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Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults

Page 28

by Davis, Lia;

  The corners of Ron’s mouth lifted in an evil grin. “If you won’t claim him, then I will.”

  The words had barely left his mouth when Ron jumped in the air, shifting at the same time. Shannon didn’t waste any time and fired, hitting Ron in the chest. The wolf yelped and fell to the ground. Blood pooled under him as he shifted back to human.

  Shannon lowered his gun and stared at Ron’s still form. “What did he mean about me biting Neal?”

  Eric gave a short nod after stepping up beside him. “To fully mate, you will have to turn him.”

  Slowly, Shannon shook his head. He’d just killed a man because the turn had made him crazy. “I can’t. Not if there is a chance that one or both of us will go insane.” He pivoted and walked past Neal.

  When the male grabbed his arm, they locked gazes. “Nothing has to be decided yet.”

  Eric cleared his throat. “It actually does. The longer Shannon waits, the more his wolf will push him to do it.”

  Shannon leaned in and kissed Neal briefly. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I can’t turn you into something you’ll hate.”

  Without waiting for a response, Shannon shifted and ran off into the woods, far away from Neal’s scent. He needed to clear his head. The longer he was around Neal, the stronger the urge was to mark him, claim him.

  He refused to do any of it and be responsible for the male’s resentment after he’d made his first kill.


  Neal sat in Eric’s living room, head in his hands. “I don’t understand how he could just walk away.”

  Eric made a growl-like noise that was cut short. When Neal glanced up, Rita was pushing Eric toward the kitchen. “Go get us some coffee.”

  After a long moment of glaring at Neal, Eric left the room. Rita sat in the chair across from Neal and smiled. “He doesn’t hate you.”

  “How did you know?”

  She tapped her nose. “Emotions have different scents.” Pausing, she sat back in the chair and rested her hand on her belly. That was when Neal noticed she was pregnant. By the small bump, he guessed she wasn’t far along. A light laugh escaped her when she took note of him staring. “I’m about twelve weeks.”

  “No wonder Eric is grumpy.”

  “He’s overprotective. It’s his nature. Think of it like a wolf in the wild. He’s territorial and possessive.” She inhaled suddenly, then smiled wide. “My mate brings me hot chocolate.”

  A moment later, Eric emerged from the kitchen, a tray with three cups, sugar, and creamer on it. “Like wolves in the wild, we mate for life. Once the wolf has chosen, it will not seek another as long as you are alive. Shannon will have no choice but to come back to you.”

  Rita took her cup of cocoa from the tray before Eric set it on the coffee table. She took a sip and sighed. “Thank you, dear.” Meeting Neal’s gaze, she said, “Men are hard-headed and need a little push from time to time. If you don’t hear from Shannon in forty-eight hours, go to him. Then make him listen to you.”

  Neal nodded. He’d give Shannon some time, but it wasn’t going to be two days. Maybe a day and a half, if he was lucky. The man wasn’t going to walk into his life, stir up emotions, and then walk out. Neal wasn’t going to let him.

  “Rita, tell me about the change. Please don’t leave anything out. No matter how inhuman it sounds.”

  She nodded and began her tale. “I was young when Eric and I met. Just turned eighteen a few months before. And I was shy.”

  Eric chuckled as he picked her up to sit in the chair and hold her in his lap. “She was wearing a long red cloak.”

  “It was cold out, and I was taking my ill grandmother some tea and cookies.”

  Neal smiled at the couple as their story unfolded like a fairy tale of tragic events and true love winning in the end. His mind kept drifting to Shannon, and his heart ached. Twenty-four hours. That was all Neal would give his lover. Then he going to hunt him down.

  Chapter Eight

  Waiting sucked. Neal flipped through the TV channels for the fiftieth time. Well, it might have only been a dozen or so. He tossed the remote on the coffee table. It bounced off the glass and landed on the floor.

  Jumping to his feet, he grabbed his truck keys and then advanced to the door. He was done waiting on the stubborn ass Shannon to come to his senses.

  Neal jerked the front door open and froze. Shannon sat on the top step of the porch, staring straight ahead. “I thought I could spare you from this life, but I can’t stay away.”

  Dropping his shoulders, Neal sat on the step next to Shannon. “I don’t need you to decide my future. To not include me in your cowardly decision.”

  “It was selfish of me.” Shannon shuddered then let out a growl. “The wolf has punished me every hour we were apart.”

  “Good.” Neal hated that Shannon was in pain. He wanted nothing more than to comfort him and chase all the hurt away. But in that moment, Shannon needed to hear him out. “I understand that the first few shifts will be the worst pain I will ever feel. Like I’ll be ripped apart from the inside out.”

  “To put it mildly.” Shannon relaxed slightly. “I’m scared the turn will make you insane.”

  “There is always a chance of something going wrong, no matter what you do. I want to do this, to take that chance with you. For you. I love you. I just didn’t know how much until you walked away from me.” Neal linked his fingers with Shannon’s.

  Relief washed through Neal when Shannon squeezed his hand. “Promise me one thing.”


  “If I get anywhere close to where Ron was, kill me. I mean it. If I start hurting others...”

