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Trust In Love (A McCord Family Novel Book 2)

Page 13

by Amanda Siegrist

  Sophie shivered in his arms, the tingling sense of pleasure running all over her body. His light feathery kisses did more to her than anything else possibly could. She didn't say anything in response to him as he continued to nibble on her lip. She tried to lay still, to enjoy every ounce of his touch, but when he brought his kisses back down her neck, she shivered again in anticipation. To her craving delight, he didn't stop, but repeated what he did the first time. He slowly kissed his way back up her neck to her ear and lightly nibbled again, gliding his tongue around spots she had no idea were so sensitive.

  He kissed her just below her ear. "Do you want me to stop? Tell me what you feel, Sophie. I feel you shake within my arms. Is that fear...or pleasure?"

  Sophie couldn't speak and closed her eyes as he continued to pepper, small, delicate kisses back to her mouth. Instead of lightly kissing her on the lips, he deepened the kiss, demanding she open up to him. She didn't resist and opened willingly as she pressed closer to him, eliciting a delicious moan from him. She felt his heat aching against her, knew he wanted her with a passion, and yet, all he did was kiss. He was showing her what they could experience together, but wasn't forcing it on her. That alone made Austin special, what made him stand out from all the rest. She shivered again in his arms, the tingling pleasure deepening into a burning desire. She moaned in despair when he pulled his mouth away from her.

  "You need to tell me what you feel. You keep shaking in my arms. I won't force myself on you," Austin whispered.

  "It's pleasure...not fear," she whispered back. His eyes shined brightly at those words, yet made no move to kiss her again.

  That made her mind immediately switch off from the pleasure back into fear. She had no idea why, when it felt so good with his arms around her. She glanced away from his penetrating look.

  "He wasn't gentle with me. When I say I've never felt things like this, it's because I never truly have. This feeling is new. I never knew what pleasure felt like. It always hurt. He always took from me. It was never about me." She gasped in shock, putting a horrifying hand to her mouth. "I can't believe I just said that."

  She tried to move away, but he held her firmly in his arms. "You'll never think about him again. When you're with me, I'll make you forget him. I'll make you feel things you couldn't possibly imagine. I'll do anything to wipe those memories away, Sophie," Austin said, gently pulling her face back to his. He lightly kissed her, nibbling gingerly on her bottom lip.

  "I like that," she said as he lifted his head to look into her eyes.

  "Like what? What I just said?"

  "Yes, but I meant you nibbling on my lip. I...I like that," she said tentatively.

  "Well, I like it when you bite on your own lip. It makes me wanna nibble it on myself. Seriously turns me on. I also like you telling me what you like. I'll keep doing those things. What makes you happy is what makes me happy. So just keep whispering what you like and I'll keep doing it," he said softly, nibbling one more time on her lip.

  "I like your kisses, everywhere you put them. That's why I shiver in your arms, a burning desire just courses through me," she whispered, as he trailed more kisses down her neck. She shivered again from the soft caress each kiss made.

  "Oh, I like this. Keep whispering what you like, Sophie. You have no idea the pleasure I feel hearing that from your lips," he said, trailing kisses back up towards her ear.

  In all the time he held her in his arms, he always kept his hands near her head. Surprising her, he slowly brought one down her arm in a gentle caress at the same time he peppered kisses back to her mouth. He took his time to feel her soft skin, weaving his hand over her fingers, rubbing a few gentle circles on her palm as he devoured her mouth. She shivered again as he let her hand go and made his way back up, caressing her side, stopping just short of touching her breast. He lightly moved his hand back and forth under her breast, enticing her, teasing her with what was to come.

  She moaned in his mouth at his torturous touch. He bit her lip as he brought his hand to cup her breast and stroked her nipple. She arched into him, grabbing his back in delight. "Oh, I like that, Austin."

  He deepened the kiss, caressing her breast in a playful wonder. He squeezed her nipple tenderly and made his way back up to her lips where he cradled her face as he kissed her deeply, drawing another delightful murmur from her.

