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OMEGA Brutal

Page 5

by Stephen Arseneault

  The image of a smiling Darba Wampros showed on the wall display. "Mr. Beutcher, please don't let our presence alarm you. This is merely a friendly visit."

  I replied, "Six hundred warships is a friendly visit?"

  Darba slowly nodded. "Indeed it is. We have an investment in this world now, and we want to see to it that our investment is protected. The Grumar and Grotus do know of this place. They may not know you are back, but that only requires the report from a single scout ship."

  I said, "No need to worry about your investment, Mr. Wampros. Everything here is moving ahead as scheduled. And we don't have issue with protecting ourselves should trouble come."

  The diplomat smiled. "I understand, Mr. Beutcher. Just consider us an insurance policy. We will remain out of your business. However, we will continue to watch over our investment."

  Jack shook his head. "Never hurts to let people know where you stand with a little intimidation, huh."

  I looked over at Jack. "Pull us up alongside the Bushan. I'm going over. And, Joni, no need for you to come. Until they show actual hostile intent, I think we give them the benefit of the doubt."

  Garrett frowned. "Actual hostile intent? Isn't that what they are doing?"

  I glanced at Garrett. "I think it's just as Mr. Wampros says. They are attempting to protect their investment."

  "Mr. Wampros," I said. "We'll be right alongside. I'll be coming over."

  Darba Wampros smiled. "You are always welcome, Mr. Beutcher. I look forward to chatting with you."

  Jack looked over. "You sure you want to do this again?"

  I nodded. "We need allies out here. Maybe my coming aboard will show a sign of trust. If they think we're honoring the contract, this could work in our favor."

  Garrett replied, "How so?"

  I gestured toward the image of the Tamarin fleet. "If they really are here to protect their investment, and if the Grumar and Grotus show, we will be protected. Until we get our own fleet built, it won't hurt to have the help. I had a long discussion with Darba on the way to their station. Nothing in those conversations made me suspicious of what he said."

  I stood. "I plan on taking him all the way down to the surface. I'll avoid showing the gravity guns and just try to showcase the autominers. If he leaves with the feeling we will deliver on the contract, we might be able to get more trade out of them."

  Garrett replied, "Do we need more? We have food. What else would we possibly need?"

  Jack fielded the question. "If things go well, we could always trade technologies. I would bet some of the items we regard as common aren't so common to them. And, Knog, I would be worried about showing them the autobots. If that's not something they have, they will want them."

  Joni came over the comm: "OK, I'm on their ship. Everything looks normal. I would say it's safe to come over."

  I replied, "Thank you, but please don't do that again. If we're trying to establish trust, we have to have some level of trust on our end. If I need you over there, I'll call."

  Five minutes later I pulled myself into the airlock of the Bushan. With a rush of air, I was inside. Darba Wampros was his usual smiling self.

  I sat in the chair I had occupied for countless hours on my previous visit. "If you want to tell your pilot to proceed to the planet, I can give him coordinates to a safe landing area. I would like to show you the mining technology we employ."

  Darba nodded. "I would very much like that. It's not often I get to see things up close. My realm is usually relegated to a command ship in deep space, or at best an orbiting station. In my discussions with the Grumar and Grotus, I had neither. All communication was done over a general comm at maximum distance. The Grumar and Grotus are not at all trusting, and their aggressive nature shows with almost every word."

  I laughed. "I take it you are happy with us so far?"

  Darba frowned. "To tell the truth, Mr. Beutcher, the reason we are here is because of our level of mistrust in you. In our first meetings, you weren't fully honest with us. I understand you were only taking precautions, but those precautions do not leave others with a confident feeling about your honesty."

  I replied, "I understand, Mr. Wampros, which is why I'm inviting you down to the planet. We could both benefit from being strong trading partners. I believe you said there are fair profits to be had?"

  Darba smiled. "If you deliver on the current contracts, it would go a long way toward alleviating any fears the board of trade might have about you. Your efforts regarding this visit would also be looked upon as a good faith effort on your people's part with regard to an open and fair trading partnership."

  The Bushan landed in a shallow valley. Grow houses lined the surrounding landscape, and an open-pit mine covered much of the valley floor. We stepped from the diplomat's ship onto Odenta.

  Darba pointed at the buildings and said, "Agriculture?"

  I nodded. "Yes. Those structures are starting to produce. The food you delivered helped bridge a gap in our supplies."

  Darba referenced a mound of shining metal blocks glistening in the Odenta sunlight. "Is that what I think it is?"

  I smiled. "If I'm correct, each of those is a two tonne block of platinum. That stack looks to be the first sixty tonnes of product."

  Darba looked around. "And you just stack it out in the open?"

  I sighed. "Yes. Our current situation is both a blessing and a curse. There is no crime. Virtually everyone is focused on the rebuilding of this planet. In such a closed environment, a two tonne block of platinum has little useful value."

  Darba thought for a moment. "If you were wondering further about my question, Mr. Beutcher, the answer is yes, we do have crime, as do almost all long-running societies. It seems there are always those who are unwilling to earn their way up the financial ladder. We frown heavily upon it in the business world, but there are always those in the media that encourage bad behavior, or poor behavior at best. I'm afraid it's a plague that comes with capitalism."

  "How did your corporation acquire so many planets?" I said.

