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Claiming His Champion: SciFi Alien Romance (Galatic Courtship Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Lily Thomas

  Rauhq pushed open the door. “After you.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled up at him. He better not force her to beg for his loving attentions tonight. “So what do you want to do now?”

  “I have a few ideas.” He leaned down to growl in her ear, as his hands came around from behind to grab her breasts.

  “I’d like you to show me your ideas.”

  “I plan on it.” Rauhq slowly kissed his way down the side of her neck, until her head bent back and he was able to kiss back up to her lips. “Eager?”

  “You have no idea. After you cleaned my body in the shower, this is all I can think about.”

  “Lusty mate.”

  Anara smiled up at him.

  He turned her around in his arms, so her chest was against his. Again his head bent down to place a firm kiss on her lips, as his hands went to the hem of her shirt. He broke off the kiss only long enough to take off her shirt and throw it across the room.

  His rough padded finger made their way to her breasts, which he cupped and squeezed, before going to her nipples and pinching them lightly between two fingers.

  Anara felt her mind flee from her. There was an ache in her pussy that she needed him to take care of. She wanted to feel him fill her to the brim. Grabbing onto his shirt she led him to the bed.

  He pulled back. “Let me help you with those.” His hands went to her pants, and he quickly relieved her of them.

  She tossed him a cocky smile, as she jutted out one of her hips and placed a hand on it. “Like what you see?”

  “More than anything. I only wish you knew what I was feeling. To have a mate… it seems unreal to me. And such a beautiful lusty mate at that.”

  Anara smiled. She never would have thought a day like this might come. Her entire life was now centered around the arena, but here he was making her think she should take her freedom the next time the Frirens offered it as a prize. She wouldn’t mind traipsing through the galaxy with Rauhq by her side.

  “What about all your clothing?”

  “It will come off, in time. For now, I will focus on you.” He leaned down, pressed another scorching kiss on her lips, and then tossed her onto the bed with ease.

  Anara was excited to see what he had planned for them. She gazed over at him, with his blue skin and bottomless black eyes. Rauhq should be someone she was scared of, not turned on by. He could easily kill her, yet here she was with her legs spread, just hoping he might jump her.

  Rauhq reached his hand into one of his pockets and pulled out two pieces of rope.

  Anara cocked an eyebrow over at him. “What are those for?”

  He gave her a wicked smile, as he leaned over where she was laying on the bed. He grabbed one wrist and tied it to a metal bedpost, and then did the same with the other hand.

  She gave a yank on a hand to test it out. He tied it well. There was no way she’d be able to get out of these restraints on her own.

  “Kind of kinky, isn’t it?”


  “Ummm… out there? Something sexy and fun.”

  “Yes, it is definitely sexy and fun.”

  Anara had no idea what he was planning, but she was liking the direction it was taking.

  Rauhq scooted between her spread thighs. His hands made their way up her thighs, and her breath hitched in her chest. His head descended, and he sucked her nub into his mouth, causing her hips to jerk in response.

  “Oh god.” She breathed, as he continued to stimulate her clit.

  Then he added a couple of fingers, sliding them into her hot center.

  “So wet.” He growled against her clit, causing vibrations to shoot around that area.

  All of it combined set her off, and she came screaming his name.

  Looking down she met his bottomless eyes as he continued to thrust his fingers into her without mercy. He was determined to make her come hard, and he was succeeding.

  Her head fell back, as the last few twinges flew through her body. He was a god.

  “Amazing.” She mumbled.

  Rauhq came up to settle over her. “You are gorgeous. The sounds you make while you scream my name.” He growled down at her. “If we weren’t in an arena, we would never leave this bed. Ever.”

  She trembled at the promise in his voice. Anara could imagine days with him in this bed. It would be the best time of her life, she was sure he would make sure of that.

  “What now?”

  “Now? Now I torture you, for not coming to me sooner.”


  “You left me in the arena that first day.” He growled down at her. “My mate should know better than to run from her male. Never again.”

  Her heart stuttered in her chest. “Never again.” It was the truth, she realized. Instead of wanting to run away, she knew she’d always want to run into his arms.

  Rauhq put a finger to her lips. “The only sounds out of your mouth will be moans, and screams, and maybe my name.” He flashed her a grin.

  Anara nodded, as her face heated. She had to wonder what he had in store for her. What was the punishment going to be for running from him on the first day?

  He took a nipple between his teeth and gave it a quick nip, before sucking the pain away and turning it into sharp pleasure. Her back arched. His skilled hands massaged each breast, as he rotated between her nipples.

  “Oh yes!” She could feel her body getting ready for another amazing climax, but he’d have to do just a little more than play with her breasts. She wrapped her legs around one of his and thrust against it to get some friction on her clit.

  But he pulled away from her to sit on his heels.

  “Naughty woman. You don’t get to decide when you come. That will be up to me.”

  “Please.” She begged. She felt like a freaking powder keg. A whimper came out of her mouth, shocking her. He was turning her into a whimpering mess, and she kind of liked it. No man had made her feel such a way before.

