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01 Taming the Wolf - Anna Avery

Page 7

by Stephanie Nelson

  I slid down the wall, hugging my knees to my chest and replayed every word he said over and over. His eyes were so frail that in that moment, he was just a man voicing his inner thoughts. Not my alpha that growled and snapped when things didn’t go his way. He was vulnerable, something I never expected to associate with such a powerful man.

  Three days passed. The pack searched the mountain for signs of the rogue werewolf and always came back without a trace. Adam made himself scarce and wouldn’t even talk to me. I suspected the admittance of his feelings left him a bit embarrassed. Adam was strong, a leader, and that position didn’t include pouring your heart out to a female. Especially when that female was the lowest wolf on the totem pole. I was what they called a mutt, a made werewolf instead of bred. Girls like me didn’t end up with alphas. Yet there was something in my DNA that allowed me to defy my alphas. I wasn’t just an underling like the pack thought. Despite my tainted blood, I was an equal.

  I spent my time on my chores during the day, and at night when I was alone in my bedroom, I’d think about the two handsome wolves who wanted to claim me. Being attracted to two men was hell on my brain. Love didn’t play into the scenario. I didn’t believe in love. It came down to guilt. If I continued seeing Sawyer, I couldn’t give myself to Adam. I couldn’t hurt Sawyer that way. If I gave in to Adam, I’d let myself down. I may not want love, but I still wanted the man I was with to be with only me. I couldn’t stand the idea of Adam leaving my bed to hop into the one he shared with Eve. It made me feel dirty just thinking about it. Still, my qualms did nothing to erase the attraction. He was a big serving of walking, talking sex appeal, and every time I was around him I craved his delectable body.

  I’m a horrible person. Life would be so much easier if I could live on my own like before I became hairy. If I took myself out of the equation, everyone’s life could go back to normal. Sawyer and Adam would forget about me, and I’d be free of their charms. I needed to get out of the house. I’d been cramped up so long the huge place felt like a cardboard box. I needed room to breathe, to run, to feel the wind whip through my fur as I fled as far away from my problems as I could.

  Tiptoeing out of my bedroom, I made my way to the sliding glass doors in the kitchen. With delicate hands, I unlocked the door and shut it quietly behind me. The night was a bit cool, but felt amazing on my heated skin. My wolf scratched at the surface. My bones contorted and shifted as my body changed forms. It only took a few seconds between changes. Once I was on four paws, I bolted from the deck and disappeared into the tree line. I ran without purpose, stretching my muscles against the burn that surged through my blood. Whipping around trees and leaping over large rocks, I pushed forward. The wind ruffled my fur, cooling the heat that rose from my body. I leapt over a downed tree and when I landed, something clamped around my back leg. I yelped in pain and tried to pull free, but whatever had me sunk its teeth in. Turning, I saw the bear trap fastened around my hind leg. I immediately shifted forms and cringed when the pain intensified. Blood seeped down my ankle, the skin torn from my thrashing. Bending over, I used my strength to pry the mouth of the trap open. I slipped my leg out and tried to stand, but the pressure made me collapse.

  I heaved myself up, using the support of a tree. You’ve stepped in it this time. Just had to sneak out, didn’t you? Leaning against the tree, I took a moment to catch my breath. My eyes scanned the perimeter, seeing only dense forest all around. The trees were so thick that the diamond encrusted sky wasn’t visible. I knew the area around our compound like the back of my hand, and this wasn’t it. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been running before the hunk of metal attacked me. Deciding I needed to move, I hopped from one tree to the next. At this rate, I won’t get home until next week! Lifting my leg up, I inspected the wound. I healed at an exceptional rate, but it wasn’t an instant healing. The wound was deep, and I could see bone through the flaps of skin. It looked like my leg had lost a fight with a meat grinder. It’d take at least a week before the skin and bone healed back to normal—a thought that didn’t help me right now.

  With each hop, electric agony shot up my limb. I gritted my teeth and continued my journey back to the main house. My body grew weak as I trudged on; my movements becoming slower than they already were. For the healing process to begin, I needed sleep. My body was shutting down, and no matter how hard I tried to keep my eyes open, they grew heavier by the second.

