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The Nerd Conquest Part TWo

Page 9

by C. W. Niess

  As Mark dropped his head back to his pillow, he noticed that he wasn’t alone in the bed. A girl was lying there with her back to him. She had short blonde hair; she was wearing a pink night shirt and white bikini panties. Part of her back panty line had tucked into her butt cheek creating a thong effect.

  It didn’t take Mark long to recognize the pink shirt. It was the same top Brooke wore into the study room that first morning he met her. She was the first person to make him strip as part of his punishment for spying on the girls’ shower.

  Putting the pieces together, Mark assumed that Brooke had come into the room after he had fallen asleep. She must have removed the device from his penis then draped a sheet over him. He wasn’t sure he was ready to forgive Brooke just yet, but he was glad to wake up next to her.

  As Mark got out of bed, he noticed his clothes, the same outfit he removed in the study room the night before, on the chair beside him. He grabbed the pile of clothes and made his way to the restroom for a quick shower.

  As Mark stepped out of the bathroom following his shower, Brooke was already dressed and ready to go.

  “How’s it feel?” Brooke asked.

  “How’s what feel?” Mark returned. Despite the shower, he was still groggy from the sleeping pills.

  “Freedom,” Brooke said with a smile. “You’re a free man.”

  Mark smiled. They both knew the answer to her question.

  * * * *

  Just over a couple weeks later on a Monday, Mark found himself once again at his regular seat in the cafeteria. He was watching a guy sitting by himself mourning the loss of his girlfriend. Mark had watched their relationship from afar for most of the semester. They had been on and off again for a while, but Mark was somehow sure this would be it for the couple. As bad as he felt for the guy, Mark hoped the stranger realized that this could be a new beginning, a new adventure even.

  On the other side of the dining hall, Mark saw Janice and Lucy. He had passed the girls around campus a few times since the end of his penance, but he had yet to speak a word to either girl. He assumed they would never talk again.

  Later that day, Janice’s computer would crash. She would be able to get it fixed but would lose all of her old emails and the contents of her cloud drive. Mark had heard rumblings that she was already blackmailing some other guy. If that were the case, the evidence against the other victim would be lost as well.

  Mark had saved a copy of Janice’s files and emails. As he dug through all the information, he found out that she had been doing a hell of a lot more than making guys strip for her. Janice was extorting money from several men, including Brooke’s father, and she was cheating on virtually every one of her classes. If Janice ever made her way back into his life, he would have everything he needed to make her back off.

  Mark gave Brooke all the evidence regarding her father. It turned out that Janice and Brooke’s father were involved long before he ended up naked at the sorority house. He figured it would be Brooke’s decision how she wanted to handle things, but he hoped she would let her father off the hook. Mark, after all, was well too aware of how easy it was to fall into Janice’s trap.

  Mark started gathering his things. Since it was Monday, he had a long afternoon of classes in front of him.

  “Hey, stranger,” a voice came from behind him. He felt cold hands wrapping around his eyes.

  “Who is it?” Mark asked. It could be any one of several girls.

  Emily swung her head around his and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Did you miss me?”

  “Uh…Hi, Emily,” Mark said. He hadn’t seen Emily since his first night of service a few weeks earlier.

  Emily sat down next to him and wrapped her arm around his back. “I missed you the last couple of weeks.”

  “You missed me? I’m sorry…What is that?”

  “You know,” Emily said. “I miss our Monday dates.”

  “Our Monday dates?” Mark returned. “You know that was a one-time thing. Right?

  “I do,” Emily acknowledged. “It’s just that I think we should get together every week.”

  “Every week,” Mark stated. “Are you even serious?”

  “I am serious,” Emily insisted. “Since this is Monday, I need you in my dorm room by seven tonight.”

  “Your dorm room?” Mark asked. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because I told you to,” Emily said. “Because I told you to, and because you want to.”

  “But what would you make me do?” Mark asked curiously.

  “Whatever I want,” Emily answered. “That’s how it works. You do whatever I tell you to without question.”

  “What about other people? Would Janna be there?”

  “It would be whatever I want,” Emily insisted. “That’s how it works. Janna will be there if I want her there. If I invite someone else, then someone else will be there.”

  Mark scowled at Emily. He couldn’t believe she had the nerve to ask him this. He’d paid his dues already, and she wanted more.

  Emily gave Mark a kiss on the top of his head. “I’ll see you at seven.”

  “No, you won’t,” Mark answered. “I’m done with that.”

  Emily smiled at him. “I’ll see you at seven,” she repeated confidently before turning and walking away from the table.

  Mark watched Emily walk away from him and out of the cafeteria. Her curly blonde hair bounced freely and confidently with each step. Her short skirt swung back and forth against her thighs as her top slid up her back revealing just a hint of skin.

