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Page 8

by Vanessa Kier

  Yet there was something about Mark, some hint of the wolf in sheep’s clothing that caught her attention. Hell, he’d even admitted that he wasn’t a particularly nice guy, yet the confession did nothing to ease the need crawling through her, urging her to get as close to Mark as physically possible.

  She gave him a rueful smile and let him take both her hands in his. He held her at arm’s length, giving her the once over.

  “Like what you see?” she asked.

  He gave a slight shake of his head, then moved in to buss her cheeks European style. “No. You look gorgeous, Faith, but this isn’t you. I might not have seen your real hair or your true eye color, but I’ve noticed that you’re much more relaxed when wearing those casual, funky clothes than this urban armor.”

  God. How was she supposed to resist him when he understood her so well? “How’d you know it was me?” she murmured as he hooked his arm through hers.

  He glanced over at her. “Instinct.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Some super spy sixth sense?”

  A flush stained his cheeks and he looked away.

  “What?” she demanded.

  He shrugged. “It’s you. Yes, as a spy I have a keen sense for danger. But somehow I’ve also developed an acute awareness of you.”

  “You could pick me out blind in a dark room?” she joked.

  “Yes.” The quiet admission made her heart turn over. He continued to amaze her with statements like this, causing more than just a spike in her libido. These moments of connection, combined with her sheer joy at seeing him, made it clear she was in deep emotional waters. Drowning fast.

  She slid her hand down his arm until she could twine her fingers around his, and was relieved when he clasped her hand back. “It’s totally nuts, but I feel the same way,” she confessed.

  “Good.” He stopped and pulled her in for a brief kiss. “Let’s get you back to the safe house.”

  Just that brief touch of lips lit her up like a bonfire. “I want you,” she murmured.

  Heat sparked in his eyes. “Hold that thought.” Grabbing her hand again, he hustled her down the street.

  What she felt for Mark went far beyond the need to use sex in order to escape the ever growing fear inside her. She’d had short affairs before where the purpose had simply been to bring some sort of balance into her life under circumstances that threatened to break her.

  This felt like so much more. While she desperately wanted a physical release, just being with Mark calmed her and lessened her fear that Toby was slipping farther and farther away from her each day.

  With each step they took, Faith’s arousal grew. I want you. I want you. I want you.

  She was in way over her head. So consumed by her need to touch Mark that she barely paid any attention as he led her to his car, then drove a convoluted route to the safe house.

  She barely let him lock the door behind them and set the exterior alarm before she ran her hands across his shoulders and down his back.

  Sleek muscle tensed under his fitted suit jacket. “Off,” she murmured.

  His body shook with laughter, but when Mark turned around, his eyes held equal parts confusion and lust. “This is crazy. I’m not… I don’t…”

  She reached up and placed a kiss on his mouth. “I know. I feel like I’ve been drugged with a powerful aphrodisiac. All I want is to crawl inside you.”

  His breath caught, then he put his hands behind her head and brought his mouth to hers in a kiss that revealed the uncivilized core of him. His lips plundered. She welcomed every hard thrust of his tongue, pressing her body against him in hopes of relieving some of the tension building inside her.

  Her fingers shoved at his suit jacket. Mark let go of her head long enough to shrug off the jacket, then he gripped her head again, his hold just short of painful as he took her mouth.

  Panting slightly, he lifted his head and stared at her. His pupils were dilated and a flush darkened his cheeks. She loved seeing the effects of his arousal, and her body responded in kind.

  He tugged at her hair. “Wig. Off.”

  Nodding, Faith helped him remove the elegant coiffure, then arched into his touch as he massaged her scalp. “Mmm.”

  He combed out her chin length, dark blonde curls with his fingers. “I like it,” he murmured.

  She knew her hair, fashionably untidy at the best of times, must look a mess after being matted under the wig. But Mark’s eyes reflected nothing but desire before he lowered his mouth again to hers.

  She sighed in pleasure, sinking into the kiss. But after a minute or so she began to squirm against him. “Need to touch your skin. Now.”

