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Page 4

by Dawn Robertson

  “Seven.” He returns the uncomfortable formality between us.

  “What can I help you with?” I try to break the tension, but I already know why he’s in my office.

  “I think we should talk. You know. About, well...” He stops, because he is as uncomfortable as I am with the situation.

  “Look, had I known we would be in this position, I would never have offered the other night. But since we’ve found ourselves in this precarious situation, I’d rather not talk about it now, or inside these office walls. We can meet up after work, but this conversation isn't happening here.”

  He nods in agreement.

  “Tonight, we'll do dinner.” He speaks with certainty. I don't want to like his demand, but I cave to the offer.

  I nod in his direction. “Seven at Tokyo Fusion on 34th,” I say before shrugging him off. He nods and walks out of the office, just as Daniel decides to enter. Seriously, this is turning out to be the most complicated fucking buyout ever.

  “Seven James. I can honestly say, I never thought I would see you again.” His words slice through me like a knife. Something about him is like pouring salt in the wounds of my raw soul. I should be overjoyed to be here, taking the only job he has ever wanted, but seeing him face-to-face still fucks with my mind on so many different levels. Age hasn't been kind to him. His previously thick sandy blonde hair is thinning, and a bald spot peers through. You can tell he’s desperately tried to cover it. I chuckle to myself. Wrinkles surround his eyes, and worry lines are front and center. If I didn't know any better, I dodged a bullet when he walked out on me. Ugly ass!

  “Daniel Alexander. We meet again, love.” I smile, and stand. As I brush my skirt down, I’m sure to accent every curve he’s missing out on. “It has been ages, what... seven years?” I know it’s been five, but adding time helps.

  “Five, only five,” he replies as a smile begins to pull at the corner of his mouth. Slow and seductive. The same smile he used to win me over, so many years ago.

  “Five, huh? Well, it really is a pleasure to see you. You look...” I want to say horrible, but I keep it polite. Kill 'em with kindness, right? “Great. You look great Daniel.” I extend my arms, and give him a big, friendly bear hug.

  “I have to admit, I never thought I’d see you in a boardroom, let alone mine.” He speaks with confidence, like he actually has ownership in this company.

  “Actually, it is your father's boardroom, but continue.” The little dig makes me feel so much better.

  “How have you been? Are you married? Please, let's catch up.” He sits down, and I walk around the desk, plopping down in my chair. My eyes drag over his left hand, wedding band firmly in place on his ring finger, and I know the answer to so many of my questions already.

  “Single as the day I was born. I don't need a pesky romance in the way of my plans to conquer the world.” I laugh at my own joke, as does Daniel. He knows me well enough to know it really isn't a joke at all. “Just been busting my ass, living the young, wild, and free lifestyle. I can see you settled down. What was her name? Susan? Sheryl? Sidney?”

  With barely a smile, he corrects me. “Samantha.” Samantha Rockwell. I knew her well enough, but wouldn't give him the pleasure of that slice of knowledge.

  “Just darling. Any children?” He always wanted a big brood of brats. Kids, just not my thing.

  “Three, actually. We have twin girls who just turned one, and a six week old little boy.”

  I have to laugh; that's a shitload of kids in a year.

  “Wow. Well, they must keep you busy.” I silently laugh at the miserable, sleep-deprived look on his face. The admission of that flock just explains part of the reasons why he looks like he’s been rode hard, and put up wet. “They must be a handful!”

  “Oh, that is an understatement. Samantha really has her hands full.” I could imagine. No. Not really. Nor would I ever want to image.

  “Well, Daniel, it was great catching up, but I have a ton of e-mails I need to sift through before I leave here at noon. I’ll be back on Monday morning. If you need anything in between now and then, feel free to shoot me an email.” I smile; it’s fake, and I hope he can't see through the show.

  “I look forward to working with you, Seven.” Like that, he is gone.

