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Uniform Behaviour

Page 2

by Lucy Felthouse

  “Wow,” he whispered sheepishly, the vulnerable youngster back and the dominant fireman gone.

  His eyes were shy, searching my own as if asking for reassurance. I smiled confidently, reaching between us and tucking his flaccid cock into his trousers before redressing myself. Placing a swift kiss on his lips I whispered, “My hero,” before slipping my feet delicately back into my stilettos.

  The alarm pinged and the doors opened on level fifteen. I smoothed my hands across my skirt before stepping from the cage. Glancing over my shoulder I looked at Bryan, my sexy fireman, dressed head to toe in his grubby uniform; dirty from fire-fighting and dirty from fucking. A sassy smirk graced my lips and I looked at him, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction as the doors slid shut.

  Bryan - bringing a whole new meaning to the term ‘fireman’s lift.’

  Also Available from House of Erotica

  In Love and War

  Lexie Bay

  When the plane crashed in the woods behind our farm, I was so scared I couldn’t sleep. When Mama and Papa got dressed to meet with the other villagers, I pulled on my warmest clothes and followed them. My sister Madeline and my brother Dieter stayed home; Madeline fast asleep, and Dieter drunk, slumped in an armchair oblivious to the chaos around him.

  I watched everything unfold from behind the old barn at the edge of our woods. The village was alive with rumours; everyone awake and outside their houses. The men formed search parties to see if anyone had survived. When the news came that it was Russian and no bodies had been found the village erupted.

  Hidden by the barn, the darkness soothed me, the comfort of anonymity enveloping me. I retreated further against the building, leaning my cheek on its ice-cold stone, its cool familiarity reassuring me that everything was the same. Then, underneath the hum of voices, I head a muffled moan and the sound of boots scraping along the ground. My heart stopped beating for a second as I turned towards the door. Someone was inside.

  I almost screamed, to bring the others to me, but I wanted the excitement, the possibility of knowing something that no one else did. I pushed the door open and ducked inside.

  It didn’t take long to find him, even in the semi-darkness. Moonlight cut across the floor through the cracks in the ancient wooden roof. Covered in blood, eyes glazed with pain, he dragged his broken body towards the refuge of the fresh hay in the far corner of the barn. He stopped when he saw me, his eyes desperate and pleading, terrified for his life. I held my hands up to show him it was OK, that I wouldn’t hurt him, wouldn’t give him away to the rest of the village. From the moment I saw him, vulnerable in the silver light, I knew I would protect him. I was his from the beginning. Even injured and bloody I could see how gorgeous he was and I felt my stomach lurch with a mixture of lust and fear.

  I whispered words of comfort, not sure if he understood, pulling him to the relative comfort of the darkened corner. Then, while everyone else was preoccupied with searching the wreckage of the plane, I tried to help him. I fetched water, a towel, some bandages and what little food I could get from the larder without anyone noticing. I washed him as best I could, cleaning the dirt from his wounds, his face ... his beautiful face. I knew he was the pilot of the plane but looking at him I refused to believe that anyone so vulnerable, so young could be involved in this bloody and pointless war we were fighting. His uniform gave away that he was a soldier, but I couldn’t reconcile that image with the man in front of me.

  “Your name?” he asked suddenly, his voice little more than a whisper but startling me, overly loud in the dim quiet of the barn. His accent was strange, but the words were in my language.

  “Anna,” I said. “My name is Anna.”

  He winced as I ran my fingers over his forearm, smiling bravely up at me, as I looked concerned. “Is nothing, really. Please, you don’t have to do this. If anyone finds us you will be punished.”

  “What is your name?” I asked, ignoring his bravado and indicating that he should rest.

  “Dimitri,” he replied, his voice hissing through gritted teeth as he tried to get comfortable, and I knew I was playing with fire. This man was a Russian soldier on German territory and I was risking my life being here with him. I looked at him, so pale as he lay in the hay, and I knew with utter certainty that no matter who he was, I had to help him. I stroked his forehead, trying to comfort him.

