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Set Me Free

Page 18

by Melissa Pearl

  "Can you tell me her injuries please sir."

  Zach spotted the black gun resting in the bottom of the tub and closed his eyes.

  "I think she's been shot. I just—I just got home and the bathroom's a mess, she's lying here with blood all over her and she's really pale..."

  "What is your location please, sir?"

  Sucking in a breath, Zach rattled off the details, hearing a faint clicking of keys as he did so.

  "Where has she been shot?"

  "In the stomach, I think." Zach knelt down beside her, gently lifting the blood soaked towel beneath her hand. She let out a soft groan, her eyelids fluttering as she whimpered.

  His breath hitched as her blue eyes focused on him.

  "Zach," she mouthed, a faint smile caressing her lips. She tried to reach for him, but her arms were too weak. He snaffled her hand in his, pressing the back of it to his cheek. Tears stung his eyes as he watched anxiety take over her gaze. He felt like his insides were being shredded.


  "Huh?" Zach focused, remembering that he had a phone pressed to his ear.

  "Was she shot by someone one? If so, is the attacker still in the house?"

  "Uh, yeah." He stole a glance over his shoulder. "But he's unconscious."

  "Is he injured?"

  "I think he might be dead. It would have been self-defense. This guy's been trying to kill her for years."

  There was a pause.

  Zach swallowed, realizing just how much could be read into that statement. He pressed his lips together, not willing to say more.

  "Okay, sir, the police and ambulance are on their way, but I would like you to stay on the line please. If the attacker moves in anyway, you need to let me know."

  Zach gripped the phone to his ear and nodded. Not that the operator could see that.

  "How is your girlfriend now, sir? Are you applying pressure to the wound?"

  "She already did that, but the towel is soaked in blood and she's lying in water that's quickly turning cold. What do I do?" Zach pulled in a shaky breath, hating how much his voice was quivering. "What do I do?"

  She talked him through the best way to care for Lucy while he waited for the sound of sirens. Upon instruction, he gently carried her from the bathroom. Her cries of agony had him cutting the trip short and laying her flat as soon as he reached a dry patch of carpet. Blood soaked into the wool beneath them as he bent her legs up and pressed a fresh towel against the wound.

  She let out another cry that made him want to pull back, the phone operator's firm insistence held him steady.

  Pressing his forehead against Lucy's knee, he sniffed at his tears, working up the courage to follow yet another instruction and use his belt as a tourniquet.

  "It'll hurt her too much," he mumbled.

  "Sir, you want to save her life, don't you?"

  With a huff, he got to his feet and charged into his room, yanking the belt from his pants that were on the floor. Rushing back to Lucy, he endured her begging tears as he shifted her body, securing the tourniquet tightly around the towel that had already turned red. He checked her back while he was doing it and informed the operator that there was a distinct hole, which probably meant the bullet had sliced straight through her. For some reason the operator thought this was a good thing, but she didn't explain why. Instead she sent him off to check on Tenner.

  He popped his head into the bathroom, making sure the large man hadn't moved, then rushed back to Lucy, to rest his hand on her cool skin and freak out over how pale she was.

  His limbs were quivering and it was an effort to keep the phone held to his ear.

  "How much longer?" he whispered.

  "They should be there any moment. Hang in there. You're doing great."

  He closed his eyes, feeling anything but great. He felt useless and helpless as he watched the first girl he'd ever truly loved slip away from him.

  A distant sound of sirens made him lurch from his spot. Tears that had been ready to fall evaporated as he pressed his lips against Lucy's forehead.

  "They're here, baby. It's gonna be okay. They're here."

  He thanked the operator and hung up as someone banged on the front door.

  "This is the Danville Police!"

  "Come in! We're upstairs! Help us!" Zach yelled.

