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It Started with a Contract

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Her cell phone rang. It was brand new, as was everything else in her life. Easton had made certain demands on her. A new phone. A new wardrobe. New furniture. He’d taken her shopping, and had demanded that she get whatever she wanted.

  At first she’d been really nervous about spending his money. He promised that he loved taking her shopping. After the first day, she had tried to relax. What made her even more nervous was the money she saw in her account an hour later. It was in six figures, not to mention that all of her debts had been paid.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “You’re shopping?”

  “You’ve got someone watching me?”

  “Of course. For your own protection, and because I like to know that you’re being taken care of. You cook?”

  “Haven’t you noticed I cook? I’ve cooked every single meal the past couple of weeks.” She had gone through his fridge and freezer, taking the ready meals toward the homeless shelter for them to use it. “If you’re so rich, how come you didn’t hire a cook?”

  “I’ve hired cooks, and believe me, life is just easier with ready meals. It’s either too much garlic, too much chili, or it’s too bland.”

  “And you think ready meals are better for you?”

  “No, not at all. It’s easier than trying to tell someone their food is crap.”

  “Wow, that would be harsh. So, how is my food?” She bit her lip, suddenly nervous about what he was going to say.

  “I thought it was awesome. To be honest I thought ready meals had gotten way better, but I wasn’t about to tell you that.” He chuckled.

  “I’m cooking. I don’t like ready meals, never have. I’m shopping.”

  “I’ll pay you back,” he said.

  “Actually, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” She paused at the baking aisle, and took out several of the chocolate chips.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “The, erm, the amount in my account.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Is that amount really necessary?”

  “I was hoping it would make you feel more comfortable about being with me. It’s your money to use as you wish. Also, I’ve paid all of your debts. You can finally be happy, and free. This is a fresh start for you, baby.”

  She paused, and rubbed at her temple. “It’s too much.”

  “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, Hadley. Believe me, you’re going to earn that money.”

  That was what she hated. She was earning money for sex.

  “I bet you’re hating how you think you’re going to be earning that money. Okay, let me clarify it. The sex, I want, and it was originally what I put that advertisement in the paper for. However, sex with you is not a hardship, babe. So, I’ve got a charity event to go to this Friday. Tomorrow at lunch I’m taking you shopping for the appropriate dress. You’re going to be my plus-one.”


  “Yeah, believe me when I say that you’re going to want to start being paid for the inconvenience of going to all of these events. There seems to be a new event every single week.” He laughed. “Hadley, I don’t want you to be thinking about this shit, okay? I like you, and I like what we have. I’m looking forward to your cooking. Now that I know you’re cooking I look forward to it even more.”

  “You didn’t need to pay my debts off.”

  “They were not that bad, babe. Honestly, I wanted to do something good for you.” There was some commotion in the background. “I’ve got to go. We’ll talk about this over dinner, okay? Don’t worry about it, and please, don’t overthink this, Hadley.”

  Before she could say anything else he hung up the phone. She stared at the device, and switched it off, putting it away in her bag.

  “Don’t worry about it, Hadley.” She wasn’t used to not worrying about anything in her life.

  It seemed too surreal to have a life without worrying.

  She finished her shopping and made her way back to her car, another purchase that she had to have.

  When she entered the grounds of Easton’s home, she noticed the car that followed her. There was a guy dressed in a business suit, who was clearly her bodyguard. Easton had already warned her she would have one.

  “Just another day, Hadley. Just another day.”


  Easton hung up the phone and stared at Arnold. “She cooks.”

  “She does? Is it good cooking or bad?”

  “It’s really good. Wow, I didn’t realize how much I was going to enjoy her.”

  “There have been three other women to call up about the advertisement.”

  “No, I don’t want anymore. Hadley is all I want.” He was fucking addicted to her. There was no other word for it. His addiction was to her soft curves, her beautiful smile, and her charming wit.

  “She’s come to mean that much to you in such a short time?”

  “Yeah, she really has. I don’t expect for you to understand.” Easton sat back, running a finger against his lip as he thought about the woman that he’d housed in his home. She constantly tried to go to her own room, and he always made sure to stop her. He didn’t like sleeping alone in that big bed.

  Having Hadley in his arms was like a fucking dream come true, and he didn’t want to lose that.

  “I understand. You know that advertisement was only supposed to be a joke,” Arnold said. “I didn’t expect women to actually agree to it.”

  “I know. It worked out great.”

  “You really think so. It has been a month. How can you tell?”

  “Because Hadley isn’t like every other woman I know. She doesn’t spend hours in front of a mirror, nor does she try to get me to spend money on her. It’s so surreal. She’s a down to earth woman, you know?”

  “You’re paying her to be there,” Arnold said.

  “I know, but it doesn’t feel like it. That’s what I mean. She doesn’t ask for money, and she didn’t even ask me to pay her debts. Honestly, she thought I was advertising for a housekeeper.”

