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Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults

Page 13

by Davis, Lia;

“We’ll return for you shortly.”

  They apparently broke the ice, as predicted more men quickly approach and ask to add their names. Joan blushes furiously every time someone asks her. I know she was expecting to be a wallflower all evening. Now I’m glad I forced her to practice dancing with me. Not that this should be too much work, most of the eligible gentlemen are away in the war. The ones who are here are much older than us or deemed too important to risk. Oh, to be so lucky.

  Joan grabs an assortment of pastries for us to share while Scarlet and I grab punch. The servant fills the cups precariously high and suddenly I’m rethinking this idea. We should have sent some of our gentlemen callers to get it for us, they don’t have to worry about spilling on their satin evening wear. No sooner is the thought in my head when I turn and run smack into a wall of a man.

  “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I was so worried about spilling I wasn’t looking up.” Mortified, I set the cups down and grab a napkin. “Here, let me…”

  All words freeze in my throat. Of all the men in England I could have spilled on, why did it have to be Prince Marion and why is he over here with us instead of in the castle?

  “Please don’t apologize, it was my fault entirely. I’m afraid I was standing too close.”

  A servant appears with a damp cloth and tries to clean his jacket but he waves them away, continuing to stare at me. That squirrely feeling in my stomach is back and I have a bad feeling I understand what it is now. Why can’t I have it when a nice farmer is nearby, not the bloody heir to the kingdom?

  “I’m relieved to see not a drop spilled on your lovely gown. If you’ll allow me, I’d be happy to carry your glasses to your destination for you.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “I’m sorry, why can’t I?” He looks completely affronted.

  I can’t help staring at him like he’s a complete imbecile. “You are the prince, you don’t have to carry anything for anyone.”

  “That is an interesting point you make; however, I have found that my arms and legs work perfectly fine and I don’t seem to have an issue holding cups.”

  Scarlet chokes back her laughter. I’m going to kill her later. “We appreciate the offer but we don’t want to take up your valuable time.”

  “You would take my gentlemanly duties from me? What does a man have left if not the ability to help a beautiful woman?” He has perfected the wounded look. His entourage of soldiers all smile at me like they know I just lost this battle.

  I have a stubborn streak in me, especially when it comes to the entitled. Scarlet knows this and saves me from further embarrassment.

  “We would be honored, Your Highness, if you could take our drinks just over there where our friend is waiting for us.”

  His dimples pop as he blinds me with that smile of his. How is it I can command an entire troop of women but this one man gets me all tangled up?

  He grabs the cups and motions for us to go ahead of him. I want to be the self-assured woman who can strut her stuff in front of any man she wants but I know I’m not. Instead, my spine is rigid and I feel like I’m made of wood trying to walk. I can feel his eyes boring into my back and dammit if it doesn’t excite me.

  It is almost worth it all just to see Joan’s face as she recognizes our group of followers. She jumps out of her chair and lands in a perfect curtsy. Crap, I forgot to do that.

  “Please, madam, there is no need for formalities tonight. We are all here to celebrate and have fun.” Even at his young age, it’s obvious he has been raised to have perfect etiquette. I am shocked he is being so nice. I wonder how that can be when Prince John and Sheriff Nottingham are so vile.

  He sets the cups down and pulls my chair out. “If your dance card isn’t full, I would be honored to add my name to the list.”

  There is no way my jaw isn’t hanging wide open, is he kidding me? Scarlet clears her throat, getting my attention. Without a word, I hand him my card. He studies it for a minute before signing. As he hands the card back, his fingers lightly stroke the palm of my hand.

  “I look forward to returning to you soon.” Like a complete buffoon, I nod and watch him walk away.

  “My god, Robin, you are giving all common folk a bad name. He comes down here to be with us and you freeze up. What on Earth was that?”

  “Did that really just happen?” Still in shock, I’m not able to respond to Scarlet’s admonishment. Joan tugs my card out of my hand and gasps.

  “This is scandalous, he signed up for two dances!” Scarlet joins her in a high-pitched squeal.

  “Imagine if he knew who you really were! He would be the one who was scandalized.”

  “I can’t think about any of this right now, can we eat our sweet cakes before the first dance starts, please?”

  I think they could feel the tension and nerves radiating off of me. They give in quickly and sit down like nothing monumental just happened.

  We finish our last bites as the band starts tuning. Our first partners of the evening claim all three of us. For the next few dances, we forget who we secretly are and all that we risk and act like the young ladies we wish to be. I manage to pull this off almost perfectly. I’m not happy to see the prince hasn’t danced with anyone else. He couldn’t possibly have signed only my card, that certainly would cause a stir.

  As I’m escorted back to my table, I see Joan talking with the guard from the competition that was very close with the prince. And there is the man himself standing next to our table without a care in the world.

  “I noticed you have danced five straight songs, I brought you another refreshment.”

  He’s watching me? Have I fallen down a rabbit hole? What is happening? “Thank you, I appreciate that very much.”

  He stands quietly while I take a few sips. I strain to hear what Joan and the guard are discussing but I can’t hear anything. It must be good, though, they are both smiling brilliantly at each other. The next song starts, and I’m surprised to see the guard lead Joan onto the floor. I would have assumed he was on duty.