  The door flew open and footsteps thudded through the house. Zach was soon gazing up at two armed officers. Their expressions were grave as they took in the scene. The female officer studied Lucy's blue lips and gave him a sympathetic smile. Seconds later the EMTs pushed in, dumping their stuff next to Lucy and assessing her wounds. They spoked in garbled medical terms Zach didn't understand. He heard oxygen and IV mentioned before being escorted from the room by the female officer. She led him downstairs, gently seating him at the dining room table.

  Zach kept his gaze on the door, not wanting to miss them bringing Lucy down. The officer kept pulling his attention back to him, quietly asking Zach questions in a smooth voice that soothed the soul. He stuttered his way through most of it, feeling shaky and ill-equipped for the task. He got a few details wrong, then had to shake his head and repeat himself.

  A stretcher was carried down the stairs and Zach lurched from his seat.

  "Is she okay? Is she still alive?"

  The paramedic nodded, but didn't look overly hopeful as Zach spotted his fragile girl. Her face was engulfed by an oxygen mask and there was a big needle shoved into her arm. She seemed agitated and restless. He wanted to comfort her, but didn't want to get in the way of the paramedic holding a clear bag over her with his free hand. They bustled out the door, leaving no room for him. She was shoved into the ambulance before he could even ask to accompany her. The doors slammed, the sirens started blaring and she was gone.

  Zach braced his hands on his knees, wanting to hurl all over the carpet.

  "Zach." The officer quietly approached him. "Let me drive you to the hospital. We can continue the questioning there. Is there anyone you'd like to call?"

  "My Uncle Alex."

  He actually kind of wanted his parents, but that wasn't an option right now. Uncle Alex would be the perfect support during questioning. He had the evidence, and the proof that William Tenner was guilty as sin and Lucy was an innocent victim defending herself. He'd love to know how she did it.

  As he followed the officer out of the house, he spotted the ambulance turning out of their street and could only hope that he'd have the chance to ask her.

  With a sickening sigh, he pulled out his phone and called his uncle.

  Chapter 33


  "Hello Lucy."

  A gunshot rang out.

  Glass exploded around my face, stinging me. One piece plunged into my side, driving a searing pain through my core. I jerked, pressing my hand into the wound and trying to stop it.

  "Hello Lucy." The sickly sweet voice repeated my name, a dark malicious tenor running through the words.


  Searing pain.



  I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want to open them and be faced with that cold glare again.

  "It's alright, Lucy. It's over."

  The voice was changing.

  "Lucy. You did good."


  I opened my eyes and there he was, smiling at me with that pride I used to bask in.

  "I love Lucy." He chuckled.

  "Dad," I whispered.

  His eyes glowed warm before he turned away from me, pulling someone into his arms and resting his cheek against her head. She wrapped her arm around his waist and glanced over her shoulder once to gift me a tender smile before walking away.

  "Mom! Dad! No, wait, I want to come with you!"

  They didn't turn back to acknowledge my cries, just kept walking.

  "No, wait, please! Come back!"

  "Come back, Lucy. Time to wake up, honey." A searing light drove into my senses as the soft female voice over-rode my vis

  My eyes fluttered open and I winced.

  "There you are." She smiled.

  "Where am I?" I winced, the pain from my dream returning. I reached for my side and felt a gauze bandage.

  "You're in the hospital. You've come out of surgery and you're gonna be fine. We'll keep you here in ICU for a few days to monitor you, but you don't have anything to worry about, sweetie."

  Pulling the watch from her pocket, she held my wrist. Her face was serene as she did her count or whatever it was that she was doing. I studied her soft black curls as she wrote down some numbers on a chart next to my bed.

  "The doctor will be by to check on you soon. For now, you need to get as much rest as you can."

  I closed my eyes, feeling nauseous, scrambling for memories that seemed distant and fuzzy.

  "How are your pain levels?"

  "My side hurts, but so does my hand." I lifted up my bandaged hand, feeling confused.

  "You have a deep laceration on your palm from the glass."

  "Glass?" The foggy images pushed into my mind. As they began to crystalize my breathing grew rapid and I gripped the sheets on top of me.

