Book Read Free

The Wronged

Page 21

by Kimberley Chambers

  Michael shrugged. ‘Can’t promise you that, Dad. I’ve already lost this woman once and no way am I losing her again. I love her, simple as.’

  Deborah Preston was busy preparing the vegetables when the doorbell rang. ‘Get that, Jo. It’s probably Sandy, arrived early,’ Deborah shouted, referring to her best friend.

  ‘I’ll get it, Nanny,’ Ava said, excitedly. She’d got to the age where she loved to answer the door and the phone. It made her feel like a big girl.

  As the door opened, Vinny stared at the child. Seeing her in the flesh up close was completely different to seeing her in a photograph. She had the biggest green eyes Vinny had ever seen, and looked like a female version of him at the same age. Vinny crouched down. ‘Hello, darling. I’m your daddy. Merry Christmas.’

  Dropping the saucepan in shock, Deborah Preston darted towards the front door. ‘Get away from her. If you don’t I’ll call the police.’

  ‘Mummy said my daddy died,’ Ava mumbled, unable to take her eyes off Vinny.

  ‘Did she really, darlin’? That makes Mummy a liar then. Now, do you want to open all the presents Daddy bought you?’

  Ava grinned, then started crying as her nan dragged her away.

  Frozen with fear, Joanna was unable to move from the armchair. Apart from Molly’s death, this was her biggest nightmare.

  Vinny shoved his foot inside the door when Deborah tried to slam it. ‘Meet my solicitor, Colin. He has some legal papers here for you.’

  Hearing the word legal, Joanna found her bravado and dashed into the hallway. No way was that bastard having anything to do with her daughter. ‘Ava isn’t yours, Vinny. If she was, I would have told you. Now go away and leave us alone.’

  Colin waved his paperwork in the air and cleared his throat. ‘I really think we should discuss this inside. Your neighbours seem to be taking notice of events.’

  Having moved from Tiptree to Burnham-on-Crouch, Deborah did not want a scene in front of her new neighbours.

  ‘Ava isn’t yours. Tell him, Mum. Tell him,’ Joanna cried, when her mother gestured for Vinny and Colin to follow her into the lounge.

  ‘Why don’t you take Ava upstairs, love, while I sort this out,’ Deborah suggested. She could feel herself trembling. She knew Johnny would hit the roof if Vinny was here when he returned.

  ‘You ain’t taking my daughter anywhere. I’ve bought Ava lots of presents and I intend to watch her open them,’ Vinny hissed, crouching down and urging Ava to unwrap his gifts.

  ‘My Little Pony! This is what I wanted,’ Ava exclaimed happily.

  ‘Glad you like it, sweetheart,’ Vinny grinned, taking the toy out the box.

  ‘I love it, Daddy. Thank you,’ Ava replied, throwing her arms around Vinny’s neck.

  Joanna began to hyperventilate. ‘Get away from him. He isn’t your father,’ she screamed.

  Vinny glared at the mother of his child. With her long blonde hair and blue eyes, at twenty-six Jo was still attractive, but she’d never really done it for him. He’d only got a hard-on over her in the first place to get one over on her father. Payback for Johnny shooting Roy. ‘Calm down and stop talking crap, woman. Ava’s the spitting image of me.’

  Colin handed Deborah the paperwork. ‘Mr Butler is entitled by law to have regular contact with his daughter. If you don’t comply with our wishes, then we will have no option but to take the matter to court. Mr Butler was a decent and loving father to Molly and there isn’t a judge or magistrate in the country who would deny him access to Ava. Especially seeing as it was a relative of yours who ended poor Molly’s life. What I suggest you do is read through all my notes and I will pop back tomorrow. Is noon OK for you?’

  Panicking because she knew Colin had a valid point, Deborah stared at her tearful daughter. ‘Joanna isn’t lying. She had a fling. Vinny’s not Ava’s father.’

  Colin Harvey smirked at Vinny. He’d been fully expecting this to be the Prestons’ argument, which was why he and his client had arrived fully prepared. ‘In that case, we shall insist Ava have a blood sample taken. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Mr Butler’s blood group is a very rare one indeed.’


  ‘Turn the telly off and put Chas and Dave’s Jamboree Bag on, Viv. The one with “Billy Muggins” on it. Reminds me of Albie, that song. I might sing it to the old bastard after a few Baileys,’ Queenie cackled.