  The sex with her was amazing, but it was more than the sex. They talked for hours, and that was new. Usually he made excuses, and he never, ever had them at his home. It was why this entire advertisement was so surreal. It was working, and he didn’t even like having women around him.

  They were only good for one thing, and yet, he liked Hadley.

  “She’s different,” he said.

  “You keep saying that. Are you sure you believe it?” Arnold asked.

  He stared at his friend. Even though his friend was also his employee, they were close, and had always been so. He trusted Arnold with his life, and with his company.

  “Yeah, I do. I’d like you to meet her. How about you come around for dinner tonight? Do you think you can make it?” he asked.

  “I’ll be there.”


  Arnold left the room, and he called Hadley back to let her know that there would be at least one more for dinner. She didn’t seem to mind. The moment everything was arranged, he went back to work, humming.

  He never hummed, but he was now humming.

  Later that evening he drove home, and the scents that hit him the moment he entered the house made his mouth water. There were onions, garlic, and he was sure beef was in there as well. Dropping his bags off at his in-home office, he found Hadley in the kitchen with a spatula in hand, running it around the edges of a large chocolate cake.

  “You’re back early. It’s only a little after five.”

  “I wanted to come home, and make sure you’re okay with tonight.”

  “Tonight? What is happening tonight?” she asked, frowning. “Oh, you mean the dinner, and company?”

  “That would be it.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that at all. Dinner is in the oven cooking low and slow. I’ll finish off with the pasta when you’re about ready to eat, and all is good.” She held up a finger. “Before I forget, I baked you these.” She placed the spatula on the side, and he couldn’t
resist picking it up and licking off the chocolate frosting that still coated the back of it.

  She turned toward him, holding a large tin with the word “cookies” on the side. “This is for you, and I figured you could, I don’t know, take it into work or something.”

  Shoving the spatula in his mouth, he lifted the lid, and inside were cinnamon snickerdoodles, his favorite.

  She took the spatula from his mouth, and shook her head. “I hadn’t finished with that.”

  He took a cookie and shoved it in his mouth. They were beautiful, melting, and utterly divine. “Marry me?”

  Hadley burst out laughing. “They’re just cookies.”

  “These are my favorite.” The flavor burst on his tongue, and he closed his eyes, as they took him back to his childhood, and the bakery he used to visit.

  “I had no idea.”

  He opened his eyes, and watched as she dumped the spatula he’d been licking in the sink, and grabbed another one.

  “I had no idea you liked to cook, and you liked to bake. Are you sure you’re okay with handling tonight?” he asked.

  “Totally. I don’t mind. It will be nice. Arnold, he’s the guy that interviewed me, right?”

  He nodded. “Don’t worry, and don’t be nervous around him. He’s a good guy.”

  She went back to finishing off the cake, and once it was smooth, she grated some white chocolate over the top, and then placed a dome on top to cover it.

  Easton couldn’t look away as he watched her. This was her domain, and he saw how much she enjoyed it.

  “So, what did you do today?” he asked.

  “I went grocery shopping. I hope you don’t mind, but I filled your pantry, fridge, and freezer with stuff you could enjoy eating.”

  He put the lid back on the cookie tin, and moved toward her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her close, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’ve got no problems at all. I don’t cook.”

  “I can tell. You heat everything up.” She shrugged. “No worries, I will take care of you.” She patted his chest and went back to cleaning up.

  Something warmed him from the inside out while watching her. It was so natural to sit at the counter, and watch her. There was no rush inside him to get back to work. Hadley was already changing him, and he wasn’t stupid. He saw it.

  Chapter Five

  “What did you do before answering the advertisement?” Arnold asked.

  Hadley finished her bite of beef and peppers, and stared across at Arnold. He was a charming man, and he wasn’t smirking or anything. In fact, he looked interested by it. “I was in sales for an insurance company. I helped find the appropriate insurance for people. I loved my job as I loved helping. The company hit a rough patch, and I was in the first wave of losing my job.” She shrugged. “I’ve not been able to find any other job.”

  She didn’t like thinking about what her current job was.

  “I hate it when that happens,” Arnold said.

  “How would you even know how it feels?” Easton asked. “You’ve worked for me for the past ten years.”

  “Before I worked for you, I also had other employment. It’s hard work for both sides, just so you know. I bet your manager hated to see you go. Your reference was impeccable.”

  “He was, and he tried to keep me in, trying to find other work for me. There was nothing. Finding work has just been the hardest, and let’s not talk about this right now. Let’s talk about something else.” She cut into her beef and took a bite, hoping the conversation would turn to something more interesting.

  Easton and Arnold started talking about work, and she was more interested in listening to them talk. She saw clearly that they were close, and it was more than just an employer-employee relationship.

  When dinner was finished, she gathered their plates, and brought out the chocolate fudge cake she had been working on, along with a large bowl of sweetened whipped cream. Just their smiles alone were worth the trip to the supermarket.

  She served them up large pieces, and took a smaller piece for herself. Afterward, Arnold said his goodbyes, and she made her way into the kitchen to clean up.