  "I think this is me having my wicked way with you. I have to stop before I completely devour you from head to toe. I want it on your terms, not mine. Remember?" he said, pulling away.

  He rested his back against the bed and pulled her to his side. She lightly rested her head on his chest as the desire from his touch still lingered in every corner of her body.

  "I want you, Sophie. That was never in question. Do you know why I stopped?"

  "Yes. I thank you for that. I like how you make me feel, but I'm not sure I'm ready for it all. He—"

  "Did you think of him while I kissed you?" he interrupted her.

  "No...but I can't help it when he pops into my mind afterwards. It's hard to forget about that horror in my life. You make me feel good, but the pain is still there."

  Austin gently grabbed her cheek and looked into her eyes. "I'll make you forget him. When you finally forget everything but me, then I'll know you're ready for it all. I guess I'll just have to torture you every night with sweet kisses and light caresses. Each night, I'll move my hands a little further, a little longer, and you'll forget. You'll forget everything but me."

  "You're already making me forget just by your sweet words," she whispered.

  "Then we're making headway. Just wait until I make you forget it all," he whispered back, pulling her closer into his arms.


  "How was your day, Deja?" Sophie asked as Deja walked into the kitchen. "Get down, Axel. You know the rules. No treats until you eat your food." She pointed to his dish and shook her head as she smiled.

  Deja laughed. "He's at it again, I see. I guess I shouldn't fib. I snuck him a treat before I left this morning."

  "Why am I not surprised? He's such a beggar. Just like Austin," Sophie said.

  "I know I've only been here four days, but I've never seen Austin beg for anything," Deja said confused.

  Sophie blushed, thinking of the nights when they ventured to bed. The sweet way he held her in his arms and begged her to whisper what she liked as he kissed, caressed and touched her in more ways than just physically. Each night, Kevin's hurtful words and actions slipped deeper out of her mind as Austin's delicate touch and beautiful words took over. She wasn't quite there, but he was making his way quicker than she ever imagined.

  "Oh, he does little things, I guess when you're not around," Sophie said, turning to the fridge and pulling it open even though she didn't need anything out of it. "How was your day?"

  Deja smiled at her false words. "It was good. My feet are killing me. I haven't been on my feet like that in a long time. Who knew waitressing was so backbreaking? I can help cook. What are we having?"

  "Lasagna. It's cooking in the oven and not much to do but wait," Sophie said, grabbing the iced tea finally so she didn't look like a complete idiot. She closed the fridge and went to the cupboard to grab a glass. "You want some iced tea?"

  "Sure." Deja sat down at the table. "So, Austin leaves for New York in two days. About me—"

  "Stop, Deja. I trust you. He...maybe doesn't as much. But he has no say in the matter. We'll be fine, right?" Sophie said, setting down the iced tea in front of Deja and took a seat across from her.

  Deja lightly smiled. "Right. I just wanted to make sure. I know he doesn't trust me."

  "Did he say something to you?"

  "No. I see the way he looks at me sometimes. You mean a lot to him, Sophie. He wouldn't be so generous about me if it weren't for you."

  "That might be true. Don't worry about it, Deja. Do you work this weekend? Maybe we can do something fun together," Sophie said, lightly tracing her glass as her nerves went haywire. She never had
many friends growing up. It was easier to stick by herself than explain things about her home life. She really wanted a friend for once.

  "I do, but only a short shift. What do you wanna do?" Deja asked excitedly.

  Sophie looked up from her glass, a small smile on her face. "I have no idea. I hadn't thought that far ahead."

  Deja laughed. "Well, we'll figure something out. Boy, that lasagna smells great."

  "Thanks. It'll be done in about thirty minutes. Austin should be home soon," Sophie said, thinking about his handsome face.


  She felt like she truly had a home for once, and Austin was slowly weaving his way into it. She liked that feeling.


  Ava walked into the small white building they made for their offices and saw Austin typing away at his computer.

  "Having fun?" she asked, taking a seat across from him.

  "Inputting numbers and figuring out how much chicken feed to order. So no, not what I would call fun. I just wanna get this done and go home," Austin said, barely glancing at her.