  Vivian did as asked, secretly thinking she was glad Albie was coming. She’d been dreading spending the day in Vinny’s company; it made it a little easier knowing that she’d have a kindred spirit in Albie, who hated that no-good murdering shitbag just as much as she did.

  Queenie found it hilarious when Michael and Albie turned up at the exact same time ‘Billy Muggins’ came on.

  ‘Merry Christmas, Mum. What you laughing at?’ Michael asked.

  ‘This record. The person who wrote it must have known your father.’

  The song was about a chap who was deemed simple, yet as soon as his pals’ backs were turned, he’d sleep with their wives.

  Ignoring the insult, Albie forced a smile. ‘Merry Christmas, Queenie. Merry Christmas, Vivvy. I’m not very good at choosing presents, but I know how much you both love flowers so I got you these.’

  Vivian grinned as she looked at the lovely bouquet. ‘Thanks, Albie. They’re beautiful. I’ll nip indoors and put ’em in water.’

  Queenie snatched her bouquet without a thank-you. ‘Where did ya steal them from? Some poor bastard’s grave?’

  ‘Don’t start, Mum,’ Michael warned.

  Albie stared at his shoes. He hadn’t wanted to spend Christmas with Queenie or Vinny, but Michael had talked him into it. Some Christmas this was going to be.

  Ahmed and Little Vinny were in the King Harold. Little Vinny had opted to go to his local rather than the Pompadours, as he had a vague recollection of being so far gone he’d fallen over in there the previous evening.

  ‘I got you a chaser as well. Brandy is very good for calming nerves,’ Ahmed pointed out.

  ‘I don’t think I should drink much more. I don’t wanna turn up pissed.’

  ‘You’ll be fine. Go and have a couple of lines. That’ll sober you up.’

  ‘Nah. Let’s drink these and make a move.’

  ‘We can’t go round there yet, Vin. Sammi’s father isn’t going to be very happy if we turn up and spoil his Christmas dinner. We should wait until after four, make sure they’ve eaten first.’

  ‘I suppose you’re right. I better have a line then.’

  Ahmed smirked as Little Vinny walked into the toilet. The lad was far too trusting for his own good.

  Johnny Preston knew something bad had happened as soon as he put the key in the lock. He’d heard Joanna shouting and sobbing from outside. ‘Whatever’s the matter?’ he asked, directing the question at Deborah. Surely his wife hadn’t slipped up and told Jo he’d visited Jamie that time?

  Leaving Darren to comfort her daughter, Deborah led Johnny into the kitchen. He was going to go ballistic, she knew that, and she didn’t want Jo any more distressed than she already was.

  Ava, who had been to the toilet, came skipping out happily. ‘Granddad, my daddy came to see me. Look at all the presents he bought me. I like them more than yours and Nanny’s.’

  Face drained of colour, Johnny stared at his grandchild as though he’d seen a ghost. ‘What did you just say?’

  It was Deborah who answered. ‘Vinny’s been here, Johnny. He knows about Ava.’

  Johnny smashed his fist against the door. ‘Over my dead body will that lowlife have anything to do with our Ava. He’s wronged this family too fucking often. If killing the cunt is the only answer, then so be it.’

  Queenie had already told Vivian about Ava, so it was only Albie who was gobsmacked when his evil son arrived full of the joys of spring, bragging about how beautiful his daughter was. Michael felt embarrassed. He’d meant to tell his father, but had been so wrapped up in the Bella conversation, he�
��d completely forgotten.

  ‘Did you see Joanna? Was Johnny there? What did you say to Ava?’ Queenie asked, thoroughly excited.

  ‘Johnny weren’t there. I reckon he was down the boozer. Jo went into meltdown, as expected, and Deborah wasn’t exactly pleased to see me, the fat witch. Ava was though. You should’ve seen her little face when I told her I was her daddy. It was as though we had an instant bond. Loved her presents an’ all.’

  ‘Aw, bless her, Vin. I can’t wait to meet her,’ Queenie gushed.

  ‘Did Jo try and pretend Ava weren’t yours like you thought she would?’ Michael asked.

  ‘Yeah, but our blood group stopped that argument. Colin played a blinder. You wanna see all the legal jargon he typed up. I saw the look on Deborah’s face when she glanced at it – she was shitting herself! He’s popping back round there tomorrow lunchtime. Worth every penny I pay him that geezer is.’

  Knowing he should show some interest, Albie piped up with a question. ‘You don’t think the Prestons might do a runner in the meantime, do you, Vinny?’

