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Homewrecker (Into the Flames #1)

Page 25

by Cat Mason

  Gunnar holds up a finger, telling me to wait a second so he can say something. “Dude, if you need Goodnites because of a bladder control issue we’re gonna have to make a store run before bedtime. No accidents in the big kid bed!”

  Dixon’s feet slap against the floor as he runs toward the living room in nothing but a pair of Gunnar’s jeans. I brace myself because I know what he’s about to do and I can almost count down the seconds until leaps into the air. I draw my legs into my chest as protection. His knees hit next to me as he superman dives across the couch so he lands in Gunnar’s lap as well. When he stops bouncing I pull my legs up and drape them over his bare back.

  Once the laughter that fills the room calms down, Gunnar wraps his arm around me again and pulls me into his chest. I slide my fingers along the length of Dixon’s spine and run them through his wet hair. After everything we’ve gone through this is exactly what we needed. We needed to know that we could still manage to have the easy-going nature that we’ve always had. I know for a fact that losing that wouldn’t go over well with any of us. All the sex in the world wouldn’t replace the loss of the relationship we’ve worked years for.

  In the comfortable silence, I draw in a relaxed breath. I know we have to discuss where we go from here, but the mood in the room is perfect right now and it’s something I want to keep.

  “Mmm, snuggles are even better than bubbles.” Dixon rotates his head so my fingernails scrape the spot he wants them on. “And by the way, you asshole,” he blurts at Gunnar. “The only time the bed would ever be wet when I’m in it is if we just finished makin’ Kennedy wake the neighborhood.”

  “Aren’t we supposed to be having a serious conversation?” I ask, figuring it’s now or never. Leaning over I press my lips against the hollow of Gunnar’s throat. “I will never understand how we always get so far off-track when there is so much to be discussed.”

  Dixon’s eyes fly to Gunnar and they both shake their heads. “Does she not realize?”

  “Nope,” Gunnar sighs, popping the p.

  I slap my hand down against Dixon’s bare back, causing him to jump. “Do I not realize what?”

  “It’s so cute that you don’t know. And here I was thinkin’ Mark was the oblivious one of the group all this time.” I drag my nails down his back until I reach his ass. Digging them in until he yelps and I repeat myself. “Almost every time anyone wants to have a serious conversation, you change the topic and then get flustered when everyone else keeps the entertainment goin’. Like today, we have a serious topic that needs to be discussed and you meet me at the door and tell me to get nekkid. You start the shenanigans, and then wonder how we get so far off-track.”

  “Oh my god,” I mutter.

  Realization of just how right they are dawns on me and leaves me wondering how many arguments I’ve avoided by doing that. Would I have been able to talk things out with Gunnar and gotten him to open up and let go with me? Would anything have ever happened between Dixon and I that night? Holy shit… Was I like this in high school? If I was, how do I know that Dixon didn’t try to tell me how he felt only to be shot down with some lame ass joke?

  Everything in my life could have had a completely different outcome. Who knows if I’d be sitting here right now with these two. Or either one of them at all. What if everything was different than it is right now? How do I know if I would even like the person I turned out to be, or the person I ended up with? I can feel the panic rising and tightness grips my chest as I let my mind race into overdrive.

  “Babe,” Gunnar says, running his hand along my arm to soothe me. “Stop overthinkin’. We never said anything, because we never wanted you to change.”

  “I don’t want to be someone that can’t have a serious conversation when I need to.”

  Pushing himself onto his knees, Dixon frames my face between his hands. “Do you know how awkward this afternoon would’ve been if you didn’t meet me at the door like you did? Fuck, Kennedy, I had to force myself to come back here because I was afraid of how we were all gonna act around each other after last night. When I walked through that door, if you hadn’t have been there, I would’ve kept my head down and stayed quiet.”

  “I don’t want things to be awkward at all,” I whisper through mashed lips because Dixon hasn’t let go of my hands.

  “Then don’t change.”

  “Kennedy, we’ve spent over twenty years together.” Gunnar pulls my attention when he starts to talk, but Dixon doesn’t release my face so I shift my eyes over to where he’s sitting. “Our personalities may be what kept us together this long, but you actin’ like yourself is what kept our group from falling apart more times than I can count.”

