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The Horror Squad: Mini Series

Page 5

by TJ Weeks

  He ran to the remaining that exited the building and stabbed them.

  This was it, he was on his own, all of his unit had been taken by zombies. He couldn’t believe it. He peered around the area and then down the hall of the school. He noticed quickly that the hall way was empty of any zombies. He ran to the steel doors, closed them and secured the deadbolt lock on the two doors. He looked behind him to make sure none had heard him from down the hall and came out of any of the opened doors. He turned and slid his back down the doors of the now secured facility. He knew that there were probably more of these things behind these closed doors, but for now he was going to rest his weary mind and figure out his next move now that he was all alone.

  After being up and using so much energy, Martin had fallen asleep against the doors. He woke to a loud bang down the hallway. He jumped to his feet and readied himself to kill. He walked slowly down the hall way and peered into the classrooms with open doors before passing them. He would place his ear against each closed door. If he heard nothing, he would move on without opening it. He made it to the other end of the hall way and locked the two doors that led outside. He scanned outside through the rectangle windows that were in the doors and saw only a few zombies that wandered through the open land.

  He crept back down the hallway and knew that at some point he was going to have to open each door and rid the zombies of his new locked safe haven.

  The first door he came to had the name Mrs. Knight written above the door in laminated pictures of pencils. He again placed his ear up against the door. With no noise, he lightly tapped on the door with his knife and listened again. He cracked the door open and placed his foot against the bottom of the door. He looked around to the opening and peered inside. He did not detect any movement, and opened the door a bit more to see more of the room, still with his foot against the door, he opened it a little more. With the door now open enough for someone to enter or exit, he moved his foot and placed his back against the door frame. He scanned the room and waited for one of these fucks to lunge out at him. A few seconds passed before he moved into the room, he closed the door behind him and made the perimeter around the room. He opened the one closet door and closed a window that was open and latched it.

  “Clear!” He said to himself.

  He opened the door back to the hallway and left that one open to show that he had cleared it as the others had been at the beginning of the hall way.

  He went to the next door across the hall and proceeded with the same routine as the first room.

  This one had Ms. Lauren written in laminated bubble letters down the side of the door. He placed his foot against the door and clicked it open just enough to see inside. He then tapped his knife on the side of the door. Massive weight hit the door and pushed him back, he held his stance and pushed back. The man growled like a rabid dog and pushed harder. Holsinger pushed it with his foot to keep it stable. He still had a small crack in the door to be able to see the man. He peered around the door while trying to keep his weight against it. The man was a massive hunk of flesh that stood at least five inches over his five foot ten height. He slid his foot back an inch at a time as the man pushed, Martin lured him to the crack in the door, He placed his knife below his chin and pushed upward with the might that he had left from trying to keep the door closed. The large man stumbled backwards and came at the door again. Martin fell back this time when he hit it and the door bounced off of the wall and hit the man in the face but did not slow him at all, he limped toward him. This particular zombie wore a t-shirt and blue jeans that were unzipped and pulled down around his ass and his massive cock swung freely, it came at him like he had not eaten in days. Holsinger steadied himself against the wall and straight armed him like a quarterback in football. He jumped as the man tripped over his own feet and stabbed him in the top of his head. His knife stuck and Holsinger’s feet swung through the air as the dead man hit the wall with his already bloodied face and slid down it. Martin ended up sitting on the man’s back. He grabbed his knife with both hands and pulled it out of his smashed skull. He took a breath and released the adrenaline that was rushing through him when he felt a hand grasp the back of his neck. He jumped and grabbed the hand and twisted as he had been taught in the Army. It was a woman with a dress pulled up around her neck. She pressed her ass against him as Martin turned her wrist over so she was backwards and her face away from any part of him. He thrust the knife into the back of her head and let her fall face first onto the man that attacked him first.

  “That is probably where you were anyway.” He breathlessly stated.

  He made his way back over to the door, scanning the room assuming that they were the only two in the classroom since they appeared to be doing things that they shouldn’t.

  He knew finding them behind the closed doors of the classrooms was a possibility, he just wasn’t ready to be finding fucking zombies, he thought as he laughed to himself.

  “Fucking zombies.” He said out loud shaking his head.

  Martin cleared the rest of the rooms as he had before, only finding three more throughout. All of the doors were now open, including the bathrooms.

  He began to open a box of the MRE’s that had been left behind and laid out a cot in the first room closest to where he had entered. He needed to rest and plan in case no one else was sent or no one ever found him.

  Martin knew that he was going to have to go to the plant at some point, for now he would be building his energy back from the killing that he had done and fueling himself for more killing of the rotten ones.



  She stared across the dark bar at the couple that sat in the corner; they kissed twice and then his tongue looked as though it was bulging inside her throat as it made its way down like a lizard.

