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The Wronged

Page 26

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘Aw, bless ’em and little Ollie, Viv. Don’t they make a lovely family?’

  Vivian looked at her sister in amazement. ‘You’ve changed your tune, Queen. You told me not long ago he was an arsehole and Sammi and her baby would be far better off without him,’ she reminded her sister.

  ‘Yes, I know I did. But I take that all back now. I never thought Little Vinny would be a family man and father material, but he’s a changed boy. He’s visited me every week since Ollie was born.’

  Spotting Nancy storm into the club with two dustbin liners and a face like thunder, Vivian nudged her sister. ‘Oh dearie me. I think your Michael might be in trouble.’

  Nancy Butler was on a mission. Emptying Michael’s mutilated suits at his feet, she screamed, ‘Ask your whore if she can repair those, you cheating fucking arsehole.’

  Unable to stop himself, Vinny burst out laughing. ‘I always told you she was a fruitcake, didn’t I, bruv? You should’ve got rid of her years ago.’

  Adam Butler, who’d spotted his mother arrive in a distressed state, ran straight over to her. ‘Whatsa matter, Mum?’ he asked, throwing his arms around her waist.

  Nancy stroked her son’s hair. Adam had a caring nature and would be the perfect son if he wasn’t so easily influenced by Daniel. He was nothing like the Butlers. ‘Mummy’s leaving your father and going to live with your nan and granddad for now. Daddy has a new mummy lined up for you, Adam. Has he introduced you to the marriage-wrecking slut yet?’

  Nancy was silenced by Daniel, who ran over and shoved her away from Adam, shouting: ‘Leave us alone. You’ve spoilt the party. Dad’s right, you are a loony.’

  If there was ever a time that Michael Butler wished the ground would open up and swallow him, it was this very moment. Not only was his joker of a brother enjoying every second of the entertainment, the Mitchell family were sitting on the next table with their mouths wide open. ‘Get in my office now,’ Michael hissed, grabbing his wife by the arm.

  Instead of allowing herself to be led away, Nancy snatched her arm free and slapped Michael across the face. ‘Piss off. You can give your whore orders from now on, not me. You and I are finished, and if we have to split the kids down the middle, then Adam’s mine. The other two are most definitely yours.’


  ‘Morning, Queen. I got the papers,’ Vivian said, shutting her sister’s front door.

  ‘I’m surprised we’re not in ’em after that performance yesterday,’ sighed Queenie. ‘What is it with our family and parties, eh? They never seem to pass without a scene. Do you remember the one when Big Stan started a fight and my glass cabinet and all me ornaments went for a burton? Well, I think Nancy might’ve upstaged that yesterday. Feel sorry for those boys, I do. Poor little Adam was so upset. Talk about a show-up, eh?’

  Vivian nodded. ‘I bet Michael weren’t too pleased that Nancy cut all his expensive suits up. Do you reckon he has got another woman?’

  ‘Wouldn’t surprise me. Born with Albie’s womanizing streak, was Michael. We didn’t used to call him Alfie for nothing,’ Queenie reminded her sister, referring to the charmer Michael Caine had played in the film.

  ‘And what about Brenda and her bloke? Fancy kissing and cuddling like that in front of all them youngsters. Tara and Tommy must’ve been so embarrassed.’

  ‘Not as embarrassed as me. Disgusting behaviour. Snogging in public at their age should be classed as a crime. Brought back memories of the odd occasion I had to kiss Albie. Made me feel sick.’

  ‘I bet you wouldn’t mind kissing Dirty Den though,’ Vivian teased.

  Queenie laughed. Both sisters had the hots for Den Watts. He and his wife Angie were landlord and landlady of the pub in that new soap on BBC1 called EastEnders. ‘I’d like to give Dirty Den a bit more than a kiss, Viv.’

  Vivian playfully punched her sister on the arm. ‘Hands off, you. I had the hots for him first.’

  Michael Butler was deep in thought as he rustled up breakfast for his sons. His assets and finances had now been sorted and he’d hidden plenty. The plan had been to sit down with Nancy this week, come clean with her that he wanted a divorce, then leave her in the house with the boys while he temporarily moved in above the club. Having discussed the situation in detail with Bella, they’d decided it was kinder not to inform Nancy or the boys of their relationship just yet. Bella had been insistent they should allow the dust to settle before going public.

