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MITI and the Japanese miracle

Page 62

by Chalmers Johnson

  Henderson, Dan F., 24, 38

  Hewins, Ralph, 7

  Higashi Eiji, 153

  Higashikuni cabinet, 172

  Hino Motor Co., 277, 287

  Hirai Tomisaburo*, 149, 172, 185, 213, 220, 283, 308, 353f;

  as MITI vice-minister, 228ff, 244, 246

  Hiranuma Kiichiro*, 146, 152

  Hirao Hachisaburo*, 162f

  Hirohito, 33, 238

  Hirota cabinet, 127n

  Hitachi Ltd., 157

  Hitotsubashi University, 213, 352

  Hizume Nobuaki, 216, 218

  Hollerman, Leon, 78, 195, 268

  Honda Motor Co., 24, 277

  Hoover, Blaine, 42

  Horie Shigeo, 250

  Horie Yasuzo*, 86

  Hoshino Naoki, 125, 130-32


  , 148-52


  House of Councillors, 46, 68, 145, 193, 300

  House of Peers, 38, 91, 95, 102, 144

  House of Representatives, 46f, 93, 127, 130, 222, 260

  Hyuga* Hosai*, 269-71


  Ichimada Naoto, 176, 178, 201-7


  , 218f, 354

  Idemitsu Petroleum Co., 286

  Ide Yoshinori, 124

  Iizuka Shiro*, 299

  Ikeda Hayato, 16, 45f, 100, 186, 322, 355;

  as finance minister, 53, 85, 176, 190f, 201-2, 207ff, 229-30;

  as prime minister, 53, 238, 247f, 255, 259-65


  , 291, 294;

  as MITI minister, 193, 202, 214, 250f

  Ikeda Seihin, 112, 144-49


  , 166

  Imai Hiroshi, 210, 215

  Imai Zen'ei, 66, 149, 248-54


  , 262f, 308, 322, 339-40

  Imperial Agricultural Association, 90-93


  Imperial institution, 8, 35, 38, 42f, 49, 56, 155

  Imperial Rayon Co.,


  Teijin Textile Co.

  Important Industries Association Ordinance (1941), 109, 153

  Important Industries Control Law (1931), 104, 109-11, 118, 153, 162, 195, 309f

  Important Machines Manufacturing Law (1941), 133

  Import Control Ordinance (1949), 270

  Inaba Hidezo*, 141, 151f, 181, 189, 250, 254, 353

  Inagaki Heitaro*, 193

  Inayama Yoshihiro, 71, 114, 226, 246, 254, 268f, 277, 282f

  Income-doubling Plan, 16, 20, 252

  Industrial Bank of Japan, 202, 250, 277

  Industrial Facilities Corp., 163-66


  , 178


  capital-intensive, 6, 31, 112, 155-59


  , 228, 244f, 309;

  knowledge-intensive, 289-91, 301-2

  Industrial policy, 19-20, 102, 115, 215, 255, 309, 313, 317-20


  ; and court cases, 282-83, 299-300, 319

  Industrial Problems Research Association, 277-82


  Industrial rationalization, 14, 27, 102-6


  , 113, 215-17, 225, 315

  Industrial Rationalization Council, 102, 160, 206, 215ff, 227, 240, 253f, 269, 312

  Industrial structure, 31, 101, 126, 251, 289-91, 315;

  concept of, 11, 28, 253, 274

  Industrial Structure Council, 32, 48, 102, 160, 253, 267, 278, 290-91, 301f

  Industrial Structure Investigation Council, 246, 253, 258f

  Inflation, 175-78


  , 184-85, 202, 207-9, 298

  Ingersoll, Robert, 193

  Ino Hiroya, 171

  Inoue Junnosuke, 100-107


  , 111, 191

  Inoue Kaoru, 85

  Inoue Yoshimi, 73

  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 220, 270

  International Business Machines Corp., 70, 246-47, 276

  International Cooperation Agency, 74

  International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 45, 131, 135, 144f