  “I believe this is my dance?”

  Gathering my courage, I gently place my hand in his rather large, warm hand and walk next to him to the center of the floor. I try desperately not to notice all of the attention we are getting, I stare straight ahead at Joan till he pulls me into his arms, then like a coward I stare at his chin. If I look into his eyes again, I will completely lose myself in him and that is too dangerous to risk.

  “You know, I could command you to look at me and speak to me.” Shocked, I look up and see those freaking dimples. “That is much better. I’ve been trying to determine what color your eyes are but couldn’t get a good look till now. They are rather golden, aren’t they? I’m not sure I’ve seen such a lovely color before.”

  For a moment I can’t speak, then it dawns on me. I risk my life every time we go on a raid. I never know when my time will be up, and I’m not likely to have an experience like this ever again. Why not make this count, be myself for a few hours and just enjoy these moments.

  “They don’t compare to yours, Your Highness. I’m afraid yours are magnetic and I can’t stop myself from staring.” His intake of breath proves I shocked him. Self-respecting ladies aren’t supposed to talk this way, especially to a member of the royal family.

  Glad to finally have the tables turned, I continue on. “As beautiful as your eyes are, your dimples are even better.”

  He clears his throat, a blush creeping up his face. Maybe they haven’t trained all emotion out of him yet.

  “I saw you at the archery competition, you are impressive. I really liked the way you handled your arrow.” In utter shock, he steps on my toe accidently. I’m suddenly grateful for all the times Scarlet and some of the other married ladies talked freely in front of the rest of us.

  “I’m...I apologize. I’m not usually so clumsy.” He clears his throat and looks around the floor.

  It’s refreshing to see him without his royal composure.
/>   “Your friend seems to be enjoying herself with Colin.” Chuckling to myself, I let him divert my attention, giving him time to get his composure back.

  Tears surprisingly sting my eyes when I find them on the dance floor. She truly looks happy with him and he looks equally smitten. I know a small part of her has never thought she would find love, I knew the right guy just hadn’t come along yet.

  “Is he someone I should warn her about or does he have the best of intentions?” He quirks an eyebrow at me. Yes, I sound like her father, it's unavoidable.

  “I would consider him one of the noblest men I know, I trust him with my life.”

  High praise from a prince. The song ends and I’m actually a little surprised how easily I was able to relax with him. My hand lightly touching his forearm, I can feel the muscles that I so eagerly watched at the competition.

  My next dance partner is standing on the edge of the floor watching us nervously. I give him credit for even attempting to take me from the prince.

  “I eagerly await our next dance. I will have a refreshment in hand for you.”

  It’s adorable watching him try to take care of me. I nod quickly and turn my attention to my new partner. Raised to have perfect manners, I forget the prince and focus on the next few dances. I’m excited to see Colin has remained by Joan’s side most of the evening. The prince even talked with them for a bit. I can’t even imagine what is going through her head right now.

  The last dance of the evening arrives and of course, it belongs to Marion. I admit getting excited to be returned to his arms. As promised, a drink is waiting for me. I drink greedily so as not to miss even one beat of the song with him.

  His arms wrap around me, making me want to completely melt.

  “I’m surprised you have stayed out here all evening. Is Prince John going to be upset with your absence?”

  “He knows I’m out here and I’m sure he’s not happy that I didn’t dance with any of his guests but if this party is in my honor, I figure I should do what I want and not what is expected of me.”

  “Well said and more honest than I expected.”

  “I blame that on you, something in your eyes makes me want to bare my soul to you.”

  I feel the blush burning my cheeks, hopefully it’s dark enough he can’t see it. “I guess we should be glad the prince finally opened the castle again.”

  “He has kept me busy these last couple of years, I think he fears for my father’s safety and wants to make sure I’m ready to ascend to the throne if necessary. He’s being logical but I don’t want to think of anything but my father returning soon. I know he will be proud of us and how well the kingdom has done in his absence.”

  For a full minute I can’t respond, my mouth surely opened and closed a few times. It takes him a few seconds to realize I have gone quiet before looking down to my face.

  “I’m sorry, have I done something to offend you?”

  “I’m trying to process everything you just said and how you can possibly believe it. Please tell me you aren’t so naive.”

  His look of utter confusion shocks me, he actually believes the crap he just spewed. “When your father returns, he is going to be irate with Prince John and the treatment of his kingdom. You won’t find anyone in the surrounding area who will attest to his quality leadership.”

  He pulls to a stop in the center of the floor. Surely everyone is well aware of us now if they weren’t already.

  “Everyone in the castle is happy, what on Earth are you speaking of?”

  “Of course the castle staff is happy. He can’t have them looking starved and abused, he wouldn’t want to raise your suspicions. He has kept you hidden away so you wouldn’t see what he has been doing and interfere.” My chest is heaving with every word, I can’t help getting more irate with every word I say. “When is the last time you have visited one of the villages? Your favored Sheriff Nottingham is taxing us till we are starving. He has no qualms with taking a family's last coin. If you would take one second and look outside of your pampered life, you would see not all is well in your future kingdom. I thought you were a man who was going to be good for his people, instead you are just a silly boy happy to play within the walls of his own castle.”

