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The Wolf's Hunt: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Goddess's Harem Book 2)

Page 18

by Lila Jean

  “Is that clear?” she repeated.

  He softened, still her powerful and commanding dragon, but his fingers inched toward her entrance, teasing the edge of her jeans, redirecting his attention toward more pleasurable matters. Her skin lit with desire, and she bit her lip instinctively as he worked his magic on her body.

  “I know the perfect way to apologize, boss,” he said, kissing her abdomen, his kisses trailing south to her thighs. “Words don’t mean as much as actions, right?” He lifted her shirt and nipped the skin, just rough enough to show his intentions. “So, let me show you how sorry I am.”

  Tina almost rolled her eyes. That was as close to an apology as she would ever hear from her dragon, but it would do. Satisfied, she released her hold on her magic, but even as she felt his heartbeat return to normal and dissolved the lingering lust in the air, his grip didn’t loosen. He remained on his knees before her, his forehead pressed into her abdomen, his breathing ragged. Finally, he looked up at her with lust-filled eyes, and she knew he would fully apologize to her later, but he would do it his way, between the sheets.

  “I’m not the weak girl who can’t control her magic anymore.” Tina took a moment to look at each one of her princes dead in the eye to drive her point home. “Yes, I’ll be fighting a god. No, you won’t be able to help me.”

  Her attention flickered to Draven, who scowled once more even as he held her close, but she pressed onward. “Everyone wants Damara for a reason. She’s one of the most powerful goddesses ever to come to Earth, by far, and she can do this.” Tina crossed her arms, eyes glazing over as she debated her admittedly slim options. “I can do this. I’ve already done so much to connect to her, to learn from her, so if I can connect fully with Damara before the fight, maybe even give her the reins and go full-burn, I can and will win.”

  “But Tina.” Zane pulled at his hair, tense and obviously frustrated. “There has to be another plan, something with a more acceptable worst-case outcome.” He looked at her pleadingly. “One that doesn’t put your life on the line.”

  “We’ve been searching for how long, now, Zane?” She dropped her voice, trying to be as tender and kind as she could while still making him see the harsh reality of their situation. “There is no other option. We’ve exhausted them all.”

  Zane opened his mouth to speak, gaping as he fought for words, but he eventually sighed, shoulders drooping, and leaned against the wall with one hand in his pocket. “I know.” He sighed, rubbing his face with free palm. “I’ve looked at everything from every angle.” He groaned, running his hand through his unruly hair as he met her gaze. “We’re out of options. Even if we kill the gods outside of this contest, they’ll come back time and time again. We can’t fight immortals, not long term.”

  “Exactly.” Tina nodded, and each of her men seemed to accept the inevitable. “I need to be as strong as possible before the time comes.” She crossed her arms, tapping her lips absently with one finger as a plan formed in her mind. “I need to know the strengths and weaknesses of both Venus and Ares, since we aren’t sure which of them I’ll be fighting.” She paced back and forth, eyes wandering over the beautiful pool and the darkening ocean beyond. “I’ll also need to train as much as possible, rest often, and get as much power as I can to be ready for the fight.”

  Draven smirked, sweeping her off her feet and carrying her toward the nearest bedroom. “Since you get your power from sex, boss, I say we begin training immediately.” She chuckled as he swung her over his shoulder, the world swaying as he carried her off. “And if I can’t carry you to safety, this will have to do.”



  To prepare for the battle ahead, Tina spun her dagger in one of the mansion’s upstairs rooms, which Draven and Flynn had cleared of furniture for a bit of sparring practice.

  “Good. Again,” Draven said, his hands behind his back as he circled her, eyes narrowed as he critiqued her form. “Back straight. Elbow in. Tight, Tina. Keep it tight.”

  Despite the gravity of her pending battle, she couldn’t help but snicker at the innuendo. Draven smirked, and it was suddenly clear it had been very intentional.

  “Mature,” Flynn said with an eye roll. “Tina, you need to try for lethal strikes with every stab and slice.” The demigod pointed to a few spots on his body to demonstrate. “Neck, heart, eyes. Always. Every blow must be to make the kill.”