  International Monetary Fund, 15, 220, 232, 238, 250, 263f, 281

  Inukai cabinet, 119, 124

  Iran, 297

  Iran Chemical Development Co., 72

  Page 387

  Ishibashi Shojiro *, 223

  Ishibashi Tanzan, 16, 178, 182-83, 201-2, 229-30, 236, 247n

  Ishida Takeshi, 124

  Ishiguro Tadaatsu, 89

  Ishihara Takeo, 66, 149, 213-18


  , 244f, 253, 308

  Ishii Mitsujiro*, 56

  Ishikawa Ichiro*, 71, 216

  Ishiwara Kanji, 117

  Ishizaka Taizo*, 71, 258-59

  Isomura Eiichi, 38

  Isuzu Motor Co., 277, 288

  Itagaki Osamu, 193

  Itagaki Seishiro*, 131

  Italy, 16, 31, 150

  Ito* Bunkichi, 56, 144

  Ito Daiichi, 203

  Ito Hirobumi, 56, 86, 144

  Iwasawa Tadayoshi, 59-60

  Iwatake Teruhiko, 73, 215


  Jacoby, Henry, 19


  political parties, 45, 49-50, 84, 91;

  prewar military, 81, 111f, 116-17, 124-27


  , 133, 141f, 162, 169f.

  See also

  Developmental state

  and individual ministries by name

  Japan Air Lines, 181

  Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 83

  Japan Committee for Economic Development, 259, 268, 270

  Japan Development Bank, 12, 79, 186, 227, 236, 247, 268, 303, 320;

  origins of, 190, 200, 209-10, 215

  Japan Electronic Computer Co., 247

  Japanese National Railways, 69

  Japan External Trade Organization, 62, 67, 75, 230-32, 318, 358;

  officials of, 130, 245

  Japan Federation of Employers' Associations, 145

  "Japan Inc.," 8, 21, 265, 272, 283, 292

  Japan Industrial Club, 36, 90f, 145, 151f

  Japan Mutual Life Insurance Co., 145, 181

  Japan Petroleum Development Corp., 72, 79

  Japan Special Steel Co., 264

  Japan Steel Corp., 95n, 111, 157, 162f, 246, 268, 282.

  See also

  New Japan Steel Co.

  Japan Steel Federation, 162, 225, 269

  Japan Synthetic Rubber Corp., 237

  Jasco Corp., 67


  Kabayama Aisuke, 190

  Kahn, Herman, 7

  Kajiura Kojiro*, 69

  Kakuma Takashi, 35, 80f, 133, 227, 298

  Kanayama Bunji, 39

  Kaneko Naokichi, 90

  Kansai Electric Power Co., 220, 253

  Karasawa Tsutomu, 69

  Katayama cabinet, 45, 59, 152, 183-85

  Katsumata Seiichi, 152, 352

  Katsura Taro*, 144

  Kawahara Hideyuki, 279

  Kawahara Michimasa, 69

  Kawai Eijiro*, 97

  Kawai Kentaro*, 69

  Kawai Yoshinari, 122

  Kawanaka Niko*, 48-51


  Kawasaki Steel Co., 218, 268

  Kawasaki Takukichi, 127n

  Kawashima Shojiro, 75

  Kaya Okinori, 53, 135, 141-43




  Federation of Economic Organizations

  Keiretsu, 11-12, 110, 174-75, 199, 203-7, 264, 277, 287-88, 356

  Keizai Doyukai*,


  Japan Committee for Economic Development

  Kelly, George A., 18

  Kennedy, John F., 250, 285

  Keynes, John Maynard, 6, 103, 119

  Kido Koichi*, 56, 104, 108, 171

  Kindleberger, Charles P., 6

  Kishi Nobusuke, 45f, 56, 59, 145, 245, 308f, 322;

  in Man
churia, 33, 129-32;

  cabinets of, 53, 122, 144, 171, 226, 238, 251, 291;