  Yet it was hard to think what to do next with his mouth making love to hers with such contained violence. Using her nails, she scrabbled at the buttons on his shirt until a few of them gave. She snuck her fingers inside the gap, and met the soft cotton of his undershirt.

  She growled in frustration and bit his tongue.

  “Hey!” Mark pulled back. “What the hell was that for?”

  “Take your shirt off.” Not bothering to wait for his compliance, her fingers went to work on his buttons. But there was something wrong. Her normally agile fingers couldn’t seem to make sense of the complicated act of pushing the buttons free of their holes.

  “Let me.” The laughter in Mark’s voice made Faith glance up in surprise. She had a feeling he didn’t laugh very often. If asked, she’d guess that he usually took sex as seriously as he seemed to take everything else.

  “You should laugh more,” she said, then winced at the inanity of telling the man she wanted to see naked that she wanted him to laugh at her.

  But Mark got it.

  He pressed a quick kiss to her mouth. “Only with you.” He shook his head. “You make me feel young. Light.” Another brief kiss. “Desperate.” He gave a self-deprecating smile. “I haven’t felt this way in years.”

  Faith stared at him, dumbfounded. Then he slipped out of his shirt and pulled his undershirt up over his head and she was left staring dumbly at a beautifully sculpted male chest. “Who knew you hid such perfection under those stuffy shirts?” she blurted.

  My God, was that a tinge of red on his cheeks? She’d made super spy Mark Tonelli blush?

  “Let’s see what you’re concealing, Faith.” His hands slipped under her short-sleeved, silk blouse and in one swift move lifted it over her head and tossed it aside. “Ah. Beautiful.”

  Now it was her turn to blush. She wasn’t exactly model thin or in as good shape as she’d been when trotting all over the world, either running toward danger in pursuit of a story or running away from those who wanted to stop her from exposing the truth. But the heat in Mark’s eyes made her feel sexy all the way to her core. And when he reached out and reverently stroked his finger along the lace edge of her bra over first her left and then her right breast, she shivered.

  Reaching behind to unfasten the back clasp of her bra, she shrugged her shoulders so that the straps loosened and the bra fell off in his hand.

  “Perfection,” Mark whispered. He lowered his head and traced a line of kisses from her throat down to her left nipple. Then he sucked the tight bud into his mouth. Lightning shot to her center and she gasped.

  How on earth did he manage to rev her so fast?

  Her fists tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. Heat spiraled through her, filling her up until it pressed against her skin and she thought she’d explode if she couldn’t relieve the pressure. “Mark! I need you. Now.” She tugged at his hair, trying to get him to move up so she could press her hips against him. But his only response was to nip at the sensitive skin of her areola, then move on to the other breast.

  “Mark,” she whimpered. “You’re killing me.”

  “Good.” He finally raised his head and the heat in his eyes nearly incinerated her. “Because no one has ever driven me so crazy in my life.” He took her mouth in a fierce kiss.

  Faith finally got her hands around his back, slid th
em down to cup his buttocks, and pulled him tightly against her. While their mouths dueled, Faith rubbed herself against the hard length pressing against her belly and felt her tension ratchet toward a small orgasm.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Mark growled. “Not without me.” He scooped her into his arms so quickly that she squeaked in alarm and threw her arm around his neck for balance as he strode for the stairs.

  “Is there anything sexier than being carried to bed by a gorgeous man,” she murmured, kicking her feet for the sheer pleasure of it. Joy bubbled up inside her, as if she’d drunk too much champagne. Another side effect of too much stress. Sometimes the release came in the form of inappropriate humor. Sometimes arousal.

  Apparently Mark tapped into both her need for sex and for a lightening of her mood.

  “Enjoy it while it lasts,” he shot back.

  Startled at how his comment mirrored her thoughts, she glanced up at him.

  Mark smiled down at her, but there was no acknowledgment in his eyes that he’d understood her train of thought. Just bemusement over his behavior. “I’m not usually the caveman type. In fact, I pride myself on being a considerate, deliberate, civilized lover.”

  “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.” Faith patted his chest with her free hand. “Sex shouldn’t be quiet and polite. It should be noisy and enthusiastic and primal. You’ve been missing out.”

