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Sasha's Demons

Page 12

by T. L Smith

  “Love is something only some are granted. Soul mates are something that is missing from one's soul, and you won’t even know it’s missing till they come along, and fuck, I’m glad you come along... You complete me,” he says holding my face between his hands and my ass on the counter of the wash basin.

  I get lost in his words and his eyes when he speaks and I can’t even form words to tell him that I agree. I knew there was a reason I let him in so early, some may say one year is enough time, some may say it's not, but who are they to argue with what the heart wants? I know for sure that it wants him, if not my heart completely, then I can’t argue that it’s not my soul, because there’s something that wants him and it’s so strong that when I try to function without him, I feel like I’m just scraping by.

  With Josh, I knew one day the pain would become less. I didn’t want it to, but I knew it would. He was my first love and for that he’ll never leave me. He will always be inside my heart, where it counts the most. No one can take ever that away from me.

  Brax turns around to pick up my pants and grab his T-shirt and when he does I notice my scratch marks running along his back. My hand flies to my mouth and I let out a gasp. He notices my stare and turns to the mirror to see why I am acting weird and when he does he smiles bright.

  “Thorn, I knew I picked that name for another reason. Now I know why,” he says smiling. I have no idea what he’s talking about and smack his chest for smiling about it.

  “I’ve hurt you,” I say, pointing at his back.

  He throws his head back and laughs. “That, Thorn, is you just claiming me, but that’s okay. I aint going nowhere,” he says, pulling my pants back up my legs with no underwear on.

  He stands up and pulls me down to him. He still hasn’t placed his shirt on and I am afraid to touch him in case I hurt him even more. When he does pull it over his head, I breathe a sigh a relief, one that I won’t have to see the pain I have inflicted and two, that the flight attendants can’t perve on him.

  Yep, jealousy is a bitch.


  I follow Sasha from the bathroom and watch as she tenses once we are out. My hand is still touching her as I can’t get enough. I give her a reassuring squeeze on her hip and she continues forward to our seats. The hostess comes over and brings our lunch and I thank her. I don’t miss the look she gives me full of lust and something more, because I don’t have time for anyone else or want or need any other woman in my life. She serves Sasha and I see the way Sasha looks at her like she is trying to evaluate her. Once she has left, we start to eat in silence. I watch her as she eats her banana and I am instantly hard again. Fuck, I feel like a horny teenager around her. My dick wants to be inside her more than it’s allowed.

  “Stop looking at me like that! I need to sleep,” she says, looking up at me while my mind is on other things and she knows exactly what those other things are. I shrug my shoulders as there’s no way of denying my intentions that she can obviously see is written all over my face.

  Our seats on the plane lay right back and into a bed and I know we have to sleep before we land, as the plane ride is fourteen hours. As soon as she is finished laying her seat back, I reach for her and pull her to me and place her on my chest, then I drape a blanket over us.

  “Can you stop poking me?” she asks, trying to get comfortable.

  “He wants what he wants, nothing I can do about it,” I tell her into her light blonde hair, which seems to be getting lighter every time I see her. She giggles and positions herself and soon we both doze off into a dreamless sleep.

  We both wake at the same time with a shake to our bodies. I open my eyes and look at Sasha, ignoring the flight attendant who is trying to wake us both. She tells me it’s nearly time to land and that Sasha will have to get back in her own seat. I hate waking her, but I know I have to. I lift her up and she wakes straight away as I place her back in her seat and buckle her up. She places a kiss on my lips, then lays her head back into the corner of the seat and dozes back off to sleep.

  The airport is just as crazy. Sasha has stayed tucked to my side and I'm quietly enjoying the fact that she’s clinging to me.

  * * *

  We arrive at our recording studio in LA, and I am the last to arrive. As soon as we come in the boys are warming up. They notice Sasha is with me and give us a brief smile before going back to playing. I don’t want Sasha to hear what I have written just yet, so once we start, we start with a cover play. I can see her eyes on me as the boys play, and I hope she feels the lyrics as much as I am singing and feeling them. I continue to belt out ‘You and Me’ by Life House. I try to tell her how I feel, because I don’t think words alone are enough, so that’s why I sing them to her. The lyrics match her, and it’s only her and me in my eyes.

  We finish up with a few of our own songs and I haven’t taken my eyes off of her the whole time. Her long blonde hair with a slight curl going through it and her soft smile that she makes when our eyes connect fills me. I need to take her to the hotel now. I need my fill of her, and I don’t think I will ever have enough. I can’t understand why she holds me so captive. It’s not like I don’t have my choice of women, but there’s something in her that stops my breath; it makes my heart rate pick up and it makes me want to do things that make her proud and I want her knowing that she’s heaven on earth for me.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Spike comes over to me as we are packing up and getting ready to leave. I look back out to see Sasha standing there smiling and standing up while she talks to the record producer with a smile on her face. I don’t have to think twice about my answer, I know it, like I know myself and that in itself scares me.

  “I’ve known, since the first time I laid eyes on her,” I tell him as he turns and looks at her. He shakes his head at me and taps me on the shoulder.

  “She is a beauty, but remember she is broken. So don’t expect the sun when you might get the rain.”

