Alton, Illinois, 45
Amazing Stories, 212
Amblin Entertainment, 212
Ameche, Don, 212
American Anthropological Research Foundation, 230
American Journal of Folklore, 30
American Museum of Natural History, 23-24, 156
American National Enterprise (ANE), 102-05
American Yeti Expeditions, 230
Ames, Michael M., 105, 231
Ancient Mysteries, 215
Anclote River, Florida, 159
Anderson, Mike, 140
Anderson, California, 174-76
Anderson Lake Indians, 33
Andrews, Roy Chapman, 2, 244
Animal X, 20, 21, 215
Anomalist, 79
Anthropological Series, 31
Antioch, California, 39
Antioch Ledger, 39, 40
Ape Canyon, Washington, 46-52
apes, 241-44 see also specific species
Apes, The (Reynolds), 38, 166
Arcadia Valley, Kansas, 39
Argosy, 113-14, 221
Arkansas, 36
Arkansas Gazette, 158
Arment, Chad, 40
Armstrong, Joie Ruth, 178, 179
Armstrong, Steve, 106
Atcen (Atshen), 29-30
Athabascan Indians, 32
Audubon Society, 234-35
Austin, Chad, 209
Austin, Jamie, 240
Badlands, 177
Baker, Rick, 101, 135, 206, 213
Bald Mountain, North Carolina, 35
Bambenek, Greg, 20, 21
Barbeau, C. M., 29
Baril, Christian, 145
Barkasy, David, 150, 154, 155
Barmanu, 118, 119
Battle Creek, California, 174-75
Baumann, 180-81
Bayanov, Dmitri, 244
Bay Area Group (BAG), 211, 226-27
BBC Wildlife, 199
Beast and the Vixens, The, 206
Beauties and the Beast, 206
Beck, Fred, 46-51
Beck, R. A., 46, 50
Beelart, Joe, 20
Bella Coola River, British Columbia, 195
Bemis, Mrs. Jess, 66, 69
Benedict, Ruth, 44, 45
Berger, Howard, 99
Berger, Toby, 148
Berry, Alan, 171
Berton, Pierre, 30
Betts, Bob, 228
Bhutan, 43
Big Cypress Swamp, 162
adolescent, 31, 195
bad luck associated with, 168-70
best places to see, 246-50
buttocks, imprint of, 16-24
changing image of, 201-15
America’s Abominable Snowmen, 202-04
as “another tribe,” 202
back to nature, 214-15
Boggy Creek, 206-10
documentaries, 210-11
Harry and the Hendersons, 211-13
“home movies,” 205-06
making of a modern monster, 204-05
reality TV, 214
commercial ventures concerning, 233-35
described, 5-7, 27, 30, 134-35, 174, 176, 187
discovery of, 64-80
dogs and, 130-33, 138, 142, 146-47, 173, 181, 207
Eastern, 27-31, 119, 130-48, 181, 237
fecal samples, 239
film of, 71-72, 79
Patterson, see Patterson-Gimlin film of Bigfoot
food of, 11-12, 130-31, 151, 160, 181, 187, 188, 196, 207
gap in California reports of, 53
hair samples, 239-41
hoaxes, see hoaxes and possible hoaxes, major
kill versus no-kill positions, 224-27, 230-31, 244-45
Midwestern, 130-48, 165
murderers and, 177-80
naming of, 66, 204-05, 219
native traditions, see Native Americans
odor from, 131, 132, 137, 141, 151, 160
population estimates, 5, 184
protection of, 230
questions about, 236-45
is Bigfoot a human or an ape?, 241-44
should we shoot one if given the opportunity?, 244-45
why hasn’t anyone found a dead Bigfoot?, 236-41
rate of reports of, 11
sex and, 183-200
breasts, 185, 194-97
Cole and, 193-94
genitalia, 185, 188, 191, 197-200
homosexuality, 184-86
kidnappings, 189-94
Klement’s creature, 187-89
mating with cows, 185, 186, 188, 189
Muchalat Harry and, 192
Ostman story, 190-92
Redwoods Video, 198-200
silence about, 200
sounds made by, 7, 21, 28, 30, 47, 62-63, 130, 131, 140, 143, 144, 145, 151, 175, 177, 179, 198
Southern, 136, 150-67
tracks of, 6, 123, 173, 196, 237-39