  Neal cupped Shannon’s cheek, running his thumb over his bottom lip. “I promise, if you make the same one to me.”

  The wolf flashed in Shannon’s blue gaze before he dipped his head and claimed Neal’s mouth. The kiss was soft and teasing at first, turning raw and full of passion. A groan rumbled from Neal, and renewed hope fueled the wildfire that raged to life whenever Shannon touched him.

  A whimper lodged in Neal’s throat when Shannon broke the kiss much too soon. Resting his forehead against Neal’s, Shannon said, “There is no turning back.”

  “I know the risks. But I also know that I don’t want to be with anyone else but you. Rita shared her experience with me, and upon my request, didn’t sugarcoat it. I want to be claimed by you and the wolf.” Neal pulled back to gaze into Shannon’s eyes. “I’m yours, forever.”

  Shannon smiled. “I love you.”

  Neal’s heart swelled and his eyes stung with happy tears. “I love you, too.”


  6 months later

  Shannon’s wolf was happy and calm for the first time since he was bitten. And he blamed it all on his sexy-as-hell mate. There were no urges to attack during the full moon. In fact, the moon no longer controlled the shifts.

  With regular hunting trips with Eric and his mate, Rita, Shannon had full control over his wolf. It was something he’d never dreamed of having. He owed it all to Neal.

  He watched the male cross the yard from the house, carrying a couple of beers and looking good enough to eat.

  Neal was hesitant to complete the bond. Shannon didn’t blame him. Binding their souls together would involve Shannon biting Neal where he would pass the werewolf virus on to him. It was a painful and confusing process.

  “He has you to help him through it.” Rita’s cool, soft tone broke into Shannon’s thoughts.

  Meeting her brown eyes, Shannon nodded. “I know. I just want him to be sure.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He drew his brows together. For the last ten years, he had worked so hard to not kill or turn anyone. Hell, he’d vowed to himself that he never would. However, with Neal, it was different. They were a couple, committed to one another.

  And Shannon couldn’t see spending another day without the male in his life. “I’m sure. All he has to do is say the word.”

  Rita didn’t respon
d as Neal sat in the lawn chair next to his and handed him a beer. When Shannon gripped the bottle, Neal didn’t let go. Studying his lover, Shannon smiled at the knowing, heated gleam in his eyes.

  Neal leaned over and placed a soft, quick kiss on his lips. Then he whispered, “I’m ready. I want to be yours in every way possible.”

  Shannon’s dick jerked to attention, and so did the wolf within. Not speaking, Shannon stood, grabbed Neal’s hand, and dragged him across the lawn to the house.

  Neal laughed. “We’re doing it now?”

  Shannon stopped and faced him. “Hell, yeah. I’ve been waiting six months.”

  Neal smiled and framed his face. “I love you.”

  “I love you,” Shannon answered before tugging the male into the house. Neal was his for many lifetimes to come.

  The End

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  About the Author

  In 2008, Lia Davis ventured into the world of writing and publishing and never looked back. She has published more than twenty books, including the bestselling A Tiger’s Claim, book one in her fan favorite Ashwood Falls series. Her novels feature compassionate yet strong alpha heroes who know how to please their women and her leading ladies are each strong in their own way. No matter what obstacle she throws at them, they come out better in the end.

  While writing was initially a way escape from real world drama, Lia now makes her living creating worlds filled with magic, mystery, romance, and adventure so that others can leave real life behind for a few hours at a time.

  Lia’s favorite things are spending time with family, traveling, reading, writing, chocolate, coffee, nature and hanging out with her kitties. She and her family live in Northeast Florida battling hurricanes and very humid summers, but it’s her home and she loves it! Sign up for her newsletter, become a member of her fan club, and follow her on Twitter @NovelsByLia.

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  The Brothers Ménage

  By Louisa Bacio

  They looked nothing alike for being twins. One tall, one short. One dark haired, and the other blond. Even their temperaments fell in complete opposites. Their father used to shake his head at their differences, encouraging them to share, and get along as brothers should. Until, one day, their dad led them out until the deep woods, and left them to survive or die.

  Chapter One

  12 Years Later

  The rustling of the wind through the leaves sounded like the laughter of maidens. From the corner of his eye, Cliff caught a flash of reddish-brown, so quick that by the time he turned to look, it had vanished. Dry matter beneath his feet crunched as he walked. This time of year, toward the heat of the summer, everything suffered. The noise made it harder for him to track because the animals heard him coming. Still, the lure of the hunt drew him.

  Ducking beneath a low-hanging branch, he again caught a streak of hair flowing, the color of glowing embers. A fawn, maybe? She’d make a fine kill. The air cooled the closer he came to the river, and the ground softened. Taking each step lightly, he approached the drinking area where animals and humans alike refreshed.

  He stepped into the clearing, searching the area for his prey. If he returned with dinner while his brother and father came back empty-handed, he’d be the hero—and full. What he found, wasn’t what he expected.

  A lone female sat on the riverbank, with her delicate, pale feet resting in the pooled waters. She brushed out her thick, long red hair. When he thought he was seeing a deer, it was her – this woman, and she was naked.