  “I would take the rain any day,” I tell him honestly and walk over to her.

  She doesn’t see me come out because her back is to the door. She’s laughing at something Brett, our record producer, has said to her. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her small waist and dip my head into her neck and breathe her in. She sinks into me and I’m instantly hard. Her ass is pressed up against me. She feels my hard-on and wiggles back a little bit.

  We say our goodbyes and I practically drag her out the door with me to the car. Once we are back at our hotel, I drag her to the elevator. All the boys have a hotel room here as well, and sometimes we share, but this time I’ve requested a room for us to be covered in roses.

  “I need to sleep for like the entire day,” she tells me as we are in the elevator heading up to our room.

  “I have other plans,” I reply with a smirk. She stares at me with raised eyebrows. “What?” I question, but she knows my intentions.

  “Don’t, what me, Mister. You had your fix on the plane. Now this woman needs some sleep. A fricking lot of it.”

  I choose to ignore her and slide my hands down her front starting at her neck. She’s trying her hardest to keep a straight face, but I can feel her free will bending to my desire.

  “I know what you are doing,” she says slightly flustered and with a high pitch to her voice.

  “And what’s that, Thorn?” I ask reaching her nipples and squeezing them through her T-shirt. She takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes.

  “Stop it with your sexy eyes and a body that was gifted from the Gods. If you want me to come tomorrow to see you play, you will let me sleep,” she huffs as the doors open. We enter the penthouse suite and I watch as she takes it all in. Roses are covering the floor and on the kitchen bench,nd even across the bed, in all different colors, everywhere.

  I step closer to her and place my hand on her waist. She hasn’t paid me attention yet, she’s too busy looking around taking everything in.

  “Oh, fuck it, have your way with me,” she say
s and turns around and wraps her legs around my waist as I hoist her up and carry her to the bedroom. I laugh. I knew she wouldn’t say no for too long. I know what her body wants.

  “Don’t laugh, remember I am grumpy when I’m tired. You want me grumpy at your concert?” she asks, leaning back to look at me.

  I shake my head and shut her up with my mouth on hers. Not another word leaves those luscious lips for the rest of the night, apart from the few that scream my name.


  I get woken up sometime that afternoon for the concert, and I’m not happy about it. I want to sleep. Nothing but sleep. I also want to watch Brax live again as the last time I saw him play was not the best for me. I know he may play that song again as it has made it big on the charts, even though it broke my heart. Brax is feathering me with kisses. He smells gorgeous, he’s showered and ready to go. He let me sleep for longer knowing I didn’t want to wake up. So with that I pull him down to me and work my hand along the edges of his defined stomach, my hand goes lower and I feel he’s ready to play again. His hand grabs mine just as my hand wraps around the package hidden away from my eyes.

  “We can’t be late again,” he whispers into my hair.

  “Fine,” I huff standing up wearing nothing and heading to the bathroom for a shower. I hear him swear under his breath and I shake my ass for good measure. I hear him get up to follow, because his words don’t mean much I’ve learned when it comes to wanting me. As soon as he’s close enough and I’m in the bathroom, I shut the door and lock it, to stop him from entering.

  “Can’t be late remember,” I say as I turn the shower on. I hear him curse from the other side of the door.

  “Well, don’t shake that fine ass around me and we wouldn’t be late, woman.”

  I laugh at him as I step into the shower to get ready for tonight.

  As soon as we arrive at the Hollywood Bowl, I’m extremely nervous. This place is surrounded by people screaming out for Brax and his band. Brax warned me that it was going to be a big event and it could get crazy. This place catersup to eighteen thousand people and the show is sold out, however hearing about it and seeing it are two different things all together.

  We arrive backstage and I see a lot of women – groupies are more like what I would call them. They are dressed in nothing much apart from flimsy material, showcasing the goods that they were born with or maybe even paid for. Who knows? I look down at myself and wonder if what I’m wearing is okay. I know Brax approves as his eyes take me in, raking over me, making me all hot and bothered again. Brax walks with me to the edge of the stage and tells me to watch the show from here where he can see me. He kisses me hard before he walks away to set up.

  It is five minutes before the boys are ready to come out and play and I’m still standing in the same position, waiting. I notice one of the groupie girls come out and take residence right next to me. She looks me up and down and turns her attention back to the stage, waiting for the band to start.

  It all goes very quiet as the lights go out. When the lights come back on I’ve put my hand over my ears to cover the screams of the audience. Even the groupie standing next to me is screaming like a banshee. I may have to step away from her soon before I throw her off the stage.

  Brax asks the audience how they are doing tonight and the crowd erupts again in screams and catcalls for him to lose his shirt. He looks over to me and winks as he pulls it off over his head and throws it to the audience in front of him. They play some of their usual songs and I’m quite enjoying listening to his sexy, sultry voice as he rocks it out on the stage, one that looks like it was made for him. His eyes have found mine at least every five minutes he’s been on stage and it makes me happy that he’s in his element and still thinks of me. Brax’s voice breaks through my thoughts as he speaks to the audience again.