  “Take a breath, focus on what we need to talk about, and if an inappropriate comment slips out we’ll deal with it. Between the three of us I’m sure one of us will slip up, but there are two other people to get us back on track.”

  They’re right, and that’s really good advice coming from Dixon going into this relationship, so I store it away for a day that we will inevitably need it. I do need to remember that our personalities are the glue that have kept us all together this long. We’re all completely different from each other, but we fit together like a gang of misfits who are always there for each other.

  Pulling my face out of Dixon’s grip, I settle myself between them and grab each one of their hands. This conversation can’t wait any longer. We need to discuss how this is going to work outside of the bedroom, since we can’t always stay there. We need to talk about how it will change things, especially living arrangements. We’re doomed to fail if we don’t get that settled now. I want nothing more than to fall asleep with both of them surrounding me every night, just like last night.

  “So while you were off saving lives today, we were here talking over a few things. I was not, in any way shape or form worried that you weren’t coming home. Gunnar didn’t need to calm me down at all,” I lie, smiling shyly when Dixon laughs and presses a kiss into my shoulder. “Anyway, we’ve hashed a few things out that were keeping Gunnar and me from moving forward to begin with, and then we talked about where we wanted to see this go.”

  “And where exactly do you see us goin’, Sunshine?” Dixon asks as Gunnar raises his free hand and begins ticking off his fingers but I don’t understand why.

  “To the bedroom.” I grin. “I’d like three tickets to pound town, please.”

  “Annnd there it is,” Gunnar laughs, dropping his hand that now has all five fingers raised. That’s when it hits me that he was counting the time it took me to blurt out an inappropriate comment. I huff because the asshole knows me better than I know myself.

  “Hatechu,” I mutter, shaking my head.

  Dixon brushes the hair away from my face and waits for me to look at him. “Anytime you wanna take a trip to pound town,” he says, trying to conceal his humor. “Gunnar and I will be more than willin’ to let you ride the bologna pony expressway all the way to double penetration station.”

  Gunnar barks out a laugh behind me. “We interrupt this multi-orgasmic trip plannin’ to resume our normally scheduled serious chat about our future.”

  Cocking my head sideways at Gunnar, I press my lips into a hard line, but fail miserably at keeping a straight face and laugh along with them. “Annnnnnywaaaaaaay,” I say, rolling my eyes. “We were talking about living arrangements.” Looking at Dixon, I run my hand up his arm, hoping he doesn’t freak out. “We don’t think this will work if we’re here and you are out at your house. We all need to be in one place.”

  “OK. So, what do you suggest we do then, Sunshine?” Dixon asks.

  “Since the lease isn’t up for a couple more months here, I say we all stay here and see how things go. When the lease is up we can reevaluate and decide what to do. If that’s something you’re interested in trying.”

  “Is this what you want?” Dixon asks, his eyes shifting between Gunnar and me. “Just wanna be sure we’re all on the same page here because I w
anna be wherever you are.”

  “Yes,” Gunnar says, nodding his head.

  Leaning up, I brush my lips over Dixon’s. “We want you here. This is where you belong, Dixon. I need you both in bed with me at night, to feel your arms around me, and your bodies pressed against mine. If you aren’t at the station overnight, you’re in bed with us.” My lips twitch up in a smile. “I also think that for convenience sake we should all sleep naked.”

  “I’ll be damned, Gun, we got a twofer,” Dix says with a laugh.

  Gunnar laughs and my face flames. “I’m gonna have to agree with her on that one,” Gunnar says, wrapping an arm around me and pressing a kiss to my temple.

  The conversation gets turned back on point again and we work out the details. Dixon will need to go to his place and pick up some of his stuff to bring back here because walking around in Gunnar’s pants will only work for so long. Since there is no real food in the house because we haven’t been here, we all get dressed to go grab groceries and stop by Dixon’s place on the way back.

  When we finally get everything packed up that Dixon needs to keep him from having to stop here every night, I watch them load it all into the bed of the truck. Their easy banter, wide smiles and stupid jokes that no one would understand but us, make me happy. It puts my mind at ease to know that even after everything we’ve been through, they can set it aside and see that they need each other as much as I need them both. It won’t be easy, I know that. I’m not going into this situation with rose colored glasses on. I know that even though Gunnar looks like he’s handling everything well, that the part of him that was hurt when he found everything out is still there. It isn’t something that simply goes away. I am fully aware that at some point the animosity he feels about it could make itself known, but I hope we can handle it when the time comes. Come hell or high water, I know we will make this work somehow.

