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Morris, Stephanie - Unfinished Business [Indulgence 3] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 10

by Stephanie Morris

  He answered her without hesitation. “I would definitely cut back my hours at the hotel. I would want to spend as much time as possible with my wife and children.”

  Daníella knew without a doubt he spoke the truth. He had cut back his hours when they had married. She imagined he would do it again if he had to. Carlo would make a good father. He’d been a good husband when she had been married to him. Looking down at remnants of the lunch he brought, she knew that hadn’t changed.

  “How has your day been?” she inquired, attempting to distract herself.

  “Busy. Extremely busy.”

  She knew it probably was. They were currently rewiring the hotel’s electricity to fix their electrical problem. Hayden had been contracted by them to handle the task. From what she understood, he was doing a good job so far. His main concern was to make sure the operations of the hotel weren’t affected. According to Amalía, the plans of correction had been drawn up, and Hayden was in the process of hiring a crew to help him with the repairs.

  “I’m sure the worse is almost over.”

  “It is.”

  She snagged a strawberry, chewing slowly. “What do you have planned for the rest of the day?”

  “Work, work, and more work. You?”

  “I have a two-hour tour this afternoon, and that’s it.”

  “Would you like to go out tonight?”

  She shook her head quickly. “I think I’m going to limit us to going out once a week during the workweek.”

  He gave her a smile full of wickedness. “Am I too much for you to handle?”

  She shook her head. “No. I just know that without enough sleep I tend not to function at full capacity.”

  He waggled his eyebrows at her playfully. “I promise I’ll make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep.”

  She gave him a look of disbelief. “Yes, but the question is will I wake up in time to get to work before noon.”

  He laughed. “Maybe, maybe not. I can’t make any promises in that respect.”

  She shook her head before finishing off her juice. “I’m sure you would do your best, but tonight is dinner at my parents.”

  He frowned at her. “You didn’t tell me.”

  Daníella looked at him with surprise. “I didn’t think I had to. I would have thought you would remember.”

  “I did. What I meant to say was you didn’t say if we would go or not.”

  She leaned closer to him. “Unfortunately, I have been a little distracted lately by a certain someone and forgot to mention it, but we can definitely go if you like, and then we can go back to my apartment for dessert.”

  He gave her a heated look. “Speaking of which.”

  Daníella watched as he went into pocket and fished out her spare key before holding it out to her.

  “Here’s your key.”

  She stared at it for a moment before shaking her head. “Keep it. You may need it.”

  Carlo studied her for a moment before giving a brief nod. “That sounds like a good idea.”

  Daníella leaned back, a look of contentment on her face.

  Carlo reached out to brush a stray strand of hair out of her face. “Are you finished?”

  She nodded, and he began to put the containers and leftover food away. A few minutes later the noise level began to rise as her family began to return.

  “Is it safe to come in?” Nikkía whispered loudly.

  “I hope so. I don’t want to see anyone’s exposed skin besides my own,” Silvana retorted.

  Daníella rolled her eyes. “You might want to go back out the door and stay there for the rest of the week.”

  Carlo laughed. “You know it is only going to encourage them.”

  Daníella shrugged her shoulders. “What can I say? I enjoy teasing them when I get the chance to.”

  Silvana ignored the statement. “Are the two of you coming to dinner tonight?”

  Daníella looked at Carlo, who nodded. They never decided whether they were going to go or not because they got sidetracked. Yet, it seemed as if the decision had been made now.

  “Yes, we’ll be there.”

  “Good because—”

  “Silvana, Carlo and I need to get going.”

  Her youngest sister’s mouth dropped open in shock. Daníella stood up and placed a kiss on her sister’s cheek. It kept Silvana quiet long enough for her and Carlo to make an escape.

  Carlo was laughing by the time they made it outside. “It’s good to see you and your sisters are as insane as you have always been.”

  She gave him an amused look. “If I’m insane, it’s from having to keep those two in line.”

  He placed a quick kiss on her lips. “That is fine with me. It just reassures me my family won’t run you off.”

  “Trust me. It isn’t your family you have to worry about chasing me off.”

  Chapter Nine


  Her spine stiffened at the voice calling her name. It was one she didn’t want to hear, especially right now. Turning slowly, she looked at a man who now physically repulsed her.

  “What are you doing here, Ignacio?”

  “I came by to see if you were okay.”

  Her eyebrows rose at his words. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  His expression was one of complete surprise. “Because of what happened between us.”

  Daníella laughed. “Considering nothing happened between us, I think everything is okay.”

  Ignacio looked like he was at a loss for words, and she could only shake her head. Of course he would expect her to take him back. He thought so much of himself when he shouldn’t.

  “Is there anything else, Ignacio? Because frankly I’m tired and I can’t think of anything else I would rather do than go inside and relax.”

  A hopeful look appeared on his face, and she realized for the first time how pathetic he looked.

  “Are you going to invite me in?”

  She barely refrained from laughing in his face. “If I did, how long would it be before you invited another one of your whores in behind you?”