  He stuck two fingers in her and thrust into her hard and fast. A moan escaped Anara, as her hands gripped the ropes. She was almost there, she could see the stars building up, but right as she was about to come, he removed his fingers.

  A gasp of complaint came out of her.

  “Please.” She begged again. All Anara wanted was to come again.

  Rauhq positioned his hands on each side of her head and bent down to place a kiss on her lips, before plunging into her wetness.

  A gasp of pleasure popped her mouth open, as he filled her to the brim. It felt so good, and she was ready to go. He started out slow, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, trying to dig in her heels to get him to move faster, but he wasn’t having any of it.

  “We’ll go my speed.”

  “You’re too mean.” She pouted.

  His black eyes glanced down at her. “Say you’ll never run again.”

  “I’ll never run again, I promise.” And she meant it. Anara just wished he heard the sincerity in her voice, because she was dying of pleasure over here. “I’m your mate.”

  He stopped his thrusts, and she let out a groan. Holding himself on one hand, he used the other to cup her face, forcing her to look up at him. “What did you say?”

  “I’m your mate.”

  A smile formed on his lips. Damn, he was drop dead gorgeous and that smile just made him even more deadly. It was unfair of the universe to create such a man.

  Rauhq let go of her cheek and resumed more forceful thrusting, going as deep as she could take him. Her legs tightened around him, as her back arched and her hands went numb from the pressure she was putting on them.

  Her pussy clamped down on him, and while she yelled in pleasure he roared his own as he spurted every last drop into her. Rauhq lowered himself just enough to give her an affectionate kiss, which she returned with gusto.

  “You’re a god.”

  He smiled down at her. “Then you would be my goddess.”

  Her heart warmed. Anara definitely wanted to acc
ept the next prize of freedom so they could have a “normal” life together, or as normal as life could get in space.

  Wrapping her in his arms he whispered, “You make me believe in living again.”

  “I could say the same about you. I’m thankful you’ve saved me these past few times.” He really did have her back. “So what does this mate thing mean exactly? Are we now married or something?”

  He grinned at her. “The moment you accepted me between your thighs, we became one. Mated for us is like marriage in another species. You and I will be faithful, but it is more than that. We will never split. It will only ever be us two.”

  “So more than just married, huh?”

  His hand came out to push a lock of brunette hair from her face. “I will never let you regret becoming my mate.”

  “Better not.” She gave a playful punch to his arm, earning her a smile. “I have to ask you something.”

  “Hmm?” He tucked her away in his arms, so her head was under his chin.

  “While you were sleeping, you mumbled something about your family.” Anara felt him tense next to her.


  “Yeah. You talked about your family dying. I guess… I just found myself wondering about your life. I know nothing about where you came from and why you might be here at the arena.” She looked up to meet his black eyes. Would he let her in or would he want to keep his life private from her?

  His hand came out to stroke her face. “We have no secrets between mates. What would you like to know?”

  “What happened to your family?”

  He took a second. “It was a long time ago. A friend of the family betrayed us and killed my mother, father, and sisters. I was not quick enough to come to their rescue. I never thought the universe would give me another chance at a family, so I came to the arena on my own free will.”

  She nodded. “I’m sorry about your family. I’m guessing you never got the guy who killed them?”

  “Not yet, but I plan on finding him someday and exacting my revenge.”


  “How did you arrive here at the arena? I wouldn’t have expected to find such a determined woman in the arena.” He stroked the length of her ear.

  “Yeah. I have no family to speak of, and I decided to try my luck here at the arena.”

  “Nothing to live for?”

  “Yeah. Sounds like we were in the same bucket, but now we have something to live for. Right?” She gazed into his eyes.

  “We do.”

  She smiled, as she closed her eyes. She felt horrible about his family, but now she knew why he was here. He was probably trying to gain skills for when it came time to take down his enemy.

  Chapter 6

  A few more days passed by, and Anara was still having amazing sex with Rauhq. He was perfect for her, when it came to pleasing her. Maybe this mate thing was the right idea!

  “What do you think our challenge might be for today?”

  “I would hope for no arena today. Just more time to spend pleasing my mate.” Rauhq rubbed her shoulders, as they stopped in front of the screen.

  “Well, I see my name, but I don’t see yours.”

  “There it is.” Rauhq pointed to his name.

  “Wait, they want you to report to the door? Where they take and drop off new fighters?” Anara glanced up at him, and he looked just as worried as she felt. “What do you think it means?”

  “Last time my name appeared like this, I was in the other arena, and they took me here.”

  “So they want to take you away?” Hadn’t she known the Frirens would do something cruel like this? She’d warned herself away from a relationship, and now look at her. Her heart was going to be torn into two.

  “The Frirens probably just want me to clear another arena. I should be back soon.”

  “And if you aren’t?”

  “I will be back.” Rauhq placed a kiss on her lips. “Do not fret about it.”

  “I guess this is goodbye?”

  “For now. I will return, Anara. Nothing will keep a Vrak’rir from his mate for long.” He placed another kiss on her lips, and then made his way to the doorway.

  Anara watched on as armed Frirens opened the door and let him through. Would she ever see him again? There was the chance that he might die in the other arena. Her heart pinched.

