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Grayson: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 16

by Love, Amy

  His hands are in her hair, pulling out the clips that haven’t already come loose and letting it fall down over her back. He strokes his fingers through her hair, as she licks and pulls on his cock, until he moans hard, almost like he’s in pain.

  “Adrie, stop.” He sounds like he has to force the words out. “I want to come inside of you.” He looks like he’s struggling to keep himself in one piece, and she nods in understanding. She wants him inside of her too, filling her up.

  He guides her up, kissing her swollen lips as he settles her back down on the seat, and then his hands are everywhere. He pulls off her bra, so impatient it sounds like he’s broken the catch, and he kisses her hard, rubbing his fingers over her hardening nipples. She moans against his mouth, squirming in her wet panties. Suddenly, his hand is there, touching her over the silky material.

  “Baby, you’re so wet.” He breathes the words almost reverently against her ear and slips his hand inside her panties, making her lose all thought as he strokes her softly.

  She’s mewing against him, writhing on his hand as her pussy quivers under his touch. She can feel his fingers slipping and sliding over her lips, wet with her own arousal. He seems to know exactly where to touch her and which pressure points to linger on, and she feels all the heat of her body rush into her sex.

  “That’s it, ride my fingers, Adrie, ride them hard.” His words in her ear and his expert touch inside of her combine to push her over the edge, and her hips buck as she climaxes.

  She’s breathing hard, and her brain feels like it’s turned to mush, but she still wants more and from the expression on his face, so does Grayson. He pulls her sodden panties off and takes her by her narrow hips, virtually lifting her so that she’s straddling him.

  She locks eyes with Grayson as she settles down on his cock. She’s so wet and slick, as she guides him inside of her inch-by-inch. They’re both panting, so turned on they can’t think straight, only knowing what their bodies need and what they demand. Grayson takes hold of her hips and moves her up and down slowly, letting her tightness engulf him again and again. The feeling of Grayson inside of her, filling her up, is the best she’s ever experienced. She wants him to consume her and to take everything that she has. It’s a dangerous thought, but she wants him to own her completely, to take possession of her.

  “Fuck me, Grayson. Fuck me hard.” The words are out of her mouth before she’s even thought about what she’s saying; but, it’s exactly what she needs, and Grayson seems to see that in her eyes.

  He picks up the pace, slamming into her and tilting her hips so that he reaches her clit, stimulating her perfectly. She clenches her pussy, tightly holding onto him, and that’s what undoes him. She sees the moment in his eyes, and she revels in the power that she has over him. His body is hers, and hers is his, and it feels oh so right.

  “Grayson, I’m coming.” Her words come out in a moan, escaping from her lips as her whole body feels like it’s throbbing with heat and need. Grayson slides into her again and again, and in the final thrust, she cries out his name, her body quivering and shaking as her orgasm overtakes her. She feels Grayson release himself inside of her and the thought of that makes her come hard, all over again.

  They remain like that, her sitting on top of him, trembling with the after-shocks of the intensity of her orgasm and him cradling her to his chest. After some time, he lifts her head to look at her. The tenderness in his eyes makes her heart ache for him.

  “I want you so much, Adriana.” The musical way that he says her name just kills her. “But I want to take my time with you, explore every inch of you.” To highlight the point his fingers graze her nipple, making her breathe in sharply. “I want you in my bed. Come home with me.” It’s not a request; it’s an order. But, even if it had been a request, Adriana would have been powerless to say no. He has her heart, and now she wants to give him her body over and over again, all night long.


  Waking up with her in his arms was the best feeling in the world. It was like nothing else and, already he knew that nothing else would ever compare. Light is already streaming through the windows, but he doesn’t have any intention of moving. Being next to her warm, soft body is all he wants right now. But the world outside seems to have other ideas for him.

  His phone vibrates insistently on the nightstand, and Adriana stirs in her sleep at the sound. Grayson snatches it up, before the noise disturbs Adriana again. He hasn’t even had a chance to check the caller ID, something he’d been almost religious about since Morrison’s last unsolicited catch-up.

  “Hey. Kid, how you been?” Morrison’s voice is like poison in his ear.

  “I told you I don’t want to hear from you again, Morris. Goodbye.” Grayson’s voice is quiet, as he shuts the bedroom door softly behind him, heading into his personal gym.

  “Not so fast.” Morrison sounds eerily calm, something that makes Grayson stand a little straighter, listen harder. “You never replied to my little note.”

  “I ignored it. That was my reply.” Grayson paces around the gym, feeling like he needs to expend some of the energy that he can’t use to beat Morrison to a pulp.

  “I’d noticed that.” Morrison chuckles lightly, too many years of chain smoking making it sound like a creaky door. “I thought you might need a little reminder of why that wasn’t a good idea.”

  Grayson shakes his head, as if Morrison could see him. “No, Morris. It’s over. I win the fight, you walk away. That was the deal.”

  “Things change. You’ve gotta roll with the punches, if you’ll pardon the pun.” Morrison pauses for dramatic effect. “You didn’t really think I’d let you go so easily, did you?”