  Mark thought about his night with Emily, how she tortured him in the movie theater and made him streak across campus. He also thought about how she rewarded him when his night was over. The image of her kneeling on her dorm room floor, naked and waiting for him, was permanently etched in his consciousness.

  “Are you out of your mind?” a familiar voice sounded from behind him. “You’re actually considering her demands. Aren’t you?”

  “Monica, hi,” Mark said as his former high-school classmate joined his table. “You were listening to our conversation?”

  Monica laughed. She leaned back in her chair and rested her hands on top of her head. “I’m not spying on you, Mark. I was just curious. That’s all.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Mark said. “I don’t think I’ll go through with it anyway.”

  “You don’t like her?” Monica asked in reference to Emily. “She is kind of hot.”

  “It’s not that,” Mark said. “It’s just that…Well, it’s been a long few weeks. I just want to finish school and get on with my life. I hate it here.”

  “You hate college?” Monica quipped. “You think it’ll be any better when you graduate? Life is what you make of it, Mark.”

  “Life will be better,” he insisted. “I’ll make it better.”

  “Good for you,” Monica said. “What if I told you the rest of your time in college could be better too? Much better.”

  Mark looked curiously at Monica. She was clearly planning something which made him nervous. The last time she'd had a plan it involved tying him to a bed naked in front of his stepsister. “Better?” He asked. “How so?”

  “What about Emily?” Monica followed. “I understand that she put you through the paces. Didn’t you have to streak across campus for her?”

  “She put me through hell,” Mark said. “You both did.”

  Monica smiled and turned her head. “We did. Didn’t we?”

  “You did,” Mark insisted.

  Monica leaned into the table toward Mark and whispered softly. “What if you could turn the tables on Emily? What if you were the one giving the orders? What if she had to do as you demanded?”

  “I don’t understand,” Mark said. “Why would she do that?”

  “Because you’ll have something she wants,” Monica assured him. “You’ll have something she needs more than anything else in this world.”

  Chapter Seven

  Emily sat alone
in her dorm room waiting for her evening’s entertainment; Mark was late, and she hoped he hadn’t decided against his proposed servitude. According to her plan, he would join her every Monday night at seven o’clock sharp. He would be her property to do with as she saw fit. He would be her muse, her toy, and her sex slave; all he had to do was show up.

  Ever since her first night with Mark, Emily couldn’t get their time together out of her mind.

  With a knock on her door, Emily realized Mark was, in fact, going to show up for his evening of humiliation. The hair on the back of her neck and arms stood at attention as she thought about what was to come.

  “You’re late,” Emily said opening the door for him. “You better come in here and get undressed.”

  Mark walked past Emily slowly without saying a word. He dropped his green backpack to the floor. Even though the satchel appeared empty, it clanked against the ground like metal weights in a gym.

  “Well,” Emily said to him impatiently as she closed her door. She turned around and leaned against the door with her arms crossed over her chest. “Get those clothes off. We’re going to have to work out some sort of punishment for being late.”

  Mark purposefully stepped over to Emily’s desk and sat in her chair. This was the same chair she had sat in when scheduling him for his first evening of servitude. So much had changed since that night a few weeks earlier. Even more was about to change.

  “Actually,” Mark said to Emily as he fought to keep a straight face. “We’re going to switch things up tonight.”

  “I’m sorry,” Emily said. “What’s that?”

  “Starting tonight,” Mark insisted. “You’re going to do as I say.”

  “Fuck you,” Emily snapped. “We had an arrangement. If you want to pussy out, that’s your business, but there’s no way I’m letting you tell me what to do.”

  “Take off your clothes,” Mark ordered without hesitation. “Take off all your clothes.”

  “Kiss my ass,” Emily said pulling her door back open and extending an arm toward the empty hallway. “Get the fuck out of my room.”

  “You have two minutes,” Mark said. “If you’re not completely naked in two minutes, you’ll never pass the Law School Admissions Test.”

  Emily closed the door nervously and took a few steps toward Mark. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Then you have nothing to worry about,” Mark responded resting his feet on Emily’s desk. “Why didn’t you just level with your parents, to begin with?”

  “That’s none of your fucking business,” Emily responded. “So what. I lied to my parents. Do you really think that’s enough to make me strip for you?”

  “I don’t,” Mark answered. “But I have the means to ensure you pass the test for real. You’ll get into the law school of your choice, and your parents will never be the wiser.”

  “You’re so full of shit,” Emily responded. “Do you really think you’re going to get my clothes off that easily?”