  “Got it.” Tina nodded, stabbing the air in a fluid and effortless motion. Thanks to the weeks upon weeks of almost nonstop training with her men, arguably some of the best fighters in the world, she was getting to be quite the decent fighter. Swipe after swipe cut the air, and she imagined Ares’ or Venus’ neck bleeding as she dealt the final blow.

  Without warning, Draven threw a punch toward her face, which she barely ducked in time. Instinctively, guided by little more than the nonstop training she’d had over the last few months, she grabbed his arm and kicked out his knee, taking him to the floor.

  “Good.” He grunted and rolled, getting back on his feet as he assumed a fighting stance.

  “What the hell was that for?” Tina snapped, lowering her knife. “I could have stabbed you!”

  “Not likely.” Draven winked, chuckling as he stepped back and forth in a movement she had come to recognize as a warning sign that he would attack soon. “Besides,” the dragon shifter said with a shrug, “whoever you fight, they’re going to cheat. You can bet on it.” His gaze shifted behind her, looking at something she couldn’t see. “You should expect the unexpected.”

  Tina felt the barest shift in the air, the slightest brush of wind against her bare arms, and she ducked instinctively as Flynn shot a fist past her head. She rolled out of the way, now facing two sparring partners who had trained their whole lives, each of whom watched her with equally determined expressions.

  “Fine,” she said with a smirk. “Two on one works for me.”

  She dipped once more into her magic, summoning the full weight of her power as she released a wave of lust into the air to disorient them. Draven grinned, his eyelids heavy with desire as he circled her, but Flynn seemed barely able to move. His eyes scanned her face, dropping down to her chest, following the curve of her legs as he neared her. If he was fighting her magic, he was doing a poor job of it.

  “Flynn, focus,” she said with a smirk. “We’re sparring here.” She lunged toward him, intending to knock him off guard, but in a lightning-fast move, he grabbed her around the shoulders and held on tight. It took a few well-placed shimmies, but she finally broke free and rolled away.

  The two attacked one after the other, barely giving her room to breathe as she dodged and parried every blow. Sweat pooled on her brow, her body aching and sore as they pushed her further, but so far neither of them had landed even a single hit.

  As the sparring match intensified, and as she grew more and more tired, Tina leaned more heavily on her magic. She still gripped the knife, unwilling to actually go for any of the kill spots as Flynn had suggested, even though she knew they were more than capable of blocking her dagger. She still practiced her swings, imagining each move she would need to take to go for the kill without actually taking it, never once willing to put her men in harm’s way.

  In a sudden rush, the knife in her hand glowed as white as the magic in her veins, and a dusty trail of sparkes snaked off the tip, like mist on an early morning lake. Tina hesitated, astonished and amazed that she could infuse her magic into her weapon.

  In her surprise, she let her guard down, and Flynn grabbed her shoulders once more, his grip tighter than before. She squirmed, practicing every move she knew in an effort to break free, and after a few moments, she felt his solid erection pressing against his pants. The bulge against her lower back sent shockwaves of desire through her, and she grinned despite being trapped by her opponent.

  In front of her, Draven smirked and took his time approaching, grabbing the still-glowing knife from her hand and twisting it out of her grip. “I
didn’t know you could do that,” he said with a nod toward the knife as he tossed it on the floor.

  “Neither did I.” She fought against Flynn, trying to elbow him in the chest, but the angle was wrong. In this position, she was totally at his, and by default Draven’s, mercy.

  “Make sure you practice infusing your magic into your weapons more often.” Draven pressed his chest against hers, pinning her between his body and Flynn’s, and Tina’s pulse raced faster at the intoxicating blurred scents of charred wood, salty ocean, and sweat. “But for now,” her dragon prince said, “I’ve had enough sparring. How about you, Flynn?”

  “Agreed.” Her demigod’s grip tightened around her shoulders, the lust radiating off of her still toying with his brain, apparently sending him into overdrive as the match ended.

  “We won the match, so we’re going to play with you.” He leaned in, running his mouth lightly against the exposed skin in her neck, sending ripples of desire through her body. The space between her thighs warmed, already slick with need, and she was unable to suppress a moan as goosebumps erupted along her body, his hot breath trailing over her skin as he drove her wild.

