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Zivan (Scifi Alien Romance) (Galactic Mates)

Page 8

by Luna Hunter

“Zivan,” I say, my voice a soft moan.

  He raises his eyebrows.

  “Come inside me,” I breathe.

  Saying those three simple, yet incredibly wicked words, sets my body on fire.

  As if I wasn’t burning up already.

  I’ve always been careful. Always used protection. Always been a sensible girl.

  However, with Zivan, all common sense has gone out the window. I’m his, forever and always. I want nothing more than to feel him explode inside of me, the way nature intended it.

  To my great pleasure, Zivan wholeheartedly agrees. His golden eyes burn with arousal, with pure, unbridled lust.

  “Yes,” he groans animalistically. “I’m going to fill you with my seed!”

  “Do it,” I breathe. “Give it to me!”

  His hand grabs my neck, steadying himself as he pounds into me, shifting into an even higher gear, his hips a blur as he rhythmically fucks the hell out of me. His thumb brushes against my lips and I kiss it. He pushes his finger into my mouth and I wrap my tongue around it.

  “Yes,” he growls, his voice dripping with passion. I can feel his cock swell inside of me, growing even bigger. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  With one final, overwhelming, intense thrust he forces every inch of his big cock into me before it explodes. His powerful hips buckle and he roars like a wild animal as he comes. I can feel his potent seed filling me, his cock pulsing as it fires load after load of his cum.

  Zivan leans down and kisses me, moaning into my mouth as my hips coax every last drop out of him. I keep my legs wrapped firmly around his waist — he’s not going anywhere.

  My finger runs across his cheek, and he smiles down at me.

  “You are amazing,” he breathes.

  His cock is still throbbing, and every pulse sends another shockwave of pleasure through my entire body.

  “No, you are,” I say.

  My body and mind have been blown away by the sheer intensity of our lovemaking. I’ve never had a man rip my clothes off before, I’ve never had someone just take control like that before. And I’ve never come so hard before, either.

  I lack the words to accurately describe how good; how right Zivan feels, buried deep inside of me.

  “You are still hard,” I say.

  He cocks one eyebrow.

  “Of course,” he says. “I’m just getting started.”

  Oh my.



  Mia’s head is resting on my naked chest. Her scent fills my nostrils, my hand resting on her naked ass. I wish we could stay like this forever. We fucked the night away, which is borderline reckless, considering the dangerous mission we have to undertake today.

  But fuck it.

  I don’t know if Mia realizes just how damn dangerous trying to board an alien vessel is. Yes, we’ll have the benefit of the surprise, but that will only get us so far. We don’t know the layout of the vessel.

  We’ll be stumbling in the dark, with a potential ambush around every corner.

  It’s a borderline suicide mission, but I know Mia well enough that trying to dissuade her is a fool’s errand.

  “Wake up,” I whisper. “We have to get ready.”

  “Mmh,” she mumbles. “One minute longer.”

  “You said that five times already,” I say, squeezing her round ass. “Come.”

  She whines as I slide her off my naked frame. I send her into the shower while I prepare a hearty meal for us.

  Fifteen minutes later she joins me at the table wearing only her panties and a t-shirt, her wet hair wrapped in a towel.

  A single strand of red hair hangs down. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as her.

  “What are you smiling at?” she asks with a full mouth.

  “You,” I say. “You are beautiful.”

  “Am not,” she says. “I haven’t even done my make-up yet.”

  “You don’t need it.”

  “You are crazy,” she says.

  “For you.”

  “See, told you you were a sweetie-pie.”

  “I told you to stop calling me that,” I growl. I’m a Zoran warrior, damn it.

  She smirks. “Sure thing.”

  After breakfast I take a quick shower before getting ready for the coming battle. Luckily, this ship comes with state-of-the-art riot gear. It’s all black, fully bulletproof, and we can even travel through space with it. The best thing? They have one in mine and in Mia’s size.

  “Here,” I say, handing Mia her outfit. “Wear this.”

  She looks at the obsidian body armor and sighs.

  “What?” I ask. “Having second thoughts?”

  “No, not at all,” she answers. “It’s just becoming very real all of a sudden.”

  “I can go alone if you want.”

  Mia turns to me, defiantly. “Not a chance!”

  “Okay,” I grin. “Then suit up, detective.”

  We help each other slip into the black body armor. We triple check every zipper, every button, every seam. A single hole could mean death in outer space.

  Mia slips the helmet over her head “How do I look?” she asks. I hear her voice loud in clear in my own helmet.

  “Like a soldier ready to kick ass.”

  When she turns around to grab her blaster-rifle I can’t resist slapping her round ass.

  “I’ve never seen soldiers with curves like that, though,” I say.

  She whirls around, blaster in hand. I can see her glaring at me through our helmets. She taps me between my legs with the edge of her rifle.

  “You keep it in your pants, soldier,” she jokes.

  “Until we’ve completed our mission,” I growl. “And a not a moment longer.”


  “There it is.”

  The ship’s control panel blips. A small sound, but it signals something larger. The Wrath of Moss is coming.

  We’ve taken a shortcut, courtesy of our superior engines, and we’ve been waiting for them to arrive for the last few hours. Our smiles have disappeared — tension fills the air.

