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Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4)

Page 27

by Jaime Marks

  “You need to stop pushing me away, my love. I know you’ve been struggling with all of this today. I am always here for you.”

  “I know. I have always known.”

  Lifting her easily in his arms he took her into their suite and carried her to their chambers, lying her on the bed. He watched as she rose to her knees and slid out of her gown, teasing him in that seductive way of hers, as if she moved to some rhythm that only she could hear. He disrobed as he watched her feeling eased just by her presence.

  When she reached for him he crawled onto the bed kissing her as they met skin to skin. His hands traveled her body lovingly caressing her as her nails ever so slightly grazed him. As he took her to the bed he held her gaze, “You are ever my Light, Trina. Never allow me to neglect you. I don’t care if you need to smack me upside the head. I would deserve it for being such an ass.”

  “You weren’t neglecting me today, Grifyn. I understand why you were upset and the choices you made. You might have pushed Steph too far, but you were right to confront Mythos for taking her to his chambers and he should have made some form of a decree, even if only to us, as it is clear the King is unable to hide his reactions. You were just a little too intense on the matter perhaps.” She reasoned running her hand through his hair. “It was your anger and frustrations Kato and the others reacted to. You are always so controlled, love. To see you so off balance when there is no ready threat present is unusual to them.”

  “Maybe, but I do not wish to discuss such things now.” Nipping at her neck he hooked his arm under her knee, grinding against her. “I only want to love you, to immerse myself in your beauty. I would give everything I am for you Trina, always.”

  A soft moan escaped her lips as his think length slid through her slick folds and he captured it with a kiss before trailing over her neck, her shoulders, kissing and nipping his way to her breast before taking it in his mouth. She arched into him as he touched and teased her.

  “Grifyn, we do not have to use caution any longer…”

  He paused looking down to her. “No lumyna, those days are over. There is no reason to hide what we share. Why do you ask?”

  “I…” It was a rare moment when his mate showed him such shy hesitation.

  Cupping her cheek he kissed her with all the love he felt. “What is on your mind, my love? Please don’t hide from me.”

  “I was just thinking, perhaps…as we do not need to use caution any longer that we could…allow fate to take its course,” she offered cryptically.

  It took him a moment to decipher her meaning and his brow arched in surprise. “Are you trying to tell me you wish to start a family, Trina?”

  “There is nothing I want more than to have your young, Grifyn.”

  A warmth filled him at her words and his hand drifted down to her stomach as he picture her womb filled with his seed. They had been so careful in recent years. There was no such thing as birth control amongst the Fae. Medicinal contraceptives were not studied and hence ineffective as it was believed that fate should take its course. It had been proven that devices such as condoms and the like were only about fifty percent as effective for the Fae as they were humanity. Still they had been using condoms and he rarely finished inside of her. Since their Bonding he had stopped using the condoms but old habits had remained. It was not that he didn’t want young, he had just not stopped to consider how she would feel about such things.

  “Are you certain, Trina?”


  Her words spurred his hunger and Grifyn slid deep into her core as he kissed her. They moved in rhythm with each other’s bodies as he savored in her. She clenched around him as he drove her pleasure and he groaned in sheer bliss. As she spasmed around him she took him over the edge of ecstasy and his release filled her cup as she cried out.

  A profound connection joined them in that moment, linking them in a way beyond that they had experienced even the eve of their Bonding. He had released in her that eve but they had used a condom out of habit. It was the last time he had used one. This was the first time they had completed the act fully without any barrier between them and it was something he could not describe. A second release rolled through her and his had yet to ebb completely as he felt all the love she held for him.

  “Trina, Trina, my lumyna, my love.” He breathed kissing over her body.

  “Grifyn, I love you.”

  “And I you.”

  They stayed connected as he wrapped her in his arms and pulled the covers up to keep her warm. All the troubles from his day were forgotten in moments like this with her. His mate was an incredible gift that he would never forsake. There was never a day that he did not thank the Divine for bringing her into his life.

  When he had nearly lost her last month he thought the Darkness would swallow him whole. The only thing that had kept him going was that he needed to reach her, to save her. Having her returned nearly unharmed had been a miracle.

  He had been alone before he found her but she had opened his heart to love once more. Now he had his sister returned, which he never would have been able to believe let alone accept if she had not saved him. He had his son and all the joy that Byryn and Kylion brought to his life. It was true that he had misstepped with Steph but he would find a way to reach her. He would stand back and allow her to find her own way but he would be there by her side to guide her whenever she had need. As long as Trina was by his side he knew he would find some way to correct the mistakes he had made. She was his lumyna, his Light, and they walked this world as one.

  Chapter 25

  Steph set her sketch book aside in frustration. It was getting late but she couldn’t sleep. She’d had the strangest dream about John. He told her he was coming for her and that he’d take care of her. It was just a dream but it had shaken her a bit. John was the last person she needed here. As it was her past with him threatened to endanger any chance she had with Mythos but if he came here he’d go out of his way to destroy what they shared.