  She let her fingers find his nipple and gave it a little pinch.

  Mark made a sound that was half surprise and half pleasure. “So teach me, witch.”

  She raised her brows and gave him a look. “Witch?”

  “Of course. Who else but a witch could have enchanted me so thoroughly?”

  Faith decided that she liked having put that combination of confusion and desire in his eyes. “Hmm…if you’re under my spell, then you must follow my orders.”

  Mark ducked his head and nipped her top lip. “Enchanted, yes. Enslaved, no.”

  Faith let out an exaggerated sigh. “You’re no fun.”

  He chuckled and gave her a light kiss. “Just wait until I’ve got you in my bed. Then you’ll see what fun is.”

  He froze, blinked, then shook his head and groaned. “Now you have me spouting lines like some B-movie character.”

  Faith laughed. That stuffy Mark Tonelli felt comfortable enough to play with her sent warmth of an entirely different sort spiraling through her veins. And here she’d thought this was going to be an intense, hot affair. Not something so playful that it touched a long-starved part of herself and made her feel fully alive for the first time in years.

  Even before Lyndi’s death, Faith realized she’d shut part of herself off from the world. The better to get the story without suffering an emotional breakdown every time the people involved experienced joy, sorrow or pain. Outside of the job, Faith had hung out with friends and taken lovers, leading her to believe she’d been handling her life perfectly well.

  But Mark made her see that she’d remained emotionally frozen even after giving up her job.

  “I’m melting, I’m melting,” she murmured.

  “I should hope so,” he replied.

  Faith just shook her head, not surprised that he’d missed the movie reference. “Modest, aren’t you?”

  “No. I don’t see the point.”

  Yeah, that fit. The man knew his worth, and if he seemed to think himself better than most, well, she didn’t really know him well enough to say differently. Pulling herself out of serious self-analysis mode, she nuzzled against Mark and licked a damp trail from his collarbone down to his nipple.

  He sucked in a breath and took two lunging steps forward. Then the world spun and her back landed on the softness of a mattress. While she’d been deep in thought, Mark had reached the top floor and carried her into his bedroom. She barely had time to register soft light shining on dark wood furniture before Mark, naked—somehow he’d managed to shuck his pants without her noticing—crawled onto the bed and hooked the fingers of one hand under the waistband of her skirt.

  With a strong tug, he pulled off her pantyhose and panties, then slid her skirt down her legs, leaving her bare to his gaze.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. In my bed,” Mark breathed. “So beautiful. So right.”

  Gone was the playful, teasing man of a moment ago. His eyes stared into hers with a heated intensity that stole all her thoughts and incinerated the oxygen in her lungs. Something deep inside snapped, as if Mark had broken through an unknown barrier. Yet at the same time, she felt as if she were falling into his soul.

  No matter how arrogant or unkind he could be, there was more good in Mark than he realized. Otherwise, he wouldn’t allow her this deep stare that laid bare their vulnerabilities and opened them both up to exploitation. He wouldn’t have such a look of awe on his face. And the kiss he gave her wouldn’t promise safety and security and yes, even love.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t bear the overwhelming sense of being stripped bare to her soul, Mark kissed her harder. Wildness took over and the tenderness they’d just shared burned away under the sheer heat of desire.

  She’d thought him urbane and controlled, but the hint of danger she’d sensed in him now came roaring out. He kissed her like he wanted to devour her. To absorb every bit of her essence through his mouth. Faith clutched his back and strained to get closer as her body ignited. She couldn’t breathe. The kiss stole all her oxygen, but she didn’t want to relinquish Mark’s mouth to take a deep breath.

  Her heart felt like it had been possessed. But she needed this. Needed to be closer to Mark. To feel this sense that she finally could let go and just feel. That despite barely knowing him, Mark wouldn’t let her down. She could let herself enjoy the moment without wallowing in guilt or grief and Mark wouldn’t judge her for it. When he lifted his head, she made a sound of protest and tried to pull his mouth back down to hers.

