murderers, 177-80
UFOs and Bigfoot, 170-77
Yosemite “people,” 180-82
High Strangeness: UFOs from 1960 through 1979 (Clark), 170
Hilton, Mike, 163
Himalayan Mountains, 42-44
Historical Particularism, 44, 45
History Mysteries, 215
hoaxes and possible hoaxes, major, 157
Bluff Creek tracks, 68-80
Bossburg tracks, 121-30
Minnesota Iceman, 111-20
Patterson-Gimlin film, 81-110
“Redwoods Video,” 198-200
Hoh Indian Reservation, 13
Holland, Harold, 158-59
Bigfoot films, 203-15
special-effects industry, 97-101, 106-07, 114, 115
Hominology II (Heinselman), 70
Homme de Neanderthal est toujours vivant, L’ (Porchnev), 116
Homo erectus, 118-19
Homo pongoides, 114, 117, 118
Honda, Ishiro, 2
Honey Island Swamp Monster, 211
Honigmann, John, 32
Hoopa (Huppa) Indians, 32, 66, 68, 80
Hoover, J. Edgar, 115
Hopkins, Jim, 122, 123
Hoquiam, Washington, 196
Houck, Joy N., Jr., 209
Houston Chronicle, 238, 239
Howard, Pat, 131
Howard-Bury, Sir C. K., 42-43
Howe, Linda Moulton, 176
H. S. Crocker Co., 55
Hudson’s Bay Company, 18
Hughes, James, 11-12
Humboldt Times, 66, 69, 70, 73, 77, 79, 204
Hume, Mark, 21
Humphrey, Mrs. C. W., 133-34
Hunter, Don, 41, 123, 126, 128, 191, 192
Huron Indians, 29
Hurst, Bill, 134
iceman, see Minnesota Iceman
I Fought the Ape-man of Mt. St. Helens (Beck and Beck), 46-52
I Know My First Name Is Steven, 178
Indiana, 36
Indian Meadow, Connecticut, 37-38
Indians, see Native Americans
Indian Sasquatch Days, 33
In Search Of (ISO) series, 210-11
International Bigfoot Society, 232
International Society of Cryptozoology, 231
Internet, 169, 185-86, 200, 232-33
Internet Virtual Bigfoot Conference (IVBC), 233
Iron Mountains, Washington, 15
Iroquois Indians, 29, 30, 31
Jacko, 41-42
Jackson, Charles, 196
Jacobs, Reverend Royal, 182
Jacobsen, Thomas P. “Pat,” 54-55
James, Bob, 179-80
Jeanette, Pennsylvania, 13
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, California, 198-200
Jefferson, Texas, 181-82
Jenness, Diamond, 33
Jensen, Dennis, 125, 126
Johnson, F. Kirk, Jr., 222
Johnson, James Earl, 161
Johnson, Judy, 144
Johnson, Lance, 180
Johnson, Matthew, 13-14
Johnson, Paul, 189
Jolly Green Giant, 56-58
Jones, Charles, 158
Journal of American Folklore, 28, 32-33
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45
Ju Jin Yuki Otoko, 203
Jurassic Park, 213
Kammerer, Ann, 140-41
Kananasis Lake, Alberta, 17
Kane, Paul, 20
Karok Indians, 34
Kaska Indians, 32
ke-cheah (Chick Lay), 36
Keel, John A., 4, 171
Keesey, Mrs. Paul, 73
Kerr, Ray, 70
kidnappings, 189-94
Kinloch, Missouri, 158
Kitsap Peninsula, Washington, 13
Kiwakwe, 29
Klamath, California, 69
Klem, Betty Jean, 172-73
“Klement, Jan,” 187-89
Knobby, 158
Koakwe, 28
Kokotshe, 29
Kong, 187-89
Korbel, California, 68-69, 72-73
Korff, Kal, 102
Krantz, Grover, 13, 23, 24, 28, 32, 41, 167, 169, 183, 184, 200, 212, 215, 219, 231, 238, 244
Bossburg tracks and, 126-29
described, 225-26
on lack of dead Bigfoot, 236
Patterson-Gimlin film and, 96, 110
Krein, Michael, 233
Kroeber, Alfred, 34, 45
kud-leah (Cooed Lay), 36
La Barge, Tim, 14
Lafever, Gabe, 47
Lagrange, Indiana, 37
Lake Huron, 29, 36
Lake of the Woods, Canada, 35
Lake Saint Claire, Michigan, 36-37
Lake Worth Monster, 158, 160
Lamb, Beecher, 138-39
Lambert, R. S., 30-31
L. A. Miller Label Co., 55
Landis, Joe, 206
Landis, John, 98-101, 206