  He was a controlling arrogant asshole that would try to take over every choice, every decision about her life and there was no way in hell he’d stand for her to be with anyone else. What was she even worrying about? John was human. There was no way she’d run into him here. She was just letting her paranoia run away from her. She’d spent so long looking over her shoulder and keeping an eye on him and Kyle while they stalked her that she didn’t know what the hell to do with herself anymore.

  This was ridiculous. She couldn’t keep doing this to herself. Aside from the night she slept in Mythos’ arms she had a nightmare every time she went to sleep. She was stronger than this and there was no way she was going to continue to allow this to rule her nights. It didn’t change the fact that she was feeling insanely restless though.

  Looking back to the bedroom she wished he was here, sleeping in bed. It made her feel safer when he was around. It wasn’t really something she could explain but it was like he completed some part of her. Not only that but he genuinely seemed to understand her and nothing seemed to put him off. It didn’t happen here as much as it had back home but the others sometimes looked at her like they just couldn’t understand her, like she was a freak or something. She wasn’t exactly your typical anything. Other people seemed to feel like they needed to figure her out but Mythos seemed to genuinely accept everything about it. It was seriously amazing and something that she’d never thought she’d find.

  John had accepted her like that but he also took advantage and pushed every limit she had until she felt used and dirty. It wasn’t like that with Mythos. He did try to guide her but he honestly let her make her own decisions. Sometimes that felt overwhelming because she knew absolutely nothing about this place, but all she had to do if she wanted help was ask and he would be right there. She didn’t doubt it or question it.

  The problem was she couldn’t give him what he wanted. The Fae mated for life. Once you slept with someone that was it. She’d already been with John, she couldn�
�t give herself to Mythos. So why was she torturing herself like this and leading him on? She should just tell him the truth and walk away but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She’d never felt as at home or complete as she did when she was in his arms. If she told him and he walked away it would tear her apart in a way that she wasn’t sure she could come back from.

  This was crazy. She’d been here all of two days. How could she feel so strongly for him? Why did she feel like she needed him so badly? Really she didn’t even know him. He could turn out to be every bit as much of an asshole as John had. You didn’t fall in love with someone, even someone as incredible as Mythos, after just two days.

  He really was amazing. The way he commanded the respect and full attention of everyone in a room, even her, floored her. No one had that presence, but he did. Of course at seven freaking feet tall who the hell could ignore him? In all honesty he should intimidate the hell out of her but no one had ever made her feel so comfortable. The longer she spent with him the more he amazed her. He was funny, kind, caring, strong, intelligent, commanding and sexy as hell. Really he was too good to be true but she couldn’t help but feel as if he was being genuine with her. Mythos made it alright to be at home in her own skin and he made all this craziness that had always embodied who she was and her life bearable.

  Looking at her watch she groaned realizing she had training in the morning and they expected her to make it to breakfast. If she didn’t get to sleep soon she’d never make it. Glancing back to his room again she wished she could call him or just be close to him. Before she knew what she was doing she was walking into the bedroom.

  As she walked around the room she saw it was actually pretty bare but he’d told her he lived in the Realm of Light, not here. Everything was neat and organized. There was some décor but it almost seemed impersonal. She looked into the closet and saw his robes hanging there but that was really the only sign that he stayed here. When she sat on his bed though she could almost smell his crisp spicy scent and she couldn’t help but lay down cuddling close to his pillow.

  He’d said she could use his room if she wanted but if anyone caught her here they’d probably freak out. Just being in here made her feel closer to him though and that’s what she needed right now. Maybe if she just sat there for a little while she’d feel better.

  She went into the other room and got her sketch pad and chalks. Settling down in his bed she began to draw him, needing to see him. It was so strange how she could recall so many things about him that she shouldn’t even know. She knew how driven and determined he could be because she could remember how focused he was during training when he was younger but she had no idea where that information came from. She knew he could be care free and laid back because she’d seen him hanging out with the guys just screwing around, laughing and joking, but it was nothing that she’d even heard about. She knew he was fiercely protective and loyal because somehow she knew that he’d come to blows several times with Marcus over Reyana, but she couldn’t even tell why it had happened. There were so many things but she had no idea where the ideas or images came from, not that she ever did. It was like her instincts. Some things she just knew.

  When she was done with her drawing she laid down on the bed and placed it on the pillow beside her. She only meant to lay there for a second but she could almost feel his arms around her and slowly her eyes drifted closed. Steph was sound asleep in minutes.

  Byryn sighed as he looked over the files and sensed each of the boys that had come in this afternoon. There was nothing particularly odd or off about them. They were your typical unawakened Shade really. The timing of their arrival just felt off but the patrols brought in new unawakened every few days so it wasn’t exactly unusual. The truth was he was just feeling off tonight and he needed to get his head on straight.

  Sometimes they found these kids too close to the colonies, sometimes they got caught up in battle and they offered them Redemption, others came seeking it. There were a lot of ways that unawakened came into the realm. These three had been found living on the streets by one of the Guardian and Auxylium pairs and they had guided them to a patrol after talking to them.

