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Page 4

by Nicole Stewart

  He sang soulful indie pop and had a growing following in America. This tour would add fuel to the flames of his popularity, giving him the fame and success his label felt he deserved. For Ashley, it was all about getting his name and music out there. With his talent, he was destined to be an icon. Everyone agreed he had the look and the voice. Plus, he had a personality the size of a demi-god’s.

  “Tegan, do you reckon I’ll be missed if I mingle in the crowd a bit before we go on?” Ashley peeped at his manager in the mirror and she shrugged, not in the mood to babysit him tonight.

  “I don’t care, as long as your arse is back where you need to be in time for hair and make-up.”


  He shimmied away from his buddies, sick of seeing the same faces on this blasted tour. “Not this time, fellas. I want to be incognito.” They hung back with the booze and the groupies. That wasn’t Ashley’s scene. He liked real people. One of the reasons he was so good at drawing followers was because he was genuinely interested in what went on in other people’s lives, and tonight he wanted to meet someone new, learn something new.

  He pulled on a pair of shades and tiptoed out the back door to reenter through the front of the club. He ended up in line behind a striking couple in black and blue. As he eyed the attractive pair, Ashley felt the familiar pulse of desire. His grey eyes swept over the man’s wide back, appreciating the way the fabric of his coat molded to his frame. Then he stared at the woman, her raven hair falling asymmetrically across her face.

  The two people in line in front of him spoke quietly and seemed content in their own little world. Ashley had an urge to insinuate himself into their private moment, but he held back. He nodded at the bouncer who smiled in surprise at seeing him out here instead of inside. Ashley put a finger to his lips, entering the club without any need to show ID or pay the cover.

  But in the process of getting past the doorman, he lost the couple he was tailing. “Bummer,” he muttered. The bar winked with amber and clear bottles, and he was tempted to order a drink. Instead, he ambled deeper into the club to watch the band on stage.

  * * *

  The lounge enveloped Cee-Cee and Phoenix in darkness and the palpable vibration of music—not Cee-Cee’s favorite. It was punchy and alternative. Scented candles lightly coated the space with the smell of sea, sun and juniper. She was out of her element as she gazed around at the plastic women in cocktail and party dresses with bleach-blonde hair and perfect make-up. They looked cool and chic. She could never compete with that.

  Cee-Cee was glad her mom had modified the simple black dress to fit her. At least she looked classic, she hoped. Phoenix peered over his shoulder and saw her falling behind because she was people watching. He noticed the look on her face—not that of a woman confident of her appeal. “Don’t be self-conscious. You look amazing, Cee-Cee.” He slowed his step.

  “Of course. I’m right behind you.” She was ecstatic that he wanted to give her app a shot. She pushed past the clubbers and followed him to a rounded pink sofa wedged into a shadowy corner of the club. “Let’s get started. We can use my phone. So, what would you like your first post to be?”

  “Explain it a little to me first.”

  “You can simultaneously post to every major social media site. Now, you might be thinking there are plenty of programs that let you do that. What sets NowIn apart? Well, say you want a cool pic for Instagram.” She held up her camera and took a photo. “But you also want to say something snazzy on Twitter. Like, ‘This is Cee-Cee hanging out with Mayor Phoenix Briton!’” Her voice was recorded and converted to text.

  She swiped a few keys. When Cee-Cee was done, what was created was a video clip with her image and voice as well as her comment transcribed to post as text. She drew a few doodles on her image using her fingers and the touchscreen, added some filters, and… “Voila!” She showed him her modifications to the post.

  Phoenix peered over her shoulder and nodded, lips downturned and eyebrows lifted in appreciation. “That’s decent.”

  Cee-Cee snorted in amusement at the understatement. She could tell by his face he was impressed.

  “Obviously, it can do more than that. You know how Snapchat is lauded for its ability to put people in the moment? People love that app because it encourages users to share their world with friends all throughout the day. NowIn does the same thing, only your posts don’t disappear into cyber oblivion after they’re seen. You can take your tiny personal moments and present your best self to the world, to every site you love—Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and soon international sites like RenRen in China and Orkut in India.”

  “You did a great job with this.”

  “Thank you. No wasting time typing in witty commentary. Just speak it, photograph it, film it. You’re done.”

