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Set Me Free

Page 7

by Melissa Pearl

  "And then he went after you." Alex spoke quietly.

  I nodded, covering my mouth as a sob tried to wrench itself free. My legs buckled and I slumped to the floor.

  Zach rushed to my side, crouching down and running his hand over my knee.

  "Your dad was a brave man, Lucy. He was going to expose Tenner."

  "Tenner threatened him, saying he'd find me and Dad lost it, he went after him and tried to fight. He died to save me." My face bunched as I pressed my fingers into my eyes.

  "Like I said, a very brave man," Alex whispered, but then only waited a beat before asking. "I wonder what he had on Tenner?"

  I shook my head. "What does it matter anyway, Tenner would have cleared out my dad's office at work. Whatever Dad did have on him is probably destroyed now." I swiped my finger under my nose. "We can't get this guy."

  With a heavy sigh, Alex sat down on the other side of me and squeezed my leg. "Well, I'm not giving up. Even if there's nothing here, there's got to be something, somewhere. The guy is not perfect. He will have slipped up. Yes, this house looks like it's been wiped clean, but this is only our first stop."

  "Our first stop? Where else are we supposed to go? He would have gotten rid of anything useful to us." I kneaded my forehead with my knuckles.

  "But what if he didn't. What if he just boxed away the evidence and let the case go cold. He's got the power to do that kinda thing. More cases would have come along and gotten in the way of this one. The trail died out and everything would have been filed away. Surely there's something, somewhere."

  I scratched the top of my head, feeling weary. "So what if there is? What can that evidence prove anyway? His report matches the scene...the scene he created."

  "Evidence can be looked at and twisted around to tell the story you want it to. If we had that evidence, we could give it a different angle. We only need a fragment, remember? Just enough to start the FBI Internal Affairs asking questions."

  "Where would that evidence even be?" I sighed.

  "Probably boxed up in an evidence locker." Zach scratched the top of his head.

  "Yeah, the evidence locker at the FBI." Elliot scoffed, plopping onto the floor in front of me. "There's no way we'll ever be able to get to it."

  "I don't know." Alex's blue eyes bore into me with a force that nearly knocked me over. "I'm sure there's certain people in this room who could figure out a way to get us in there."

  My eyes bulged wide. "To an FBI evidence room? I can't do that."

  His white teeth flashed as he tipped his head. "From what I understand of you Miss Multiplicity, you most definitely can."

  Chapter 11


  They found a motel with Wifi and spent the evening researching everything they could about the FBI and where evidence for cold cases was stored. Thanks to Elliot's genius, they managed to find the FBI storage warehouse. It was located about ten miles south of where they were staying and according to Elliot's quick illegal search, the Tate evidence was stored there.

  Zach couldn't believe their luck. The evidence was there! All they had to do now was get their hands on it.

  "I think our best bet is to go in as agents...maybe from out of town? We need to imply that something has popped on the case and we've been sent to collect the evidence with the potential of re-opening the investigation. We want to be able to take the evidence off site so we can look at it properly, which means we'll need to sign for it." Lucy pinched her bottom lip as her eyes went glassy with thought.

  "So, what do we need to make that happen?" Alex snaffled up his Chinese take out box and poked the chopsticks into his noodles. Zach drummed his knees with his fingers, too wired to even think about eating.

  "We'll need a professional look, ID badges that will withstand scrutiny. Although we're no doubt dealing with a slightly bored employee who spends all day behind a desk. We don't need to worry about weapons. I doubt we'd be checked for that kind of stuff at a storage warehouse.

  "Elliot can you pull up a satellite image of the warehouse? Let's see what kind of security they have around the perimeter."

  Elliot went to work while Zach leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "So, who's going in then? How are you going to swing this?"

  "We'll have to use a distraction technique so that no one looks at us too closely. So we need a guy and a girl to cover our bases." Lucy sounded so professional as she ran through the logistics. Zach couldn't help a touch of awe.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, we don't know if it'll be a male or female employee at the desk. We need both genders to cover both bases, especially if we want to use a flirt tactic. If it's an older lady, we can play the mother card or if it's an older man, we can soften him up with stories from the past. I won't know until I get in there, but I'll know when I see them which way to swing it."

  "There's no way you can pass for an agent. You're eighteen."

  "It's okay, Zach. Dress me up and it'll work." She ran her fingers through her soft hair and twirled the ends. "People's eyesight adapts to what they expect to see. If I stroll in with Alex, dressed like a professional, the person behind the desk will immediately think I am a young agent, fresh out of training and Alex is my first partner, showing me the ropes. Now if we take too long or the person is naturally suspicious, then of course that impression starts to change, but we still have those first few seconds and as long as the words coming out of our mouths is confident, then we're in. Shorty always said, act as though you know what you're doing and you're supposed to be there. People will buy it."

  "Yeah." Zach leaned back in his seat with a sigh. "Yeah, I forget how often you've done this before."