  Vinny grinned. ‘They won’t get far if they do. I’m paying someone to watch ’em. Luckily for me, I was born with me mother’s brains rather than yours. Now let’s open the presents. This bag is for you, Mum. These are for you, Auntie Viv. Dad, we’ve never done presents. And Michael, I’ll be giving you yours later.’

  Vivian glared at her nephew. ‘I want nothing from you, only my son back and I doubt I’m gonna unwrap him, am I?’

  Albie was the one who followed Vivian out to the back garden. ‘Don’t let him grind you down, love. I know it’s more difficult for you than anyone. Loved your Lenny, I did. Christmas ain’t the same without him, that’s for sure.’

  Tears running down her cheeks, Vivian quickly wiped them away. ‘How dare he buy me fucking presents when he killed my son? Feel sorry for little Ava, I do. I’ll have a hundred-pound bet with you now: if the Prestons don’t play ball, he’ll see off that poor Joanna.’

  ‘Whaddya mean?’

  ‘Vinny’ll kill her, that’s what I mean. Might not do it himself, but he’ll pay some other bastard to. You mark my words, Albie.’

  Over at the Prestons’, the whole family were still in shock, bar Ava, who seemed delighted by Vinny’s unexpected visit.

  When his granddaughter repeated herself yet again, asking if her daddy would buy her a dog, Johnny finally lost his rag. ‘Get that ungrateful little cow out of my sight. She’s had more presents today than some poor kids get in a lifetime, yet she still wants more. No wonder she’s already bonded with that bastard. They obviously share the same genes.’

  Appalled, Deborah punched her husband in the arm. ‘Stop it, and get a grip, for goodness’ sake. Ava’s three years old, you fool. As if she understands what’s going on.’

  ‘I’m going back down the pub,’ Johnny spat.

  ‘No, you’re not. I’m about to dish up dinner,’ Deborah replied.

  ‘As if anyone’s gonna be hungry after the devil’s turned up on the doorstep. Merry fucking Christmas,’ Johnny yelled, before slamming the front door so hard it nearly flew off its hinges.

  Darren and Joanna were upstairs, but had heard every single word of the argument that had been going on for the past half hour. Johnny had wanted to leave the area tonight. Deborah had refused, hence Johnny storming out.

  ‘What am I going to do, Darren? I know my dad’s idea of moving makes sense to a certain extent, but we can’t keep running for ever. Vinny will hunt us down wherever we go. I know what he’s capable of.’

  Darren put an arm around Joanna and held her close to his chest. His proposal had gone right out the window now. Christmas was ruined and the ring would just have to burn a hole in his pocket until the time was right. ‘I think you’re spot on. I know you hate Vinny, Jo, and you have every reason to, but you did tell me he was a very good dad to Molly.’

  ‘He wasn’t when he left her with his useless son and she was led to her death,’ Joanna argued.

  ‘Babe, I’m sure he’s just as traumatized over what happened to Molly as you are. What you have to ask yourself is could you fault him in any other way as a father?’

  Joanna shrugged. ‘Not really. He was a bastard to me, but worshipped the ground Molly walked on.’

  Darren kissed his girlfriend on the forehead. He’d been horrified when he’d heard Johnny tell Deborah they should move to Spain. It wasn’t that simple for him to just up sticks. He was very close to his parents, who lived locally, plus his nan who wasn’t in the best of health. Then there was Shane. As much as he loved Joanna, he could never abandon his own flesh and blood.

  ‘You haven’t answered my question, Darren,’ Joanna reminded her boyfriend.

  ‘No need to. You answered it yourself, Jo. As you said, Vinny was a good father overall, and you can’t keep running for ever. Because if you do, you’re gonna run out of places to hide.’

  After a hearty Christmas dinner, the Allens had just settled in the lounge to watch TV when the intercom system buzzed. Meg answered it.

  ‘Who is it?’ Gary yelled.

  ‘Another delivery. I hope it isn’t more flowers. I’ve run out of bloody vases,’ Meg replied.

  Gary Allen immediately smelled a rat. ‘Nobody delivers poxy flowers at half four on Christmas Day, Meg. You and Sammi stay here. I’ll deal with this.’

  Sammi-Lou’s ears pricked up. She had been very surprised and disappointed that her boyfriend hadn’t tried to make contact with her, and was hoping it was him. ‘Mum, have a look out the window. If it’s Vin, I want to talk to him.’

