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Page 32

by Shannon Drake

  He caught her hand tightly. “They never would have succeeded. I knew exactly what had happened the minute we found the coachman, who, I am sorry to say, died in this tragedy, as well.” And yet…just a few more minutes. They were close, so close.

  “I bought time.”


  She smiled, holding his hand, leaning back. “The night that Eleanor put on the bereaved act and cursed me, Kat gave me a gift. A scarab pin. I stabbed Angus in the eye with it.”

  “We wondered what had happened to him. Bright girl,” he told her.

  She smiled. “Sometimes.” She reached out to him. “Very bright boy,” she teased.

  He leaned forward and kissed her again. He tried to be gentle, still worried about the effects of the drug and the attack.


  Ally would have her way, and so he scooped her into his arms and lay down beside her.

  THE QUEEN WANTED TO MEET Ally and Thane, the journalist whose final article on the murders had put everything into perspective and calmed the mood of the entire nation!

  Mark escorted them to their audience in the outer chamber of Victoria’s personal quarters.

  It was evident she had a fondness for Mark. And he was absolutely charming to her.

  The queen studied Ally carefully and with affection, Ally thought, and yet with a terrible sadness.

  Thane was in ecstasy. Especially when Victoria said they must have tea.

  “What now, Mark?” the queen demanded imperiously.

  “Will you be able to settle in to being a happy newlywed?”

  “Yes,” Mark said, and Ally thought there was far more to the simple exchange than the words said. “I believe so. My wife seems to have a taste for Egyptian adventure. I believe we will head out on next season’s expedition with our dear friends the Stirlings and the MacDonalds. Lord Jamie and Lady Maggie just may be convinced to go, as well.”

  “Lovely,” the queen said, obviously pleased. She sighed deeply. “I will think of you. And after that, Mark?”

  “After that, Your Highness, I will return and serve the Crown as best I may.”

  “You’re married now,” she reminded him.

  “Yes, but to a most remarkable wife. One with whom I do believe I will be able to share all my thoughts, dreams, desires—and adventures.” He smiled at Ally. She took his hand, and she squeezed it.

  “An excellent stroke of luck,” the queen said. “And you, Mr. Grier, will go on to a remarkable career as a journalist, I’m quite certain.”

  He nodded, blushing.

  Shortly afterward tea was finished and the audience was over. The three of them rose, and one of the queen’s ladies showed them out.

  “Buckingham Palace,” Thane said as they walked out the gates. “And I was a guest.”

  “You deserve to shine before royalty,” Ally told him, grinning.

  “Shine and return to work,” he said wryly.

  “Indeed,” Mark said, and he looked down at Ally, smiling. He offered Thane his hand then. “Well, we’re off for the week.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “North. Ally needs to see the family castle.”

  “Enjoy yourselves. Don’t forget me,” Thane warned them.

  “Never,” Ally promised.

  They parted ways. Thane was already thinking of the piece he would do on the Farrows when they headed off on their voyage to Egypt.

  He paused, looking back as the two headed off together, hand in hand, smiling at each other every few steps.

  He sighed softly.

  “And they lived happily ever after,” he said aloud.

  Then, with a smile, he headed off down the street for work.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-0829-5


  Copyright © 2006 by Heather Graham Pozzessere

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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