  Lucy's eyes fluttered to the table top, a slight blush heating her cheeks. Zach felt a little bad for saying it or maybe it was the tone he used. It didn't take much for his awe to flicker to aversion. He felt like a tennis ball was being bounced from one side of his brain to the other. He didn't mean to make her feel guilty, but it was hard not to judge her deceitful past just a little. He was juxtaposed between admiring her ability to fool people and despising the fact she could do it so easily. What if she tried to lay one over on him? She'd done it once and there was nothing stopping her from doing it again. Would the doubt always niggle away at him?

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he shook his head and was about to reach for her hand when Elliot spun his computer towards them. "Here you go. Satellite images of the warehouse."

  They all leaned towards the screen, Alex moving to stand behind them. Lucy's blue gaze worked over the slightly blurry image. She took her time soaking it all in.

  "So we'll need to drive in through that guard station." She pointed at the screen. "Our IDs will get one check there and then probably just one more on the inside as well." Sitting back, she chewed her lip. "That's not too bad, but those IDs are gonna need to be good. Elliot can you pull up a standard ID for me? Let's see what information's on there. We'll hopefully be fast enough that if they do call to verify anything, we'll have time to get out of there. Again, let's just hope and assume we're dealing with bored security who aren't overly phased about doing their job properly. We'll push a little persuasion if we have to as well." Lucy nodded, as if confirming that her plan would work. Letting out a breath, she lightly slapped the table and stood. "Okay, so tomorrow Alex and I need to go shopping. Zach and Elliot, you need to rent a car. Either of you got fake IDs on you?

  Zach shook his head.

  "Really, you've never been out drinking?"

  He was a little embarrassed by her incredulous look, but held his chin high. Thankfully, Elliot took the heat from her expression by pulling out his wallet with a grin.

  "Let me introduce you to Lester Henshaw." He held up the card with a smile.

  Alex chuckled, shaking his head.

  Lucy took it from his hand. "A driver's license." She tipped her head, impressed.

  Elliot shrugged with a little blush. "I was just mucking around with some graphic stuff and tho
ught I'd give it a go."

  "Have you used it before?"

  "Once. I bought a 6-pack and it passed easily enough."

  Lucy hesitated, licking her lips before swallowing. "Don't let them look at it for too long. Remember, confident, short sentences that demand belief. You guys think you're up for it?"

  Zach looked at Elliot before nodding at Lucy.

  She snickered, dropping her head. "You're gonna have to do better than that."

  Elliot snatched the card from her fingers. "We'll be just fine, don't you worry about it."

  She rolled her eyes. "Pick something that looks FBI-ish. I also need you to see if FBI cars have any kind of stickers or labels on the windshields and replicate them for me if they do."

  "Got it." Elliot bobbed his head, looking more confident than he probably felt. This eased Zach's nerves a little. If he could fool Lucy then maybe they had a shot with the rental car place the next day.

  "Right now I think we need some sleep." Alex clapped his hands as he looked around the table.

  Everyone nodded, but no one seemed to agree. Nerves were wound so tight the idea of slumber seemed impossible. Instead the TV was flicked on and they sat up watching old Westerns until they fell asleep where they lay.


  The next day moved by in a flurry. Zach and Elliot organized the car while Alex and Lucy shopped their hearts out. That afternoon she disappeared into the bathroom and didn't come out for over an hour. When she emerged, Zach had a brunette for a girlfriend. His flash of disappointment didn't last long as she looked over at him with those blue eyes of her. Her hair could be green and she'd still be stunning. With a grin, he rose from the table and met her by the bathroom door.

  Running a finger down her hairline, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him.

  "You make one hot brunette."

  She chuckled. "I guess we match now." Her eyes sparkled as she tentatively leaned towards him. He captured her lips easily, not caring that his uncle and best friend were no doubt watching.

  If she'd let him, he would have kissed her for the rest of the night, but she pulled back and pressed her nose into his face. "I have fake IDs to finish."

  With a reluctant grunt, he let her go so she could tie back her hair, get changed into a crisp blue shirt and pose for a photo. The Polaroid camera clicked and whirred producing a clear image of Lucy against the white wall of the motel room.

  The rest of the afternoon and evening was whittled away making IDs and going over last minute details. They had chosen the names of agents that already existed, just in case they were scrutinized more carefully at either checkpoint, although Lucy was still hoping to avoid that.

  "It's all about distraction. Saying the right line at the right moment can make someone forget to do something or slip up on a task they would usually follow through with." Lucy looked at Alex. "Swapping gender works well, so if the guard at the gate is a guy, I'll do the talking and vice versa on the inside. Whoever does the distracting, the other person needs to back them up with whatever storyline or angle their going with. The distractor takes the lead, got it?"

  "Yeah, yeah, I get that." Alex leaned back so his chair was balancing on the back of two legs.

  "When we sign this stuff out we want to be talking the whole time so that they forget to look up our ID numbers. One of us can just scribble a name and we can get the hell out of there." Lucy frowned. "You sure you're up for this?"

  "You kidding me?" His chair thumped back to the floor. "I can con, little lady. I'm a reporter. I know how to get the goods." His eyebrows rose emphatically, making Lucy grin.

  "Good to know." She squashed her smile and shot Zach a look before rising from the table and heading out to the balcony.