  A deer crossed my path, its big brown eyes laughing at the helpless wolf. Even though in human form, the animal knew what I was. I’d killed countless of its brethren. Because God has a sense of humor, the deer stepped closer to me and sniffed my belly and then trotted away.

  “I’ll see you soon, Bambi,” I said to it as it went about its business. I could feel my energy draining and my legs growing weaker. I slid down the tree I used as a crutch and fell to sleep.

  The man had a gun slung over his shoulder as his flashlight swayed from side to side. I crouched down behind him and waited for him to turn towards me. His walkie talkie chimed, and he pressed the button to speak. “Okay, heading back now.” He didn’t know how wrong he was. As the man turned around, I pounced. My teeth made contact with his throat. With a tug to the right, his blood filled my mouth, causing a shiver of delight to soar through me.

  My eyes snapped open. Daylight caused me to blink a few times. Squinting, I could make out the outline of a man’s face and realized I was being carried.

  “Adam?” I croaked.

  “Shh, save your energy.”

  I nestled against his warmth, my naked body no longer producing the amount of heat I was used to. The jostling of his movements caused the pain to pulse through my leg. Gritting my teeth, I fisted his shirt in my hands and focused on his heavenly scent rather than the fire that crawled up my calf. I must have passed out because when I opened my eyes again, I was laying in my bed. My leg was propped up on pillows and bandaged.

  “You’re awake,” Elle said with a smile and sat on the edge of my bed. “What happened?” She grabbed for a washcloth and trailed it over my forehead, a concerned smile on her face.

  “I need something to drink.” My throat burned. Elle retrieved a glass of water and handed it to me. I gulped the entire contents.

  “Oh my gosh, Anna, what happened?” Sawyer burst through my bedroom door, kneeling beside the bed. His hand cupped my face. As much as I hated the reaction, I blushed at seeing his concern. He placed a kiss on my forehead and held my hand. It’d been almost three days since I’d seen him. Adam kept him busy with tracking.

  “I went for a run,” I began and then looked over when Adam walked through my door. “I needed some air from being cooped up. The hunters must have set traps. I leapt over a downed tree and landed on a bear trap.”

  Elle cringed and Sawyer’s grip on my hand tightened.

  “Have you started healing?” Sawyer asked.

  “I think so. My body shut down in the forest. I tried to hop back, but my strength drained too quickly. I guess I’m lucky our alpha found me and not a hunter or hungry mountain lion.” I looked over at Adam and smiled. He’d saved my life twice now.

  “I need to speak to Anna, and she needs her rest. You guys can see her later,” Adam told Elle and Sawyer.

  “I’m going to the video store to rent movies. We’re having a girl’s night tonight,” Elle smiled and left my room. Sawyer leaned over me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

  “You think she’ll allow one boy at your girl’s party?”

  I smiled. “I think I can talk her into it.” Sawyer rose and nodded to Adam as he left. Adam glared at his back and then shut the door, turning the lock. He crossed his arms and watched me. I was dressed now. I wondered if Elle or Adam clothed me.

  “Thank you for saving me, again,” I told him. “How’d you find me?”

  “I’ll always find you, Anna.” His voice was soft, but held an edge, a promise. Walking towards me, he placed his arms on either side of me and leaned down. His lips claiming
my mouth, separating my lips as his tongue darted out and swirled with mine. The excruciating pain was temporarily forgotten as I lost myself in his kiss. Dear God help me! I’m a fool for this man.

  “There. Now it’s my taste on your lips,” Adam said with a smirk. “What were you thinking going out in the middle of the night when there are hunters on our mountain?” Adam sat up straight, turning his back to me while he rested his elbows on his knees. “Do you have any idea what I thought when I found your naked body splayed on the forest floor?” He looked over his shoulder at me.

  “It’s not like I planned this,” I said, motioning towards my bum leg. Adam was quiet for a while, his muscles tense as he thought about something.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Anna, I need to know why you were really out there”

  “I told you, I needed to run. It’d been three days since I shifted, and I was antsy. I didn’t think hunters would be out at night.”

