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Tessa’s Dilemma

Page 6

by Tessa Wanton

  He listened carefully to the words flowing from her lips. It was clear she’d thought about the idea for quite a while and there was absolutely no reason why she couldn’t pursue her dreams. She had the intelligence; she just needed the support. And support was something Charles could offer in abundance. Still maintaining their eye contact, he stroked her thigh tenderly, gently nudging her to uncross her legs and allow them to rest slightly apart. No one would be able to see up her skirt, but this was a trust game. How far would she trust him?

  “My Tessa. You have no idea what a good girl you are.” She had allowed him to coax her into her new exposed position, and now he rested his hand on the inside of her thigh, a little higher than before. A subtle action, but such a large implication. “I am proud of you beyond measure; you are so much more capable of achieving the things you desire than you believe. I am willing to show you just how capable, both in your everyday life, and of course in your intimate life also. Your career change will be of no difficulty to you. I am happy to guide you in the direction you need to take; your desire to succeed will accomplish the rest of your task for you. However, your submissive training will take hard work, if you are willing to follow me further?” To emphasize his point, he slid his hand completely under her skirt, his fingers making contact with silky soft, and pleasingly slick, bare thigh. Again, she did not move from his advance. Instead she still stared into his eyes, and reached for her drink, her comfort blanket, for a bit longer anyway. “Do you still wish to follow me Tessa? Do you want to know what it feels like to orgasm with just a word?”

  The blush that bloomed in response to his words answered for her. She seemed dumbstruck by his words, unable to speak, hypnotized by him, clutching a cocktail glass as her link to reality. Pushing forward, he leaned into her, sliding his hand higher and squeezing her full thigh. “I think my girl, that you should finish your drink, go to the ladies, freshen up, and when you return, meet me in the hotel reception over there and give me your soaked panties. I don’t think you’ll need them for a while. And furthermore, when you take them off you must keep them in your hand until I ask for them. You may not put them in your bag.” He sat back in his seat, touching his fingers to his lips, lightly kissing them, and then he calmly finished his drink. He noted with a certain pleasure how quickly Tessa hurried out of the bar. Was it embarrassment? He would bet that it wasn’t, but simply eagerness to fulfill his wishes.

  Paying the tab at the bar, he smiled broadly to himself. The afternoon was going swimmingly. Tessa was pleasing him beyond words; her complete trust in him caused a rush of desire to surge through his body, a dull ache settling in his loins, but that particular ache would have to wait be sated today. Public submission was tricky enough without running the risk of being arrested for indecency. Something they could both do without. Sauntering across to the reception area, he reached the soft seating in the central atrium and glanced over to the restroom where she had recently emerged, desperately trying to hide a flash of purple satin in her tightly clenched right fist. Managing delightfully to keep her face serene, he knew all wasn’t as it appeared; she was struggling deep down to maintain her composure and fight through her embarrassment for Master. Greeting her with a kiss to each cheek, he whispered in her ear, “I am so proud of you my girl, so, so proud; now pass me your panties and I think a nice stroll in the park is in order.”

  Chapter Five

  She felt as though everyone was watching her. In fact she knew they were. The way the door porters eyed her portrayed a certain distaste that even she couldn’t miss. Was it because she looked like a whore? It definitely wasn’t that; she always dressed very tastefully. But she was definitely acting like one; drinking cocktails bought by a man twenty years her senior, to whom she had just handed her soaked panties in the lobby of one of the most exclusive hotels in London. The bar staff may have been discrete, but the door staff? Perhaps they had a point though. Such activities in broad daylight do little to enhance the reputation of an upper class establishment. To say she was grateful when He suggested they go for a walk in the park was an understatement. She wanted to get away from prying eyes, the scrutiny of those judging her when actually everything she was doing was completely enjoyable and made her feel alive. She wanted Him all to herself.