  “Came up with this on your own?” He crossed his arms and looked down his nose, a half-smile tickling his lips.

  Cee-Cee shrugged modestly. “It’s a hobby that I plan to make my career, if all goes well with this first app.”

  “Well, here’s to hoping all goes well.” Phoenix flagged down a sexy waitress in a leather mini skirt and tube top who flirted with body language as she took his drink order, but his eyes remained on Cee-Cee the whole time. “Would you like another drink?”

  “Oh, um…No, thanks. I finished mine in the car.” She squirmed under his obvious scrutiny, already feeling buzzed without the need for more alcohol. Her inhibitions had dipped low enough, although she kept her libido in check. She had a lot of experience with keeping her eye on the prize, which at the moment was getting her app into the right hands. But, damn, he was sexy enough to make her job harder!

  Cee-Cee reminded herself she wasn’t looking for a meaningless sexual tryst with the mayor. How déclassé would that be?

  If they were different people, sure. They’d probably be fucking in the back of his car by now. Bigger things were expected of them, however, thanks to a few smart moves that had led them to early respectability. Phoenix was the youngest mayor their town had ever had, and she was a kickass programmer who would someday give Bill Gates a run for his money. Eyes on the prize, Cee-Cee.

  “So, you wanna give the app a try?”

  Smiling, Phoenix replied, “I think I’ve seen enough, but since we’re off the clock now, maybe it’s alright to get a smidge more personal. Are you seeing anyone?”

  “What?” Cee-Cee hiccupped and giggled in embarrassment. “Oh, god. I think I might be tipsy,” she whispered, covering her lips. He grinned and was about to say something else when suddenly a guy with startling grey eyes and curly dark hair slid onto the sofa next to them. Phoenix froze. Cee-Cee looked askance at the newcomer who had sat down on the other side of her.

  “How are you doing? I’m Ashley Terrence. I couldn’t help noticing the two of you when you walked in. How are you for a third?”

  “This is a private party,” said Phoenix coolly.

  Cee-Cee’s eyes widened. “A third what?”

  Chapter 5

  He was even more beautiful up close. Ashley stared. He had thrust out his hand for a handshake and forgotten it there—lost in the man’s dark eyes—but the blue-suited gentleman didn’t immediately shake it. The equally attractive woman clasped his fingers in a firm handshake, and Ashley bit his bottom lip with a soft hum as he turned his gaze to her. She was gorgeous. What a stroke of luck…

  “A third wheel. As you can probably tell from my accent, I’m a long way from home, and since I don’t know any of the locals, I was wondering if I could hang out with the two of you. You look like you know how to have a good time.” Ashley snapped for the waitress who quickly materialized. He ordered a drink.

  “Hi. I’m Cora-Lynn, but my friends call me Cee-Cee. Nice to meet you, Ashley. This is…”

  “Phoenix,” the man broke his silence and shook Ashley’s hand. When their fingers connected, Ashley’s heart thundered in his chest and his mouth went dry. He noticed the wayward hairs of Phoenix’s dark bushy
brows and the way his beard roughened his soft face, the hook of his nose above his unsmiling lips. The way his eyes bored into Ashley’s like a drowning man eyeing a buoy. The attraction was mutual.

  He sensed it.

  “The pleasure is all mine, trust me.” Ashley sat back against the pink leather sofa. An awkward silence tried to slip in, but he refused to let it settle. He spied the device in Cee-Cee’s hand and noticed she was posting something to social media. “What do you have there?”

  “Oh, I was just showing my friend what we can do with this new app I designed. It’s nothing, really. I mean, it’s still in beta.” She quickly shoved the phone into her purse, gaze skating to her date, who looked incredibly uncomfortable. Phoenix’s eyes swept the club. Ashley licked his lips, peering around as well, but no one was watching them. He knew the look of a man wary of being seen with another man.

  “I hate to intrude or impose…?” He made the statement a question, asking if he was. Phoenix’s dark brown eyes brushed his face and dropped to his lap, and Ashley grinned, boldly sliding his hips forward to give the man a closer look. The pliable black leather pants hugged his thighs as closely as the black t-shirt hugged his torso. He knew he was an appealing piece of maleness. Why not let him look?