  “Another body was found,” Adam stated. When I didn’t respond, he turned to face me. “Tell me you’re not the one killing these men.”

  I gaped at him. “How could I have killed him when I was passed out in the forest last night?” Although I’d been out of it, the dream I’d had this morning revisited my mind. Was that the man who’d been killed?

  “The man was a hunter,” Adam said, answering my question. My breath caught in my throat. “I found him not fifty yards from you. His throat was ripped out like the other.”

  I rubbed my forehead as if the motion would erase the memory of the dream that stalked my mind. I couldn’t explain any of it, and it’d be only a matter time before all fingers pointed to me.

  “I didn’t do it,” I muttered, but my voice lacked conviction. Was my wolf so bloodthirsty that she killed two men? Shouldn’t I have some memory of the killings besides the dreams?

  “Anna, if you’re the one responsible I need to know. If I find out later, I won’t be able to help you.”

  “I didn’t do it. I mean, I don’t think I did it.”

  “What the hell does that mean? You either did or didn’t.”

  I swallowed a few times before I found the courage to explain. “I had dreams…about the killings. I saw their deaths. The dreams were so lifelike…I could practically taste the blood.” I focused on my hands, too afraid to see what emotion was on Adam’s face.

  “You didn’t think you should tell me this when Tim was found?”

  “I was afraid I’d be accused of murder. I was the last to see him alive, and at the time, I thought it was just a dream,” I paused. “But now…I don’t know.”

  Adam released a heavy breath, scrubbed his hands over his face and stood up. He paced my bedroom, the wheels in his mind working overtime to think of a solution. “You’re not to leave my sight, understand? The only way I can know for sure whether you’re responsible or not is if I’m with you at all times.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, but snapped it shut when Adam glared at me.

  “This is not up for discussion. I have a pack to look out for, and if the murders continue, it’s only a matter of time before the police come sniffing our way.”

  “But this has happened before. Isn’t it possible that the same wolf is responsible for the new killings?”

  “It’s possible, but we’ve been scouring the mountain for the past few days, and the only scents we’ve picked up are of the pack. You have a strong reaction around humans, so it stands to reason that you could be the culprit.” Adam said.

  As much as I wanted to scream and yell to defend myself, I remained silent. The dreams were too vivid not to be connected, which meant Adam was right—I could be the killer.


  Elle’s girl’s night had two male attendees. Sawyer sat on one side of me, his hand holding mine. While Adam sat on the other side, his hand resting on the couch so that it touched my leg. The living room had a large sectional, enough room to seat eight people comfortably. Adam may have been pissed about the current killings and my possible involvement, but that didn’t distract from his subtle claim of me.

  Elle stretched out on the longer part of the sofa. She’d rented romantic comedies which only made my predicament all the more uncomfortable. I spent the night having Sawyer try to take care of me, offering a blanket when I was cold or drinks when I was thirsty, and Adam sending murderous glares his way. My muscles were so sore from the tension I was sure they’d snap.

  The clicking of heels brought our attention away from the flat screen. Eve stomped into the living room, glowered at me, and said, “I need to speak to you, Adam.” With the whip of her dark hair, Eve strode into the hallway. Adam stood and followed her, a door slamming followed.

  “What do you think that’s about?” Elle asked as she looked over at me.

  I shrugged. “Who knows with her.”

  “Everyone knows you have a thing for that mutt!” Eve’s voice carried through the house. Elle and Sawyer looked at me. I shook my head, feigning innocence. The worry in Sawyers eyes made me avoid his gaze.

  “Keep your voice down!” Adam snarled.

  “I’ve gotta go,” Sawyer said, standing up.


  “It’s okay. It’s my turn to track, so I’ll talk to you later.” He watched me for a few seconds before turning and leaving. The disappointment in his green eyes was enough to form a lump of guilt in my stomach. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I liked Sawyer. Thinking about not spending time with him again caused a reaction I hadn’t expected.

  Elle glanced at the clock. “Oh, I have to go too. I’m in Sawyer’s group.” She stood up and said, “You okay?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, just another day in the life of a wolf.”