  The sight of her, the awareness of her proximity, caused a very physical reaction. His cock grew tight in his pants, pushing against the physical confines. He shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t interact with the opposite sex much, living out in the woods with his father and brother. He knew the time would come someday, but now?

  Her light voice danced through the air. Was she singing? The woman leaned over, cupping both hands and capturing water to douse her body. As she moved, he caught sight of her breasts, perfectly formed with light pink nipples. His tongue became dry, and he ground his teeth. What was she doing here? It wasn’t safe. If he’d come upon her, anyone could.

  Should he leave quietly, as to not disturb her? As he turned, his foot slipped on a squishy patch of earth, and he went down to his knee with an ugh.

  “Ooooh!” she exclaimed, startled. She turned to glance behind her, and they made eye contact. Her eyes were as wide as a doe’s, and as deep brown.

  “Don’t be frightened,” he said. He stood, brushing off his pants, and hoping she didn’t see the evidence of his arousal.

  Rather than cowering or covering her body, she stood, proud and graceful. He drank in the sight of her curves freely – the smallest patch of matching red hair adorned her nether region. Her breasts rose, almost asking for a licking. What am I thinking? I’d never done such a thing. But being this close to such a gorgeous female brought out his most base needs.

  “Who are you?” she asked. “What do you want from me?”

  “Nothing. No one,” he stammered. “I mean. I’m sorry. I was hunting, and I found you.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Who were you hunting? Or, what were you hunting?”

  “Whatever I could find, but I thought I followed a deer out this way. I’m sorry, again. I must have mistaken you.”

  As if she was the hunter and he was the prey, she approached him. She drew closer and glanced down, right at his crotch. He suppressed the urge to cover his physical offenses. That would only bring her attention more.

  Never had he been so close to a nude woman. Never had he seen one as beautiful and alluring as this one. He lived isolated in a cottage, deep in the woods with his brother and foster father, the man who’d taken them in and protected them. Danger lurked outside the forest. For one moment, his thoughts flew to his twin Jacob. They shared everything together. To share this experience—a first touch, a first kiss, whatever was to come next. He’d been around animals his entire life. He knew the ways of relations. He’d just never experienced it. He felt it, being on the precipice of something grand, just as surely as his cock seeped pre-cum, anticipating whatever was to happen.

  The nearer she came, the more he focused less on her body and more on her lips. The pink hue more resembled a flower, darker and more vibrant. He longed to press his against hers.

  “Who are you?” he asked, stepping forward to meet her.

  “Who do you want me to be? What do you want me to be?”

  As their lips pressed against each other, their bodies made contact for the first time. She tasted like honey, at the beginning of spring. The freshest combination of sweet with the underlying richness. Too much, and you’ll know you overdid it. He slipped his hands downward, naturally, cupping her buttocks, and feeling his cock seam against the cleft between her legs. It felt too good to be true, and he hardened even more, as her tongue teased his bottom lip, pushing him further, he questioned the scene.

  He knew these forests too well. As well as he knew his twin. He’d never seen a woman, let alone a woman like her, at any time in the past. Where had she come from, and why now. He broke the kiss, meaning to ask those very questions, and she slipped her hand between his legs, cupping his hardness. All hesitations fled, as her thumb found the rounded tip of his cock.

  Breaking their kiss, he pushed back. “I can’t. I need to know who you are.”

  “And so it shall be?” She retreated, breaking all physical contact, and sang:

  You can’t catch love with your h

  Not with your rifle, or

  with your bow and arrow, or

  with your trap or snare.

  Love is the trophy.

  Catch me if you can.

  Before his eyes, she shape-shifted into the form of a deer and stood before him, all proud and graceful for a few beats. Then she turned, white tail raised high in the air, and bounded out of the glen.

  His heart pounded, faster than ever before. He cried out, wanting to stop her escape. The loud retort of a shotgun being fired shattered the silence, and he stumbled. No, it couldn’t be. He came from a family of hunters, and they were all in the woods. What would be the odds?

  Clutching his own cold iron in his hands, he stumbled through the tall grasses, toward where she’d disappeared. Fear seized his heart, and he fought between the desire to look, and to hide from the truth. From the other side of overgrown bushes, rumbling drew his attention. He crept closer, half afraid of what he’d discover, and half afraid of possibly scaring her away.

  “Did you see where that gorgeous doe went?” his brother popped out, all wired and edgy. “I fired, but I think I might have missed her.”

  “Thank God for that,” he mumbled, under his breath.

  “What was that?” Jacob asked.

  “Ahhh, nothing.” Where could she have gone, and would he ever see her again? It’s not like they came across women out in the forest. His mind skipped to other hunting trips, and other kills. What if they all had been shifters, and he’d never known? The Gods!

  Jacob reached out, placing his hand on Cliff’s arm. “Are you all right? You look awfully pale? Maybe we should head back to the house.”

  Empty-handed. While his brother didn’t say it, Cliff knew what he meant. They never came back without a kill. Never say never. Tonight, he’d lost his heart, in more than one way. If Jacob had seen her, he’d understand and agree.


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