  I came here to take his job from him, take the company he thought would be handed over to him when his father retired, had the fool not lost the majority of his stocks to Mr. Stern a decade ago. However, the bold man I once knew is gone, replaced by the shell of a broken man. I thought I would get a thrill from this deal, but in reality, I only feel bad for him. All those years of plotting revenge down the shitter. He ran his own life into the ground without any help from me.

  I pick up the phone and dial Olivia. On the first ring, her cheerful voice greets me.

  “Livie, get me Mikal, my interior decorator. I want this office overhauled by the time I get back on Monday.”

  My phone vibrates across the sprawling antique oak desk, signaling a message. Without looking, I know it’s Star. She doesn't like to talk on the phone; text is her preferred method of communication. It’s been two full days since the blow out with Evan, and she completely went off the radar. It’s her coping method, so I always just leave her be.

  Star: 1 Evan: 0 I am done with him completely. How was your night with Mr. Fresh Meat?

  I let out a sigh, thinking about the night I shared with Levi; it was off the charts. Something I would more than enjoy doing on a regular basis. But just like every other hookup in life, it’s in the past now. Exactly where it would stay, unfortunately. An unfamiliar twinge of emotion rips through my stomach. What the fuck do you call that?

  It was hot. Off the fucking charts. Fucked him six ways to Sunday and sent him on his merry way. But, it's fucking complicated now. Really fucking complicated.

  As much as I’m not the kind of girl to spill my problems to a room full of BFF's after a slumber party with manis and pedis, Star is my other half, my built-in therapist in life. I can tell her anything, just like she can do the same. In time, we would sit down to have drinks and she would spill the details of her relationship with Evan. From the sex, all the way to the breakup. It’s like a form of therapy for her too. As far back as we could remember, we both had each other, and really no one else. Well, I do have an older brother, but I haven't seen him in ages.

  The phone vibrates again.

  Complicated like how? You're not going to see him again right?

  I spit out the Starbucks tea I’m sipping on, spraying my computer screen with the faded pink liquid. Again? What the fuck is that?

  That is the problem, I will. Walked into my new boardroom at Alexander Mobile this morning. He is a fucking board member here. I have to work with him. Daily. FML!

  The humor of the situation would give her a laugh. I’m sure she’s sitting on the other end of the phone hooting over my own misfortune. Out of all the hookups in my life, and fucking believe me, there have been plenty, something like this has never happened. Ever. Work and play have never crossed paths, and honestly, I never thought I’d see the day when they did.

  It would all have to wait, sit on the back-burner until dinner tonight, when I would sit down as a businesswoman and discuss the arrangements we would have to live by from here on out. I can deal with Levi; he seems like a pleasant enough guy. I’m positive he won't want our rendezvous to be boardroom knowledge; it would mar his reputation far more than mine. In fact, I can use that leverage to my benefit. He keeps his mouth shut; if not it will be the funeral of his career, not mine.

  You have got to be kidding me, right? Board member! Well, if he was good in the sack, why not just go for an office affair? He married?

  Married? I doubt it. But knowing all the other board members donned wedding bands, including Daniel, it only makes me think he has something to hide. What the fuck? Why do I care about his current relationship status? Jesus! I need to clear my head, leave for the damn day already.

; I won't be carrying on an office affair, it’s in the past. One time. No strings. You know how I roll.

  It was the truth. Not since Daniel, the man who took my virginity, did I sleep with the same man, or woman, twice. Only Star.

  Looking over at the clock, it finally reads six. I’d only expected to stay at the Alexander Mobile building half a day, but stacks of paperwork kept me swamped with business. An hour is all I have to get home, change, and make my way to dinner, where I will start my game of blackmail with Levi. Although I hope it doesn't come to that.