  “Dimitri.” I let his name roll off my tongue, loving how he looked at me when I spoke to him. “It will be OK,” I told him, “I’ll take care of you. I won’t tell anyone you are here. I promise you.”

  He smiled at me, and gazing into the cool blue of his eyes my heart was his. “Thank you,” he whispered just before he passed out cold against the cool, stone wall of my father’s barn.

  I waited until I was sure that he was sleeping and not unconscious, and then draped the warmest blanket over him, pulling his coat over the top. I stroked his hair across his forehead, so soft under my fingertips. I had never been this close to a man before, only my father’s friends, and they were so old and frightening compared with Dimitri.

  His hair was thick and dark in stark contrast to his pale skin. Under his eyes were black smudges, a mix of bruising and exhaustion and beneath the cuts on his swollen face I could see how handsome he was. Through the blanket I could make out the outline of his arms, the muscles big and hard underneath his army shirt, which was pulled taut across his chest and stomach, outlining his rock hard abs. His obvious strength was such a turn-on it made me shiver with anticipation and fear, my thoughts confused, imagining being wrapped in his arms. I wanted to touch him but I was afraid to wake him. He needed to sleep and I needed to get back to the farm before Mama noticed I was missing and sent someone to look for me. I checked that he couldn’t be seen then crept back to the house.

  Several of Papa’s friends were in the kitchen, talking about the plane wreck. They were sure that the pilot was long gone, crawled away to die or escaped. I hugged my secret tightly, thinking of Dimitri lying in the barn. I looked out of the window as they talked, praying that the temperature wouldn’t drop, that he wouldn’t lose any more blood and that his pain wouldn’t wake him.

  Conversation turned to how it was too late to return to a pointless search. I wanted them to go home, to get as far away from him as possible, and I got my wish as people started to leave. I went to bed and lay in the darkness, remembering the feel of him beneath my fingers. I could still smell him on my skin and I closed my eyes imagining he was here with me. How would it feel to kiss his lips, to run my tongue over his bruised and bloody mouth, his arms around me? I imagined him on top of me, the weight of him crushing my body as I ached to feel him inside me. I drifted off to sleep, thoughts of him filling my dreams.

  Over the next few days I nursed him, visiting whenever I had a spare moment, watching him slowly regain his strength. We talked for hours, discovering everything about each other. His bruises darkened, turning his face and body into a living map of his ordeal and with every passing day my obsession grew. I was in awe of this soldier, of what he had done to protect his country, of what he was willing to risk to liberate his people. I wanted him to love me like he loved his country, to feel the weight of his devotion upon me, but with every passing day I knew that he was another day closer to leaving me and I ached with longing.

  Five days later and I knew time was running out. It was early evening and my chores were done. I told Mama I was going to visit a friend so I had all evening to spend with Dimitri.

  I stood at the entrance to the barn, the familiar building charged with the secret it contained, my eyes growing accustomed to the darkness. The run across the farmyard had left me panting, my heart beating so hard I thought it might explode and I leaned against the thick wooden doorframe to catch my breath. I waited; listening until I was certain no one had followed me.

  I had the usual clean bandages rolled and
hidden in one pocket and some bread and ham in the other. Hopefully Mama wouldn’t notice that food was missing from the larder again. She had started asking why I spent so long walking in the woods. I couldn’t allow her to discover my secret.

  “Dimitri?” I whispered, looking for him amongst the old farm machinery and the layers of ancient dust. “Dimitri, where are you?” My stomach was tumbling over itself, and I felt sick. What if he’d already gone, his injuries healed enough for him to leave and find somewhere safer to hide? I couldn’t bear to think about him not being there. I went further inside, praying that he would be.

  “Hello beautiful.” My heart started beating again. He was still here. His voice had come from the back, so deep and sexy and laced with something else, something I was not used to hearing from any man. It made my limbs feel weak with a longing I was struggling to get used to and my body ached to be near him. I had to see him, to prove to myself that he was real, that he was actually here. He sounded so much stronger than yesterday and as I walked towards him I could see he was smiling. It lit up his face, his eyes warm and intense and I felt a rush of love for my beautiful soldier.