  With a final huff, I turn tail and storm back to the table. Joan can see by my face it is time to go, she shyly says goodbye to Colin and grabs Scarlet as we take off for our carriage.

  I value their loyalty, they don’t even question me till we are on our way.

  Chapter Nine

  “What happened, Robin? It looked like everything was going so well.”

  “I’m sorry for making you leave, you were having a lovely time with Colin and I ruined it.”

  “Nonsense, I was there for you not him, but tell us, what is wrong?”

  “I really thought he was different, something special. He almost had me fooled thinking a member of the aristocracy could care about someone like me. He started talking about how well the kingdom is flourishing and he can’t wait for his father to see how wonderful Prince John has been doing.” A growl escapes my lips, “I’m probably going to hang for treason but I told him exactly what I thought about his dear Prince John. I may have called him a silly boy as well. I’m not sure though, I was in a full blown rage by that point.”

  I can feel their shocked stares boring into the side of my face. I know it was lunacy but he needed to know what was really going on. What kind of ruler doesn’t at least check in on his people?

  “At least I didn’t give him any information about us, we’ll stay away from this area for a while and all will be well.”

  Joan’s head quickly drops as she inspects the lace of her cuff.

  “Joan, what aren’t you saying?”

  “I may have told Colin we live in Sherwood Forest.” She grabs my hand pleadingly, “I know I screwed up, I’m sorry. He’s just so wonderful, I got lost in the magic of the evening. He asked if he could pay me a visit and I agreed without thinking.”

  How can I blame her? He seemed genuinely interested and she deserves some happiness.

  “It’s okay, truly. I don’t think he’s going to send the sheriff for me. I’m happy for you, Joan, I hope everything works out with him.”

  “While you two ladies were busy being googly-eyed over some boys, I was gathering dirt on happenings in the area.” She pauses for dramatic effect. “I just heard the Duke of Cheshire is having a month long gala at his country home. A lot of very rich guests will be coming and going from there. I was thinking we could set up camp by his estate and hit up some guests as they leave the party. We’ll need to stop as many as we can in a couple of days then get back here quickly. By the time they reach anywhere to report the crimes, we’ll be long gone.”

  Normally I would probably say it is too risky and move on, but desperation to avoid the prince makes me reckless. “Sounds like a good plan, let’s take as few people as possible since we’ll be gone so long. We can’t have half the village empty for a week.”

  “If it’s okay, I’d like to stay behind. I want to be home in case Colin comes for a visit.”

  “Of course, sweetie, think nothing of it.”

  “Let’s get everything settled in the morning and be on our way by nightfall.” The rest of the ride is silent, Scarlet and I focus on planning for our impromptu trip and Joan dreams about her new man.

  This night took so many unexpected turns, I hope we all come away from it unscathed.

  Chapter Ten

  “I still don’t see why you have to do this. We’ve got enough money to keep us going for a few more months. Please tell me, what is going on?”

  My mother was so excited about the dance I couldn’t hurt her this morning so I told her a bunch of lies. Joan and Scarlet were sworn to secrecy and promised to go along with my story. I told her about Joan’s catch and how popular we all were but I kept the prince out of it. I can’t begin to explain all the ups and downs that happened last night.

�m sorry but this is an opportunity we can’t pass up. It’s far enough from home no one would be suspicious of us or even on the lookout for anything.”

  I grab the last bag from her and tie it to my horse. “I promise we’ll be safe and back before you know it.”


  “Robin, it’s been four days, we’re so bored. Can we go out and just see if there are any easy pickings?” Scarlet hates to sit still and I’ve had them camped out in a glade for days.

  “Fine, but let’s go a few hours North. I don’t want anything getting back to the Duke.”

  We make quick work of getting near another well-travelled road. It doesn’t take long before a carriage starts making its way toward us. As intended, the tree stops them and our arrows fly, lodging firmly in the side of the carriage. The driver was not prepared for the onslaught and raises his hands quickly. I’m not surprised to hear cursing from inside the carriage or to see the door fly open. I did, however, almost fall off my horse when I see who exits.

  Prince Marion and Colin are red with rage. Scarlet usually does the talking, but obviously she is as stunned as I am.

  “How dare you try to rob us. You have no right to take from anyone else!” The rest of the group is confused, nothing is going according to plan.

  “Begging your pardon, sir.” With that, I whistle and we take off to the rendezvous. I feel a burn in my shoulder but it is so slight and I am in such a panic, I keep going.

  As soon as the last girl arrives at the rendezvous, I tell everyone to go in packs of three and make their way home. The raiding party is called off. It is time to go home and lay low for a while. They are confused, but why shouldn’t they be? He was dressed in plain clothes in an unmarked carriage and no one has seen him in years. They have no idea they just tried to rob Prince Marion.

  When Scarlett and I are the only two left, she pulls back her hood and sighs. “What on Earth is he doing out here? He hasn’t left the castle in how long?”

  “I don’t know but it can’t be good for us. Let’s go home.” With the slightest pressure of my knee my horse turns, ready to take off.


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