  “Kennedy!” both Gunnar and Dixon yell, banging their fists off the bathroom door. I grab ahold of the shower rod, catching myself before fall. I can hear them both laughing through the door so I’m sure it’s nothing serious, but it still has me yelling back at them to find out what they want.

  “Get your ass out here, woman!” Dixon growls through the door.

  “I’m naked, wet, and trying to get clean!”

  “Yeah, that’s how we fuckin’ like you, well, minus the clean part,” Gunnar chuckles loudly. “Come out here so we can dirty you the fuck back up!”

  Those words have me scrambling for a towel. I wrap it around my chest, just barely getting it tucked under my arm before yanking the door open. Both of them are perched back against the headboard, shirtless and trying to hide their smiles. The oversized Batteries Not Included bag between them catches my eye but I try not to make the fact that I’m wondering what is in it obvious, but fail completely.

  “You want the bag, don’t you, baby?” I flick my eyes up to Gunnar’s, slowly nodding my head. He knows exactly how to get to me. “Drop the towel.”

  Lifting my arms slightly, I let the towel slip and fall to the floor in a heap. I’m past hesitating with them. I know it hasn’t been long, but this, the three of us, it works. After nearly three weeks of living together like this, we have seemed to find our groove. We work, come home and enjoy time with each other as much as we can around the guy’s crazy schedules. Even dinners with Mark and Lynsey still flow the same, there is no awkwardness at all. I guess it’s probably because we’ve always been together to begin with but getting to fall asleep in a tangle of arms and legs between Gunnar and Dixon nearly every night is an added bonus. An extremely pleasurable bonus.

  Their eyes heat, making me feel like the sexiest woman on the damn planet. Dixon pats the bed right in front of the bag. “Get that sexy wet ass up here. I think we need to dry you off with our tongues.”

  I scramble onto the bed, crawling until I’m where they want me. I don’t care if they dry me off but I know simply by looking at them that they are itching to touch me. Shifting onto his knees, Dixon smirks before leaning down and kissing my hip. Flattening his tongue against my skin, he drags it up my body before wrapping his mouth around my hardened nipple. He bites down causing my entire body to shudder and I gasp.

  “You like that, baby?” Gunnar asks, sliding up to my other side. Before I have a chance to answer him he latches onto my other nipple. All I can do is close my eyes and feel because the ability to function normally is gone as I thread my fingers through their hair.

  The bag crinkles but I can’t make myself open my eyes and before I know it I’m being pushed backwards at an angle. With my head pressed against the bed, they lift my legs into the air.

  “Well would you look at that. Lynsey was right,” Dixon sighs. “It does put your ass up high enough to let us both torture you at the same time.”

  Gunnar walks around the side of the bed, shucking his jeans to the floor before climbing back onto the bed beside me. He cups my breasts, causing me to arch my back. I love the way they make me feel, how they play my body like an instrument. Gunnar’s lips meet mine and his teeth nip at my bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth. I moan, my hands going into his hair, holding him to me.

  Dixon’s hands spread my thighs, keeping me in place. His tongue runs up the length of my pussy, stopping to circle my clit slowly before pulling back and blowing over my heated flesh. My hips arch up, seeking more of his mouth. Gunnar’s lips trail down my neck and chest before his tongue circles my nipple. My fingers tug the strands of his hair, pulling hard when he sucks it into his mouth while Dixon’s tongue trails down to my asshole.

  Slipping a finger inside my pussy, Dixon crooks his finger, finding the spot that drive me wild. His tongue presses against my asshole, pushing inside past the tight ring of muscle. “Ah,” I cry.

  His finger slips from me and both hands cup my ass, opening me more to him. Gunnar turns away from me and swings a leg over me, standing over me so that I have a perfect view of his hardening cock. Leaning down, he presses kisses to my hip, moving toward my pussy.

