The Promise

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The Promise Page 21

by JM Dragon

  Claire shuffled in her chair, and the tips of her fingers touched Kris’s from across the table. “Look, if this marriage thing isn’t right for you at the moment, then I’ll wait until you are ready.”

  Kris stared at her and smiled. “I’m not letting you get away from that promise. Christmas Eve works for me. Do you think it might snow? How awesome would that be?”

  Kris chuckled and watched as Claire’s eyes sparkled and a half smile drew her lips taut.

  “Want to retire to the media room? We can watch more of that Pride and Prejudice saga?”

  Claire groaned. “You certainly know how to seduce a woman.” She grinned. “What about all these dishes?”

  Kris frowned. “I’ll load up the dishwasher and clean the debris away. Do you want to help?”

  “Now that’s more romantic.” Kris pursed her lips as Claire moved around the table to stand beside her chair.

  “Absolutely something we do together.” She dropped her head, and Kris was lost in the slow exploration of Claire’s lips on hers.

  When they came up for air, Kris gasped.

  “I have a better idea.” She stood and took Claire’s hand.

  “Where are we going?”

  Kris raised Claire’s free hand to her lips. “You’ll see.”


  Claire lay on the coverlet of her bed, puzzled but ecstatically so. Kris had left for a moment to go to her room but would be back. A faint knock sounded on the door, and it opened. Kris walked in.

  She wasn’t in the clothes she’d dined in. She was dressed in a deep emerald robe, and her feet were in matching slippers.

  “Well, you look comfy. Can I join you?”

  Claire knew it wasn’t a question as Kris slowly moved forward and stood by the bed. Her fingers entangled in the belt of the robe. “Yes.”

  Claire was sure she sounded like a mouse. Was this going to be their first time? She’d dreamed of it but had thought with Kris being a virgin she’d have to wait a little more. That hadn’t been a problem for Claire.

  Kris gave her a shy smile. “I think I’m a little overdressed.” Her fingers untied the belt, and she allowed the robe to drop to the floor.

  Claire’s eyes widened. Kris was naked. Her mouth went dry as she took in the pale skin that was luminous from the light of the moon. Her eyes traveled down the thin neck to the strong shoulders and then the full breasts with the pink aureoles slowly growing as she stood there. Then her gaze moved downward to tuft of hair that covered Kris’s mound.

  She sucked in a deep breath at the wonder of this woman she loved deeply. The moisture between her legs began to flow. Being this turned-on without touching was a first. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Claire tenderly said.

  Kris let out a slow breath and smiled, her face transforming as she gently moved onto the bed next to Claire. “I…I wasn’t sure if you’d like-”

  Claire pulled Kris onto her chest and kissed her softly at first until the passion leapt up and she found Kris’s tongue. Her hand wanted to feel everything at once, and she silently cursed her weak arm.

  Kris spoke hoarsely. “I’d like to see you too, Claire. Please.”

  Claire didn’t need another invitation. “Will you help me?”

  Kris, her face flushed, nodded.

  As Claire moved to an upright position, her face was within inches of Kris’s left breast. She placed her lips on the underside and slowly kissed her way up to the pert nipple, then grasped it in her teeth gently and sucked hard. She was relishing the moans of pleasure Kris exchanged at the contact with her body pressing into her face. With her hand, she trailed fingers over the other breast and tugged at the neglected nipple.

  “Oh God, Claire, this feels wonderful.”

  Unable to speak, as her mouth was full, Claire eventually released the nipple and moved upward to travel along the sleek neck, and then recaptured parted lips.

  Her hand moved down to the triangle of hair, and she laced her fingers through the curls, her heart racing as she encountered a moist center. Her target was Kris’s clit. Once she touched the sensitive point, Kris virtually jumped out of her arms.

  “Are you okay?”

  Kris looked at Claire, her eyes wild and animated. “Don’t stop,” she finally breathed out.

  Claire grinned, then kissed her again as her hand continued its exploration. She was about to place her fingers inside when she pulled away from Kris and smiled at her gently.

  “Do you want to do this, Kris? It might hurt and I really don’t want—”

  Kris decisively took Claire’s hand and replaced it in the position it had been in. “I love you.”

  Claire didn’t need anything more as she rhythmically moved inside Kris. Her virgin lover began to writhe as Kris moaned and throaty, indecipherable words erupted.

  As Kris came to a climax, Claire gently released her, kissing her slowly until she tasted salt tears. Her eyes flew open and she stared at Kris.

  “I’m sorry, Kris, did I hurt you?”

  Kris shook her head as she rested it against Claire’s shoulder.

  “I’ve never experienced such a wonderful thing in my life before. Thank you, Claire.”

  Claire’s heart swelled. She slowly shook her head.

  “I should be thanking you, my love. That was tremendous.”

  If she died now, having given pleasure to the woman she loved would be enough for her. Now I really do know what love is.

  Kris slowly moved up to Claire and came face-to-face with her.