  as MCI minister, 66, 135, 153, 161-67


  , 215, 243;

  as MCI official, 83f, 95, 102f, 107-8, 112, 124-28


  , 271, 350;

  as MM vice-minister, 148-51


  , 169-71

  Kissinger, Henry, 292

  Kitano Shigeo, 254, 353

  Kobayashi Ichizo*, 146-52


  , 166, 170, 258, 271, 322

  Kobe Steel Co., 72f, 87, 90, 215, 219, 268, 283

  Kodama Fumio, 31


  *, 179, 183, 188, 224, 313

  Koda* Noboru, 130

  Kogane Yoshiteru, 56-57, 102, 125, 351

  Koide Eiichi, 254

  Koiso cabinet, 125, 171

  Page 388

  Kojima Akira, 49

  Kojima Keizo *, 182

  Komai Tokuzo*, 130

  Komatsu Yugoro*, 33, 80, 251, 257, 281

  Komoto* Toshio, 54

  Konaga Keiichi, 258, 293

  Konoe cabinets, 45, 89, 125, 135ff, 143-53


  , 258, 269

  Kono* Ichiro*, 53-54, 75, 255, 261, 265

  Korea, 9, 15, 92, 276, 317

  Korean War, 176, 191, 198-201


  , 207, 218, 224, 227

  Kubota Akira, 56

  Kudo* Shoshiro*, 185

  Kumagai Yoshifumi, 146, 271, 280f, 287-90


  Kuroda Nagamichi, 56

  Kuronuma Minoru, 38

  Kurusu Takeo, 184

  Kusayanagi Daizo*, 55

  Kuwata Kumazo*, 91

  Kwantung Army, 128-31


  , 171

  Kyoto University, 127, 137, 222


  Landau, Martin, 55

  Leisure Development Center, 272

  Liberal Democratic Party, 46-50


  , 54-55, 154, 229, 234, 247-48, 260, 295, 301

  Liberal Party, 45f, 201n, 220

  Lifetime employment, 11-14, 216-17, 277, 313f

  Light Metals Manufacturing Industry Law (1939), 133

  Lindbeck, Assar, 29

  Lockheed case (1976), 59, 68


  MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 43, 172, 185, 190, 225

  Machida Chuji*, 123, 125, 127n

  Machinery industry, 31, 238, 278, 302

  Machinery Industry Promotion Special Measures Law (1956), 226

  Machine Tool Industry Law (1938), 133

  Maeda Yasuyuki, 33, 146, 165, 190, 224, 285

  Maier, Charles, 196

  Major Export Industries Association Law (1925), 98-99, 350

  Makino Nobuaki, 190

  Makita Yoichiro*, 287




  Manchuria, 119, 129, 161, 191;

  industrial development in, 56, 130-32, 310;

  bureaucrats in, 66, 124-28


  , 144

  Manchurian Heavy Industries Corp., 131f, 144

  Market economy, 18-23

  Marubeni Trading Co., 188, 205

  Maruzen Oil Co., 260ff, 319

  Marxism-Leninism, 17, 24, 137, 150-52, 211

  Masaki Chifuyu, 152

  Masuda Minoru, 56, 257

  Masuhara Keikichi, 77

  Materials mobilization plans, 118, 132, 137-43


  , 248, 352

  Matsudaira Koso*, 91

  Matsuda Taro*, 149, 192, 210

  Matsukata Masayoshi, 84-88


  , 191

  Matsumoto Joji*, 123

  Matsumura Giichi, 350

  Matsuoka Yosuke*, 56, 127, 132, 148

  Matsuo Kinzo*, 244, 254, 261f, 269, 308

  Matsuo Taiichiro*, 188, 251

  Medium and smaller enterprises, 96-102


  , 129, 140, 143, 148, 202, 222-23, 277, 351;

  wartime conversion of, 157-61


  , 165

  Meiji Constitution (1889), 37-43


  , 47-51


  , 73, 170

  Meiji era (1868-1912), 15, 20-25



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