  ‘I like it much better without Mum here, don’t you, Dad?’ Daniel asked chirpily.

  ‘Shut up, Dan,’ Michael hissed. Both Lee and Adam seemed very subdued today and so was he. Nancy storming out and leaving him in charge of looking after the boys had bollocksed his plans right up. ‘Answer that phone, one of ya. I’ve only got one pair of hands.’

  ‘Nanny Mary wants to talk to you, Dad,’ Lee said.

  Michael snatched the phone out of Lee’s hand, listened to what Mary had to say, then muttered, ‘OK. See you there.’

  ‘What did Nan want? Is Mum coming home?’ Adam asked, his voice tinged with hope.

  ‘Your nan wants to meet me to talk about your mother.’

  ‘Tell her we don’t want the nutjob back,’ Daniel said, laughing at his own wit.

  Clouting Daniel round the head, Michael slammed the saucepan on the hob. He and Bella had planned to start house-hunting soon. Obviously, his sons would’ve had their own room or rooms for weekend stays, but them moving in permanently had certainly not been part of the equation.

  Ahmed and Burak glanced at one another as they surveyed the premises. The location wasn’t far from the Circus Tavern, but unlike the others they’d viewed it was off the beaten track. It also had an eerie feel about it, which was rather apt, seeing as they planned to commit two murders there.

  ‘What was this building used for?’ Ahmed asked Mehmet.

  ‘A shipping company had their offices here. The guy that owns it wants you to burn it to the ground when your business is finished, so he can claim the insurance money. He’s living in Spain, so won’t be implicated in any way.’

  ‘No problem. What do you think, Burak?’ Ahmed asked.

  Burak grinned. He’d been gagging to watch Vinny Butler die a painful death for years. ‘It’s perfect. Bring it on.’

  On the drive to Tillingham to see Ava, Queenie and Vinny Butler were discussing the debacle of a party. ‘The BBC should do a soap based on our family. It’d get more viewers than EastEnders, that’s for sure,’ Queenie declared.

  Vinny laughed. ‘Michael’s face when Nancy emptied his chopped-up suits out that bin bag was a picture. I’d have knocked the psycho bitch’s spark out if that had been my clobber.’

  ‘Is Michael at it, Vin? Only, if so, I feel sorry for the poor girl. I know what it’s like to live with a bloody womanizer. The day I went to visit your father in hospital and Judy Preston was there carrying the dirty old toad’s baby was horrendous. Never felt so humiliated in all my life.’

  ‘If Michael has got a bird on the firm, he’s certainly keeping his cards close to his chest. I don’t see him as much these days, but I’m sure he’d have told me. Changing the subject, I wonder if we’re allowed to take Ava out on our own today? The bitch must’ve had a cardiac when she read Colin’s latest masterpiece.’

  Queenie pursed her lips. She often travelled to Tillingham with Vinny to see her granddaughter, but the set-up was awful. If Vinny wanted to take the child out for something to eat or to the park or zoo, Joanna and her boyfriend would insist on being at the same destination so they could keep a watchful eye. ‘If that cow says we can’t take Ava out on our own today, Vin, let’s just do it. What the police gonna do if she rings ’em, eh? Hardly gonna send out a search party because Ava’s spending a few hours alone with her father and nan.’

  ‘I don’t wanna involve the Old Bill, Mum. Let’s just see what the slag says. She must’ve got the letter by now,’ Vinny replied. He too hated the current situation, which was why he’d hired Ja
y Boy’s pal to sort it out once and for all. Even though Joanna and her prick of a boyfriend kept their distance whenever he took Ava out, just knowing they were in the same vicinity really grated on Vinny.

  ‘You’re not going soft in your old age, are you? You’re not even forty yet. Get a grip, Vinny, and stand up to the Prestons.’

  Vinny smirked. Little did his mother know, he aimed to do far more than just stand up to the Prestons. Jo would be the first to die, then Johnny. And if that fat bitch Deborah gave him any grief, he’d do away with her as well. As a father, it was his duty to love and protect Ava. That little girl deserved the best in life.

  Harry Mitchell was old school. If somebody scratched his back, he’d scratch theirs. As a man of morals, his word was his bond.

  ‘What’s occurring then?’ Eddie asked. His old man had told him earlier that he wanted a private chat.