  But he had other plans. His mouth skimmed down her throat to her chest, his lips sucking and his teeth nipping as he went. Until his mouth settled on her breast. The powerful suction, combined with his clever fingers shaping and plucking at her other breast, had her arching off the bed. A moment later his fingers delved between her thighs, finding and spreading the moisture there, then teasing her clit.

  “Mark!” She was so close to coming already. “I want you inside me.”

  But instead of his cock, she felt two fingers slide inside her, testing her readiness. She writhed against him, needing more pressure. Mark ignored her silent request, keeping his mouth on her breast while he slowly worked his fingers in and out of her until she was riding the edge of an orgasm. She grabbed his ears and raised his face so she could glare at him

  “Fuck me already, damn you!”

  His pupils expanded and he inhaled sharply. She had a moment to wonder why her swearing turned him on as he grabbed for a condom and sheathed himself. Then he moved over her body and slid inside.

  “Yes!” Faith closed her eyes, reveling in the sense of fullness that was almost, but not quite, too much to bear. She pressed her head harder into the pillow as she shifted to get a better angle to take him deep.

  “Are you all right?” he murmured.

  She wet her lips and nodded, but didn’t open her eyes. She wanted this to be all about physical sensation. She didn’t think she could handle any more deeply tender emotional moments.

  She dug her fingers into his firm buttocks and urged him forward. With a guttural moan, he took her mouth in another bruising kiss, then began to slowly move in and out of her.


  His tempo barely speeded up. “Like this?”

  Her eyes flew open. “Are you kidding me? You’re going to tease me now?” She hissed in frustration and scored him lightly with her nails. “Either speed up and make me come, or I’ll finish the job myself.”

  To prove her point, she slipped her hand in between their bodies and squeezed her clit.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Mark growled. H
e jerked her hand away and pinned it over her head, then pinned her other hand up as well. “You want to be fucked, I’ll fuck you. But you damn well won’t need any help to come.”

  Faith tipped her head to one side and raised her eyebrow. “I’m hearing a lot of talk, Mr. Tonelli. Can you—” Mark slammed into her then withdrew quickly. “Oh!” He set a new, faster rhythm that had her hips rising to meet his and her head thrashing against the bed.

  She struggled to pull her hands free, but Mark’s grip was unbreakable.

  “Want to…touch…you,” she gasped. “Please!” She couldn’t bear the pressure any longer. She needed release. Now. Or she was going to die.

  “No. Wanted a…slow…seduction.” Each word was punctuated by a thrust of his hips. “Wanted…to prove…not…just lust. Now…you’ve got…to pay…the consequences.” He lowered his mouth to her throat and nipped.

  The stinging pain sent her over the edge. Her body bowed off the bed and she screamed. Mark pressed harder on her wrists and captured her mouth in another fierce kiss and the sense of being restrained only ratcheted the pleasure higher.

  Then Mark went rigid and cried out and another orgasm hit her.

  The world pulsed behind her eyelids in a display of brilliant colors, until the pleasure ebbed on an outgoing wave, leaving her limp and satiated.

  “Oh…my…God…” she murmured, stroking her hand down Mark’s back as he sprawled on top of her. “That was…”

  “Amazing,” he breathed.

  She managed a weak laugh, surprised she had the energy for even that. “Yeah.” She pressed a kiss to the damp skin of his neck.

  He grunted, then rolled off her. Faith opened her mouth to protest the loss of his heat, but he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her snug against his side. They lay in peaceful silence, something she hadn’t expected to find, particularly not with a man so closely tied to Jamieson.

  Thankful she wasn’t alone and marveling that in the midst of her frantic hunt for Toby she’d found someone to trust, she listened to Mark’s heartbeat slow until sleep dragged her under.

  Chapter Seven

  Faith woke slowly, wrapped in Mark’s arms, the comforter tucked under her chin. After their first bout of lovemaking she’d slept, only to be awakened by Mark’s kisses. He’d proceeded to do things to her with his lips and tongue that even now sent heat spiraling into her belly. She didn’t think she’d ever clicked sexually with a man the way she did with Mark. She smiled drowsily.


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