  That’s when Grayson explodes. “Easily?” He roars the word out. “Is that what you call it? I’ve been letting you call the shots for almost ten years, Morris. I’ve made you a very rich man, and now it’s my time. I’m walking away.”

  “You don’t walk away until I say you do. You got that? Or have you forgotten about that dirty little secret of yours that I could make public whenever I choose?” Morrison’s sense of entitlement is what pushes Grayson over the edge.

  “I haven’t forgotten, Morris, I just don’t care anymore.” Grayson’s voice is a roar. “If you want to go public with what you know, do it. I’m pretty sure the UFC would be more likely to come down on the side of their new star fighter whose making them millions rather than on the side of a bookie that’s been in and out of jail like a yo-yo. You don’t exactly have the best reputation in the business, you know?” He smiles to himself as he says the words, enjoying the novelty of the feeling of having one up on Morrison.

  “You ungrateful son-of-a-bitch.” For the first time, Morrison let’s his anger come through his smug exterior. “I made you; I can unmake you just as easily. If you don’t throw this next fight, then you’re going to regret it.” The threat in his voice is clear, but Grayson has had enough of threats from him.

  “I made myself, Morris.” The words are simple, but it’s the first time that Grayson has said them out loud. He’s been living in the shadow of what his father had told him he would amount to—which was nothing—and what Morrison had made him feel—which was worthless. But now he feels stronger, more confident than he ever has before. The Adriana Effect, he thinks to himself and can’t help but smile.

  “I’m warning you. You either agree to go down in the third and you let Dex take the win, or I’m going to have to find a way to incentivize you.” Grayson can almost hear Morrison smile like a Cheshire cat on the end of the line.

  “Maybe it’s time you find another puppet, Morris. I’m done with you pulling my strings. Don’t call me again.” Grayson ends the call and throws the cell against the wall in frustration.

  “Who was that?” Adriana’s voice from the doorway makes Grayson spin around in surprise.

  His mind whirrs as he tries to figure out how long she’s been standing there for and how much she’s heard. “No one, just some w
hack job that won’t leave me alone.” He shrugs his shoulders, cringing inside at the fact that he’s lying to her.

  “You seemed to be pretty mad.” She nods towards the phone that may or may not be usable again after having been thrown at the wall.

  “It’s nothing, Adrie. Really.” He closes the distance between them, unable to keep away from her when she’s standing there looking so gorgeous and delectable. He takes her in his arms and kisses her gently, just because he can.

  When he looks down at her again, she still looks unconvinced; but, there’s something else in her eyes that makes his heart skip a beat. She smiles knowingly at him. “I’ve got to get to work.” But she doesn’t make any move towards the door.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m not going to let you go anywhere.” He strokes her jet black hair away from her face, marveling at how she has the ability to make him forget everything else.

  Adriana smiles coquettishly at him, and he can feel her breath quicken as he strokes his thumb over her luscious lips. She flicks a glance around the room and bites her lip, making his cock twitch in anticipation. “Those mats look pretty comfortable.” The words are hardly out of her mouth before she blushes adorably at him.

  He raises an eyebrow at her. “I thought you had to get to the hospital?” He nuzzles at her neck, breathing in the fresh, warm scent that’s all her own, and he feels her relax into him, letting herself go.

  “So, I guess I’m going to be late.” Her words come out in short pants, as she lifts off his t-shirt to reveal the glory of her nakedness underneath.

  Grayson growls deep in his throat, as he takes her nipples into his mouth, sucking hard as she tangles her fingers in his hair. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Adrie.” He looks up at her to see her hair falling around her face, and her green eyes glowing, making her look as wanton and desperate for him as he is for her. “I love you.” He watches as the smile spreads across her lips, the one that makes her whole face come alive.

  “Show me.” She locks eyes with him and it’s half command, half plea. Standing naked in front of him, she’s completely vulnerable and completely willing to give herself up to him. It’s the sexiest thing he’s ever seen. He pulls her towards him, kissing her hard before laying her down on the mat and showing her exactly that.


  As Adriana speeds towards her apartment in the taxi Grayson called for her, she smiles at the thought of how hard it had been to leave him that morning. He’d wanted to drive her, but West had called ordering him to a training session, and she’d persuaded him to go. Despite hardly having any sleep, they had both been eager for more, eager to take as much of the other as they were willing to give.

  So much had changed in the space of a few hours. Grayson had told her that he loves her, that he wants to be with her, and that he always had. No matter how many times she thinks about his words, it still doesn’t seem real. But some things hadn’t changed. She gnaws on her thumbnail at the thought. Grayson had been fighting with someone on the phone, and from what she’d heard, it was more than just some crazy fan. He’d said that it was nothing, that it wasn’t important, but everything about his demeanor had said something different. It hadn’t been the time to push it. She has to believe that, slowly, he will share his secrets with her, and she has to give him the time and space to do that.