  Minutes passed before Easton returned.

  “Arnold likes you.”

  “Thank you. I like him, too. He didn’t make anything too awkward for me. I appreciate it.” She had been nervous about this first meeting with Arnold.

  “He wouldn’t have done that. If anything he probably felt awkward knowing what he knows.” Easton moved up behind her, running his hands over her ass. “Damn, I love your ass.” His lips brushed across her pulse, and she released a moan, tilting her head to the side to give him better access. “I’ve thought about you all day, baby.”

  “You have?”

  “More than I probably should.” He pressed his cock against her ass, and even through her jeans, she felt how hard he was. He was like a rock. Closing her eyes, she leaned back against him, and gasped.

  “You shouldn’t do that.”

  The hands on her ass moved around going upward toward her breasts. “I can’t get enough of you.” He bit her neck, and she turned to him, at which he slanted his lips over hers.

  His tongue glided in her mouth, and she reached to hold the back of his neck as he deepened the kiss. Her pussy went slick, and her nipples got hard as his touch took her completely over. Everything else was forgotten apart from the feel of his hands on her body.

  One of his hands moved down, cupping her pussy.

  Opening her eyes, she stared into his, and slowly, she sank down to her knees while also turning to look directly at him.

  “What are you doing, babe?” he asked.

  Without saying a word, she reached for his belt, and looked into his eyes, letting her actions do all the talking.

  His hands moved to the counter as she peeled down the zipper, and wiggled his pants down his hips until they fell to his knees. Next, she took his boxer briefs down, and his cock sprang free. Wrapping her fingers around the length, she noticed the tip already leaking pre-cum. Sliding her tongue against the little slit, she swallowed him down with a little moan before covering the entire head, and taking him to the back of her throat.

  “Oh fuck!”

  He gripped the back of her head, his fingers sinking into her hair in a tightening grip.

  She pulled away until just the tip was in her mouth, and sucked hard before releasing him. Flicking her tongue over the leaking tip, she moved the foreskin back, and ran her tongue across the seam, which made him shudder.

  “Oh fuck!” Each time he spoke, his voice got louder, and filled the air around them.

  She loved the power she felt she had as he allowed her to suck his cock. He was at her mercy. The tables had turned. When he had licked between her thighs, she had thought she was on cloud nine, with no way of coming down from such a high. Slowly, he started to pump inside her, holding her head as he worked his cock in her mouth.

  Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to the pleasure of being in control. Working one hand inside her jeans, she started to stroke over her clit, smearing her wetness all over.

  “You’re touching yourself, aren’t you?” he asked.

  She hummed her response with a jolt of the head as well.

  “Fuck, you’re sexy, so fucking sexy.” He pumped his dick until he hit the back of her throat. His thrusts increased, and became a little more erratic. Her own orgasm started to build, and as Easton gave a warning growl, she didn’t pull away. She came while also swallowing down his cum.


  “Please don’t leave me,” Hadley said.

  The full length red dress that he’d brought her did wonders for her curves. He’d seen a couple of men at the charity event eyeing her up. Easton made sure they all knew who she belonged to. With a hand on her back, he was never going to leave her side.

  “Not a chance. You’re here with me.”

  “I don’t know anyone here, and I wouldn’t have a clue what to do.”

>   She was so nervous. Her body was shaking, and he hated putting her through this. This was part of his life that he hated, and yet, no matter what, he had to do it. Charity was important to him.

  “You’re doing fine. Stay on my arm, and everything will be okay.”

  He didn’t get a chance to talk to her as several people came to stand beside him, and started talking business. Easton followed along as it was the most polite thing to do, but all he actually wanted to do was to take Hadley far away.

  Glancing her way, he saw that she was doing the polite thing of smiling, and agreeing with all of them.

  The smile was fake.

  She sipped at her champagne.

  Considering it was a charity, he didn’t think the most expensive bubby gave the right image, but alas, that was what they were drinking.

  He hadn’t taken a sip, and was instead drinking the water as he had no interest in not being able to drive. The moment that was acceptable to leave, he was taking Hadley away from all of this.

  For over an hour he stood talking business with four other men, one of whom had actually brought his mistress, and the other two, their wives.

  It was a relief when they moved away, but then he heard her.

  Cathy Jones.

  One of his past lovers, and an all around bitch.

  She made people feel small, and he’d hated being around her. The woman was critical of everything, even them as a couple.

  “Easton Gray, how lovely to see you. It has been too long. An age, darling.” She came toward him, and air kissed.

  This was his cue to leave now. He didn’t want to stick around for any more bubbly or celebration, or anything else.

  “Where have you been?” she asked. The smile on her face looked solidified in place, and completely scary. The urge to poke her to see if she could move was strong. Fisting his hand at his side, he pulled Hadley against him.

  “I’ve been busy, and I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Hadley. Hadley, darling, this is Cathy, the woman I was telling you about.”

  “Oh, hello,” Hadley said, and her face had completely drained of color. “I feel like I know you so much already.”


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