  Ignacio began to look like he had swallowed something sour.

  “Go away, Ignacio. You moved on a long time ago, and now I have as well.” She put her key in the door before turning back to look at him. “By the way, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t come by here anymore. Now enjoy the rest of your evening, Ignacio.”

  Daníella let herself into her apartment, locking the door for good measure. It was official. Ignacio had to be the most unintelligent man she ever had the displeasure of knowing. Had he really thought she would take him back? He had to, or he wouldn’t have had the nerve to show up on her doorstep the way he just had. She could only shake her head again as she headed up the stairs. Her body and mind were in need of a long soak in the tub.

  Daníella ran the water, pouring some bubbles in the water, and then she began to undress. When she slipped into the tub, a moan of a pleasure fell from her lips. Closing her eyes, she let the scent of lavender relax her. By the time she bathed and stepped from the tub, her skin was pruned, and she was going to be cutting it close to get ready on time.

  She had to have been insane to get involved with Ignacio in the first place. When she looked back, Daníella realized warning signs had been all over the place.

  The way he never wanted to go out with her, instead insisting she go with the girls. He could never remember significant days. Her birthday had come and gone, as well as their one-year anniversary, without Ignacio saying a word. She realized now Ignacio had only wooed her in the beginning to get her attached to him. He had been heavy on the charm in the beginning, and slowly, over time, he began to back off. She never really noticed how much until now. It had never been that way with Carlo. He’d remembered every single significant day and had done something to acknowledge it. Daníella could remember joking with him about having a personal assistant hidden somewhere to help him remember everything. The truth of the matter was Carlo had
a good memory, but he also made sure to write everything down as a backup. When she looked at the last two years of her life, she would take Carlo over Ignacio without hesitation.

  Daníella began to get dressed, keeping her outfit as simple as possible. It was warm out, and she didn’t feel like putting up a big fuss to get dressed only to sweat and feel sticky afterward. She chose a gold-colored tube top with spaghetti straps and paired it with khaki capri pants, sliding her feet into a pair of matching gold sandals. She grabbed her purse and headed downstairs. The doorbell rang as she was halfway down. Looking through the peephole, she saw it was Carlo. Swinging the door open, she smiled before pulling him inside, wondering why he hadn’t used his key.


  He grinned wickedly as he returned the greeting. “Hello.” Leaning down, he placed a brief kiss on her lips. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad someone thinks so.”

  He frowned at her response. “What does that mean?”

  She started to shake her head and blame the comment on being tired, but instead she told him the truth.

  “Ignacio stopped by.”

  Carlo scowled. “Today?”

  “Yes. He was waiting for me when I got off work.”

  Carlo pulled back from her some. “What did he say?”

  “He wanted to see if he could worm his way back into my life.”

  “Can he?”

  Hurt surged through her, causing her to pull away. “If you have to ask, maybe you shouldn’t be here.”

  He reached out and held onto her. “That isn’t what I meant, and you know it.”

  Daníella shook her head. “Actually, I don’t know what you meant, Carlo. So why don’t you tell me?”

  “I’m asking if you still have any feelings for him.”

  She had to fight to keep her mouth from dropping open at his insane question. “No, I don’t have any feelings for him. I never had time to get any. I was too busy trying to get over my feelings for you.”

  The smile that appeared on Carlo’s face was priceless, and she realized she inadvertently played right into his hands.

  “Go home, Carlo. I have changed my mind about going to dinner with you.”

  He chuckled, reaching out to grab her as she went to walk away from him. “Come on, Daníella.”

  She didn’t relinquish her struggle to get away from him. Daníella gave him an irritated look. “I’m not here to stroke your ego, Carlo. If that is what you are looking for, you need to find another woman to do it.”

  Carlo finally managed to pull her back into his arms. “No one could ever take your place. Besides, I have never looked at another woman since we became involved.”

  His response was enough to halt her struggles. She hadn’t expected to hear the admission. Now she had, she needed to know what it meant.

  “You have never looked at another woman even after we divorced?”

  He shook his head, and she knew she was telling the truth. “I never wanted another woman.”

  “You didn’t want me either.”

  “You are wrong. I have always wanted you, and you have never heard me say otherwise.”

  She gave him an astonished look. “Well, you have a very funny way of showing it.”

  He sighed heavily. “One of these days, Daníella, I will find the words to explain to you why I did what I did.”

  Daníella stared at him in silence for a moment before speaking. “I hope you do.”

  “I will. It just won’t be now.”

  She closed her eyes briefly before opening them. “I know I shouldn’t let you get away with that, but for now I will.”

  Carlo leaned down and placed a brief kiss before letting her go. “Good, because I am starved.”

  He barely dodged her swatting hand, and she laughed. “I’m ready if you are.”

  By the time they arrived at her parents’ home, everyone was already seated at the table.

  “We had given up on the two of you.”

  “It is your sister’s fault,” Carlo joked. “She didn’t believe me the first time I said she was beautiful, so she ran back upstairs and changed outfits.”