  Behind her, Flynn’s massive left arm tightened around her while he used his right hand to unbutton her jeans. In a few effortless motions, and with a little assistance from Draven, Flynn tugged her jeans and underwear off, tossing them to the floor. He kissed her neck roughly, ravaging her like a beast as he drove two thick fingers past her entrance. She moaned with pleasure, blushing with excitement and surprise at her demigod’s impatience. Using her magic in the sparring match must have driven him over the edge, to the brink, to the point where he had dipped into the feral side of his nature and needed to be appeased.

  Through the hazy fog of pleasure, need, and lust, Tina’s rational brain shared one final thought with her, planting the seed as a new plan began to form in the back of her mind. In the final fight, if she fought Ares, perhaps she could use her power to seduce her opponent, bring him to his knees and disarm him completely. She wasn’t sure if her seduction powers would work on Venus, but it was worth a shot.

  Draven’s strong hands on her breasts broke her out of her thoughts, and she surrendered completely to the princes having their way with her in their makeshift training room. Her eyes fluttered closed as Draven ripped her shirt to shreds, tearing the fabric off in one swift motion. He trailed kisses down her neck, along her cleavage, and snapped her bra in half as he kissed the soft mounds of her breasts. She moaned, arching her back, urging both him and Flynn on, already desperate to feel them both inside of her.

  Tina leaned her head back, and Flynn kissed her as she rested her head on his shoulder. He still held her from behind, though now that she wasn’t resisting him anymore, he shifted his position and removed his fingers from her sensitive folds, choosing instead to grip her ass with both hands and keep her upright. Draven, meanwhile, continued his trail toward her entrance, eventually kneeling as he tenderly kissed the tender nub at the tip of her soft folds. She moaned, pressing her hips against his face, which only egged him on. His tongue wandered her entrance, exploring every inch of her, teasing her opening as he played with her.

  “Have you ever done anal?” Flynn whispered in her ear seconds before he nibbled on the lobe. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she whimpered with pleasure, and she shook her head ever so slightly in answer. He chuckled, the sound dark and growly in her ear. “I think you’re going to like this.” With the tip of his foot, he tapped Draven’s leg. “Do you have lube?”

  “Obviously.” Draven rolled his eyes and patted his hands over a few of his pockets before yanking out a small tube. He offered it to Flynn and stood, yanking off his clothes in a few deft motions before grabbing Tina’s ass, holding her hips slightly above his as he kissed her deeply. “Nervous, boss?” The shaft of his hard cock pressed against her entrance, already sopping wet and aching.

  “A little,” she admitted with a sheepish grin. “But I trust you both.”

  “At this point, you damn well better.” He laughed and nipped her neck playfully, making her chuckle.

  Behind her, Flynn let go of her body, and the skin that had been beneath his hands grew suddenly cold. She leaned into Draven, pressing her naked body against his, inhaling his addictive scent as he kissed her neck, his tongue doing feral and mind-numbing things to her skin as his mouth had its way with her. Moments later, Flynn returned, pressing his warm body against her back as he resumed his position and took her ass from Draven. Her dragon shifter, his hands now free, wrapped his arms around her legs and lifted them on either side of him, supporting her weight until she was perfectly suspended between them both.

  “Take me, please.” She moaned. “I can’t wait any more.” She pressed her forehead against Draven’s, her body aching for them to fill her, needing them inside of her more than anything else in the world.

  “Whatever you say, boss.” Draven thrust himself into her entrance in one fluid stroke, filling her to the brim with his thick cock as his grip around her legs tightened.

  Suspended in the air, Tina threw her head back as she took him inside of her, body pulsing with pleasure and ecstasy as her dragon paused, stretching her, forcing her to savor his cock as he slowly withdrew it, only to thrust it into her again.