  Dixon’s tongue moves in and out of me and it feels amazing. When Gunnar sucks my clit between his lips, my hands fly to his ass needing something to ground myself to. He groans against my skin when I flex my fingers. My entire body burns and aches in anticipation. Unable to stand being still, I wrap my fingers around Gunnar’s dick and stroke in time with the movements Dixon makes with his tongue. Gunnar hisses through his teeth, moaning against me and it drives me wild.

  “Please,” I beg, feeling the pressure begin to build. I don’t want to come like this. I want them both with me on it.

  Suddenly we are moving. The guys roll me to my stomach on the wedge, my eyes fluttering closed at the feel of their hands moving along my body. “Do you want us to fill you, Sunshine?”

  “Yes,” I moan. A hand cracks across my ass echoing throughout the room. I yelp, my eyes flying open as the bite of pain turns into a delicious burn. When the mattress shifts, Dixon settles on the bed in front of me completely naked. His cock bobs making me lick my lips. I want to taste him, and by the look in his eyes, he knows it.

  Fisting his dick in his hand, he leans in and smiles wickedly. “Open for me, I wanna feel that hot fuckin’ mouth of yours wrapped around my cock.”

  Inch-by-inch, Dixon slides into my mouth, his hands going straight into my hair. Tangling his fingers in the brown and purple strands, he guides himself in and out at the pace he wants. Gunnar’s hand runs down my spine, stopping on my ass. His fingers trace along my hip, no doubt tracing the red mark that I am sure is there.

  Dixon fucks my mouth, his movements getting faster just as I feel lube drip down the crack of my ass. Gunnar’s finger slips inside, slowly sliding in and out before pushing in another. I moan around Dixon, not breaking eye contact with him, even though when Gunnar replaces his fingers with the head of his cock, my eyes want to close at the fullness.

  “Jesus, fuck,” Gunnar moans, pressing deeper. “You’re like a vise.”

nbsp; “Hell yeah,” Dixon grunts, his hips flexing with every thrust into my mouth. “Love fuckin’ her ass.”

  Gunnar’s movements are slow, and the pressure is so overwhelming that I am doing everything I can to rock back against him, needing more. I moan and mumble in an attempt to tell him that I am OK, that I need more. I want him to shatter me, to make me fall apart over and over.

  Dixon studies me, his motions slowing a bit before looking up toward Gunnar. “Harder, she needs you to give it to her hard, man.”

  “I’ve got this,” Gunnar says through gritted teeth. “Not takin’ a chance on hurtin’ her, I know what I’m doin’.”

  Dixon’s eyes meet mine again, his hand caressing my cheek softly before yanking my hair, roughly thrusting into my mouth until the tip of his cock hits the back of my throat, making me moan loudly around him. “See, she likes the hard shit, Gun. Makes her feel alive. Tonight, that’s what she needs. Don’t you see that?”

  “I said I had it.” I feel Gunnar the second he disconnects from me and the entire scene. Rolling from the wedge, I turn and face him. His eyes look pained and I can feel the other shoe dropping that I secretly knew was still buried deep inside him. He shoves back into his jeans, zipping them, but leaving them unbuttoned. “I don’t need you instructin’ me on how to fuck my wife, Dix.”

  Sitting up, I stare between them. “I was just tryin’ to tell you what she needed. I could see her face, she needed more from you. I wasn’t tryin’ to be an asshole, man. This was supposed to be about us having fun. It was supposed to be about us givin’ Kennedy a night of nothin’ but pleasure. Tell him what you need, Sunshine.”

  “You don’t think I know how to pleasure her?” Gunnar asks, looking to me for reassurance.

  “Stop it!” I scream, leaping from the bed. “I knew this was going to happen. I won’t do this.” Flinging open the closet door, I yank on a pair of sweatpants and a blue tank top. Walking back out, I see Gunnar and Dixon staring at me, waiting for me to speak. “You two have no idea how it feels to be pulled between the two people I love most. I want our relationship to work more than anything, but it can’t with this shit lurking in the background all the time.” Turning to Gunnar, I sigh. “I love your sweet, I do. But sometimes, I need rough and hard. I need to shatter, because every time you make love to me it puts all those pieces back together.” Stomping toward the doorway, I stop just outside and blow out a breath when neither of them says anything after my rant. “Figure out how to deal with your shit or you’ll be fuckin’ each other. I love you both and won’t choose between you. We all wanted this so no turning back now.”


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