  Harry glanced at his other sons who were deep in conversation, then leaned forward. ‘You remember my old mucker from the Ville? Don’t mention names because of earholes,’ he said, gesturing towards Ronny.

  ‘I know exactly who you mean. Is he in trouble?’

  ‘Needs a favour, and I want you to sort it. The problem is, it involves the Butlers.’

  Michael Butler felt very awkward as he entered Barking Park, then sat next to his wife’s mother on the bench. ‘Is Nancy OK?’

  Mary was in no mood for small talk. ‘I’m not going to beat around the bush, Michael, but I need you to be truthful with me. Are you seeing another woman? Or is my Nancy losing her marbles again? I really do need an honest answer, because only then can I work out how to deal with the situation.’

  Michael put his head in his hands. How could he lie to Nancy’s mother? He’d always had the utmost respect for Mary. She’d stuck up for him in the most difficult circumstances in the past. ‘I’m so sorry, Mary, but I have met somebody else. I really wanted to tell Nancy, but her behaviour’s been a bit odd lately, to say the least, and I was too scared of pushing her over the edge again. I had the boys to consider and I just wanted everything to be amicable.’

  Michael was in complete shock when placid, pleasant Mary slapped him around the face much harder than Nancy had the previous day. ‘You told me to be honest,’ he complained.

  ‘Leading that girl on is not honest. Nancy was so happy after you took her away on that romantic anniversary break. Her smile lit up the room when she was telling me all about it. Why do that if you were planning on leaving her?’

  Sure he was going to wake up with Mary’s hand-print on his mush tomorrow, Michael rubbed the side of his face. ‘I wasn’t having an affair when Nancy and I went away for the weekend, Mary. And to be honest, neither am I having one now. The lady in question is somebody I met many years ago, but she moved away. We bumped into one another again just before Christmas and, even though we’ve spent time together, I can assure you there’s been nothing untoward going on. She has a son, and I wouldn’t do that to Nancy and the boys. But I do love this woman and I can’t help my feelings. I’m truly sorry, but that’s—’

  ‘And so you should be sorry, Michael. You’ve broken my daughter’s heart. She’s in pieces at home, and you can imagine what Donald’s saying, can’t you? Pointing the blame at me, he is, for sticking up for you from the beginning.’

  Michael sighed. ‘I’m not gonna keep apologizing, Mary. Mine and Nancy’s marriage had run its course ages ago, if you want the truth. We do need to speak and make arrangements, though. I will sign the house over to Nance, providing she takes care of our sons.’

  Mary looked at her son-in-law in amazement. ‘Nancy is in no fit state to look after herself, Michael, let alone those boys. For the time being, you’re going to have to take care of them your fucking self.’

  ‘I can’t look after the boys. I’m the breadwinner. I need to work.’

  Mary stood up. ‘Well, in that case, ask your new tart to help out or employ a nanny. Goodbye, Michael, it’s been nice knowing you.’

  Ordering his mother to wait in the car, Vinny walked up Joanna’s path and pressed the bell.

  ‘Daddy,’ Ava screamed excitedly.

  ‘Go in the lounge with Darren, darling, while Mummy has a quick chat with your dad. You can see him in a minute.’

  ‘But I want to see him now,’ Ava argued, lip protruding.

  ‘Just do as your mum says, Ava,’ Vinny ordered.

  When her daughter finally did as she was told, Joanna turned to the man she wished she’d never met. ‘I received your solicitor’s letter and after much thought I’ve decided you can take Ava out on your own in future.’

  ‘What about her staying with me for weekends?’

  ‘Not at the moment, Vinny. Let’s just take one step at a time and see how you get on spending all day with Ava first. You can pick her up as early as you wish, but it has to be on a Sunday. And bring her home by six. I like her to go to bed early when she has nursery the following day.’

  Vinny smirked. ‘Fair enough. Expect me first thing next Sunday then, about seven-ish.’

  ‘Ava, you can see your father now,’ Joanna shouted out.

  ‘Where we going today, Daddy?’ Ava asked, when Vinny picked her up and swung her in the air. She much preferred spending time with her father than her mum’s boyfriend. Her dad always spoiled her and bought her nice presents.

  ‘Not sure yet, darlin’, but next Sunday we’re going to have a party for you at your nan’s house in Whitechapel. You’ll get to meet your Uncle Michael, Auntie Viv and all your cousins.’