  I didn't have time to stop at home and change, so I wear the same skirt and polka dot top that I wore to work earlier in the day. The host of Tokyo Fusion and I are on a first name basis. Vee takes me back to my table, and I order sake and some fancy Japanese beer. The need to unwind after a long day in the office is greater than I’d originally anticipated. On a typical Friday night, I would be soaking in my garden tub, listening to Skillet before heading to Sinners & Swingers and looking for some action. But tonight, I am forced to clean up a mess. A really big mess that I made, for once.

  I sip on my beer, keeping my eye on the front door while I scroll through e-mail messages, figuring out what’s urgent, and what can be put off until Monday morning. My e-mail inbox always will be the bane of my existence.

  Absorbed in an e-mail from my mother, I completely miss Levi walking through the door. His presence goes unnoticed until he’s standing in front the table.

  “Seven?” His voice rings through my entire body, sending goosebumps across my flesh. Not exactly the kind of reaction I was anticipating by any means.

  “Have a seat.” I motion to the other side of the intimate booth I requested, tucked away in the back corner. Instead, he plants himself down next to me, his thigh grazing the bare skin peeking out from under my skirt. It’s only then I notice the strap of my black garter belt, which is visible. Fuck.

  “I don't want to make this any more difficult than it has to be. We clearly have to work together and I would hate for the one night we shared to get in the way of our careers.” My words are precise and to the point. No beating around the bush, because that simply isn't me.

  “Seven, when you walked into that boardroom this morning, my entire world shattered into a thousand pieces.” He runs his left hand through his messy brown hair, and lets out a deep breath. “The other night. God. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I was tempted to find you. I Googled you. I wanted to leave a note for you at your front desk. But I didn't want to come across like a fucking stalker.” His words hit me like he just punched me in the face. Seriously, I may have preferred being punched over continuing whereever this conversation was headed.

  “Yeah, stalker skills don't get any points from me.” I try to lighten the mood, but his blue eyes are no longer icy. They are as hot as fire, flaming with something. Lust, maybe?

  “I've never been connected with someone like that. On that level.” His words sent a shock through my system. Who the fuck is this guy, and why does he seem to have some deeper impact on me? Not fucking cool; not cool at all.

  “Wait. Please. Before you go on, Levi. It wasn't a connection; it was just sex. That's all. Really great sex.” I hold my hand up in defense, trying to put another inch of space between us.

  I’m cornered against the wall as he moves in closer. “You thought it was really great sex too?” His face lights up, as he speaks. I gave myself away. He’s keen, smart, a receptive man, and he picked up on my words the moment they fell out of my mouth.

  “Of course, it was hot. You can't make a girl like me come a couple times without knowing it was some damn good sex. But Levi, that is all it was. There was no magical connection. If anything, it was a sexual connection. Something I've had in the past. There is a lot more to me than meets the eye.” It was the truth; well, sort of. Yeah, I’ve had great sex over the years. But I would never tell him that our night ranked up there with the time I fucked Adam Levine in the dressing room at Radio City.

  He moves in closer and closer. I have nowhere else to go. I’m pinned against the wall and he is blocking the only exit. His thigh grazes mine. “Come home with me, Seven.” His words caress my body with need, as his breath heats my neck. They promised every pleasure I know he could fulfill. I want so badly to say yes. Not because I like him, but because I can feel my clit swelling with need simply from talking about riding his beautiful dick again.

  “I don't think that would be a good idea, Levi.” My words are short, but my voice cracks as I speak them. He knows I’m lying. I think it would be a fucking fantastic idea, but the boss in me knows that, with all the office fraternization policies I’ve put into place, it is a horrible idea.

  “I think it would be a fantastic idea. No one would ever have to know.” He pauses only for a moment to lick the sensitive spot right behind my ear. I melt against his body, as he presses me up against the wall. “It can be our secret. We keep on working together, and all the while, I get the pleasure of knowing I am fucking the boss. Or better yet. The boss is fucking me. Up. The. Ass.”

  A shiver runs down my spine, and I am over the idea of dinner. The only thing I am hungry for is him. The waitress comes over to take our order, and I snap back to reality very quickly. What the fuck was I thinking?

