, kid.”

  Dare shot Evie a quick glance as she walked down the steps and came to a stop behind the boys. He seemed to get the courage to speak when their eyes met, and she watched as his shoulders straightened. He held something in his hand as he bent down so he was eye level with Shane.

  “Hey, Shane.”

  Shane smiled at Dare. “Hey.”

  “Tomorrow is the big day.” The little boy’s smile wobbled, and Dare nodded. “I can see you’re worried about it.”

  Shane moved closer to Dare and whispered, “I don’t wanna see the bastard.”

  “Shane!” Anna hissed from behind him.

  Dare coughed to mask his chuckle as he lowered his voice to a whisper as well. “Well, I know he’s a bastard, kid. But let’s not call him that in front of your aunt, okay?” Shane nodded sagely, and Dare tried to hide his grin as he stood back up. “Well, then, you see all these people here?”

  Shane nodded, and Nate took a step closer to his brother. Dare looked at both of them and let them see the steely conviction in his eyes. “You don’t have to be afraid, because all of these people will be there with you tomorrow. We’re all going to be sitting in the courtroom with you, supporting you and your brother. If you get scared, all you have to do is look at one of us, and know we won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “What?” Anna gasped as Dare helped Shane put on a small leather jacket with the Breaker’s Bad Boys patch that matched the one he was wearing.

  Tony Savante stepped forward and put his hand on Dare’s shoulder. Evie felt pure joy fill her as she saw her uncle standing with her man. “The people of Breakers take care of their own. More so, the Breakers’ Bad Boys will now be making sure we protect anyone who needs our help. Everyone already thought we were a club, so we thought, why not make it official?”

  Malcolm Fox slapped Tim on the shoulder. “You know how we were talking about how many women and kids are afraid to testify in court because they’re intimidated by their attackers? Well, this way they will have a group to turn to in order to have their own people in their corner. Us.”

  “We can act as moral support, bodyguards when needed, and the best part is, we get to scare the shi—I mean the crap out of the jerks who bothered you,” Hammer added as he handed a jacket over to an astonished Nate.

  Sheriff Wyatt stepped forward. “All the members have been fingerprinted and have undergone background check to make sure anyone who comes to the group for help will know they are safe.”

  Dare nodded. “As you know, with so many of us having military backgrounds, there will be enough of us that can handle all kinds of situations.”

  Anna looked at everyone as she gripped her husband’s hand. “I don’t know what to say. How can we ever thank you?”

  Dare looked down at Shane who was still admiring his new leather jacket. “Shane, do you think you’ll be okay telling your story to the people in court tomorrow?”

  The little boy glanced up at Dare. “You’ll really be there?”

  “I will. We all will be.”

  Shane smiled. “Then I can do it.”

  Dare turned back to Anna and Tim. “That’s all the thanks we need.”

  Hammer, Dare and Dante led Nate and Shane around, introducing them to all the bikers that had showed up with Anna and Tim trailing behind them as they spoke with Tony and Malcolm. When they were done, Evie walked up to Dare and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I love you so much.”

  His eyes flared with heat at her declaration. “Come for a ride with me.”


  “You came with Maddy, right? Give her your keys and come for a ride with
me. I need you with me, Eve.”

  Evie smiled. She loved how he was never afraid to tell her how much he wanted her, and just hearing it made her clench her thighs together to keep the proof of her desire for him from soaking her jeans. “All right. Give me a minute.”

  She left to speak with Madeline, and when she came back Dare was sitting on his bike. She gestured to the two helmets he held in his hands. “I thought you normally don’t ride wearing one.”

  He winced. “I know I should, and I did have one. Today we thought we should all wear them to show the kids that safety is important. But I got these this week since I want you to ride with me sometimes. What do you say? Wanna be my biker bitch?”

  Her eyebrow rose at that as she playfully slapped at him. “Call me a bitch again and I’ll make you eat that helmet.”

  He grinned at her. “How about being my hot, biker babe instead?”

  “I think I can handle that.”

  He placed a helmet on her head, making sure it was secure before he put on his own. She climbed onto the bike behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and felt the vibrations through her body when he turned on the engine on.

  “You okay?” Dare asked as they made their way slowly around the other bikes that were still parked in the street.

  Evie was surprised to hear Dare’s voice clearly through the helmet, then realized that he had gotten helmets with a Bluetooth intercom system built in. “I’m great.”

  When they got to the open road, he sped up, and Evie felt the exhilaration that only came from riding on a motorcycle.

  “I should have asked, have you ridden before?”

  “I have. With Hunter, and a few times with my uncle, but I’m nowhere near to being an expert.”

  “We’ll get you there,” he promised, and she could hear the smile in his voice.

  After a few minutes, she couldn’t stop herself from saying, “Dare, what you did are a truly remarkable man.”

  “It was nothing. Actually, it was your uncle and Malcolm that really came up with the idea. I just organized what they were already doing. Hunter and Nikita came up with the logo, and Hammer called his contact at Rough and Tough to get the jackets made so fast—”

  “It was far from nothing. What you did was give that little boy the most precious of gifts. You helped him stop being afraid.”

  Dare cleared his throat, his voiced deepening when he said, “You’re the reason, Eve.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I got the idea from you. How you told me you were able to overcome your fear and testify against one of the men who killed your parents. If they have anyone to thank, it’s you.”

  She was silent as they drove to the coast. He pulled over and parked near a secluded area close to the bottom of a cliff that jutted out over the water. They took off their helmets and walked down to the beach. Evie loved the feel of the sand between her toes, so she took off her shoes and left them near the path they had come down. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and tilted her head back, letting the wind blow through her hair.