  He took her hand and led her from the hotel, and just as she thought she could finally relax, He stopped just before a queue of taxis, and pulled her panties from His pocket. Though He wasn’t blatantly waving them around, He made a show of shaking them out so that it was very obvious what He was holding in His hands if you were paying attention to what He was doing. Trying desperately to disappear into herself, Tessa wished the pavement would swallow her whole. What did He think He was doing? A couple of taxi drivers had indeed spotted what He was doing and were smirking and nudging each other to draw attention to her glowing cheeks. “Relax my girl,” He said. They cannot harm you; they cannot touch you, and would you even recognize them if you saw them again? They may have an inkling of who you might be if they saw you in the future, but they would never admit it. All they are thinking now is how much they desire you and wish they were the one holding this flimsy undergarment.”

  She didn’t know if it was the cocktails finally drowning her senses or His soothing words, but what He said made perfect sense. Nonetheless still embarrassed, she felt herself enjoying the lustful stares. Now they didn’t seem to be judging her, but wanting her, curious about her, desiring her. There was little not to like about those feelings for sure.

  Placing her panties back in His right pocket, He took her hand once more and guided her through the narrow streets until they reached Green Park. The full beauty of the balmy spring afternoon greeted her as she breathed in deeply, and giggled as she swooned a little, no doubt the alcohol showing its effect. Gazing over the vast open space, she felt like she was seeing this place for the first time, although she had walked through the park many times previously. She noticed with satisfaction that Master’s eyes also appeared to mirror her emotions, sparkling as He silently surveyed the park. He seemed to be searching for something, but no doubt whatever it was would become patently clear soon enough. Leading her into the park, they left the marked path and walked onto the grass. Quickly reaching down Tessa stepped out of her medium heeled purple leather pumps and savored the feeling of the warm grass through her stockings. Curling her toes into the fresh green carpet, she sucked in a deep lungful of air. Relaxation flowed over her, but jittery nerves and a slight twinge of fear still gripped her heart tightly as she reminded herself that despite appearances, she was still under the care of a man who had her panties in His pocket, and could happily do whatever He wished to her whenever He wanted to. He could also disappear from her forever without a trace.

  Dismissing the gnawing worries niggling inside her, she tightened her grip on His hand, making sure she didn’t slip or twist an ankle on the uneven ground. He continued to weave their path further into the park and headed toward a cluster of trees. A sensible idea as Tessa’s skin was so sensitive, any excess of sun would cause her skin to redden painfully and more often than not, blister badly. Stopping under a large tree, perhaps an oak judging by its large broad leaves, He slipped off His suit jacket, squatted down, and rolled the jacket into a makeshift pillow placing it next to Him. He reached out to her to join Him on the ground. Checking the area nervously, she noted that there were very few people this far from the main path, and those who were relaxed on the ground like them: couples chatting, reading, laughing, kissing and cuddling. They would blend right in; no one would bat an eyelid to see two lovers lying in the park enjoying a warm afternoon. Careful not to allow her skirt to ride up too much, she knelt down next to Him and allowed Him to arrange her on her back, her head on His jacket pillow, the scent of Him filling her nostrils almost as much as the freshly mown grass.

  Closing her eyes, she sighed with utter contentment; not for a long while had she felt this at peace, this happy, this free. The feeling of Him so c
lose to her intimately now made her tremble; although they were still very much in public, they were secluded, nearly hidden, almost safe. No one would pay attention to them here. She could feel Him watching her, and just as she began to get curious about what else He was doing, she felt His lips meet hers, so soft and tender, not like His usual forceful kiss. This was an intensity she hadn’t felt from Him before, and she was very glad she was lying down else she feared He would have had to catch her. Breathlessly, she kissed Him back, their tongues gently caressing each other: exploring, loving almost. She could feel His hand in her hair, stroking, gradually twisting and tightening it in His grip. The effect this had on her body was like flipping a switch. The searing pain led to an aching throb between her legs, squeezing her thighs together she desperately tried to alleviate the insistent torment the best she could, but to no avail. He tightened His grip further and broke their kiss to whisper in her ear. “Squeeeeeeze for me my girl,” He commanded softly, and Tessa could not help but constrict her sex tightly at His words.