  “I'll have my usual.” She quickly notes down my orange chicken over white rice, with extra sauce, then turns her glare to Levi, who clearly hasn't considered what was on the menu, other than me. “I’ll have beef and broccoli. Heavy on the broccoli, with a Coke.”

  He waves her off, and focuses his attention back on me. Those eyes… I swear he can see straight through me, which scares the ever living shit out of me. One thing I have always prided myself on is hiding my emotions like a pro. My fucked up childhood ensured I would be a gold medalist in the emotionally void category. But this man acts like he can read my soul.

  “I can't. I’m sorry Levi. As much as I would like to - and believe me, I would really like to- I just can't.”

  I can see the rage building within him. He is mad, like really mad. Slowly he pushes away from me, and my body starts to ache for his touch again. Fucking traitor. He turns away before sliding out. Is he really going to leave after he just ordered dinner? That would be rude! Instead of walking for the exit, though, he slides into the booth bench across the table from me. His look is guarded, and his lips are pressed together tightly. He looks like a businessman sitting down to command a deal, and I am completely thrown off my game.

  “You know, Seven. I came here giving you the benefit of the doubt.”

  What? Okay, so now he has my fucking attention; if he thinks he is going to get any kind of upper hand on me, he is sadly mistaken. He takes a sip from the glass of ice water placed in front of me on the table, savoring the cold, wet liquid, while never taking his eyes off mine.

  “When there is something I want, I get it. And I want you. I want you all the time. I want what we had Wednesday night. I want more. And I will get it.”

  Is this guy for real? My temper is brewing. I’m a ticking time bomb, which is about to blow up in what could possibly be a very public meltdown.

  “You. Listen. To. Me. Levi.” My words half resemble a growl. “You will not push me. You will not threaten me. I don't know who you think I am, but I will ruin you.” I take a sip of my beer, and gather myself together to shoot him a smile. Fake and dazzling. The calm before the storm I am about to unleash.

  “I came here with the intentions of being nice, civil, even friendly. People don't get friendly from me, especially when I am their boss. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt, because I fucking like you, Levi Parker. But do not mistake my kindness for weakness, because we all know I am the one in charge here. In the boardroom, and the bedroom. Don't think for one second that I didn't notice your need for submission under my hand.”

  I run my tongue along my bottom lip as my eyes take in the rest of his body, taking in his mannerisms and t
he change in his body language. A moment ago he took me on with bravado; now he is ready to cower like a lamb. “I make the rules - here, in the boardroom, and in the bedroom. And if you want to get back in my good graces, you better fucking wow me.”

  A sly smile spreads across his face; he thinks he has won. But little does he know there is no way I am going to let him back into my bed. I made that decision the night he walked out of my penthouse. The knowledge of working together is just icing on the cake now.

  “So, why don't we take this time to get to know each other a bit, Seven?”

  The floor is pulled out from under me. Know me? What is this, the fucking Love Connection?

  Maybe I will play the game, pull what I want to know out of him, maybe gather a little intel on Alexander Mobile, and Daniel. Good idea.

  “What is it you want to know, Levi?” I wave my hand at him. “I’m an open book.” If he only knew.

  His teeth tug on his bottom lip, and he runs his tongue across his top teeth. “Are you single, Seven?” Question of the hour. Does he really want to know me, or just size me up?

  “Yes, have been for years. Although I am married to my work. Yourself?” I’m willing to bet he has a hot little Stepford wife, just like Daniel does. These New York City business types all do.

  “Single. Divorced actually. My wife left me about two years ago.”

  Interesting. Submissive little Levi was left by his wife, but I am sure there is more to the story. “Kids?” I question with confidence.

  “None. Couldn't have any. Part of the reason she left me. I couldn't provide her with what she wanted out of life, so she found it with my partner at the firm I was working at.”


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