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The Wronged

Page 41

by Kimberley Chambers

  Donald had a different view. ‘Christopher is talking sense, Mary. Nancy’s only chance of happiness is to rid herself of Michael Butler for good. I know this is difficult and we’ll miss her dreadfully, but Nancy has a chance to start again. Raise another family with a decent man instead of that scoundrel.’

  The decent man Donald referred to was Dean Smart. Dean had met Nancy at Beachy Head, and had even helped her write her suicide notes before driving her to his home in Glasgow.

  Christopher had sorted false documentation for his sister. He’d hated breaking the law, but sometimes you had to put family first, and what his superiors didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.

  ‘Dean, how are you, lovey?’ Mary asked, hugging the man who had put a smile back on the face of her daughter.

  ‘I’m very well, thanks, Mary. Your daughter takes good care of me. So much so, I asked her if she would do me the honour of becoming my wife.’

  ‘And I said yes!’ Nancy exclaimed.

  ‘We’re getting married in Gretna Green on my birthday and we’d love you and Donald to come. Can’t exactly invite anybody else, can we?’ Dean chuckled.

  ‘Congratulations,’ Donald said, shaking his future son-in-law’s hand. ‘Mary and I wouldn’t miss your big day for the world.’

  Mary was crying tears of joy. Nancy looked so radiant. Sitting through her daughter’s remembrance-of-life service had been one of the hardest things Mary had ever done, but Christopher had insisted she go through with it. ‘I’m so happy for you both, and wouldn’t your nan be delighted too, Dean?’

  ‘Me nan’s probably looking down, grinning as we speak. Just before she died she told me never to give up on Nance. Reckoned we were made for each other – and she was right.’

  Watching the happy couple gaze lovingly into one another’s eyes, Mary smiled. Lying to friends, neighbours and customers at the café had been awful. But seeing Nancy so happy made it all worthwhile. Her daughter had sacrificed a lot to be with Dean, and had finally found the peace and happiness she truly deserved.


  Father Patrick had heard many a confession in his lifetime. But as Queenie Butler finally stopped speaking about her dysfunctional family, he was shocked to the core.

  ‘You OK, Father?’ asked Queenie, shoving another large brandy into the man’s visibly shaking hand. ‘You better drink that.’

  ‘Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil,’ Father Patrick rambled, closing his eyes.

  ‘Oh, for fuck’s sake, Queen, shut him up. Silly old bugger is as pissed as a fart,’ Vivian hissed.

  Smiling politely, Queenie snatched Father Patrick’s drink out of his hands, grabbed him by the elbow and edged him into the hallway. ‘Lovely to meet you, Father. And thank you so much for ridding my family of evil spirits,’ Queenie said, as she all but pushed the shocked priest out of the front door, slamming it behind him.

  ‘Do you reckon his prayers will work, Queen?’ Vivian asked, bemused by the whole affair.

  ‘How the hell should I know? I’m not a Catholic! Ask God. On second thoughts, don’t bother. That bastard hates us. Stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself, Queen. The past is the past. Sod all we can do to change it, so harping on about it is pointless. It’s time to move on. Concentrate solely on the future.’

  Taken aback by Viv’s little speech, Queenie glared at her. ‘You’ve changed your bloody tune. Does forgetting the past and concentrating on the future include you forgiving my Vinny, then? Loves you that boy does. Breaks his heart you still won’t talk to him.’

  Vivian chose her words carefully. ‘I’m not ready to forgive, but I am ready to try to forget. Bitterness eats away at your insides like cancer. I don’t wanna be bitter no more.’

  Queenie poured two glasses of sherry and handed one to Viv. ‘So what’s brought on this change of heart then? And don’t say “nothing” as you were acting weird earlier.’

  ‘I had a dream last night. Lenny was sat on the edge of my bed, urging me to make things right. Mum was with him an’ all, holding his hand. They both said they were happy, and told me to be happy too. So vivid it was. I cried when I woke up. But not with sadness. I felt comforted.’

  Eyes welling up, Queenie squeezed her sister’s hand. ‘Fat Beryl reckons spirits can visit us in our sleep. I reckon Mum and Lenny came to talk to you. Probably to bang our bleedin’ heads together. You’re right. It is time to leave the past behind.’

  Vivian held her glass aloft. ‘To new beginnings.’

  Queenie chinked glasses and smiled. ‘New beginnings.’

  If you enjoyed THE WRONGED, find out where it all began …

  Meet the Butlers: Kings of the East End

  Vinny and Roy Butler are the apple of their mum’s eye and although Queenie knows they can play dirty, when it comes to family they look after business and make her proud. Nothing and no one can bring the Butler’s down.

  But Vinny seems to have crossed the wrong person and his cards are marked. And with the brothers joined at the hip, Roy may just be in the firing line too …

  One bloody night sets Vinny on the path of desperate vengeance, but will the Butlers emerge stronger than ever, or is the East End code of honour as good as dead?

  Click here to buy now


  Huge thanks to the wonderful team at HarperCollins. Getting to number one with Payback was an incredible moment and I owe you guys big time.

  A special mention for my fab editor Kimberley Young, my wonderful agent Tim Bates, publicist Louise Swannell, Sue Cox, Sarah Ritherdon, Rosie de Courcy and Mandasue Heller.

  Also Katie, Claire, Adam, Sarah, Oli and Tom.

  I can’t thank the supermarkets and stores that sell my books enough.

  And last but certainly not least, my readers. It is all down to you lovely people that I achieved my dream. A number one Sunday Times bestseller! Who would have ever predicted that? Certainly not my parents and school teachers, that’s for sure lol xxx

  By the same author

  Billie Jo

  Born Evil

  The Betrayer

  The Feud

  The Traitor

  The Victim

  The Schemer

  The Trap


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