Big Muddy, 144-45
Bluff Creek, see Bluff Creek, California tracks
“crippled,” 121-30
Momo, 132, 133
Napes, 160-65, 237-38
scientific-quality replica, 251-53
Six Rivers National Forest, 83, 96
Stevens Creek, 136-37
twenty best places to see, 246-50
UFOs and, 170-77
violent, 180-82
Western, 31-34, 136
Bigfoot: The Ultimate Adventure, 230
Bigfoot: The Unforgettable Encounter, 213
Bigfoot: The Yeti and Sasquatch in Myth and Reality (Napier), 67, 129, 242-43
Bigfoot Bulletin, 181-82, 196, 226
Bigfoot Casebook, The (Bord and Bord), 67
Bigfoot Central Museum, 22, 105, 109, 212, 231, 233
Bigfoot Co-op Newsletter, 231
Bigfooters, 216-35
adventures in Bigfooting, 217-18
American Yeti investigators, 230-31
Bay Area Group, 226-27
big money, big game, 221-25
the chroniclers, 220-21
the doctor, 225-26
everywhere, 233-35
groups, 232-33
the hunter, 219-20
scientific hominologists, 231-32
the sculptor, 227-29
the tracker, 219
Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), 14, 20-22, 163, 165, 233, 240
Bigfoot (film), 205-06
Bigfoot—Man or Beast—A Rainbow Adventure-Film Report, 104
Big Footnotes (Perez), 208
Bigfoot Outfitters, Inc., 234
Big Footprints: A Scientific Inquiry into the Reality of Sasquatch (Krantz), 129, 226
Bigfoot Research Project, 224
BigFoot Safari, 233-34
Bigfoot South (Moore), 208
Bigfoot the Mysterious Monster, 210
Bigfoot Times, 231
Bigfoot Travel Ltd., 234
Big Man, 32 Big
Big Muddy Monster, 138, 144-48
Big Tree Trail, California, 14
Bili Ape of the Congo, 166
Bindernagel, John, 183, 199, 232
Bishop Creek Times, 40
Bismark, Steve, 176
Bitterroot Mountains, 180-81
Bittner, David, 154, 199
Blair Witch Project, The, 211
Blattqesicht, 57
Block and Company, 72, 75
Bloomington, Illinois, 140
Blue Mountains, Washington, 240
Bluff Creek, California tracks, 5, 66-80
chronology of events, 68-70
Crew and, 66-67
following the money, 74-80
labeling of Bigfoot, 66
1958 and, 64-65
Ray Wallace and, 71-80
Sanderson investigation, 70-75, 76
source of story, 68
speculation on, 78-80
Boas, Franz, 18, 44, 45
Boesch, Christopher, 166
Boggy Creek, Arkansas, 159, 206-10
Boggy Creek 2: The Legend Continues, 209
Boisfort Peak, Washington, 18
Bone Clones, 129, 252
bonobos, 183, 241-42
booger, 150, 161
Boone County, Indians, 158
Bord, Colin, 67
Bord, Janet, 67
Border Patrol, U.S., 124
Bossburg, Washington tracks, 121-30
circumstances of, 121-26
legacy of, 128-30
Marx and, 127-28
Metlow-Streeter affairs and, 126-27
Boston Gazette, 35
Bowers, Mrs. Wallace, 173-74
Boydson, Linda, 11
Bozo, see Minnesota Iceman
Brave and Other Stories (Matthes), 80
Breazle, Bob, 70
British Columbia, 41-42
British Columbia Expedition, 224
British Columbian, 42
Brooks, Tim, 214
Brown, F. W., 18
Brown, Gordon, 134-35
Browning, Larry, 195
Brunet, Michel, 243
Brunet, Robin, 223-24
Buchanan, Charles, 160
Buckley, Archie, 4, 217, 226
buffalo, 7-8
Bulletin of the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium, 113, 117-18
Bullock, Tim, 138
Burbank Bigfoot, 100
Bureau of American Ethnology, 34
Burns, John W., 32, 33, 189, 202
Byrne, Bryan, 223, 224
Byrne, Peter, 3, 72, 127, 192, 214, 215
described, 223-25
Cairo, Illinois, 141
Calcutta Statesman, 42
California Giant, 54-62
Calumet, Oklahoma, 158
Camacho, Art, 213