  “Hello,” I whispered, kneeling down beside him, pulling the food and the bandages from my pockets. He watched me, still smiling, and I blushed as I held out the ham and bread. “I’m sorry there isn’t much, but Papa went to the market today so maybe tomorrow I can bring you more.”

  He shook his head. “Already you have done too much for me, Anna. I could never forgive myself if you got into trouble because of me.”

  I was already removing the blanket to change the bandages on his arm and he shivered. I looked up, drinking in his face, wanting to remember him forever. His hair was so dark, in sharp contrast to his pale skin. It had been cropped army regulation short when I had first seen him but over the days it had started to grow, giving him a more tousled appearance.

  “You’re cold! I should have brought more blankets. Let me change your bandages then I’ll try and get you some before it gets too dark.”

  “You are so kind to me, Anna,” he said, “and I have done nothing to deserve this kindness. I helped to bring devastation to your country but you have helped me.” I thought I saw his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. As he spoke he reached out his hand and gently stroked my cheek.

  His touch burned my skin, and I held my breath unsure how to respond. I wanted him to go further. He had never touched me before, just the occasional brush of fingers as I passed him food and drink, these stolen moments fuelling my dreams, his fingers leaving imaginary prints on my skin, scaring me with how much they made me want him.

  How well I knew the feel of him. Hours of tending to his injured body, until I could feel his skin under my hands whenever I closed my eyes. I had lain awake at night imagining him lying with me, our bodies pressed together, naked skin on naked skin and now that he had actually reached out for me, I knew that I didn’t want him to stop.

  That he was forbidden made him more desirable. I knew if my family found Dimitri, they would kill him immediately and likely kill me too. At the very least they would drive me away, disown me and leave me destitute. It would break my parents’ hearts. I should be frightened; I should make him leave, but when I saw him I was blind to everything else. I could only think of how he made me feel, of how my body cried out to be with him.

  I closed my eyes, leaning against his touch and his fingers found my lips, tracing the outline of them. I trembled with a mixture of desperate hope and lust, willing him to kiss me, yet not sure what I would do if he did.

  “Anna,” he murmured, “my beautiful Anna.” My insides melted at his words, everything I had wanted to hear from him. I was weak with desire as I felt his soft breath on my cheek. He was so close I could breathe him in, a heady mix of sweat, fresh blood and the thick scent of his uniform; the dirt of battlefields, the agony of death. I ached to touch him but my hands were shaking. I had never kissed a man before. I was always ignored, passed over for the popular girls, so I was innocent, my only knowledge what I imagined at night in my bed.

  Dimitri pulled me closer to him and I looked into his eyes. The raw desire I saw frightened me, but I had never wanted anything as much as this. “Please,” I murmured.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered. I did, every nerve in my body tingling, waiting for his touch. At last his lips found mine, our mouths melding, his tongue hot and insistent just as I had dreamed. I felt a heat between my legs like a fire, building with every touch of his hands and I could hold back no longer, sliding my arms around him, pulling him closer to me, wanting to feel his strength, his protection. He winced, his injuries still not healed but when I tried to pull away he kissed me harder. “No. It’s OK. Please, Anna, I want to be with you.”

  My breath caught in my throat as he kissed my neck, his lips damp against my skin, teeth grazing me, heightening the raw ache between my thighs. Every part of me yearned for his touch, my body awakening from a deep sleep. He made me feel more alive than I had ever felt and I knew that I would give myself to him.

  “Dimitri,” I gasped as his fingers slipped inside my jumper, burning a trail across my body. Our eyes locked and I was lost forever. All I could think about was being with him. I wanted to experience everything he could teach me. I loved the way his name sounded as I murmured it against his chest, the way his breath hitched as I stroked the nape of his neck, how his hands gripped my waist as if he never wanted to let me go.