  Flynn set his thick cock against her ass, and Tina tensed on impulse at the sensation of something pressing against her sensitive hole. Draven slowed his thrusting, pausing with his cock deep inside of her, apparently holding her still while the demigod got situated. Flynn kissed her beck tenderly. “It’s best if you relax.” He trailed kisses down her shoulder. “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”

  “I know.” Tina smiled, closing her eyes, surrendering entirely to her men. As she relaxed, Flynn pressed his cock once more against her ass, pushing gently inside. He moaned with pleasure as he gently, carefully pushed his way inside, filling her to the absolute brim, moving at an almost painstakingly slow pace.

  “Oh, dear god,” she said, breathless. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced, unlike any pleasure or divine sensation she thought remotely possible. With both of her darling men inside of her, she felt so deliciously full, so satisfied, so completely happy. With Flynn’s cock as lubed as it was, he made his way inside of her until his hips pressed against her ass, his dick fully submerged.

  Once Flynn was fully inside, Draven’s grip on her legs tightened, as if he couldn’t hold back anymore. Both men kissed her relentlessly, their cocks throbbing inside of her, teasing her with what was to come.

  In unison, they slowly pulled out. The ripples of delight shot through her, coaxing several moans from her as she wrapped her hands around Draven’s neck. She leaned into him, pressing her breasts against his chest, holding him tightly as they carefully removed themselves from her. Once they had almost completely pulled out, both thrust themselves back in, filling her again, driving her wild. She arched her back, nails dragging along Draven’s shoulder blades, but her dragon didn’t seem to care. He chuckled and nipped her jaw, playing with her even when his hands were full.

  Time and time again, they drove into her in unison. Occasionally, they would alternate, filling one hole while the other removed himself, playing her back and forth as she gasped with delight and satisfied longing. They drove her to the brink, until her eyes fluttered relentlessly, until her mouth opened, as she moaned and gasped with utter ecstasy as they rode her toward her orgasm.

  When she did finally climax, it was the most overpowering experience of her life. Her pulse raced, her soul soaring, her navel bursting with love and fulfillment as she rode a tsunami of an orgasm. It filled every inch of her with power and light, wave after wave of blissful satisfaction coasted through her until she collapsed on Draven’s shoulders, her pussy still pulsing in the aftershocks of the intense climax.

  Flynn released himself in her first, the warm shot of his orgasm filling her with a tingling sensation of delight and pleasure. Draven climaxed not long a
fter, sighing as he pressed his hips into hers with one last, powerful stroke, and she could feel the warm rush of his orgasm inside of her.

  In the afterglow, her body hummed with more energy and life than she had ever experienced. Since fusing with Damara, orgasms always brought her renewed vitality, more than even sleep could, but the double penetration had truly pushed her over the brink. While her men breathed happily and heavily, their heads resting against her chest and back as their satisfied smiles stretched across their faces, Tina glowed with life. It seemed she would be far readier for her fight with Odin’s champion than she had initially anticipated.

  She grinned, more powerful than ever, almost excited for the fight, for the chance to prove herself to Odin and send the gods packing. No one threatened her and survived.

  No one.



  In the early morning hours, with three days left before Tina’s showdown with one of Odin’s thugs, Zane groaned and rubbed his eyes, elbows on the mansion’s dining room table as he returned his glasses to his face. He wanted nothing more than to lay in Tina’s arms, to feel the comforting warmth of her skin against hers, to rest his head against her neck and burrow deep into her embrace, into the one thing that could calm his racing mind.

  Still, to keep her safe, he needed to focus on the matters at hand, and though he was by and large the best strategist and information gatherer in the five kingdoms, Tina’s many enemies were giving him a run for his money, testing every skill he had. It was like playing twenty games of chess, all at once, each with a highly skilled player.

  “Gentlemen,” Zane said with a weary nod. “We have to make this quick.”

  He nodded to the four other princes, each of whom sat around the table with him, their muscled forms taking up a good portion of the mahogany table. While Tina showered, Zane had called them all to the dining room in an impromptu meeting, one they would need to keep short. Anthony, with the best enhanced senses of them all, kept an ear out for Tina’s shower, in case she wrapped up quickly, since Zane didn’t want to worry her with the news he had just uncovered. True, she had told him not to hide things from her, but he firmly believed she had enough on her plate and he needed her to be completely attuned to Damara in order to win against Odin’s champion.


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