Cameron, Constance, 231
Campbell, Nick E., 181
cannibalism, 28-31, 180
Capture of Bigfoot, The, 209
Cardoza, Anthony, 205
carnivals, 115-16
Caro, Michigan, 197
Carradine, John, 205-06
Carrier First Nation, 33
Castle, August, 41
Center for Bigfoot Studies, 231
Centralia-Chehalis Reporter, 173
Chadwick, Alex, 166
Chambers, John, 97-101, 206
Champlain, Samuel de, 35
Channel 5, Seattle, 22
Chapman family, 59-63, 168-69
Chehalis Indian Reserve, 32
Chenoo (Tcenu), 28, 29, 30
Cherokee Indians, 31, 36
Chickly Cudly, 35-36
Chilcutt, Jimmy, 238-39
chimpanzees, 165-66, 198, 241-42
Chinook First Nation, 17-19
jargon of, 18, 19
Chittyville, Illinois, 138
Clackamus Valley, Oregon, 197-98
Clanton, Alabama, 161
Clanton Union-Banner, 161
Clark, Jerome, 4, 76, 145, 170, 171-72
Clark, Jim, 142
Clark, Ramona, 157
Clay, Tim, 209
Clayton, Gail and Patsy, 135
Clearwater River, Idaho, 196
Clipper, Washington, 195
Cobalt, Ontario, 38, 45
Coffman, George, 158
Cole, Bill, 193-94
Coleman, Bill, 136
Coleman, Jerry, 136
Coleman, Sister Bernard, 31
Collins, Andrew, 171
Collins, Steve, 137
Colorado Bowhunters Association, 234
Concrete, Washington, 15
Cooper, John, 29, 30
Crabtree, Smokey, 207, 208
Creath, Randy, 145
Creature: Personal Experiences with Bigfoot, The (Klement), 187-89
Creature from Black Lake, 209
Creatures of the Outer Edge (Clark and Coleman), 172
Cree Indians, 28, 29, 30
Crested Butte, Colorado, 15
Crew, Gerald “Jerry,” 66-80, 122, 219
Cripple Foot, see Bossburg, Washington tracks
Crook, Cliff, 13, 22, 105, 106-07, 109, 212, 231
Cross, Robbie, 175
Crowe, Ray, 106, 232
Crowe, Richard, 131-32, 143
Cryptozoology, 226, 238
Cullen, Terry, 111-12
Curtis, Lawrence, 162
Dahinden, René, 4, 41, 70, 108-09, 110, 191, 196, 212, 215
Bossburg tracks and, 122-29
described, 219-20
Slick and, 222-25
Daily British Colonist, 41, 42,
Wilderness Hunter, The
Dale, James, 141
Darnell, Regna, 45
Darrington, Washington, 13
Dascanio, Dan, 173
Davidson, D. S., 30
Davis, Dickie, 126
Davis, Don, 69-70
Davis, Norm, 122
Dear, William, 212
Decatur, Illinois, 136-37, 160-61
Decatur Review, 137
Denver Post, 12, 15, 234
Derr, John S., 171
Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles, A, 28
Discovery Channel, 23-24
Ditmars, Raymond, 2
Djenu, 28
DNA, 184, 240, 241, 243
Do Abominable Snowmen of America Really Exist? (Patterson), 68, 81-82, 96, 193, 204
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 166-67
Dominguez, Robert, 209
Dreeson, Howard, 158, 162
dryopithecine, 166-67
Du Chaillu, 38
Duncan, Bill, 147
Eagle River, Colorado, 12
Earle, Bob, 137
East Davenport, Iowa, 37
eBay, 129, 202
Edwards, O. R., 193
Edwardsville, Illinois, 143-44
Elijah Mae’s Booger, 161
Ellisburgh, New York, 36
El Reno, Oklahoma, 162
Emert, Randy, 140
Enfield, Illinois, 141-43, 172
Ennis, Don, 138-39
Eriksson, Leif, 35
Ernst, William “Ted,” 230
Eskimos, 29
Esquire, 179
Essman, Scott, 99
Eubanks, Corey Michael, 213
Eureka, California, 84
European Green Man, 57-58
Evans, Glen, 251-52
Evening Magazine, 214
Exeter Watchman, 36
Exploration and Adventures in Equatorial Africa … (Du Chaillu), 38
eyeshine, 155
Fahrenback, W. Henner, 240, 241
Faircloth, Larry, 138-39
Fardell, Roy, 124, 125
Farish, Lou, 4
Farmer City Monster, 138-40, 172
Fate, 76, 177-78
Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 171
FBI, 114, 115, 240
Feuillou, Le, 57
First Nations of North America, see Native Americans
Fish, LeRoy, 20, 21, 24, 169
Fisher, David, 24
Fisher, Rick, 163
Flannery, Regina, 31
Flenniken, Craig, 147
Flying Eagle, Chief, 33
Flynn, Sean, 179
Fontan, M., 167
Foster, Ben E., Jr., 217
Foster, Richard, 217
Fouke Monsters, 158, 159, 206-10
“Four Horsemen of Sasquatchery,” 215, 219-26
Fox Television Network, 101-05
Franzoni, Henry, 18-20, 232-33
Freeman, Joel, 18
Freeman, Paul, 231, 232, 240
Freitas, John, 14
frozen man, see Minnesota Iceman fruit crate labels, 53-63
Fuerst, Paul, 240
Fugate, Caril Ann, 177
functionalism, 44
Gable, Clark, 18
Gallipolis, Ohio, 38-39
Garrett, Greg, 142
Gates, Denny, 163
Gates, Steve, 163
Gatto, George, 222
Gebhart, Russ, 196
Genzoli, Andrew, 66, 69-70, 73, 79, 80, 204
George, Mike, 210
Gifford, E. W., 32-33
Gifford Pinchot National Forest, 17
gigantopithecines, 167
Gilbert, Iowa, 37
Gimlin, Robert “Bob,” 79, 82-83, 106
film of Bigfoot, see Patterson-Gimlin film of Bigfoot Gladwin County, Michigan, 181
Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume II: High Strangeness (Howe), 176
Goddard, Anna-Marie, 198-200
Goddard, Colin, 198
Goodman, Dr. Morris, 243
Goodwater, Oklahoma, 45
Gorden, Sharon, 217
Gordon, Stan, 13, 171, 176
gorillas, 38, 102, 165-66, 201-02, 204, 242
in America, 38-42, 157-67
Gougou, 35
Grand Lake Victoria Band, 30
Granite Falls, Washington, 15-16
Granite Logging Company, 75
Granton, Wisconsin, 11-12, 131, 181
Grants Pass, Oregon, 12, 13-14
Graves, Peter, 210
Great Lakes, 119
Green, John, 3, 4, 23, 37, 51, 53, 55, 59, 66, 70, 79, 196, 197, 212, 215, 219, 227, 239, 244
Bossburg tracks and, 122, 126, 127, 128
described, 220-21
on Fox special, 104
Jacko and, 41-42
Ostman and, 190, 191-92
Patterson-Gimlin film and, 82, 83, 95, 96, 110
Slick and, 222-25
Green, Nedra, 147
Green Giant, 56-58
Greenwell, Richard, 199, 231
Grenier, Dave, 186
Groves, Colin, 243
Guentte, Robert, 210
Gugwes, 28
Guinard, Reverend Joseph, 30
Guttilla, Peter, 103, 171
Haas, George, 4, 181, 226-27, 244
Haifley, Anita, 173
Hailo’ Laux, 33
Hairy Booger, 161
Hale, Gregg, 211
Half-Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman (Honda), 2, 203, 205
Halford, Forrest, 210
Halkomelem Indians, 32
Hall, Mark A., 4, 26, 36-39, 51, 115, 117, 118, 160, 163, 231, 237
Halpin, Marjorie, 105, 231
Hamburg, Arkansas, 158
Hand, E. C., 161
Handbook of the Indians of California (Kroeber), 34
Hannibal, Missouri, 159
Hansen, Frank, 112, 114-17, 119
Hardwick, Bob, 138-39
Harrison, Doris, 130, 131
Harrison, Edgar, 131-32, 141
Harrison, Terry, 130
Harrison, Wally, 130
Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, 33
Harrison Mills, British Columbia, 195
Harry and the Hendersons, 101, 109, 134, 135, 211-13
Haxan Pictures, 211
Hayes, Rick, 209
Hayslip, Robert, 139
Heicher, Bill, 12
Heinselman, Craig, 70
Henderson, Bill, 228
Henick, Jim, 20
Herald (Everett, Washington), 15, 16
Hernando County, Florida, 162
Herrington, Verlin, 196
Herriott, Scott, 14
Hestand, Jerry, 209
Heuvelmans, Bernard, 3, 112-19, 194, 231
“high strangeness,” 168-82
bad luck, 168-70
as defining the times, 170
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