  "Hey, it's okay. It's over." The nurse patted my clenched fist. "You're safe and nothing can hurt you now." Her smile was sweet as she gazed down at me. "From what I understand, you are a very brave girl and your quick thinking saved your life."

  Quick thinking?

  A vision of a crocodile floating in the water flashed through my brain. All of a sudden it jerked, launching out of the still pool, its jaws open wide for the kill.

  "Crocodiles," I whispered and then smiled. "It wasn't my thinking."

  The nurse looked confused as she tried to interpret my ramblings.

  "Zach. I want Zach." Tears burned my eyes as I looked up at her.

  Her smile was gentle and reassuring. "You mean the pacing boy out in the waiting room? Don't worry, honey. He wants to see you too. I'll go get him for ya." She winked.

  Nestling back onto the pillows, I felt my insides instantly go calm.

  He was here.

  He was waiting for me.

  Keeping my eyes on the door, I nibbled my dry lip raw until I caught a flash of his scruffy brown locks. The tears could not be contained, they gently rolled down my cheeks as I saw him step towards me, his soft gaze filling me with such a strong sense of hope I could barely breathe.

  He didn't say anything, just looked at my tears and started crying ones of his own. Our lips met in a shaky embrace that was tentative and sweet.

  My Zach.

  The nurse was right, everything was going to be okay.


  "Crocodiles?" Zach grinned, shaking his head.

  I smiled at him, trying not to laugh. Laughing hurt too much. He held my hand, his thumb caressing my skin, jumping over the IV tube painfully protruding from my bony hand.

  "So, you see, you have to keep telling me all your little stories. They might just come in handy one day." I bit my lip and closed my eyes as a wave of exhaustion swept over me. It had been three days since I was rushed into the hospital. I had been moved from ICU to a recovery ward this morning and was slowly regaining strength. My limbs still felt weak though and I couldn't ever imagine running again. The nurse chuckled when I told her that and patted my arm.

  "The body is a miraculous thing. You'll be pounding the pavement before you know it."

  Zach had cleared his throat at that, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. I'd given him a reassuring smile, promising not to leave him again. I hoped he could believe it. I had nothing to run from anymore. It was over.

  A hard rock formed in my belly every time the realization hit. Thanks to that sharp piece of mirror, William Tenner would never be able to attack me again. It felt good and chilling all at the same time. I'd killed a human being.

  "Are the police coming back again today?" I licked my dry lips and hoped they weren't. I was sick of trying to answer questions, especially when my brain still felt so fuzzy. Admitting who I really was to the Danville Sheriff had been terrifying.

  "Not sure yet. I know the FBI want to come back again. Uncle Alex warned me they'll be heading this way soon."

  I clutched his hand, my eyes shooting open.

  "Hey, it's okay." He soothed. "Just tell them the truth. You're not the guilty party anymore, remember?"

  "I tried to impersonate an FBI agent, I have stolen hundreds of dollars in the past five years. I killed a man, Zach. I'm guilty!"

  Zach's expression softened. "That was self-defense and you know you could easily argue that all that other stuff was too. You were trying to survive."

  I shook my head with a soft sigh, my fingers shaking as they rubbed my forehead.

  "Hopefully they'll over look these misdemeanors considering the unique circumstances. Uncle Alex is pretty confident they're going to erase your last five years of criminal activity. What we're supplying them with will open up a huge ass can of worms that will bring down more than just Tenner."

  I nodded, feeling sick.

  "His family came to collect his body yesterday."

  I flinched, a sharp breath shooting up my nose. I don't know what caused them, but tears sprung into my eyes. "I wanted to bring him to justice, not kill him."

  Zach swallowed and slowly nodded.

  Slipping my hand from his grasp, I rested it on my stomach, feeling dirty and ashamed.

  Zach tried to reach for my hand again. "He deserved to die for what he did."

  "Maybe. Or maybe he just deserved to go to prison for a really long time. Why did it have to be me? It's not fair that I have to carry this around now. He shouldn't have died by my hand."

  "It's kind of like the circle of life." Zach shrugged.