  He had given her many exercises for when they were apart, and she had never questioned why. She had presumed perhaps that they would enhance His pleasure in some way; hers was not to question, but simply to follow orders. The exercises were pleasurable to perform, and several of her girlfriends had mentioned Kegel exercises and the like before, and she deemed that any exercise was good exercise. She could now demonstrate to Him how she had practiced and although she had no idea what He had in mind, she was past the point of embarrassment or caring; her mind filled with only thoughts of pleasing Master.

  Suddenly she felt Him place a hand on her abdomen, causing her curiosity to overwhelm her. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see He had His left hand flat on her abdomen, dangerously close to being obscene, but still a squeak within the realms of public decency. He turned His attention back to her, placing His right hand over her eyes, and whispering in a low voice once more, “Relax... Take a deep breath and just float away from this world.” Happy to see that she would follow His orders unquestioningly, He took His hand away from her and placed her left hand in His right. In a low, soothing voice, He murmured quietly, so close to her left ear, “Concentrate girl; just focus entirely on the squeeze of my hand. When I squeeze your hand, you squeeze my cunt. Yes, my cunt, because you are mine, which means your body is mine; everything you do, everything you think... is mine. For me. For my pleasure. Because I desire it.”

  His words enflamed her; her nipples became so hard in response that they ached; her sex felt like molten lava and as she squeezed on His silent command. With her eyes closed, all she could hear was His breathing, slow and even. She knew He was watching her, observing, feeling. He varied the squeezing of her hand, sometimes pumping it quickly, other times, slow and long. The differing rhythms were building an intense ball of emotion within her, as well as turning her on more than she had ever experienced before. After a number of quick “pulses,” Tessa felt a mild spasm in her sex; it shocked her – was it the start of an orgasm? A quiet keening emitted from her lips as she started to lose herself to the feelings, but still she squeezed and relaxed on His insistent command. Over and over: squeezing, releasing; her heart thudding strongly from arousal, her breathing ragged, as now she felt without any mistake the commencement of a climax.

  It just wasn’t possible. How could this be? All He was doing was placing His hands on her and requesting she squeeze to the pattern He desired. No words, no sexual touch, nothing except for connection between Master and submissive. It was mounting nonetheless; she could feel the warm glow spreading from her core, her nipples so sensitive now that the lacy material of her bra was rubbing them to distraction with each heaving breath she took. She was aware of her juices running down the insides of her thighs; her missing panties no longer soaking up her lubrication, but flowing free with each contraction. Quicker, longer, tighter, she squeezed and clenched until the unthinkable happened. Oozing slowly across and through her like warm liquid, each ebb and flow of her orgasm slowly but surely claimed her body; no longer moaning with need or animal abandon, this time a quiet sigh of release lodged in her throat. Shuddering with the pinnacle of her climax, she fell limp under His hands.


  She could not fathom what had just happened. It wasn’t possible. But then, it was. It had to be, as she had just experienced it. It wasn’t the sharp clarity that sliced through her consciousness like her clitoral orgasms provided, but a much deeper, all consuming, profound feeling. There was no doubt where this orgasm had come from; He had controlled her fully. There was no touch involved, just training of her body and mind. She had no doubts now, that she had just experienced her very first cerebral orgasm.

  Chapter Six

  Lying exhausted next to Him, she hadn’t the strength to open her eyes; she was deep in reverie: deep in the safety and bliss of subspace. Unthinking, she could not form any words: did not know what to say to Him even if she could. But now she was becoming curious to know whether she had pleased Him, had fulfilled His desires; it was times like these when her only thoughts were of Him. Her only reason for living. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw straight away how proud He was of her. He was smiling broadly, looking so serene, the characteristic sparkling of His sultry brown eyes making her heart falter as He appeared to stare straight into her soul. To lay there and gaze at Him forever would have been a life worth living for her. He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly on her forehead, stroking her cheek, rubbing her arms gently. She couldn’t quite make out what He was murmuring, but she thought she caught the words “good girl,” and “so proud,” and that was enough for Tessa to be happy and accept Masters’ attentions.