  Gary Allen opened the front door, his face as stony as the gravel Little Vinny was having difficulty walking on. ‘Get off my property now. Sammi doesn’t want to see you. Look at the state of ya. My daughter’s worth a hundred of you.’

  Picking up the bag of presents he’d just dropped, Little Vinny waved them in Gary’s face. ‘I ain’t frightened of you. You can’t stop me seeing Sammi and giving her her presents. My dad’s out of nick now and if you do try to stop me, you’ll have him to fucking answer to. Ever met my old man in the flesh, have you? He’d eat you for breakfast, you mug.’

  Watching events from the warmth of his car, Ahmed smirked when Gary Allen grabbed Little Vinny by the throat and smashed him against the wall. He had told the lad it would be inappropriate for him to intervene unless things got really messy, as this was a family matter.

  ‘Dad, stop it! Please don’t hurt him,’ Sammi-Lou screamed, poking her head around the front door.

  ‘How dare you turn up here pissed and shouting your mouth off? Involve your father, for all I care, I’ll tell him exactly why I don’t want you anywhere near my daughter,’ Gary hissed, releasing his grip on Little Vinny’s throat.

  Wanting to impress his girlfriend and Ahmed, Little Vinny swung a right hook that connected with Gary’s chin.

  ‘Do something, Mum. Do something,’ Sammi-Lou shrieked, clutching her stomach.

  Meg ran out of the house, just in time to stop her husband knocking seven bells out of her daughter’s boyfriend. ‘Get inside now, Gary. I’ll deal with this.’

  ‘Look at the state of him, Meg. The little bastard wants castrating before he gets anybody else up the duff,’ Gary spat, before obeying his wife’s orders. He would stand his ground with any man, but his pint-sized old woman scared the life out of him once she got a bee in her bonnet.

  ‘Sammi, come back. I’ve bought you some nice presents,’ Little Vinny shouted, as Gary ushered both his daughters inside the house and slammed the front door.

  Meg Allen slapped Little Vinny hard across his face. ‘Don’t you ever disrespect me, my daughter or husband again by turning up here drunk, do you hear me?’

  Wiping the grin off his face, Ahmed leapt out of the car. ‘Come on, Vinny. It’s time to go home, my friend.’

  Queenie Butler loved nothing more than putting on the spread of all spreads at Christmas. Times had been hard when she and Vivian were growing up.
Many a festive season they’d had no dinner at all, and on one occasion their drunken bully of a father had brought home a sheep’s head that still had all the gore hanging out.

  ‘Jesus wept, Muvver. How many more animals you cremated? At the rate you’re going, Old Macdonald won’t have a farm left,’ Vinny quipped.

  Queenie chuckled and hugged her eldest from behind. ‘I know you’re a big meat eater, boy, so I bought extra to make up for all those Christmases you missed. It’s a relief to have you home, I can tell ya. Been far too many crimes committed round ’ere recently. Poor old Mr Arthur got mugged on the way home from the pub last week. The streets will be much safer now you’re back.’

  Michael was furious. Not only had he held his family together financially in recent years, he’d also sorted out any problems of a physical nature.

  Vivian was none too amused either. ‘My Lenny loved his meat an’ all. Shame he ain’t ’ere to tuck in, isn’t it, Albie?’

  Sensing an argument was brewing, Albie nodded then excused himself to go to the toilet.

  ‘What’s up with you?’ Vinny asked, knowing full well why Michael was peeved.

  ‘Sod-all. Why? Should there be?’

  Vinny smirked. ‘Of course Mum’s relieved to have me home. I’m the head of the family, never forget that, bruv.’

  ‘If it was up to you, we’d be lucky to have a fucking sparrow to eat today. Never forget it was me who turned our business around in your absence,’ Michael retaliated.

  ‘No arguing today please, boys. I want a peaceful, stress-free Christmas for once. And I’ll have you both know that I’m the head of this family. If it wasn’t for me, neither of you would have ever bleedin’ existed.’

  Aware that Vinny and Michael were still exchanging hostile looks, Jay Boy tried to break the ice. ‘Would you like me to start carving the meat, Queenie? I’m a bit of an expert, I’ll have you know. My first ever job was in a butcher’s shop.’

  The doorbell stopped Queenie from replying. She wasn’t too pleased when she opened it to find her daughter standing there. ‘What do you want? I told you the other day to spend Christmas with that loser you live with.’


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