Landsburg, Alan, 211
La Pe, John, 222
Larwick, Leroy, 179-80
Larwick, Michael, 179-80
Laughery, Bill, 240
Lauk, Dr., 228
Lawrence, Frank, Jr., 195
Lee, Erin, 20
Legend of Bigfoot, 210
Legend of Boggy Creek, The, 159, 206-10
Lemley, Jeff, 20, 21
Leno, Jay, 200
Lewis River Canal, Washington, 195
Lifetime cable network, 214
Lillooet Indians, 33
Lindsey, Dan, 140
Lindsey, Meryl, 144, 145
Little Bigfoot, 213
Little Bigfoot II: The Journey Home, 213
Little Egypt, 3
Little Red Men of the World, 3, 4
Living Fossils (Hall), 36-37, 117
Lochart, T. J., 161
Lockridge, Iowa, 163
London Daily Mail, 202-03
London Sunday Telegraph, 99
London Times, 35
Longview, Texas, 181-82
Loofs-Wissowa, Helmut, 118
Lorenzen, Carol, 171
Louisiana, Missouri, 130-33, 135, 181
Lulu Island, British Columbia, 189
Lynn, Francis, 161
MacArthur, Lewis A., 19
McClarin, Jim, 4, 76, 77, 78, 96, 227-29
McClelland, Gordon, 54
McCormick, Jim, 107
McCracken, Mike, 99
McDaniel, Henry, 141-43
Mackal, Roy, 231
McKelvie, Brian, 41
McNabb, Scott, 35-36
Mad River, California, 68-69, 72-73, 75
Magraner, Jordi, 118
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 44
Man and the Vertebrates (Romer), 167
Man Beast, 203
Mangiacopra, Gary S., 37, 39
“manimals,” 158
Manimals Newsletter, 76, 227
Man in Northeastern North America (Flannery), 31
Manlike Monsters on Trial (Halpin and Ames), 105
Manwaring, Ronald, 146
Maple Springs, California, 196
Maren, Jerry, 206
Marked Hominids, 27, 237
Markotic, Vladmir, 231
Marsh, Earle, 214
Martin, Joe, 10
Marx, Ivan, 70, 210, 222
Bossburg tracks and, 122-30
Maryland Bigfoot Reference Guide (Opsasnick), 208
Matthes, Steve M., 80
Mayne, Steven, 171
Mead, Margaret, 44, 45
Meldrum, Jeff, 23-24, 96, 110, 128, 199, 219, 238-39
described, 231-32
Memegwicio, 31
Memphis Enquirer, 36
Mendocino wilderness, California, 216
Metlow, Joe, 126-27
metoh-kangmi, 43
Meyer, Dave, 104
Mica Mountain, British Columbia, 195
Michaelsen, Rich, 16
Micmac Indians, 28, 29, 30
; Micmac Indians of Eastern Canada, The (Wallis and Wallis), 28
Miller, Craig, 198, 200
Mills, Joan, 130
Minnesota Archaeologist, The, 163, 231
Minnesota Iceman, 111-20
as a Bigfoot, 119-20
described, 113-14
disappearance of, 114-15
mystery continues, 115-16
nature of, 117-19
shown around mid-America, 111-16
smell of rotting flesh, 112, 116-17
Minnesota Valley Canning Company, 56-57
Minor, Ellis, 132
Misabe, 30
Mitchum, Christopher, 205
Miwok Indians, 180
Mizokami, Kyle, 20, 169-70, 235
Modesto Cranksters, 179
Mogle, Mike, 142-43
Momo (MO Monster), 130-35, 141, 181
Moneymaker, Matt, 17, 20, 21, 233
Monkey Cave Hollow, Kentucky, 158-59
Monkey Kingdom (Sanderson), 156
Monroe, Michigan, 37, 135
Monster of Sister Lakes, 134-35
Monsters: Myth of Mystery, 230
Montagnais Indians, 29
Moore, Chester, Jr., 208
Moore, Tom, 209
Moravec, Marc, 172
Morgan, Robert W., 230-31
Moriarty, Leslie, 16
Mormons, 157, 210, 255
mountain gorillas, 26
Mt. Diablo, California, 40
Mount Pilchuck, Washington, 13
Mount Rainier, Washington, 18
Mt. Shasta, California, 195
Mt. St. Helens, Washington, 20, 46-52
Mowry, Daryl, 147
Muchalat Harry, 192
Mullens, Rant, 72, 76, 237
Multnomah Falls, Oregon, 11
murderers, 177-80
Murder in Yosemite (Savage), 180
Murphy, Chris, 105, 107, 108-09
Murphy, Lee, 209