  In a few moments we’ll be attempting the most dangerous stunt of our lives.

  The blips become faster and faster as the ship approaches. I input the necessary commands into the ship’s computer.

  “Let’s go through this one more time,” Mia says, holding her helmet in her hands.

  I nod. “This ship will match the Wrath of Moss’s speed, and try to get us close as possible. I will eject first and open their emergency escape hatch from outside.”

  “What if you miss?”

  “I won’t.”

  “But what if you do?”

  “I have one shot,” I say. “That’s it.”

  “And then what?”

  “You eject and land in their ship. I will be only a second behind you. From that point on, we take them out — any means necessary.”

  Mia grips her rifle, her shoulders tensed up.

  “Any questions?”

  She shakes her head.


  “Yes,” she says. “Are you?”

  “Of course,” I admit. “I could go alon—”

  “No,” Mia says instantly. “We need to rescue Emily. Every time I close my eyes, I see that… that vision again. Of her, chained against the wall like an animal. No, I’m doing this. We’re doing this.”

  I nod. “Of course. Let’s get ready.”

  I glance at the commands I’ve input one last time. If I made a single mistake, a single wrong calculation, or used the wrong number somewhere, I’ll overshoot my target. I’ll miss the Wrath of Moss and drift off into cold space, alone. I’ll die.

  The numbers look good to me.

  The Tyk’ix ship is now so close we can see it out the window, a streak in the sky. Our engines are matching its speed and moving closer. By now their sensors will have picked us up — the element of surprise will be very short lived. We walk to our ship’s escape hatch. This it.

  I grab
Mia’s waist and kiss her deeply. I feel like I’m floating for a second, lost in time and space, with only her by my side… and then, the ship’s alarm brings me back to reality.

  We’re in position.

  “See you on the other side,” I say as I slip on my helmet and strap my blaster-rifle to my back.

  “Be careful,” Mia says, putting her helmet on as well.

  “Hold on tight.”

  I pull a lever and the door slams shut behind us. The room depressurizes with a hissing sound. As soon as that’s done I hit a button and the escape hatch opens up into the cold darkness of space.

  There she is.

  The metal hull of the Wrath of Moss is a hundred yards away from us. Behind her, there is nothing but the darkness of space, with stars far, far off in the distance.

  I had hoped our ship would be able to get closer, but this is it. If I miss, our mission has failed before it even started. Pure adrenaline is coursing through my veins, my heart beating like a jackhammer. I’ve put myself in danger before, but never like this.

  Because we’re going the same speed it feels like we’re both standing still, but in truth we’re traveling at thousands of miles an hour. By now, they know we’re here. They’re scrambling to get ready. The clock is ticking.

  I have to go.

  I kick off. A moment later I’m floating through space itself, flying towards the Wrath of Moss. My eyes are fixed on their escape hatch. That’s my target. That’s all that matters now.

  Every muscle in my body is tensed up. I’ve stopped breathing, and I don’t even dare to blink. Via my earpiece I hear Mia softly praying to herself, begging every deity in the universe that I make it through okay.

  I hit the metal ship with a thud, my hand’s scrambling for the handle. And missing. I slide down the smooth metal ship, struggling to get ahold of something, Mia screaming in my ear.

  With a desperate, final attempt I manage to sink my fingers into one of the metal grooves on the ship’s surface. My feet are dangling off. Another second and I would have flown off and launched into space — or worse, been sucked into the engines.

  I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Piece of cake,” I groan into my microphone as I claw my way towards the escape hatch.

  “Never scare me like that again,” Mia says. “I thought you were dead!”

  “It takes more than a hundred-yard-long untethered space jump to kill me,” I say as I open the hatch. “Talking about dangerous jumps… your turn.”

  I look up to see the Mia standing in our ship’s opening. Even the body armor she’s wearing can’t hide her curvaceous figure.


  She launches herself off the ship and dives towards me. I hold my breath as I watch her fly towards me, her arms held at her side. Even though it only takes a second, it feels like a lifetime as I watch her come closer and closer.

  Luckily, Mia’s aim is truer than mine. She hits her target perfectly, flying right through the opened hatch. I follow her an instant later, grabbing my rifle from my back as I land on the alien ship.

  Let’s do this.



  I can’t believe it.

  I just jumped out of a spaceship moving at thousands of miles an hour — and landed in another one. My heart is beating so hard it feels like my chest is going to burst.

  The moment I land I grab my rifle from my back.

  “Clear!” I yell into my microphone.

  A second later Zivan lands next to me, closing the hatch behind him as he enters.

  We’re standing in a small decompression area, a big metal door separating us from the rest of the ship. We have no idea who, or what, is waiting for us behind that door.

  Zivan nods at me, and I ready my rifle.

  In all my years of duty, I’ve never had to fire my blaster even once. Yes, on stun-mode, but that’s different. I’ve never had to take a life before.

  This is different. These men are pure evil. I saw into their mind, I saw how they were treating Emily. We can’t talk our way out of this. They only respect one thing.