  Daníella looked at Carlo with surprise that he could come up with such a ridiculous excuse. However, it was better than telling them the truth. That would start up a conversation she had no desire to be a part of. At least not right now. Carlo held her chair out for her while she took a seat.

  She looked up as her younger sister spoke. “Daníella, I’m not sure what outfit you changed out of, but you look very pretty.”

  “Thank you, Nikkía.”

  She gave Carlo a droll look and one corner of his mouth curved upward in response. Dinner was pleasant as usual. When they left her parents’ home, Daníella was smiling.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “The difference of insanity levels between my family and yours.”

  He gave her an inquisitive look. “You make it sound like a good thing.”

  “It is. There shall never be a dull moment.”

  “That’s true, but it also means we will have to fight to keep our sanity.”

  Smiling She leaned her head back onto the headrest. “Speak for yourself. I’m already insane. There is no denying it.”

  Carlo laughed. “My family is a lot more rambunctious than yours. I guess I’ll have to own up to my insanity as well.”

  “At least we both know it.”

  He was still chuckling as he pulled up to her apartment. “Would you like to come in?”

  Carlo gave her an amused glance. “As if you really have to ask.”

  Daníella waited for him to assist her out of the car knowing she should send him home if she wanted to get some rest tonight. Yet, she craved his company more—his touch. Carlo covered the distance around the car with long-legged strides, marred with a slight limp. He was so handsome and so sexy in spite of it.

  She wondered if she would ever see him use his cane like he was supposed to. He opened the door, and she stepped out before leading the way up the walkway. It would have to wait, for as soon as Daníella locked the door, Carlo had her in his arms and captured her lips with his. It was a different kiss, one meant for exploration. His tongue began to explore her mouth in a way that had always turned her on. She clung to his shoulders, and a moan fell from her lips. He swallowed up the sound quickly. She knew he’d always loved hearing the sounds of her pleasure. Pulling back, he ended the kiss, and she moaned in displeasure. This man lived to torture her, but before the night was over, it would be his turn.

  * * * *

  “I think we need to take this upstairs, or we might end up on the floor.”

  Daníella nodded, and Carlo took her hand and led her up the stairs. As soon as they entered the room, his hands went to her shirt. He lifted it over her head, not really caring where it landed. The only thing he had eyes for were the perfect breasts he just uncovered. His focus on foreplay almost went out the window. Instead, he took a deep breath. After unfastening the buttons on her capri pants, he pushed them down until they pooled around her ankles. She slipped her feet out of her sandals before stepping out of the circle of her capris. He took in the sight she made standing there only clad in her underwear. Daníella gasped as he swept her up into his arms before depositing her on the bed.

  “I don’t know if I have told you this already or not, but I like this bed.”

  She smiled as she reached over and turned on the small beside lamp. It gave off enough light for them to see each other but in an unobtrusive way.

  “I like it, too, but I would like it a lot more if you were in it with me.”

  Carlo came up over her brushing his lips against hers. When she reached for him, he pulled back.

  “Not yet.”

  She moaned, but it was cut off quickly as he grasped the waistband of her panties and pulled them down over her legs.

  “Carlo, I think you are a little overdressed.”

  “I guess you are right
. Let’s work on that.”

  She watched as he tugged his shirt over his head, baring himself to the waist, something she definitely didn’t have a problem with.

  Carlo removed the rest of his clothing quickly and efficiently, leaving her licking her lips at the sight he made.

  “Do you have any idea how wild it drives me when you look at me like that?”

  She allowed her gaze to travel up his body until her eyes met his. “As wild as it drives me to have you standing naked in front of me.”

  He watched her intense stare drop back down to his erection as he began to protect them. Carlo felt her shiver in what he hoped was anticipation. He was having a hard time keeping his body in check at the thought of filling Daníella, unsure if he could take it slow this time. He came up over her as she opened for him, welcoming him. His flesh began to fill her deeply and slowly. She moaned at the sensation, and he slid deeper. His hands slid under her bottom, lifting her closer to him, causing her to gasp in response. Carlo began to move within her, watching her eyes flutter closed at the sensations he created for the both of them.

  The pleasure only intensified as she tried to bring her legs up to encircle his waist. He smiled tightly when she moaned in frustration when she couldn’t because of his angle. Carlo had intentionally chosen it because he was fully aware of how powerful those legs were. Instead, he moved deeper within her, and her moans grew to a fevered pitch. He stared at her while she struggled to open her eyes, fighting to keep his open, wanting to watch her when she experienced the pleasure he was giving her. Her need for release seemed to be escalating, her flesh rhythmically squeezing, one of the signs she was getting ready to experience the ultimate pleasure. Daníella arched upward, gasping at the pleasure Carlo was bestowing upon her.

  “Oh, Carlo. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  She cried out as her release slammed into her. Her body tightened around his, causing him to cry out with her. He observed her as she rode out the pleasure as wave after wave flowed through her. Her body shuddered against his as the pleasure continued to course through her. Carlo almost hated when the spasms ended, signaling her pleasure was over for now. He came up over her, breathing heavily.


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