  “Glad I ain’t gotta deal with that bullshit no more.” She stated to the woman that sat next to her. “Got rid of my extra weight a few years back, he was nothing but trouble anyway.”

  The woman next to Lisa pulled the last drop from her bottle of beer and set it on the bar.

  “Guess I just don’t need someone’s tongue that far down my throat to feel loved.” She laughed patting Lisa on the back and walking out.

  “Another beer and then I will be out of your hair.” She told the bartender.

  It had been a hard day’s work at the warehouse that she had managed for the last eight years. She had been one of the only two women to be promoted to management in the company ever, and the last one had been under the desk of some higher management one too many times and had been recently fired.

  Lisa had gotten the job at the warehouse by accident. Her ex-husband had been a real prick and she had gone through some hard times. She found that he was cheating with many different women, he had told Lisa she shouldn’t care and she would be staying with him no matter what he did. She was happy when he decided to leave her for another woman eight years ago with some prissy little bitch named Sadie.

  He left her and her son Ty to fend for themselves. She had not worked in almost a decade except for odd jobs here and there, but was ready to take on the world when her piece of shit left.

  After that she had run across a man at a bar that she was part time waitressing at that was bitching about an employee that could not run his warehouse. Lisa had joked wth him that she could do it better and he hired her. Sbe proved herself right and has been there ever since.

  Lisa had always been the independent type and tough as nails. She loved being outside, shooting guns, fishing, things like that and had always loved to drink and hangout. Her husband seemed to like all of those things more than she did, and began doing it without her after a few years of being married and liked doing it with other women besides her.

  Her son Ty was the first and foremost part of her world and now at twenty one years old, he was still the center of her world. They both lived together in a small two bedroom house that had been cheap enough for her to get when her husband lef
t and was perfect for the two of them to make it through life, so that is where they stayed.

  Ty was now attending college for a business degree and helped his mom pay bills with the part time job that he worked. He had always been proud of his mom and how she handled things when his sperm donor left when he was thirteen, she never missed a beat at taking care of things. He had never seen her cry or have a meltdown, she picked everything up and moved on without batting an eye.

  Lisa over saw at least a hundred and fifty employees at her job, she was known as a hard ass work horse in her field and the employees never dared buck her system. However, her sarcastic attitude and smart mouth like a sailor put the work atmosphere at ease even though she was the boss. Lisa was loved by the whole facility, she would joke and make remarks to the guys about not working hard enough. They all knew that they could always joke back with her but also knew that they were able to go to her with any issues they had including personal ones.

  “Alright, I gotta get outta here, I got an appointment with my boy today to do some shootin’.” She waved to the bartender.

  Everyone waved to her from the bar stools, knowing they would see her back soon, since she stopped in every few days to unwind after work.

  “Hey there boss, are we that bad that you gotta drink?” One of her employees asked as he entered the bar and held open the door for her to leave.

  “Hell yeah, y’all are the reason I fucking drink asshole!” She joked back with him.

  “Have a good one boss!” He told her.

  Lisa waved her hand behind her.

  Lisa made her way to her red four door Ford f-150 that she had bought a few months ago. She was proud that she was able to do that while helping Ty through college. She had made it all these years without that no good prick and was proud to show that off and she had done it all on her own.

  She pulled out of the parking lot and drove a few blocks down into the parking lot of the shooting range. Ty sat in his small sports car waiting on her. She pulled up next to him and smiled her huge smile at him. She hopped down out of her truck and waited on him to unload the guns.

  “Hello my son!” Lisa belted out.

  “Mom, what is it with that damn cowboy hat?” Ty asked her.

  “It isn’t a cowboy hat, it is a cowgirl hat. Get your shit straight boy!” She joked.

  Lisa was barely able to tip toe and reach her son as she walked over to kiss his cheek. Even with her heeled boots she only stood a small five foot three. Her blonde hair surrounded her smooth skin that made her look as though she was not even old enough to have that big of a kid.

  Ty was tall like his dad and stout. His broad shoulders covered Lisa’s small frame, but his wavy dirty blonde hair made him look as sweet as a teddy bear. Lisa had done a good job at raising Ty to treat people with respect and to not be like his father. She had taught him the ins and outs of how to treat a lady as well as other people. She wanted him to be tough but considerate enough to understand that others had feelings and consider those feelings. She wanted him to be mature enough to take care of himself but be thankful if others offered to take care of him; and she had done all of that.

  Ty was all of the things that she could ever hope for in a son and was at the top of her list when it came to the love of her life.

  Ty closed the trunk of the car and handed her a wooden box with ‘LISA’ engraved on the top.

  “What the hell is this?” She asked.

  “Usually people open gifts to find out what they are.” He used his sarcasm he came by honestly.

  “Smart ass!” She smiled.

  She opened the small box to show a pink and black nine millimeter pistol.