  My Zoran warrior pulls a level and the doors instantly rise. Two Tyk’ix soldiers, dressed in black robes, are waiting for us. Before I even get a chance to pull my trigger, Zivan has taken them out with two well-placed shots.

  “Cover me,” he says.

  I run across the room and throw myself against the wall. A salvo of shots is fired my way, the rays bouncing off the metal walls. I crouch behind a crate and return fire blindly, providing Zivan with the cover he needs.

  When the firing dies down for a second, I quickly glance around the corner. The hallway is long and thin, with a dozen armed guards waiting for us.

  We’re never going to make it.

  “Fall back!” I tell Zivan.

  My Zoran mate fires his rifle around the corner, pinning the enemy down. To my dismay, I see more and more troops pouring in behind them.

  We’re about to be overrun.

  I glance up at the ceiling, trying to find a way out. A hatch, a duct, anything, but all I see are smooth metal walls.

  We’re trapped.

  “Lay down your weapons!”

  A voice like a coiling snake makes my skin crawl. I recognize it…

  A Tyk’ix man stands in the hallway. His skin is a very dark purple, like that of rotting fruit. His obsidian eyes are staring right at me, seeing into my very soul. Suddenly, every muscle in my body feels heavy.

  I realize I’m exhausted. Tremendously exhausted. I want nothing more than to lie down and sleep. Forever.

  My rifle falls to the floor with a thud.

  “Mia!” Zivan screams, his voice filling my helmet, but it feels… distant.

  As if I’m in a dream, or underwater.

  The Tyk’ix man walks towards me. I see something gold glittering around his neck — a jewel of some sorts. Shaped like the number eight. His robes are a dazzling array of colors, and a golden crown rests on his head.

  It’s their leader — the same man who commanded that Tyk’ix to kill me.

  “I see you’ve survived,” he says.

  Except, I don’t hear him using my ears, his voice just… is.

  “You’ve come far, little one. I underestimated you. It will be the last time.”

  In the corner of my eye I see that Zivan has pointed his rifle straight at the Tyk’ix leader. His arms are trembling, a grimace on his face. His finger is resting on the trigger, but he’s unable to pull the trigger.

  The Tyk’ix lifts one finger and Zivan drops down to his knees, crying out in agony.

  “Cattle,” the man says. “What use are your weapons, your toys, when your mind itself is so weak, so vulnerable, so malleable?”

  He turns around, his robe whipping up.

  “Take them.”

  The Tyk’ix soldiers rush us and drag us along. Zivan is as paralyzed as I am, unable to fight them off. We’re brought to the command center, where we are both forced into a chair. Behind him is a large window, providing a view of the moss green planet we’re quickly approaching.

  The leader stands in front of us, staring right at me with those uncaring, unyielding dark eyes of him, like two wet stones. I feel a creeping sensation at the back of my skull, like he’s trying to read my mind again.

  “You’ve seen her.”

  I hear his voice inside my skull.

  “Yes, Emily Forrester. She is here. You have found her. She is much like you, but you are… stronger. More resilient. You will join her soon enough. I sense so much anger inside of you, fear… hatred.”

  My eyes roll to the back of my head as I try and fight him off, try as hard as I can to block this evil alien out of my mind, but it’s to no avail.

  “My name? It is Itophed. My purpose? That is not for you to know, human. Know that you are part of something greater. Your sacrifice will not be in vain — it will usher in a new dawn, a new time. You are one of the lucky ones. Your kin will
not share that fate.”

  I want nothing more than to rise from my seat and kick him, but my body is forced down, every muscle in my body refusing to obey my commands. And what the hell is he talking about?

  A thin smile appears on his lips, his purple tentacles writhing and shivering.

  “Ah, I’m sorry I must disappoint you. No, Mia, Emily Forrester is not your long-lost sister.”

  …how did he know I’ve been secretly thinking about that all this time?!

  “You two will, however, share the same fate. You will be gifts to the Sovereignty. A great honor. Very few beings in the universe know of their existence, and even fewer get to ever meet them. You are, without doubt, the first — and only — of your kind to receive this privilege.”

  My mind drifts to what that other Tyk’ix was talking about before Zivan shot him. Feasting. As if he was going to eat my brains. I don’t think that this ‘Sovereignty’ will have my best interest in mind…



  I struggle with all my might — but it’s useless.

  My own body, my own mind has forsaken me. This strange Tyk’ix, with the deep purple skin and the dark, soulless eyes, has me under his spell.

  He possesses some kind of power a magnitude more powerful than the Tyk’ix I’ve faced so far. Those I could shrug off, but this… I’ve never felt anything like this.

  My entire body is frozen. My muscles refuse to budge even an inch. And all the while that monster is staring at Mia, his eyes darting all over her body, as if he’s mentally devouring her.

  Our grand rescue mission has turned into a catastrophic failure. Not only did I not free Emily, but I’ve delivered Mia into this alien’s hands. I don’t care that I’m captured, for I know my day must come sooner or later, but I cannot ever forgive myself for losing Mia.

  She means more to me than life itself.


  The monster turns towards me, and I hear his voice inside my head.

  “How dare you interfere with my work?”

  “What are you talking about?” I think. “You’re a monster.”


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