  She leaned over and squeezed my arm, a small smile on her lips. “We’ll talk later. Right now our alpha demands I go out and search the mountain,” she grumbled and rolled her eyes.

  When both Sawyer and Elle left, I sat on the couch and tried to focus on the sappy couple on the TV screen. I could hear Adam and Eve arguing, and it had me on edge. Would Adam stop her if she decided to attack me? Since Eve was an alpha, she was stronger than me, even without the bum leg. The sound of a door opening awakened my wolf. She was ready for a fight and would claw and bite until the bitter end. Adam walked out, his hands fisted at his side and a scowl on his face. Eve followed after him and stopped. Adam put himself between me and his mate, and I released the breath I’d been holding.

  “You and I will have it out one way or another,” she snapped and then left.

  Adam walked over to the couch and sat down. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he dropped his head back against the couch.

  “Should I even ask?”

  “Seems my affections didn’t go unnoticed,” Adam said, looking over at me. His eyes watched me so intently I forgot myself for a moment.

  “I need to know why you waited so long. I’ve been here for three months and other than teaching me about the wolves, or punishing me, you never spoke to me. You threatened to give me to Luke if I didn’t date Sawyer, and now you want me for yourself,” I paused to take a breath. “Whatever game you’re playing, I’m not. I like Sawyer, and you’re mated to Eve. I’m not willing to die for something I can’t have.” I spoke the words that’d been lingering on my lips for days. I coated them with authority and confidence, in hope they’d penetrate Adam’s stubborn head.

  Inside, it felt like water rushing down a drain. Everything I allowed myself to believe could happen with Adam was withdrawing and left me empty. Against my better judgment and morals, I wanted Adam as sure as the farmers want rain. I craved his presence and touch like a drug addict—sure that if I didn’t get a taste of him my body would convulse. The realization was so strong it left me breathless, suffocating on the emotions that gnawed on my insides until there was nothing left.

  “Eve won’t touch you,” Adam began, his hand reaching out. I flinched away from him, afraid that if he touched me I’d cave.

bsp; “I’m sorry. I had no right to act the way I have, and it’s only caused more problems. I know Eve is a dangerous enemy to have and that Sawyer really likes you. I know you’re worth more than what I’m offering and that you deserve to be happy,” Adam sat up, cracked his knuckle’s and ran his fingers through his hair. “I know all of that, but I don’t care. I don’t care that Eve and I were paired together. I don’t care that Sawyer would make a worthy mate and make you happy because I know I could make you happier. If I had to only admire you from afar rather than feel your body beneath my hands, I’d go insane. I had to step up in some way to have you and your stubbornness has only driven me more over the edge.” Adam snorted and glanced at me. “I’ll never stop wanting you,” he said softly, looking away. “But I will stop my advances and never speak of this again. Eve was given to me to rule by my side and going against that covenant would put your life in danger.” Adam stood, keeping his back toward me. “Elle will be your watcher from now on. You will not leave her sight. We still need to figure out who’s behind the murders. Goodnight, Anna.”

  I watched him leave, the sound of the front door closing like vice around my heart. Something within me drew me towards Adam like a moth to a flame. He was my beacon in the dark world. I always assumed the emotion was due to the fact he was my alpha and my wolf was vowed to this authority. Now, I wasn’t so sure.

  Two weeks passed. I’d only seen Adam in passing. I was invisible to him and that hurt more than I expected. He’d told me he wouldn’t speak of our connection again, but I didn’t believe him. Surely something so strong and primal couldn’t be ignored. Unfortunately, it could and was.

  Sawyer and I continued to hang out sans sex. He’d been distant and not his normal mischievous self since that night Eve came to the house. We’d go fishing, hunting, and watch movies together, but he wouldn’t touch me.

  Moving on and away from Adam was the smartest choice for everyone, and in time, I’d feel those feelings for Sawyer. I tried to kiss him and even snake my hand under his shirt a few times, only to watch him step back and out of my grasp. I figured he assumed I was Adam’s mistress and that was the reason for his cold demeanor, but I hadn’t asked. I didn’t want to speak about Adam. I needed to ignore him as much as he ignored me.


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