  Tears forming in her eyes, Joanna shut the front door and fell into Darren’s arms. ‘How am I ever going to relax while she’s out with that evil bastard? Say he doesn’t bring her back?’

  Darren stroked his girlfriend’s hair. ‘Of course he’ll bring her back. Vinny has a business in London and all his family live there. No way is a mummy’s boy like him ever going to move away. It’ll be fine, trust me.’

  ‘So sorry I’m late, babe. I’ve had the weekend from hell,’ Michael Butler explained as he entered the Italian restaurant.

  ‘Can I sit with you, please, Michael?’ Antonio asked.

  ‘Course you can, boy. What you been up to? Been behaving yourself for your mum, I hope.’

  When Antonio clambered on Michael’s lap and began chatting away nineteen to the dozen, Bella smiled. Her son idolized her boyfriend as much as she did. He was the father figure Antonio had always yearned for. Michael adored Antonio too and was more than happy to spend time with him rather than just wanting her all to himself. They had the potential to be the perfect family and Bella couldn’t wait to go house-hunting next week. Perhaps once they moved to Essex, she would even consider giving Antonio a baby brother or sister. She and Michael had agreed that they wanted a child together. They’d even joked that it would be the best-looking baby ever to grace the earth.

  ‘Antonio, Paolo is over there and is waving to you. Go see him and I’ll call you when our food is ready,’ Bella said. Paolo was the grandson of the restaurant owner and the two boys often played together.

  Michael took a deep breath. ‘Nancy knows and she’s left me, babe. I never said a word to her about you, but I admitted to her mother this morning that I’d fallen for another woman. Obviously, I never mentioned you by name, but Nancy’s sodded off and left the boys with me.’

  Bella put her hand over her mouth. ‘Oh my God! How did she find out?’

  ‘Just guessed, I think. To be honest, I’m quite relieved it’s all out in the open, but pissed off that she is refusing to take care of her sons. I always told you she was a shit mother, didn’t I? I said to her mum that I’d sign the house over to her providing she takes care of the boys, but she’s in one of her moods at the moment and won’t see sense. The boys are too old for me to bring in a nanny or au pair. Daniel especially would terrorize the poor woman. So I’m just gonna have to let them fend for themselves while I work at nights. They are quite trustable and there is no way they’d throw wild
parties or trash the gaff. What do you think?’

  Bella squeezed Michael’s hand. She adored her own son but wasn’t a massive fan of other people’s children. Antonio had impeccable manners and at this stage of her and Michael’s relationship, she did not think it fair or appropriate that Antonio would be forced to live with Michael’s three much older sons. ‘I think we should put our house-hunting on hold for the time being. You can stay at mine whenever you want, but we should wait until Nancy is well enough to take care of her sons before we actually set up home together.’

  ‘Nance won’t take care of Lee, Bella, that’s for sure. She’s not even his mother, so he’s definitely going to have to live with us.’

  ‘We will cross that bridge when we come to it, Michael. For the time being, let’s just celebrate the fact that we no longer have to hide our relationship.’

  Michael grinned. ‘Well, at least I’ll never have to refer to you as my bit of fluff again. You are now officially my woman, you lucky lady.’

  Having been left to fend for themselves, it was Daniel Butler’s idea to take a trip to Dagenham Sunday Market.

  Stepping off the District Line train at Dagenham Heathway, Daniel ordered his brothers to run if there was a ticket inspector present.

  ‘But why, Dan? Dad gave us a tenner each,’ Adam stated.

  ‘Because it’ll be a laugh and we’ll have more money to spend on ourselves.’

  ‘Tickets, please,’ the inspector bellowed.

  Daniel grabbed Adam’s arm, before pushing Lee in the back. ‘Leg it!’ he ordered.

  The inspector gave chase to the little blighters, but was soon out of breath. ‘I never forget a face you know. I’ll have you all arrested,’ he yelled.

  Daniel burst out laughing as he reached the bottom of the Heathway hill. ‘Silly old fucker. We’ll wind him up again on the way home.’

  ‘Dad will kill us if we get arrested, Dan. Let’s go to a different station on the way back,’ Adam suggested.

  Daniel flicked his brother’s ear. ‘Where’s your sense of fun? You little wuss. Now come on, let’s go spend our dosh.’


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