  I looked at his gentle smile, slightly confused by his answer.

  "He killed your parents, you killed him. It's a form of justice, Lulu."

  The nickname had just appeared in his vocabulary and I kind of liked it. It's what Dad used to call me.

  I forced my head up and down, knowing Zach was right, but still hating the fact that I'd taken a life. Even if it was a filthy, greedy, evil life.

  "So, what happens now?" I let my hand slip back into Zach's.

  "Well, you let go of the past and start your life anew."

  A breathy chuckle escaped my lips. "I don't know how to do that."

  "I'll be there to show you the way." He winked, my insides warming. The gaze in his eyes made my heart tingle.

  I was about to wrap my fingers into his shirt and pull him forward for a kiss when the door swung open.

  "Hey, she's awake." AJ beamed, filling the room with his sunny presence. Lifting the bag in his hand, he wiggled his eyebrows. "I smuggled you in some goodies. Time to start fattening you up, skinny one."

  He placed the bag on the chair as I shot a grin at Zach. He just chuckled, leaning back as Elliot and the girls entered the room. Liesl nudged Zach aside so she could snaffle a gentle hug and kiss me on both cheeks. It still hurt, but I managed to hide my grimace. The painkillers were definitely dulling the sense, but not making it numb. Her brown eyes were filled with motherly care as she held my face.

  "How you holding up?"

  "I'm good." I nodded.

  "You don't look great." Jaeda's nose wrinkled.

  "Thanks," I replied drily.

  Her sweet titter made me grin. "But you will, sweet girl. Liesl and I are taking you shopping as soon as you're able."

  "That might take some training," Elliot whispered. "These girls are marathon shoppers. You've been warned."

  I smiled at his emphatic expression, my grin softening to a tender look of gratitude. He shook his head slightly, his tough exterior breaking for just a moment.

  "You're welcome," he mouthed and gave me a wink before sliding over the chair next to Zach and plopping into it. Punching his friend in the arm, he started up a conversation about his epic battle of Halo 2 the night before.

  I turned from them to watch the g
irls fluffing around the bag with AJ as he extracted all manner of sweet smelling baking. The table beside me was soon laden with goodies. Jaeda picked at the chocolate slice, her eyes sparkling with pleasure as she licked her lips and sighed.

  "I love you, AJ." She shook her head and dove in for some more.

  Liesl wrapped her slight arm around AJ's thick waist and tiptoed up to kiss his chin. "Not as much as I do."

  He smiled down at her, bending low so they could properly suck face. My nose wrinkled.

  "Don't watch." Jaeda rolled her eyes. "It can go on for a really long time." She shoved the rest of the slice into her mouth. "So, now that all this crap is behind you, what are you gonna do?"

  My mouth went dry. I glanced at Zach who was still deep in conversation, my insides lurching with that all too familiar fear.

  I had no idea.

  All these guys were going off to college soon and with a certain sense of dread it dawned on me that I was now homeless. I had no place to run. I had no one to run from. The sole purpose in my life was no longer there and as awesome as that was, I'd never felt more vulnerable.



  "So how are you feeling now, Lucy?"

  Joanne, my counselor, had such a soft voice. It always soothed me.

  I nodded my head with a grin. "Good. I've had a good month."

  "And the dreams?"

  "They're easing. I mean, I still have them every now then, but I can go most nights now without anything waking me up." Particularly on the nights I slept beside Zach. I bit my lip, barely able to contain my excitement. I hadn't seen him since Spring Break and I was in major countdown mode. Two sleeps to go and I'd be in his arms again.

  "You're coming up to a year since the incident. How do you feel about that?"

  I cleared my throat, stretching my neck and trying to think as honestly as I could.

  "I thought I'd be scared and that it would haunt me, but it is really over now. All the interviews and the media coverage. Everything's died down and I feel more able to get on with my life. I think having my slate wiped clean has really helped with that. I don't have anything to fear. No one is chasing me. I still have to remind myself of that, but it's getting easier."


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