  "Are you still mad at me?"

  Austin stopped typing and glanced at her, the pain clear in her eyes. "No, Ava, I'm not. I'm just busy."

  "Well, you haven't talked to me much this past week. Feels like you are. I'm sorry for butting in like I did. I just want to help. I can't stand that Sophie was hurt and I could possibly help her."

  "I would love nothing better than for you to take care of that piece of shit that hurt Sophie or the despicable cops that turned their backs on her. Trust me, Ava. I almost lost a lot of ground with Sophie. I can't say anything to you because I promised her I wouldn't. I won't break my promise. She's said some things to me and every time a small piece of her old life leaves her mouth, it breaks my heart. It makes me want to pummel the man to death. I've never thought of myself as a violent person, but for him, I would be the most violent man in the world."

  Austin pushed his chair away from the desk, looked down at the floor, and sat there taking small deep breaths.

  "Maybe I'm still a little mad. Remember the first time you met Zane? The intense rage and anger he had towards you," Austin said, glancing up at her.

  Ava shook her head. "Of course I do. It's hard to forget."

  "You butted into our family business and it pissed him off. I didn't understand his anger about it because maybe I saw a little bit of your side. Not this time. I understand his anger now because that's what I feel. You butted in where you shouldn't have and it pisses me off. I know you did it out of love and concern, but it's still there in the back of my mind. I've since mentioned your name a time or two, just in casual conversation, and I saw Sophie shake. I've gotten to know how her body moves, reacts to certain things. I know what shakes come from delight and what ones are from fear. I don't think she wants to come around the farm anymore because of you, Ava. She's afraid of what you might do or say to her. You're like my sister and I love you, but Sophie's coming to mean a lot to me and I have to think about her feelings. Maybe I've kept my distance from you because it's easier on me."

  "Damn it, Austin. I'm sorry. You know I can't help myself. I didn't mean to make her that upset, or you, for that matter. What can I do to make it up to you? I don't like this bridge between us. You don't have to come to New York with us. You can stay here with Sophie. I know you're worried about leaving her alone with Deja. I am, too."

  Austin ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "I'm coming with, Ava. It's important I see Jimmy, too. Sophie's not budging about staying on the farm when we're gone. She's staying with Deja and I can't stop her. She's very independent on that account and I can't fault her for it. That's one of the things I love about her. Her fierceness and independence to know what's right for herself. It's important to her. I'm going to ask Emmett to check on her every day. I haven't mentioned it to Sophie yet, but I have to do something to make myself feel better. I know you're sorry. I'll get over it and I do forgive you. It's just hard when I know Sophie's apprehensive."

  "Maybe if I talk to her—"

  "Damn it, Ava, don't you dare try talking to her again. It didn't work last time," Austin said angrily.

  "Okay, but how can she feel better around me if she won't come around the farm and you won't let me talk to her?"

  "Just butt out of my love life right now. I'm handling it fine myself. I don't wanna be mad at you and I don't wanna fight with you. When Sophie is ready, she'll come around here. For now, leave it to me. Leave her alone, okay?"


  Austin scooted back to the desk. "Please, let me finish this so I can leave."

  Ava nodded and stood up. "Can I at least get a hug or something? You still seem mad at me."

  Austin looked up at her. "I'm really not. It's just a sore spot with me right now. Is this pregnancy hormones talking right now? You normally aren't in my face like this."

  "We normally don't fight either."

  Austin stood up and circled the desk. He grabbed Ava in a hug and squeezed her tight. "I love you, Ava. I always will, no matter how mad I get at you. Just please leave Sophie and her issues to me. I'm begging you."

  Ava squeezed him back. "I will, I swear. I was just trying to help. Make her come back here. I won't say a word, I promise."

  He pulled away and kissed her forehead. "I will. After New York. Let's get through that trip first. I want to go to New York, but trust me when I say I'm kinda scared to leave her alone. Not just because of Deja either. I don't want to talk about it, so don't ask me. Go on to the house. Let me finish up here. We're good, okay."