  “You’re not imposing,” Cee-Cee smiled. Her dancing blue eyes speared him and flew again to her date, and her fingers tightened in her lap like she had to resist touching.

  He had to resist, too. Ashley was a hedonist. Pleasure wasn’t something he resisted often. Ashley just couldn’t decide which of them he wanted more—Ms. Sweet Smile or Mr. Brooding Eyes. All he knew for certain was there was no way in hell he was about to let the opportunity to get to know these two slip away, no matter how aloof the male half of the pair was.

  He needed an opening. Ashley pushed his hair back from his face and casually gestured at the clutch where Cee-Cee had secreted away her phone. “Social media is kind of my thing. Mind if I have a look?” She widened those doll-like eyes and cautiously dug her cellphone from her purse, handing it to him reluctantly after pulling up the application and explaining how it worked.

  Ashley had merely asked to see it as an icebreaker, but as he listened to what NowIn had the potential to do, his interest was piqued. “And you developed this? Wow! Impressive. This is something a guy like me could use. I’m a YouTube personality, Twitter king, Snapchat hero, all the buzzy buzzwords the kids are using. Can I give it a go?”

  “Well, you’ll have to log into your accounts.” Cee-Cee swept her hair behind her ear and handed him the phone. Their fingers grazed. She flinched. She felt it too. The chemistry between them crackled and popped. It was a wonder no one else noticed the sparks. Ashley glanced at Phoenix. Well, almost no one noticed the sparks.

  He keyed in his information, not really worried about her hacking into his shit. All she’d see was fan mail and love letters. He grinned excitedly as he brought up his YouTube channel, and she showed him how to post to simultaneous accounts. “Squeeze into the frame with me,” he ordered.

  Cee-Cee scooted a centimeter closer, but Phoenix scooted away. Ashley quietly laughed, understanding. Men like him had secrets to keep. He threw an arm around Cee-Cee and pressed the side of his face to hers. She smelled of apples and cinnamon, which was an unexpected delight. Women were expected to smell like flowers, but her pale clear skin made him want to have a taste. He stole a kiss on her cheek, and she giggled and blushed, pushing him away.

  “Hey, now! What was that for?”

  “Have you seen yourself? You’re impossible to resist.”

  “And you’re a terrible flirt,” she accused. Ashley stared into her eyes and felt the dizzying club lights spin slower. On the periphery he saw Phoenix grimace, two fingers to his cheek, two fingers in front of his mouth, staring wordlessly. The girl clearly liked him, and Phoenix was obviously into her. Ashley wondered if he was barking up the wrong tree.

  He turned to Cee-Cee’s phone and spoke overly loud to be heard over the music while he made the recording. “Hello, Ashers! Look at this beautiful darling hanging out with me at the Yellow Lounge! Say hello, Cee-Cee!” He danced to the music, and she shyly waved, smiling self-consciously while Phoenix averted his face and leaned further away. “Ash and Incandescence on tour in the U.S. of A. If you haven’t gotten your tickets to my next show, you’re missing out! Worldwide, Ashers!”

  Ashley stopped recording and played back the clip, nodding appreciatively at the result. He pointed at the phone and looked at Cee-Cee. “This. I so want this! I can’t believe my luck, running into you two. Do you come here often?”

  “This is my first time here, but I think Phoenix comes here fairly often. We just wrapped a dinner date. Business dinner,” she amended.

  “Excellent, excellent,” Ashley responded. “Phoenix, what do you do?”

  “I’m in politics. What about you?”

  “I’m something of a celebrity. I’m here to perform tonight. But I’d love to give the two of you a private show. Want to hang out on my tour bus afterwards?” Ashley held his breath. They could say yes or no, but the odds of them saying yes was nil if he didn’t ask.

  “Excuse me?” Phoenix looked taken aback by the offer. Ashley dropped a hand on his knee and squeezed. Phoenix didn’t protest, although he eyed the hand as if Ashley had made a serious social faux pas. Silly, prudish Americans.

  “Just the three of us. It’ll be cozy. Drinks, chit chat and all that.”