  She hadn’t been keen on the idea of having a mate, but now that she knew him, she knew she wanted to explore what was between them.

  “It’s been about a month.” Anara complained to Tiera, who sat at the table in front of her.

  “Your Vrak’rir will be fine. If there is one person we don’t have to worry about being killed, it’s him.”

  “You’re right. You’re right. I’m probably just being silly. But what if they never let him return?”

  “Keep a Vrak’rir from his mate?” Tiera let out a harsh laugh. “I don’t even think Frirens would be that stupid. He’d win his freedom and come back with an army. It wouldn’t be worth it for them.”

  Anara’s heart gave a small sputter, at the thought of Rauhq coming for her. She could see him wreaking havoc to get her by his side again.

  Her stomach rolled, and she placed a hand against her mouth as she gagged. Tiera’s head came up, her eyes wide with shock.

  “Something wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I feel ill. Maybe it’s the food.”

  Tiera glanced down at her grey goo. “Looks fine to me. Maybe you’re just coming down with an illness.”

  “I hope not.” That could spell her death. Anara couldn’t afford to be weakened from illness.

  Her stomach gave another heave. Leaning over she threw up on someone’s feet. Looking up she found an alien male curling his lip in disgust.

  “Sorry.” She mumbled.

  The alien male stood, and his hand whipped out smacking her in the face before she could react. A pained gasp escaped her, as her head whipped to the side.

  Tiera stood from her seat, getting ready to defend Anara, but Anara held up her hand. There was no need to get Tiera involved.

  “Anara.” A deep voice boomed from behind her.

  Taking a glance behind her revealed a shocking sight. It was Rauhq. A smile creased her lips. She never thought she’d see him again, but at least he had impeccable timing.

  He stormed to her side, took one look at her reddened cheek and flung himself onto the alien male. The fight was over, before she could blink. He easily snapped his opponents neck.

  Rauhq kneeled by her side. “Are you alright, Anara?”


  “I don’t know why you threw up on his shoes.” Tiera came over to stand beside them.

  “It wasn’t like I was aiming for his shoes.” Anara’s stomach gave another heave.

  “What is wrong with you?” Concern coated his voice, as Rauhq leaned in to examine her.

  She shook her head. “I just need to lie down.” She motioned Tiera over. “Help me to my room, will you?”

  Rauhq looked offended she wouldn’t ask for his assistance. “You can grab me some water and check to see if I have any upcoming battles.”

  Rauhq nodded his head. “I will be back quickly.”

  Tiera helped her up, as she watched him leave. “Why didn’t you have him help you?”

  “I need to talk to you about something.” She waved Tiera closer, as they made their way through the corridors of the barracks. “I think I might be pregnant.”


  “This might be a curse. How can I fight, if I’m heavy with a child? If I can’t see my toes, I can’t fight.”

  “It would present a problem. Perhaps the Frirens would exclude you from battles without Rauhq by your side. The audience does love you, and they wouldn’t want to see you harmed, while you are pregnant.”

  “How do Dekkarians know they are pregnant?”

  “Our toes usually swell.”

  “No morning sickness?” Anara asked, as they finally made
it to her room, and she took a seat on her bed. “Lucky.”

  “Morning sickness? If that means throwing up, then no. We don’t do that.”

  “Lucky.” Anara repeated.

  “I’m sure Rauhq will be happy to hear of your suspicions.”

  Anara rolled her shoulders. “I don’t know about telling him.”

  “Why not? I’m sure he’d make a great father.”

  “He’s going to be so possessive though. I can just imagine it. He’ll be all over me like a mother hen.”

  Tiera let out a laugh. “Of course he’s going to be possessive of you. He’s your Vrak’rir mate, but I suggest telling him. It’d be awful not to let him know.”

  “He probably won’t let me fight.”

  “Don’t worry about that. He won’t have a choice, if the Frirens put your name up for a battle.”

  “I have the water for you, and your name isn’t up for a battle today.”

  Anara glanced over at the doorway where Rauhq’s huge shoulders filled up the doorway. Her stomach did a little flip, as the area between her thighs went moist. It’d been so long, since they’d been together.

  “I’ll catch up with you later.” Anara told Tiera.

  Tiera sent her a wink, but fled from the room to allow them some alone time. Rauhq closed the door behind her.

  “Hello mate.”

  Anara gulped. Was it weird she was kind of nervous after a month of not seeing him?

  He placed the water on a table, and then made his way over to her.

  “Has my mate needed me?” He purred into her ear, as he pushed her down onto the bed.

  “Yes.” She panted.

  His hands went to her pants and quickly stripped her. Then he made his way to the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head with one swift motion. Rauhq’s eyes went to her breasts immediately.

  “You’ve changed a bit.”

  “What?” Her hazel eyes met his black ones.

  “Your breasts are fuller and your stomach is slightly rounded.” His rough padded hands rubbed over her stomach.

  Anara glanced down in alarm. Was her stomach starting to show a bit? She didn’t notice any bulging of her stomach. “I don’t see a change.”


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