  Zach found her a few minutes later, her arms resting against the metal ledge. The air was hot and borderline sticky. Lucy had lost the navy shirt and stood there in nothing but jean shorts and a shoe-string tank. She looked hot enough to devour, but Zach quelled the thought immediately. As nice as the distraction might be, it wouldn't get them any closer to their final goal. The last thing Lucy needed was a boyfriend pawing her suggestively. Zach could feel the tension radiating off her as she gazed at the small, lima bean shaped pool, one of the only amenities of the Dunes Inn on Wilshire Boulevard.

  "How are you feeling?" He ran his hand up her back and began kneading her neck.

  She let out a pleasure filled sigh and dropped her head forward to give him easier access. He moved behind her and worked her tight muscles. Her soft groans of pleasure made him feel triumphant, as did the feel of her body beneath his hands. He could picture himself doing this for years to come, which made a flash of fear skitter through him.

  Tomorrow could put a very fast finish to his meandering dreams about the future.

  He pinched her shoulders tight.

  "Ow." She squawked.

  "Sorry." He stepped back as she turned to face him.

  "You okay?" She touched his chest, running her fingers over his shirt before resting them on his shoulder.

  "Yeah, I'm just thinking about tomorrow." He placed his hands on her hips. "If you get caught, it's..."

  "It's gonna be real bad. I know." Lucy's voice quivered.

  "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

  She looked away for a moment, her lips scrunching. "I'm ready for this to be over, Zach, so I guess I kind of have to be ready for tomorrow." She swallowed and turned back to him. "It is scary, but I know I have the skills to do it. Do you think your uncle can pull it off?

  Zach chuckled. "Cause a distraction by flirting with someone? I think he'll do just fine."

  Lucy grinned and nodded, moving her hand to his face. "Thank you for everything you're doing."

  "I'm not doing anything." He scratched his head and stepped out of reach, finally acknowledging his guilt at having to sit back and wait while she and Alex drove into a lion's den.

  She reached for his hand and yanked him back towards her, making sure their bodies were securely melded together before speaking. "You're doing everything I need you to do." Her gaze was sincere as she studied him. "Zach, you always know how to be everything I need. You might not be going into that warehouse with me tomorrow, but just knowing you're waiting for me on the outside is enough."

  He smiled at her sweet words.

  "We're potentially one day away from ending this. If that evidence can somehow prove Tenner guilty, five years of running will be over. I'm scared and I'm excited and I sort of can't believe it. But if your uncle can write some magic that will get the FBI investigating, then this risk will all be worth it. I know it's not a guarantee, but it's a chance. One that's worth taking."

  "Yeah. Yeah it is." Zach tucked a tendril of dark hair behind Lucy's ear, glad that her tune had changed for the better. She seemed confident and in control, a quiet strength emanating from her. With a soft smile, he leaned forward. As their lips met, her arms snaked behind him, her fingers pressing into his back. He pulled her tight against him, wrapping her in a security she deserved and praying that their plan for tomorrow would pay off and they could once and for all set Lucy free.

  Chapter 12


  My nerves felt like electrical wires sparking together as Alex drove towards the warehouse. I couldn't talk. It was nine o'clock in the morning and I hadn't been able to utter a word since getting out of bed. I'd barely slept. This was my first con in a while...and it was a big one...a hell scary one.

  Zach had faith in me. I could see it in his expression when he kissed me goodbye. The way his eyes bulged when I walked out of the motel bathroom, all geared up as my persona - Agent Wilcox - told me I had pulled off the look.

  "Wow." That was all he'd managed.

  Alex looked pretty dashing as well as he turned the car right and led us towards the warehouse entrance.

  "You remember everything?" I finally muttered.

  "I'm all good, Wilcox. Just relax."

  I clicked my tong
ue. "I should be saying that to you."

  "You think you've got more experience at conning people than I do?"

  "Well, yeah." I glanced at him.

  His white teeth flashed with a broad grin and he winked. "Trust me, honey. I can do this. Now let's go get you that evidence."

  Alex braked at the guard's station, his smile disappearing as he held up the ID badge, suddenly looking bored. Perfect. I felt my stomach settle as the tired looking guard took a cursory glance at his ID then looked to me. I flashed my badge up, giving him a little half smile, which he returned before waving us through.

  "Told you he wouldn't really check them." I cocked my head.

  I buttoned my jacket once I got out of the car, adjusting my low ponytail and making sure I held my shoulders back. I was a confident woman although still a new agent, so I had to have a slight trepidation about me. Not that challenging considering the killer bees demolishing my stomach as we walked towards the warehouse entrance.

  I swung open the door and let Alex go through first, watching with a smirk as his serious expression morphed to a soft look of surprise. His blue eyes glinted as he swanned towards the desk.

  "Hi." His voice was husky as he flashed his ID badge at the middle-aged lady behind the counter. No wedding ring, a little well-placed make up, short curls and pearl earrings. Nice combination.

  Her eyelashes fluttered a little as she took in the charming Agent Green.

  He leaned against the counter, his blue gaze drinking her in. "I'm Agent Green and this is my colleague, Agent Wilcox."


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