  "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." Ava grabbed another hug from him and then left.


  Creating tension in the family again. She obviously did a good job of it. She just wanted to help because she couldn't stand thinking about what happened to Sophie and no one was paying for their crimes. Not the horrible man who abused her, or the cops that turned a blind eye. She wanted to know everything that happened and it tore her up inside that she couldn't.

  She walked towards the house and saw Zane swinging leisurely on the porch swing.

  "Come grab a seat by me, sweetheart," he said, patting the spot next to him.

  Ava sat down and fell into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her. "How did it go with Austin?"

  "He's still mad. He's trying not to be, but she's afraid to come around me. I didn't mean to make her feel that way." Ava sighed, leaning closer to him. "Why do I always screw things up?"

  Zane tilted his head towards her and lifted her chin to meet his eyes. "Because you care. You have so much love and devotion inside that sometimes you just can't help yourself. Sophie didn't say a lot in the kitchen that day, but she said enough. Whatever that man did to her, well, it was rough. She's in good hands with Austin. He'll help her in any way he can. It's his job, not yours. I'd like to think it was me that helped you through the pain last year, not Austin. Maybe it was both of us. But—"

  "It was you. He helped, but mostly it was you. I get what you're saying. We all have that one person to help us through something. Sophie has Austin, not me, is what you're saying."

  "Yes. If there's a small chance down the road she needs your help, she'll let you know. She's a strong woman. She thinks she's weak, but anyone who can escape a horror that she did is strong in my eyes. Austin is trying to help her see that. Just let him take care of it. Stop worrying so much. It's probably not good for the baby," Zane said, placing a tender hand on her belly. He started rubbing soft, slow circles, imagining the little baby growing inside.

  Ava covered his hand with her own and smiled. "I can't help but worry. I'll try harder for you, though." She rested her head onto him. "I love you, Zane."

  "I love you, too, sweetheart. It'll all work out in the end. It always does."

  Ava smiled, taking comfort in his words, and squeezed his hand tighter.


  "Hey, Austin, can I have a word?" Deja said, popping her head out of her room.

>   Austin stopped and turned around. "Sure. What's up?"

  Deja held her hand out. "Fifty bucks, so far. I've been making decent tips."

  Austin stared at the money, then glanced up at Deja. Her bright blue eyes sparkled back at him, pulling him in. She was sort of like Sophie in a way. Trying so hard on the outside to appear strong and not afraid, but he saw the slight tremor in her hand. He definitely understood what Sophie saw in Deja. She had secrets, fears and horrors hidden within those bright blue eyes, but it didn't mean he liked her, or fully trusted her yet.

  He stepped forward and grabbed the money. "Thanks, Deja."

  "You look tired."

  Austin laughed lightly. "I am tired. We have a lot we need to do before we leave. Even though our cousins help out, Zane and I hate leaving too much work for them."

  "I know you think I'm a horrible person and don't like me. I don't blame you either. I won't hurt Sophie. She'll be fine while you're gone," Deja said, making eye contact the whole time.

  Austin sighed. "We all make mistakes, Deja. I've even made a few in life. Not so far as breaking into someone's home, but I've done dumb shit, too. I'm a little apprehensive leaving Sophie, but...she's a tough woman. She wouldn't be here in this house if she wasn't. I would hunt you down until the day I die if you ever hurt her. Just know that. I think you do know that and I'm starting to believe you won't hurt her. Trust doesn't come easy, but I'm getting there little by little with you."

  "Sophie has no idea what a true gem she found with you. She's lucky," Deja said, a small smile forming from his words.

  "I like to think I'm the lucky one," he replied with a small smile back. "Goodnight, Deja."

  "Night, Austin." Deja stepped back into her room and closed the door quietly.

  Austin glanced at the money in his hand. He had been more apprehensive leaving Sophie than he let on to Deja. The minute she handed him the money, it dissipated slightly. Sometimes you had to show what you meant, instead of using just words. Her handing money over right away showed him that she was trying.


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