Murphysboro, Illinois, 144-48
Murray, Stephen O., 45
Muskegoe Indians, 28
Mustang, 43
Myakka Ape, 150-57
Mysterious Monsters, The, 210
Mythology of All Races (Hartley), 29
Naked Ape, The, 243
Napier, John, 41, 67, 114, 166, 183, 242-43
Bossburg tracks and, 121, 125, 128-30
Napier, Prue, 242-43
Nash, Jimmie, 144, 146-47
Naskapi Indians, 30
National Parks Service, 72, 75
National Post, 21
National Public Radio, 166
Native Americans, 26-34, 189
Bigfoot sightings as bad luck, 168-70
Eastern traditions, 27-31
little Windigo, 27-31
tribes, see specific tribes
Western traditions, 31-34
Yosemite “people” and, 180
Nature, 243
Neandertals, 58, 116-19
Needham, Randy, 144
Nellis, Jerry, 146
Nepal, 43-44
Newcomerstown, Ohio conference on Bigfoot, 184-86
Newman, Henry, 42
New Scientist, 22, 23
New Westminster Mainland Guardian, 42
Nimoy, Leonard, 211, 1958, 64-65
1960s, The (Rielly), 170
Nisqually Indians, 32
Noll, Richard, 17, 20-23
Nootka, Indians, 192
North American Apes (Napes), 157-58, 237-38 see also Skunk Ape
North American Science Institute (NASI), 110
North America’s Great Ape: The Sasquatch (Bindernagel), 232
Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, 226
Northwest Arkansas Times, 133
Northwest Research Association, 81
oak apes, 167
Observer, 243
Oh-Mah, 31, 32, 80
Ojibwa Indians, 28, 31
Old Sheff, 39
Old Yellow Top, 38
Olson, Dean, 103
Olson, Ron, 103, 104
Olympic National Park, Washington, 13
Olympic Peninsula, Washington, 10, 19
O’Neill, Patrick, 19
On the Track of Bigfoot (Place), 51, 68
On the Track of the Sasquatch (Green), 191-92
On the Track of Unknown Animals (Heuvelmans), 112
Opsasnick, Mark, 208
orangutans, 26, 150-56
Orchard, Vance, 231
Oregan Caves National Monument, 13
Oregon Place Names (MacArthur), 19
Oroville, California, 196
Orsburn, Don, 228
Orting, Washington, 12
Osage City Journal Free Press, 39
Osage River, 39
Ostman, Albert, 45-46, 190-92, 220, 229
O’Sullivan, Jay, 155
Otto, Vicki, 140
Outside, 233
Ozark Mountains, 36
Pacific Northwest Expedition, 70, 222-23
Page, Tom, 125-26, 127, 224
Pangboche Yeti hand, 223
Parsons, Elsie Clews, 28
Passamaquoddy tribe, 30
Patterson, Patricia, 108
Patterson, Roger, 55, 68, 72, 79, 106, 125, 126, 127, 169, 194, 204
Patterson-Gimlin film of Bigfoot, 81-110, 169, 185, 220, 225-26, 227
analysis, doubts, and affirmations, 96-97
breasts and, 185, 194-95
Chambers affair, 97-101
circumstances of, 81-83
computer enhancement of, 105-07, 110
“fastener theory,” 105-09
Hollywood movies and, 205, 210, 211, 213, 215
interview concerning, 83-95
money and, 107-10
outfoxed by hype?, 101-05
today, 110
Pekin, Illinois, 141
Pelosso, Silvina, 178
Pennsylvania, 36, 37, 40, 176, 187-89
Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society, 163
Penobscot Indians, 29
Penrod, Clyde, 133
Peoria Journal-Star, 140
Perez, Daniel, 199, 208, 231
Peterson, John, 47
Pickford, Michael, 243
Pierce, Charles B., 207, 208, 209
Piltdown Man, 80
Pixel Workshop, Inc., 154
Place, Marian T., 51, 68, 221
Planet of the Apes films, 98, 99, 100, 206
“Playmate Video,” 198-200
Point Pleasant, West Virginia, 171
Polanski, Jennifer, 106
Porchnev, Boris F., 116
Port Angeles, Washington, 13
Portland Oregonian, 46
Poshard, Roy, Jr., 141
Powell, Mike, 10
Powell, Owen, 158
Powell, Thomas, 20