  Before they had tumbled into bed last night, Grayson had said that there was ‘more’ he wanted to tell her, but she hadn’t wanted to wait, she doesn’t think that she could have. By that point her body had taken over all control, and her brain was in the back seat. But now she wonders if his mystery phone call has something to do with that ‘more.’ Even this morning, their bodies tangled together, she had seen the darkness that seems to lurk in his eyes, inside his soul. She desperately wanted to know what burden he was carrying, but she had been too afraid to ask. When he had spoken, what he told her had come completely out of left field, but it had made her feel warm inside just to think of it.

  “So, it’s my sister’s birthday in a couple of weeks.” He’d paused then, like he was nervous, which just made Adriana think he was even cuter. “She’s coming down from NYU, and my mom’s coming up from Philly. It’s going to be kind of a family reunion.” He’d shifted on the mat so that he could see her face, gauging her expression. “I’d like you to be here. It’d mean a lot to me for you to meet them.”

  Adriana noticed how he’d held his breath, waiting for her answer. Before she was able to answer, she had to swallow the lump in her throat. “I’d love to meet them.” He’d kissed her sweetly and then smiled like the cat that got the cream, looking more like the eighteen year old she’d known all those years ago. “I’ve never really done the meet the parents thing before.” She’d bitten her lip, a little nervous at the thought.

  “They’re going to love you. How could they not?” The innocence and sincerity in his reply had made her plant about a million kisses all over him. “What was that for? Not that I’m complaining!” He’d laughed, the sound reverberating in his chest.

  “Just for being you.” She’d shrugged because it really was that simple.

  He’d flushed then, like a school-kid, and she’d felt her insides warm at how—when he’s not holding on so tight for control—his emotions play across his face, making him as easy to read as a book.

  “Don’t go to work today. Stay here, with me.” He pulled her towards him and stroked her side, making her tremble underneath him, fully aware of what he was doing to her.

  “I can’t.” She’d felt like the words were being pulled out of her. “I can’t let them down. Casey’s in today for a post-op check-up; I need to be there.”

  Grayson had nodded in understanding and stroked her cheek so tenderly. “You’re amazing, you know that?” He shook his head, like he couldn’t believe how lucky he was, and she’d felt her heart sing. “Come back after your shift?”

  Adriana smiled at the earnestness in his eyes. “It’s only a few days until your fight. I’m guessing West wouldn’t approve of me distracting you when you’re supposed to be resting.” She could still feel the hardness of his muscles underneath her hands, as she traced the defined bumps of his abs.

  “After spending the night with you, I don’t think I’d be able to sleep without you again.” There was no hint of exaggeration or sarcasm in his voice. He was being completely serious.

  “What are you saying, Gray?” She’d looked up at him, serious then.

  “I’m saying that I don’t want to spend a night without you, ever. I want you to move in.” He shrugged, as if his suggestion made complete sense.

  “Move in? Here?” She’d looked around as if checking that she was still in his house.

  “Well, it’s a little bigger than your place,” he’d pointed out.

  “Yes, it is. I mean, that’s not what I meant.” She’d closed her mouth until she’d actually managed to formulate a sentence that made some kind of sense. “I can’t move in with you, Grayson. It’s a little early, don’t you think?”

  He’d frowned, as if the thought has just occurred to him. “Not for me. We’ve known each other a long time, Adrie. I want you in my bed every night and to wake up with you every morning. What else is there to think about?” His intense eyes gazed into hers, making it impossible for her to give any kind of answer.

  “You make it really hard to come up with an argument, Gray.” She shook her head, already knowing what she had decided.

  “That was kind of the idea.” He lowered his voice, like he was letting her into a secret, and she bumped him playfully with her shoulder.

  “I should get going. I have to head home before I go to the hospital.” She’d made a move to get up, but Grayson’s strong hand on her arm had stopped her.

  “That wasn’t an answer.” The look he’d given her had made it clear that he had no intention of letting her go before she gave him one.

  “Yes, Grayson. I’ll move in with you.” The smile that had s
pread across his face at her words was the best thing that she had ever seen.

  He kissed her hard, laying her gently back down on the mat, his hands wandering down towards the tops of her thighs. “Grayson, I’ve got to go.” She could barely get the words out. Plus, stilling his hand felt like the hardest thing she had ever had to do.

  “I’ll come pick you up from your place tonight after your shift. Call me when you’re done.” Grayson’s eyes sparkled like a kid who can’t wait until Christmas, and she had melted a little more inside, wondering how it was possible that she seemed to fall in love with him a little more every time.

  All these thoughts are swimming through her head as she floats towards her apartment door, like she’s in a dream. She tries to unlock the door to find that it’s already open, and she shakes her head. Willow has forgotten to lock the door behind her when she’d left the night before. Was it really only the night before that they’d gone to the party and that she’d been obsessing over how things stood between her and Grayson? It seemed like such a long time ago but less than twenty-four hours had passed. The thought of Grayson makes her beam like a spotlight, and she grabs her cell out of her bag to call Willow and tell her everything. That’s when she hears a noise that makes her jump out of her skin and drop the cell with a crash onto the floor.


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