  Eventually she felt her consciousness return to reality, the birdsong in the park, and distant laughter starting to register more plainly on her hearing. As if He could tell that she was almost recovered, He sprung to His feet and reached down to help her up. Picking up His jacket, He brushed it down with His right hand, shaking the loose grass from it, and then slung it nonchalantly over His left shoulder, placing Tessa’s right hand in the crook of His arm. “Well my girl, it appears it’s time to get you to your train; it’s been an eventful day for you but not to worry; we can take the long way round.” He winked at her playfully, His expression displayed all the youth and vigor of a teenager who had just had his first kiss. She still felt like she was floating as she walked by His side. He was talking about something work based again, but she simply couldn’t concentrate after what had happened just a few minutes earlier. No matter how she considered it, she had experienced the impossible. She shook her head; it... wasn’t... possible. Thinking wasn’t going to be a worthwhile pastime at the present anyway; despite having had an incredible “mythical” climax, she was now distractedly turned on. The wetness between her thighs only served to arouse her further, and her engorged sex craved His hardness: to feel His solidness within her, to feel the contrast of His strong body against her soft and pliant flesh. She loved Him so much that she would have stripped naked in broad daylight had He commanded it; she would have done anything that He desired without reserve.

  Refocusing on His baritone voice, she nodded to feign the impression that she had been listening to His conversation, but in all honesty He could have been reciting the Oxford English Dictionary and she would have been happy to hear His voice and walk by His side. They passed down into a dark underpass beneath one of the main roads and rounded a corner when she heard Him utter, “Cold tiled wall Tessa; you should feel at home here,” He slammed her hard against the wall. The force with which He pinned her with His body squeezed the air from her lungs, and she gasped desperately to counter the sudden dizziness that engulfed her. She managed to take a breath, only to exhale with a sigh as His hot breath teased her neck; His hands urgently pulled her skirt up to her waist, exploring her swollen lips and inner thighs, tugging, pinching, sending her deliriously close towards climax. Dragging her left leg around His waist, He quickly unzipped Himse
lf and roughly entered her so hard that she squealed with surprise, the hollow echo of her moans bouncing around the underpass, belying just how alone they were beneath the busy city streets. Fixing her with a fierce stare, it felt like He was pinning her to the wall with His mind as well as His body. Quivering with sheer sensory overload, she whimpered as He placed His palm over her mouth and ploughed her with a series of strong thrusts, erupting within a matter of minutes. As she felt Him pulse deep inside her, emptying His seed: claiming her, marking her. He held her firmly trapped, and in a low voice that made her tremble even more than before, He spoke words that had her shuddering to another orgasm before He had even finished the sentence.

  “You are my vessel to take any time I want, wherever I want, and you will carry me deep within you because it pleases me for you to do so – that is your sole reason for existing.”

  Chapter Seven

  Tessa yanked her skirt down, glancing around nervously as He stepped away from her. She was suddenly starkly aware that what they had just done had been in complete broad daylight, however thankfully well hidden. Funny how such things seem to be forgotten in the heat of the moment, but she suspected that He had already scouted this particular underpass and was relatively sure of its deserted nature. Her attention was drawn back to Him as she heard the strike of His lighter. He was holding the flame to a cigarette that He was carefully shielding between His cupped hands as he had before. Wrinkling His forehead He looked over the top of His glasses at her and winked with a smile, crouching to retrieve His jacket from the heap it lay in on the ground. “Well I had hoped I’d managed to throw it on a dry patch,” He commented as He checked it over. “It’ll dry clean though; I just didn’t fancy having to take it to the dry cleaners and explain why it was drenched in urine.” He seemed satisfied that all was well as He slipped His arms into the garment and linked arms with her, guiding her away from the place of their passionate tryst.


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