  “You do know that you are overdressed still. We didn’t quite manage to strip you of your clothes.” Kris chuckled as she slipped her arms between them and began to unbutton Claire’s blue linen blouse. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Claire let out a squeal of pleasure, hands deftly removed her blouse, and with a dexterity she never thought any woman possessed, removed her lacy bra, and soft lips descended on her small breasts.

  I have died and gone to heaven.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Threading her fingers through her hair, Claire couldn’t prevent the smile that widened her lips and pulled the scars on her face tighter. Kris hadn’t wanted to stay the night for propriety’s sake, of course. She’d laughed at the old-fashioned attitude but at the same time was proud too. It had been around three when Kris reluctantly left. Now Claire was chomping at the bit to see her again, drawing in the sweet smell of lovemaking as the delicate floral scent Kris always smelled of permeated the room. It was six in the morning, and though there was a good chance Shirley would be up, Kris probably wasn’t but she just might be.

  At least my mother won’t be. Thank God for that. I’m done with her supercilious preaching. The disparaging words in her head rolled around as she headed out of her bedroom and tripped lightly down the stairs.

  The hall was so silent you could hear a pin drop as she headed for the kitchen entrance.

  “I was hoping you would get up early.”

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she turned at the voice.


  Anna stepped out of the study doorway. “You sound surprised.”

  “Well, yeah. When have you ever been up at the crack of dawn, unless there was a sale to be had?”

  Her mother approached Claire, and she placed her hand in her pocket and clenched it into a fist.

  “I always loved the sunrises here. They are still as beautiful as I remember. Do you mind if we have a few words?”

  Claire moved her head to one side, considering what her mother wanted other than to break her and Kris apart.

  “If it’s about Kris, forget it.”

  Anna frowned and shook her head. “No, it’s about you and I.”

  Claire was surprised. “Okay, but I’m helping out at breakfast this morning, so I can’t stay long.”

  “I understand.” Anna stepped back into the study, and Claire followed.

  Once inside, her mother sat in the leather, high-backed c
hair that dominated the room.

  As always, wanting to be in charge. This was a bad idea. “Out with it, Mother. Time is precious.”

  They traded stares for a few seconds and Anna cleared her throat. “Leaving your father wasn’t easy for me, Claire. In fact, I’m not sure I will be strong enough to go through with it alone.”

  Claire frowned and leaned against the nearest bookcase. What is this bullshit? “Mother, you are one of the strongest women, barring Grams, that I know. You are better off without him. Before you say it, I know he’s my father. Like they say, you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends. I think the divorce is a good thing, and you have Grams.”

  Her mother sighed heavily. Anna actually looked worried. The lines on her forehead were pronounced, and she placed a hand to her temple as if she were suffering from a headache.

  “Mother has been supportive throughout my life with your father. That, of course, does not mean she approved. To be frank, she has never liked Carl or accepted him as a husband. I need your support too, darling.”

  Claire straightened. “Exactly what kind of support?”

  Her mother looked down at her manicured nails and then shot her a direct glance. “You and I can take over the business. It’s the ideal solution. Carl won’t want the financial mess. It’s heavily in debt, mainly to Mother, and he’ll take other equity to be out of our lives. He has a mistress. He’s never been without one since the day we married…probably even when we were engaged. The Jackson-Tremont girls can take the city realty business by storm.”

  The impassioned words were the most energetic Claire had ever heard from her mother, other than when she was talking to a possible customer. I’m not a customer. “What does Grams say about this?”

  “Why would my mother have an opinion?”

  The words were typical of her mother. Selfish to the core. “It sounds like Grams owns the business with the debt. Sorry, Mother, but the realty business isn’t what I want to do with my life. At least not the business you and Father have.”

  Anna stood and glared at Claire. “Do you know how selfish you sound? What do you know of the sacrifices I made once I knew you were on the way? I put up with Carl and his infidelity because I didn’t want you to grow up without a father figure.”

  “Yeah, and what a father figure he was. I can’t stand the man.”

  “Claire! When I approached him for a divorce when you were ten, he threatened violence, not on me but you. I had nothing but his word against mine to go to the authorities. When you came out, he wanted to disown you. It was at the time the business was floundering. After all I’d put up with, I wasn’t going to lose everything and have my daughter ostracized in public. I had Mother reinvest in the business to stop it going under and Carl became compliant.”

  Claire knew her mouth looked like a guppy’s. “Did Grams know all this?”

  “No.” Her mother held her head upright. “Do you tell your parents everything?”

  Claire bit her lip and shook her head.

  “I told Mother when I left Carl. To be honest, I was ashamed of what I’d become. I still am, but you can help me, Claire. I’d like to try again in the mother-and-daughter department if you will allow me. I know I can do better. I used to be a better person, honestly.”

  The words seemed to bounce like a rubber ball on a pathway.

  “I need to speak with Grams, Mother. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  Claire turned to head out of the door, her mind swimming with information she wasn’t sure was true.

  “After you have breakfast, I’d like to view the cottage and see your handiwork if that’s okay?”

  “You’re not joining us?”

  “I have a terrible headache. Perhaps I’ll have coffee and a roll.”

  “Okay, and sure, I’d like to show you that I can be of benefit to society, contrary to other people’s ideas.”