  “Have they given you any trouble, Gavyn?”

  “No, they were pretty hungry and filthy when they came in but after a meal, shower and fresh clothes they seemed pretty grateful. The one seems to have a chip on his shoulder but really that’s nothing new. A lot of them do when they first come in,” he shrugged. “The one kind of looks like you actually but Trycen said he didn’t know any of them and they aren’t his blood.”

  He looked up from the files and scanned the table focusing on them a moment. Really the one sitting on the end did sort of look like him but he didn’t sense any familiarity in him. “Alright, I’ll talk to them quick so you can get them to quarters. It’s getting late and they could probably use the rest.”

  Walking over to the table he sized them up but again there was nothing really special about them. “Hi, I’m Byryn a Grifyn, Liaison of the Redeemed. I kind of act as a guide of sorts to help you find your place here,” he offered. “Welcome to the Realm of Balance.”

  “I thought they said this was the Realm of the Gray.” The tall one asked. He really did sort of look like him and he sent his essence through him to be sure but he didn’t feel anything to make him think they even knew each other.

  “It is, but it’s also known as the Realm of Balance. What’s your name?”

  “Wytheryn Jones.” The kid replied watching him closely. He seemed to almost be sizing him up but they all did that.

  “And you two?”

  “Luke Moryion.”

  “Tyson Tioryn.”

  Byryn nodded making notes of their last names in their files. “Your lines?”

  Luke shrugged. “I don’t know Moryion’s lines but I think he was a Priest. We weren’t exactly close before I took off.”

  “Tioryn was Tyrion’s son. I don’t know if that tells you anything. He picked me up one day at school and dropped me off at Holmestead. I never saw him again. I knew Luke from school and when shit got hot we took off.”

  “You’re from the Warrior Lines. I’ve met Tyrion and Tioryn. They didn’t provide any training for you?” He pressed knowing that had to be a lie.

  “I was assigned a mentor. Evyrcyn a Evyn. The guy was a serious dickhead and after he made it clear what my place was I decided I was better off on my own.”

  Now that made more sense. Ev was a douche when he wanted to be. He had three protégés that Byryn knew of and they were all pretty much treated like slaves, but they were some of the strongest fighters he’d met outside the Brood. Evyn was another of Tyrion’s sons. Trevyn had worked with them on occasion.

  “Understood. He’s an ass on a good day,” he shrugged making note of it. “What about you, Wytheryn?”

  “I have no idea. I grew up in the group homes but being sireless isn’t exactly easy. I’ve taken a lot of shit over the years. This last time I thought they were going to kill me. I had enough so I left.” His tone suggested he wouldn’t stay here if he received more of the same treatment.

  “Things are different here. No one should give you an issue but that brings me to a few key points. First, we aren’t the Shade. If you have an issue with someone or something we expect you to try to work it out without resorting to violence. If you can’t, take it to one of the Guardians or bring it to me. Don’t start shit here or you’ll answer to me. I try to be fair and I generally can resolve most situations without too much trouble but you can ask anyone, if you push me too far I will put you in your place. I expect the same respect that you do. I’m not gonna break you down, treat you like slaves or beat the hell out of you, but if you don’t follow the rules or I find you treating anyone else that way then you’ll force me to deal with the situation. If you continually break the rules you won’t be here. Am I clear?”

  “Crystal.” Wytheryn answered holding his gaze.

  Byryn waited until he looked awa
y before he handed each of them a copy of the rules. “Read through these tonight. If you have questions ask or bring them to me later. As long as you follow that we shouldn’t have any issues. Each of you have been assigned to a Basics class. More than likely you’ll all test out and receive new assignments in a day or two but it’s really the only way to place you in the right level courses so just deal with it. We’ll be meeting to talk about things in more detail over the next few days. Any questions?”

  “No I think we’re good,” Luke replied.

  The others just nodded. “Alright, then I’ll have Guardian Gavyn show you to your rooms. If you need anything just let me or one of the Guardians know. We try to make the adjustment here as easy as possible. Have a good night.” He rose taking the files with him. “They’re good to go Gavyn. Normal restrictions apply until I can get more in depth with their backgrounds but I don’t see any issue. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Liaison,” he replied formally with an incline of his head. “Come on boys, let’s get you settled.”

  Byryn left them to Gavyn and made his way back to his quarters. He just wanted to go to bed with his baby and hold her. Her awakening was so close and it should be cause for celebration but he still wasn’t sure how to deal with his past. He’d have to find some way to talk to her about it but right now things were pretty good and all he wanted was to enjoy tonight.

  Reaching their hall he paused glancing across the way to Mythos’ suite. Steph was notoriously a night owl but she should be sleeping by now, still he wondered how she was handling her first night alone here. He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable.

  With a sigh he headed down her hall and listened by her door. It was quiet so he stretched out his senses but she wasn’t there. He opened the door and walked through her room to the sitting room but she wasn’t there either. He was about to go back out and bitch out her guards before getting the others to help him find her when he remember how cryptic the King had been when he left her that morning.


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