  “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  She turned to see Dare staring at her with that intense look in his eyes. The look that thrilled her to her core and left her aching for him. He took her hand, pulling her with him so they were in a little area that was shielded from the rest of the beach.

  “Dare, this is a public beach—”

  “Shh. No one can see us here, and I need you, Eve. I need you now.”

  His mouth captured hers, demanding entrance with his tongue. She opened for him, stroking him with her own tongue, feeding his need with her own. She gasped as he spun her around, pushing her against the stone face of a large rock. His hands came up over hers, holding them a few inches from her head. “Keep your hands here, princess.”

  She moaned, her hands flexing against the hard rock surface as his own moved down over her body. He cupped her breasts, and leaned closer so her back was covered with the heat of his body. “I’ve been busy this week.”

  “You have,” she agreed, tilting her head to the side so his mouth could trail soft kissed down the side of her neck.

  “But I haven’t ignored you, have I?”

  “N-no, you haven’t,” she gasped as he pinched her nipples.

  “I got a job this week.”

  “You...what?” She tried to turn around, but he pressed tighter against her, holding her in place. His hands moved down to her jeans, unsnapping them and pulling down the zipper so he could shove his hand between her legs. “Oh my God!”

  “I did,” he murmured. “At the hospital. I’ll be working as a part-time trauma surgeon there. This way, I can still spend some time at the center, with you.”

  “Dare...” she moaned as his clever fingers slid along her slit, then he pushed a finger into her slick entrance.

  “Did you know that the hospital has a program that will help emergency response teams like your search and rescue unit? I talked to them about sponsoring your team, since I will be going with you from now on when I can. Having a doctor with you can be very helpful, don’t you think?”


  He chuckled at her explosive response when he stroked his thumb over her clit. “I thought you would agree. Not that this will make things easier between us. Hell, it will probably only make things more complicated. I’m still going to make sure you don’t overdo it, and take breaks when you need to. I also intend to take over your security unit at the center.”

  “Dare,” she panted. “It’s a rescue center, not a military compound.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m going to be changing some shit that is sure to get you hot under the collar, but you’re just going to have to deal with it.”

  “Oh, am I?” Her haughty tone lost some of its effect when she let out another moan when his fingers slid back inside her pussy, stroking in and out. He pulled her hips back so he could rub his throbbing cock against her ass.

  “Yes. You are. Oh, and I want to adopt Hero.”

  Evie felt her heart simply melt. “You do?”

  “Yeah. He’s already mine, but you have to be okay with having another dog hanging around.”

  She bit her lip to stop herself from smiling. “I think we can manage.”

  “Good.” Dare had teased them both enough, and he pulled his fingers out of her. He jerked her jeans down to her knees, then when to work on his own. His hard cock sprang free as soon as he lowered the zipper and he rubbed the engorged head against the slick folds of her pussy.

  “Dare, we can’t! Not here!”

  “There is no one here, baby. Spread you legs for me and push your ass back...that’s it.” He let out a growl as she did what he asked so she was in the perfect position for him to enter her from behind. He bent his knees and surged up hard, shoving his cock into her tight pussy. They both let out a gasp at the exquisite pleasure of being connected to one another. He ground his hips into her, making sure he was buried in her to the hilt.

  “I’m tired of having to steal quiet moments alone with you, Eve. You know how I feel about being around people all the time. I can do it, but there will be times when I need you, alone like this. When it gets to be too much, I’ll need you to take a break with me. We can make sure the center is covered, but I need you with me. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, Please, Dare...”

  He pulled his cock back, then surged back inside her. “I don’t want you to fight me on this, Eve. I need you to tell me you understand.”

  Evie could barely think beyond the pleasure of feeling him fill her, but she could hear the tension in his voice. She knew that he was expecting her to argue, but how could she? He was giving her the world right now. No, he was committing to her world. Taking a job with the hospital in town, working at her rescue center and with the search and rescue team, and even adopting a dog they had rescued together. The love she felt for him was overwhelming. How could she not agree to take breaks with him when he needed to?<
br />
  “I’ll go with you, Dare. Whenever you need a break, I’ll go with you, wherever you want to go.”

  His growl of pleasure rumbled through his chest and reverberated against her back. Turning her head to the side he kissed her again as he began slamming his cock into her with heavy thrusts. She pushed back against him, bracing her hands against the rock wall in front of her for leverage.

  There was something highly erotic about making love out in the open, practically fully dressed except for where they were connected so intimately. Her pussy fluttered with her impending release, and he pushed her closer to the edge as he wrapped her hair around his fist and pulled her head back. “Tell me,” he demanded harshly.

  Since the first time she had told him, he always demanded to hear the words of love, whether it was on a whispered sigh or a scream as she climaxed. He needed those words, and hearing her declaration acted as a trigger for him. She held out as he pumped into her, hard and fast, waiting until she was ready to explode. When he demanded the words again, she screamed them out as she came. “I love you, Dare. Oh God, I love you!”

  He bit down onto her shoulder as his own release hit him. His big body shuddered against her as he pumped her full of his seed, spurting over and over again as her body milked him for every drop. He leaned against her, pressing her against the hard rock surface in front of her, but she didn’t care. “I love you, too, princess.”

  And she knew in her heart it was true.


  Life was pretty close to perfect.

  Evie carried a large bowl of potato salad out on to the patio and smiled as she watched her friends and family mingle together for their Sunday evening cookout. She couldn’t describe how happy it made her to see all the people she cared for enjoying themselves together.

  Kali, Madeline, Anna and Becca were still in her kitchen, preparing mass quantities of food to feed the masses. Rescue center staff members and volunteers laughed and chatted together. Several of them had even started up a competition of Bocce Ball, while a few others tried their luck at a game of bean bag toss out on the lawn.


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