  Claire left the room and closed the door behind her, and when it shut, she leaned against it and took a deep breath. Surely she didn’t stay with that slime ball for me. It can’t be true. No one does that these days. That must explain why she changed overnight back then.


  Claire looked at her watch. It was a quarter after six. Hell, it doesn’t take long to drop a bombshell. I wonder if Grams is awake.

  She galloped up the stairs and stopped outside Grams’s bedroom. Down the hall at the end was Kris’s room. She moved away from Grams’s door, walked to the far door, and tentatively knocked.

  There wasn’t an answer.


  She tried again and put her ear to the door to see if she could make out any noise inside.

  She placed her forehead on the door and sighed.

  Then she jumped guiltily as a voice from down the corridor spoke.

  “Claire? I didn’t think you’d be up yet.”

  Claire sheepishly looked at her grandmother, who was peering out of her door.

  “How can anyone sleep late in this house? There is always someone moving around. I decided that as everyone else seemed to have risen, I’d at least catch up on my emails before breakfast. I believe Kris left her room about ten minutes ago. Even your mother is up and around, not that I’m surprised.”

  Claire walked to Grams and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Grams, we need to talk. It’s about Mother.”

  Grams rolled her eyes and Claire shrugged.

  “Come inside. It’s been a long time since you sat on my bed and we’ve had a girly talk.”

  Claire grinned and sank onto the end of the bed as her Grams settled under the coverlet.

  “Okay, spill it, although I suspect I know. It’s about Kris, I suppose?”

  Claire frowned. “Not directly.”

  “Really? Well, go for it.”

  Claire related her mother’s conversation, and when she finished she stared at Grams, who looked surprised.

  “Is it true?”

  Grams took a deep breath and motioned for Claire to come closer. When she did, Grams placed an arm around her, hugging her tight.

  “Yes, probably. Carl was never…shall we say, good enough for Anna. Ah, before you call me a snob, he wasn’t good enough for anyone’s daughter. He showed his true colors the day he married Anna and announced to his friends that he’d bedded Anna’s best friend Diana the night before. They all thought it funny. Unfortunately for him, your grandfather heard the conversation and told me. We didn’t know what to do. Anna looked so happy. I confronted Diana and she denied it. She did finally admit it to me six months into the marriage. By then, of course, you were on the way. I chose to ignore it. Graham never forgave Carl. If they were invited to the house, he was always away.”

  Claire couldn’t believe her Grams would ignore such a thing. Shimmering tears brimmed in her grandmother’s eyes. That hurt. “Mother said he threatened her, or rather me when I was ten and she asked for a divorce. Did she ever tell you?”

  “Not then, my darling. If she had, you both would have been taken away from him, even if Carl caused a scene.” Grams’s face became thoughtful. “Your mother never confided in me after she met Carl. I missed that. But she was young and in love. You can’t keep your children tied to your apron strings. They have to find their own way in life.”

  Claire closed her eyes and sighed.

  “Grams I…will she change if I go back to live and work with her?”

  Grams kissed the top of her head. “She used to be so sweet-natured as a child and very loving. I think your father killed that over the years and she became a shell of a woman. As to if you can bring her back? I really cannot say. If she thinks so, perhaps there is a chance.”

  Claire felt her world begin to rotate at a speed that wouldn’t allow her to make sense of what she should do. “The house is worth at least three million and that’s the only equity they have, so what the hell does that mean the business debt is?” Drained emotionally, she still needed to ask, because this was an important pra
ctical issue and practical was better right now than the emotional baggage.

  “Oh, darling, don’t worry about such a thing. The house won’t be going to your father. Besides, you own the freehold. I have the title as collateral for the debt in your name. When you had the accident it was my stipulation that I keep hold of the deed for you.”

  “So I can sink him, right?” Claire gave a half smile.

  “Well yes, I guess you can.”

  “Good to know. I know we didn’t get a chance to talk after dinner last night, but Grams, I want you to know Kris and I are in love. I love her so much it hurts to think of my life if she wasn’t in it anymore.”

  Grams chuckled and Claire frowned.

  “My darling, that was one of the reasons I wanted you here. I knew from the first moment I met Kris that she would be good for you, and I was right. In fact, it’s more than I could ever have expected. Besides, Shirley has been keeping me apprised of your progress.”

  Claire opened her mouth. “Grams, that’s like…like spying. How could you?”

  “When Shirley called me a week into you being here and said, ‘This was the time,’ I knew I was right too.”

  Claire rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Grams, you sound like Shirley. She says odd things like that. Exactly what does it mean? The time.”

  Grams moved away and held her at arm’s length. “It means the enchantment of the cottage has worked its magic. Now go and see if our breakfast is almost ready. I will meet you downstairs in half an hour.”

  Claire kissed her grams again and slipped off the bed.

  “I love you, Grams. Thank you.”

  Grams softly chuckled, blew her a kiss, and waved her away. “I love you too. Now away with you, scamp. You need to speak with Kris about this. Don’t leave her out of the loop.”

  Claire sagely nodded and left the room.

  Damn, but I don’t want her tarnished by my family problems.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


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