  Cee-Cee was already shaking her head with a surprised laugh. “Aww, that sounds fun, but I can’t! I don’t suppose the two of you want to make it a boys' night? My parents are expecting me home early.”

  “C’mon, break a few rules, mate. Fuck curfew! It’ll feel good to rebel a little.” He winked.

  “You are tempting! Now that I think about it, I can’t say I’ve ever hung out a tour bus with anyone before,” Cee-Cee admitted. “Maybe we could just peep in?” She looked at Phoenix.

  Her date frowned, but Ashley gave a small hoot in triumph. “If the girl says go, you go.” Phoenix grumbled in response. As if he had summoned up his own taskmaster, a text from Tegan buzzed on his phone. Ashley glanced at it in disappointment. “Looks like I have to run. See you after my set. Don’t disappear off without saying goodbye, alright? It was nice to meet you, Cee-Cee, Phoenix.”

  He shook Phoenix’s hand just to feel the soft texture again, and their fingers lingered, gripped. Their eyes locked. Phoenix parted his lips and inhaled shallowly, and Ashley pushed away from the sofa before he was encouraged to stick around a little longer. He disappeared in the crowded club, leaving the two new acquaintances staring after him like a town in the wake of a whirlwind.

  * * *

  Phoenix flexed his hand where Ashley had held it longer than necessary. Then, he dropped his palm to the seat where the rock star had been sitting and felt the warmth he had left behind. The heat permeated his cool reserve. He was surprised. People didn't normally have that effect on him.

  Cee-Cee reached for her drink, and he snapped out of his daze and forced himself to be mindful of her watching him; others were watching, too. This might be a place he felt comfortable relaxing with a highball, but he wouldn’t make the mistake of getting too relaxed. They were here on business.

  “Well, now that I’ve seen what NowIn can do, I think we can call it a night. What about you? I heard you mention your family is waiting up for you.” Phoenix gestured to the door with his drink, but she shook her head.

  “Ah, no! I made that up. I mean, I live with my parents, but I told them I’d be in late tonight. I told Ashley I had to get home early because I sensed you weren’t too comfortable with his invitation to the after-party. Was I right?”

  Phoenix settled his glass on the low square table in front of them and crossed his legs. His argyle socks showed beneath the blue cuffs of his trousers. His platinum watch glinted on his wrist as he propped his hand on his knee. “It’s not that I want to keep you from experiencing the life-chan
ging wonder of partying with rock stars, but I’m a mayor. I’m held to a different standard than celebrities. I’m careful about how I play.”

  “Do you ever play, Phoenix?” Her bronze lips barely moved as she asked. His eyes swept over her face and stopped at her quizzical gaze. She was exquisite. He swept the hair back from her face and let his thumb graze her cheek. His hand drifted to her mouth, and he cupped her chin. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. Arousal tightened within him.

  “Yes.” She didn’t flinch as his face moved closer to hers. He entertained the thought of a quickie in the backseat of his car. Closer. Would she go for that? He wondered what exactly Ashley had had in mind when he invited them on his tour bus. Closer. Wasn’t he missing out on life, playing by the rules and coloring in the lines?

  Their mouths connected with a whisper of skin to skin, and she opened for him without hesitation. Inhaling the sweet, spicy smell of her perfume, Phoenix swore her lips tasted of all things fulfilling. Her hands slid up his shoulders, and her fingers curled in the layers of silky dark hair at the nape of his neck. “I play very hard,” he whispered into her mouth.

  She swallowed a moan at the implications. Phoenix controlled himself and pulled away. When he did, the track spinning on a turntable somewhere faded to silence, and the lights went up on the stage. Cee-Cee and Phoenix looked at each other after the kiss that shouldn’t have happened, that wasn’t part of the script. She looked like she wanted to say something, but the activity at the front of the club was too rowdy to ignore, and both of them turned to see what was going on.

  An unseen emcee announced the headline act, Ash and Incandescence. Judging by the hysteria that swept the crowd, Phoenix realized the overly friendly guy who had paused at their table was kind of a big deal. “What on earth…” Cee-Cee giggled in surprise at the way the crowd rushed the stage and pressed up against barricades, held back only by the burly security guards keeping things from going crazy. “Do you see this? Have you ever heard of his band?”


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