  Dimitri pulled my jumper over my head, making me blush as he took my breasts in his hands, marvelling at my soft pale skin. His thumb grazed my nipple through the thin lace of my bra as I arched up against his hands, desperate to feel him on my naked flesh. As he teased me, I pulled at the buttons on his shirt, revealing his chest, making him moan my name. I ran my fingers through the thick, dark hair, tracing my fingertips over his nipples, kissing his chest.

  Dimitri caught my face in his hands again, bringing my lips back to his, his mouth hard and insistent, his tongue plundering my mouth. I was raw, exposed, completely out of my comfort zone but powerless to resist him. He held me to him, and his scent filled my nostrils. He snapped open the clasp of my bra and my body tensed for a split second as I wondered if I should stop him. What kind of girl would he think I was? Then he dipped his head, his lips trailing over my collarbone, his mouth fastening on the hard peak of my nipple and I lost all coherent thought.

  I dropped my head back exposing more of myself to his lips. My breathing was heavy as waves of pleasure washed over me, setting off reactions all over my body. I no longer cared if anyone found us; I cared about nothing except the way my body was reacting to Dimitri’s gentle touch.

  “Anna,” he whispered, laying me down amongst the hay on the floor. His eyes briefly glazed with pain as he moved to lie beside me, but as I tried to protest he quietened me with another kiss. He took my hand and put it between his legs, holding it tight against his huge erection, a low moan escaping his lips. I rubbed the bulge in his trousers, watching the way his face changed as I did, marvelling at the way I could bring this man to his knees with just a touch. It felt powerful and sexy, knowing how much he wanted me. Dimitri was my destiny and nothing would keep us apart.

  He helped me out of my skirt, leaving me in just my knickers and I shivered a little as the cool air danced over my skin. “Oh, Anna,” he moaned as he looked at me, arching up against my hand, urging me not to stop, kissing me again and again. His kisses were more urgent, hot and passionate than before and I hurried to find the buttons on his trousers, suddenly desperate to free him from the straining fabric.

  At last the buttons came undone and he took his trousers off. He was wearing nothing underneath and for a moment I was shocked, the size of his engorged penis making me feel terrified and excited. I was liquid, my knickers soaked with my desire, an ache between my legs that only Dimitri could halt. His fingers stroked my body, teasing m
y breasts, skimming over my stomach until he reached my inner thigh. My breath was coming in short gasps, my fingers curled around his beautiful cock. I spread my legs wider, urging him to touch me, softly and slowly sliding my hand up and down his throbbing shaft, wanting the moment to last forever.

  His fingers slipped higher and I quivered with the anticipation, pushing my hips up towards him. My lips were full and swollen, and I knew he could see the dark pink of my slit, clearly showing through the transparent wetness of my thin panties. He could see how much I wanted him to touch me, how much I needed him, and with one quick movement, he tore my knickers from my body and tossed them across the floor. The cold air teased my clit making me gasp again and then his fingers were inside me. I gripped him hard, my fingers clutching at his chest, my mouth finding his, pulling him tighter to me.

  “Dimitri,” I gasped, my hips grinding up against his hand. I could think about nothing except the feel of him inside me. He slipped in another finger, stretching me, making me gasp again. Madeline had told me that when she slept with her first boyfriend it had hurt so much she had cried, but so far all I had felt with Dimitri was pleasure.

  “Anna, I need to be inside you”, he growled. “I want to feel you around me. I want to watch your face as I fuck you.” I blushed at the language he was using, but it was turning me on. I knew I wanted him inside me too and I pressed my body against his, waiting for him to take the lead, to show me what to do.

  He moved so that he was above me, his long legs covering mine, his body warming me in the chill of the barn. We kissed again and he pushed my arms above my head, holding my wrists with one hand as his mouth found my neck, biting me where it joined my collarbone, making me whimper with lust, arching up against his hot body. I was his possession, he was going to take me and use me to satisfy his every desire. He pushed my legs apart with his own, forcing them wide, exposing my pussy so that he could enter me. I held my breath, nervous but desperate to feel him inside me.


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