Presque Isle Peninsula Park, Pennsylvania, 172-73
Primitive Man (Cooper), 29, 30
Psychological Anthropology, 44-45
Public Works Department, California, 72, 75
Pursuit, 42, 221
Pye, Lloyd, 194
Pyle, Robert, 74
Radford, Benjamin, 17
Ragland, Pete, 133
Rainbow, Rick, 143
Randles, Derek, 20, 21
Rawlins, Monica, 209
Ray, Cheryl, 145, 146
Raynal, Michel, 116
Reade, Winwood, 38
reality TV, 214
Rebane, Bill, 209
Rebsamen, Bill, 208
“Redwoods Video,” 198-200, 232
Reinke, Clyde, 102-04
Return to Boggy Creek, 209
Reynolds, Vernon, 38, 166
Rhodes, Joseph, 121
Rich, Darrell, 174-75
Rich, Dean, 175
Rielly, Edward J., 170
Rines, Robert, 224
Ring, Henry, 162
Ripley, S. Dillon, 114-15
Rivera, Geraldo, 214
Robbins, Freddie, 132, 133
Robertson, Steve, 235
Robinson, Barbara, 134
Roche, Jean, 116, 119
Roe, William, 61, 195, 196, 220
Rogers, Dwayne, 54
Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 167
Romney, Jerry, 102, 103
Ron B., 163
Roosevelt, Theodore, 180-81
Rose, Joseph, 105, 106
Roth, John, 14
Round Valley, California, 40
Rowlands, Ted, 178-79
Ruby Creek, British Columbia, 59-63, 168-69
Ryan, Mary, 130
Saginaw News, 197
St. Gaudens, France, 167
St. Hilaire, Roger, 124, 125, 127
St. Joseph, Illinois, 147
Salish Indians, 32
Salon, 169, 235
Sampson, Gene, 10, 13
Sanderson, Ivan T., 4, 32, 58, 65, 194, 219
Bluff Creek investigation, 70-75, 76
Minnesota Iceman, 112-18
Ostman and, 190-91
Ruby Creek Incident and, 59-63, 168-69
writings of, 3, 41, 43, 68, 81, 156, 204, 213, 221, 225
Sanderson, Sabina W., 41
Sandy River, Oregon, 12
San Francisco Chronicle, 193
San Joaquin Republican, 40
Sappho, Washington, 10
Sarasota, Florida, 150-53
Sarmiento, Esteban, 23-24
Sasquatch, 3, 5, 63, 66
American, see Bigfoot
Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, 24
Sasquatch (word), 32
Sasquatch (Hunter and Dahinden), 123, 128, 191, 192, 220
Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us (Green), 104, 127, 128, 221
Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot, 209
Sasquatch Odyssey: The Hunt for Bigfoot, 215, 224, 225
Savage, Jim, 180
Scheuhamme, Tony, 156
Schlock, 101, 206
Schmidt Lithograph Company, 55
Schneck, Robert Damon, 177-78
Schwarz, Berthold Eric, 171, 173
Scientific American, 36
Scientist Looks at the Sasquatch (Suttles and Krantz), 32
Scott, Bob, 144
Scott, Paul, 163
Search for Bigfoot, The, 230
Search for Bigfoot: Myth, or Man?, The (Byrne), 224
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 24
Seattle Times, 79
Seeahtiks (Siatcoes, Selahtiks), 51
Senut, Brigette, 243
sésqec, 32
Seton Lake Indians, 33
Shackley, Myra, 57, 58
Shangri-la, 19
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, California, 217-18, 227
Shaw, Wendy, 155
Shawnee Indians, 22
Sherpas, 43
Shoemaker, Henry W., 40
Short, Bobbie, 99-100, 233
Sightings, 214
Sikkim, 43
Silva, Dr. Jose Arturo, 179
Sinkoyne Indians, 32
Siskiyou Mountains, California, 193
Sister Lakes, Michigan, 37, 134-35
Six Rivers National Forest, 82
Skeptical Inquirer, 17, 23
Skookum, 17-19, 31
Skookum Creek, Washington, 20
Skookum Lake, Oregon, 18, 20
Skookum Meadows, Washington, 5, 16-24, 169, 232
analyses of cast, 22-24
imprint of the century, 20-22
powerful name, 17-20
Skookum Quash, 18
Skulls Unlimited International, 252-53
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