  “It’s your choice,” Mark insisted. He pressed a hand against the top of Emily’s desk as if he was about to get up. “This is a one-time offer. After tonight, you’re on your own. Hopefully, your third time taking the L-SAT is a charm.”

  “Hold on,” Emily said. She stepped toward him and rested a hand on his shoulder. “You could help me pass the test? Really?”

  “I could,” Mark insisted. “You won’t even have to retake it.”

  “And all I have to do is strip naked for you?”

  “No,” Mark responded coldly. He leaned back in Emily’s office chair folding his arms over his chest. “That’s not all you’ll have to do for me. Not even close.”

  “What then?” Emily asked. “What else would you make me do?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Mark snapped. “After everything you put me through?”

  “But you agreed to that,” Emily insisted.

  “I did,” Mark conceded. “Now I’m asking you to agree to my terms.”

  “But what are your terms?” Emily asked. “You could string me along forever if you wanted, and I don’t even know you can fix my score?”

  “You don’t know,” Mark replied. “That’s true. I fully understand if you’d prefer to take your chances with the test again. Who knows? Maybe your first two attempts were flukes.”

  “But you’ll tell my parents?” Emily asked. “My dad will cut me off if he finds out about the tests.”

  “I’m not telling your parents anything,” Mark said insistently. “You can ask me to leave right now, and you’ll never hear from me again. What you tell your parents is your problem.”

  “But how do I know you can help me?” Emily asked.

  “You have to trust me,” Mark insisted.

  “I don’t know,” Emily said. “I have no way of knowing you’re telling me the truth.”

  “I guess not,” Mark responded as he stood up and started past Emily. “Best of luck.”

  “Hold on,” Emily said. She grabbed his arm and walked him back to the chair. “Just sit down. This isn’t easy for me.”

  “It wasn’t easy for me,” Mark reminded Emily. “You have one minute to make up your mind.”

  “At least tell me how you’re going to fix my score,” Emily demanded. “That’s only fair.”

  “You know what would be fair?” Mark responded looking at his watch. “It would be fair for you to get naked right now. That would be fair. You had no problem making me strip for you, making me streak across campus, torturing me in front of your friends.”

  Emily looked back and forth between Mark and the door. She really wanted to kick him out of her room. She had no idea how he knew she failed her law school entrance exam twice, and she couldn’t be sure that he could actually help her. At the same time, she worried that she couldn’t pass the test on her own. For some reason, she was dreadful at taking tests. She always had been.

  Mark sat quietly with his arms folded over his chest. He stared unapologetically at his nervous host. “Thirty seconds.”

  The room started spinning in Emily’s head. This couldn’t be happening to her. Sure, Mark had seen her naked before but not like this. What would he make her do? Considering how badly she abused him, he would certainly make her suffer. Was she really at his mercy now?

  Emily pulled her t-shirt over her blonde hair revealing a white cotton bra. Immediately, she clutched the loose shirt over her chest. Her fingers gripped the garment so tightly that she lost most of the feeling in her fingers.

  “Well,” Mark said. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you before.”

  Mark was correct. He had seen Emily naked before. To her, this was little consolation.

  Still clutching her shirt, Emily dropped her hands below her waist. Looking toward the floor, she could see her arms trembling as she forced herself to let go of the t-shirt. She couldn’t understand why this was so difficult; she had never been an exceedingly shy person.

  Trying to avoid eye contact with Mark, Emily unbuckled her jeans and slid them down her legs. She let the pants fall to the ground beside her abandoned shirt and paused to see if he might accept her concession. Maybe, just perhaps, he would let her keep the bra and panties on.

  Mark smirked at Emily and looked at his watch. He wasn’t even about to discuss her attempt at modesty.

  Emily understood his insistence; it wasn’t like she let him keep his underwear during their encounters.

  Emily reached between her sizeable tits and unhooked her white bra. She slid the straps free of her shoulders and let the brassiere fall to the ground. Immediately, she hooked her left arm over her exposed breasts. She used her right arm to slide her white panties down her chiseled legs. As soon as the underwear fell free of her knees, she cupped her right hand over her pussy.

  Grinning ear-to-ear, Mark leaned forward in Emily’s chair. With his finger, he motioned for her to drop her arms.

  Emily moved both hands to her sides and stood naked in front of him.

p; “Very nice,” Mark said. His eyes scanned slowly up and down Emily’s naked figure.

  Emily stood quietly while he took his time admiring her exposed body. It felt like an eternity as she stood in the middle of her dorm room trying to avoid eye contact. His silence was deafening. The building’s air conditioner burred through the vent. She could hear other students congregating six stories below her window. Even though only Mark could see her naked body, she felt as though she was exposed before a throng of fellow students.


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