  “Okay, this next one is new. It’s for someone who stole my sun and gave me the heavens above,” he doesn’t look at me while he speaks and my breath hitches in my throat. “It’s called ‘Demons’.”

  You took it away, you took it away.

  But baby you can take it all away if I get to keep your rain.

  The sun doesn’t shine, but the rain comes hard, and oh, what a beautiful sight that is.

  You corrupt my dreams, invade them, if you will.

  But baby, but baby, don’t take away the rain.

  My heart goes boom, it goes boom.

  Don’t stop the boom. Don’t take away the boom, baby, let’s keep that boom.

  Your demons are strong, they invade your will.

  But baby, but baby, keep those demons at bay.

  My soul is yours, and I have yours. So baby, baby, keep those demons at bay.

  You entered like a storm and blew out like the wind.

  But now my demon’s back, wanting that rain.

  You corrupt my dreams, invade them if you will.

  But baby, but baby, don’t take away the rain.

  Your heart has been broken, shattered beyond repair.

  But baby, but baby all I ask is for you.

  The broken, the demons, the bad, baby all I want, is all of you.

  Give it to me, give it to me, I will give you my rain.

  Your demons are strong, they invade your will.

  But baby, but baby, keep those demons at bay.

  The tears are flowing, I can’t stop them. His eyes are on me, penetrating me with those grey orbs. He’s telling me to give him my all and that he will keep me protected. Protect me against myself when I need it. This man is beyond words.

  He wraps up the last of the song and thanks the crowd. He starts to walk over to me. Though silly me forgot the stupid groupie has been standing next to me this whole time, and beats me to his arms. I watch as her mouth descends on his and he pushes her back, but she doesn’t let up. I walk over there, hyped up from emotions and lack of sleep. I don’t think, I act. I grab her hair and pull her from him. She screams at me and I watch as the boys walk over witnessing my crazy scene and all laughing at me. I get flustered and apologize even though I’m not the one being a whore. She glares at me and turns in the other direction and takes off.

  “I like you feisty,” Brax says, picking me up by grabbing ahold of my ass.

  “I don’t, you bring out the crazy in me,” I tell him honestly.

  “Crazy is good, Thorn, it’s an emotion. Its possessive, and it’s a fucking turn on.” I scoff at him and he shuts me up with his mouth. Biting, sucking, licking. His mouth knows how to shut a girl up and make her forget all rational thoughts. His mouth pulls away from mine and he places his forehead on mine.

  “We have to leave now. My mother wants me home before she calls the police,” he says to me, and to which I laugh out loud.

  “You are joking...?” I ask, unsure if he is telling the truth.

  “No, I told you she is overbearing and overprotective. Plus, she knows you are with me, and my brothers have told her all about you and she’s threatening bodily harm if I don’t bring you to meet her soon.”

  I don’t answer him about meeting his mother, it kind of scares me. I’m not used to over-bearing mothers such as his. I decide to change the subject.

  “At least I get to sleep on the plane,” I tell him, because honestly my body is ready to fall asleep in his arms right now.

  “Yes, after I’ve had my way with you, of course.” He smirks, the bastard. I’m gonna need a walking stick soon.

  “You know one day you are going to break me. Then what are you going to do?”

  “Thorn, there is always your mouth, and other places,” he says huskily, grabbing hold of my ass. I shake my head at him as he carries me to the awaiting car.


  We visited the mile high club again and I can’t wait to visit that place more often. The flight is uneventful and Brax discusses his mother with me some more. We decide when we land that we should go and visit her right away. I catch up on some sleep while we’re flying because I will need to be on the ba
ll when we visit his mother.

  Brax is half asleep with his head on my shoulder as we pull up to his mom’s house. Me on the other hand, I am a bloody ball of nerves ready to explode. At least with meeting Brax’s parents I had fair warning, compared to Josh’s. I shake him as the car comes to a stop and he grumbles obviously not pleased to be woken up. I sneak my hand up his shirt and run it along the edge of his jeans.

  “Don’t play with fire,” he says, sitting up and adjusting himself while watching me. He glances around, obviously to see if we have arrived.

  “You ready, looks like the tribe is here to see you,” he says, opening the door and pulling me along with him.

  I notice his brothers first as they are impossible to miss, following close behind them is, I am guessing, their mother. I can see the similarities in him to his mother. She doesn’t look old enough to have three grown sons and be a grandmother. Brax pulls me to his side and nestles me into him. I gaze up to see his mother’s eyes on us, taking us in and not speaking.

  “Well, I see you brought your better half, brother. You know we are not here to see your ugly mug,” Knox winks at me, and walks over and pulls me away from Brax. He envelops me in a cuddle, and then Keith pulls me away for the same treatment. As soon as he lets me go there mother is standing in front of me.

  “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” she says as she steps forward and gives me a hug. Her accent is beautiful. She pulls me back and I’m dragged through to the house. As soon as we enter the living room, I see what I presume is their father sitting on the floor playing with children and two drop dead woman sitting on sofas around them, watching.

  “Glen come say hello to Brax’s girlfriend,” Brax’s mother says to the man sitting on the floor. He stands up and I know straight away that the boys get their build from their father, and their looks from their mother.


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