  “Are you fucking kidding?” She shouted. “This is the one I was looking at in the gun shop. Ty this shit was expensive.”

  “Yep, but I got a new job and it is something you wanted. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done to sacrifice for me. I got the job I applied for as the safety coordinator with the city and I am running the business side of the department budget. It is a lot more pay and I can help with a lot more now, you won’t have to work the extra shifts you do.” He explained.

  Lisa removed her hat and pushed her hair away from her face as she turned the gun over in her hands and put it back in the box. She peered up at him with tears in her eyes and put her hat back on and pulled it low.

  “I am glad I raised such an awesome son. Thank you.” She stated almost crying.

  “You did a great job and I am glad I make you proud. Love you Mom. Now put your damn hat on right, suck it up and let’s go shoot it!” He put his arm around her neck and pulled her to the entryway.

  This was their getaway time, some days there were hours spent at the gun range. They went there so often that they were able to just walk in, go to the back and begin their escapade of shooting targets without anyone even saying anything more than a hello or showing them a new gun they had bought.

  Ty opened his gun case to his new .308 and readied it to start sighting it in. Lisa carefully placed her new small engraved box on the table and opened it. She loaded the ammo that came with it and turned to her son.

  “So how does it look?” She joked throwing her head back and holding her gun with both hands.

  “It looks great on you!” Ty laughed at his mom. He quickly grabbed his phone and pushed the picture button on his phone to capture the moment, and to blackmail his mom later for looking so girly.

  “I love it!” She flipped the gun back and forth in her hands.

  She placed her earmuffs on her head, aimed at the full length body paper target down the way and shot. She shot a few more times while getting the feel for the recoil and then pushed the small button to allow her to view her shots from close up.

  “Not too bad.” She stated to her son in the small booth next to her.

  Ty leaned his head around and viewed her shots. “Mom, you can’t shoot everyone in that spot all the time.”

  “There is a head shot, I don’t shoot them all in that area, just the men.” She spat back jokingly at her son.

  “You’re scary sometimes.” He pulled his head back to his side and pulled the trigger of his gun.

  Both guns had been shot numerous times and they decided that they had done enough for the day.

  “Food?” Lisa asked her son.

  “Sure, I’ll buy.” Ty told her.

  “I’m down for that shit!” Lisa joked.

  They headed to their favorite Mexican food place and sat in their normal spot at the back in a booth.

  The waiter brought them their regular chips, sauce and beer.

  “Just the way I like it, beer to end my day!” Ty stated to the waiter.

  Both of them ordered and talked about Ty’s new job and the craziness going on at the warehouse.

  They headed home and laid on the couch, full from dinner and relaxed for the next day’s adventures.

  “You excited to start your new job tomorrow?” Lisa asked her son.

  “I think so, a little nervous.” Ty admitted.

  “You are going to do great, I am very proud of you son.” Lisa patted his shoulder.

  “Thanks Mom. I’m pretty proud of you for all the BS you have had to put up with from me over the years.” He laughed.

  A knock sounded at the door as they laughed about the things Ty had got himself into. The two looked at each other and Lisa got up from the couch.

  “Hold on Mom, no one ever comes around here this late.” Ty stated as he grabbed her small pink pistol he had just bought her off of the kitchen counter and stood back a bit. “Go ahead.” He stated with the gun by his side.

  Lisa opened the door to a breathless man.

  “Please help me!” The man shouted.

  Lisa looked at him and back at Ty.

  “Get the fuck outta here buddy!” Ty approached the door with the gun out in front of him.

  The man put his hands up in the air and stumbled back down the two steps of the porc

  “I just needed some help to get away from these fucking things. Fuck you to then asshole!” The man stated before running back to the street.

  Lisa closed the door and locked it and peered out of the peephole in the center of the door.

  “This neighborhood has gone to shit since I was little. We are going to look for a new place.” Ty told his mother.

  Lisa shook her head as she backed away from the door and watched Ty place her gun back in its case.

  “I like my little house, I have worked hard for it.” She expressed.

  “I know, but you got screwballs like that coming to your door. What are you going to do when I move out and something like that happens?” He asked.

  “When are you moving out?” Lisa questioned worried.

  “Not soon mom, but eventually I imagine I am going to not live with my mommy.” He joked.

  “I am headed to bed.” Ty kissed his mom on the cheek.

  Lisa laid down on the couch to finish the show that they were watching and dozed off. Ty woke her the next morning with a plate full of greatness.

  “What is this for? Bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes. What the hell did I do to deserve this, and if I keep doing it can I get more?” Lisa joked.

  “It’s the weekend and I’m hungry. I just knew you would kill me if I didn’t make you some.” Ty laughed as he sat down with his plate next to her. “Why in the hell are you sleeping on the couch?”

  “I fell asleep watching that show from last night.” She stated with a mouthful. “Now about this moving thing you mentioned last night.”


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