  Darba replied as an autominer emerged from the pit, depositing another two tonne platinum block on the stack. "It began with our home world and our first colony. There were several rebellions. For a period of several centuries, the colony was self-governed. Eventually peace won out, and trade brought us back together. Shortly after, we encountered our first alien species.

  "After countless discussions, it was determined that the best way to interact peacefully with the others was through trade. That is when the Tamarin Corporation was first formed. Since that time we have encountered two additional species. Both were eventually brought into the corporation. We had high hopes for the Kergans when we first encountered them, but they have a belligerent characteristic that needs to be suppressed before any corporate consideration can be offered. We try to do that through making our trade relationship so valuable that they want to join, and are willing to comply with all corporate rules and laws."

  I nodded. "I see. You set up trade agreements that work to carefully nudge them into ever larger agreements. At some point they realize it's worthwhile to just go ahead and join."

  Darba frowned. "I would not word it as such. There is much diplomacy and careful consideration of cultures and compatibilities. We believe that every civilized species is a candidate for the corporation. Some need to be shown the way, others are easily led, and still others are eager to join from our initial meetings."

  I replied, "Perhaps the Odentas can one day be candidates. I would not try to push things though, given recent events. They will need time to reestablish themselves."

  Darba Wampros starred at me for several seconds. "You are an unusual individual, Mr. Beutcher. You have a reasonable and fair outlook when dealing with others. I have to say it is refreshing. When dealing with new species, I hear every type of lie and twisting of the truth. It seems everyone wants an edge in their negotiations when their goals could be accomplished through simple honest agreements. With tho
se first instances of dishonesty, I thought you were going to be like the rest, but you have proven me wrong."

  I half laughed. "Yeah, you keep reminding me of our first discussions. It's as if you feel the need to press the issue. Is there a hidden agenda there, Mr. Wampros?"

  The diplomat held up his hand. "Forgive me, Mr. Beutcher. I will refrain from bringing that up again. Just know that I am quite happy with your blunt honesty."

  A second autominer emerged, depositing its two tonne platinum block.

  Darba Wampros smiled. "Your operation here is impressive, Mr. Beutcher. It would seem to me that our trade agreement is not in any danger of going unfulfilled. I would be interested in discussing your mining technology further. We do not have anything so efficient in the corporation at this time. Perhaps I can work up a lease agreement where the Odenta produce and provide the corporation with equipment and training?"

  I replied, "I'll have to discuss that with the Odentas first, Mr. Wampros. I think any offer for such might be premature at this point. We wouldn't want to give away the very technologies that provide us with trade goods."

  Darba nodded. "I understand. I would like to add that such an agreement could be very lucrative to the Odentas, bringing in far more credit than our current agreement. We could perhaps even tie in a royalty for all harvested resources? Imagine the number of mining machines that would be employed across sixteen worlds, as well as other non-colonized worlds. All earning continuous credit for the Odentas. That could be a very powerful contract, Mr. Beutcher. Very powerful."

  I smiled. "I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Wampros. I would show you to the palladium mines as well, but they would look identical to this one. I think it's time we got you back to your ship. The Odentas have not shown concern about your visit, but I didn't exactly ask their permission about bringing you here, either."

  We continued our discussion as we walked toward the Bushan. The Tamarin diplomat pushed his interest in the autominers. I deferred consideration of his offers until a later date. The Odentas had much to do to restore their world. And Darba Wampros needed time. I wasn't always the best when it came to negotiating; however, I did know that it was not always wise to accept the first offer. If the Tamarin Corporation wanted the autominers, they would continue to press for an agreement, offering increasingly favorable terms after each rejection.

  Chapter 5

  * * *

  As we settled into our daily routines, Jack happily performed the marriage ceremony for Joni and Garrett on the bridge of the Garmon. The giddy couple boarded the Jess and spent the next three days alone in high orbit. The wedding offered a needed break from our daily reality. Following the short honeymoon, it was time to enlist the help of my friends.

  I said, "Everything seems to be on track here, so I think we should take a trip to Jorus to check on my family. I would expect to see that Harden has a significantly large fleet positioned there by now. It wouldn't hurt to find out what his plans are."

  Jack replied, "I'll get us the supplies. Do we want to take on our normal squads of Talisans?"

  I shook my head. "I don't think we'll be needing any troops. I just want to observe and listen."

  Garrett asked, "Have they finished building the housing for the Talisans? I would think they are dying to get off those transports."

  I nodded. "We began moving them in yesterday. They should all be in housing in the next three weeks. The transports are being retrofitted with the gravity cannons. Once done, our ships will all be able to travel at the same speed."

  Go walked onto the bridge. "What are we talking about?"

  Garrett replied, "We're taking a trip to Jorus to check on the Gruntas. How's the arm?"

  Go moved the arm over his head and behind his back. "The arm is good. No kinks or binds and it now has movement equal to or better than my old one. And it's strange. I know it's a robotic arm, but I'm getting to where I can't tell the difference. Other than knowing it's robotic, my mind thinks it's real."

  Garrett stepped closer to look at the mechanical wonder. "How's it powered?"

  Go smiled, "I adapted one of the power cells from Joni's suit. It slides in here, under the arm. Should last for about six months when full. One of those sodium disks will run it for a couple weeks."

  Go gestured toward the exoskeleton wrapping both of his legs. "Anterra has been working on a leg design. My right leg is incredibly weak, and I don't see where any amount of healing time is going to bring it back. I may just have to replace it as well."

  Garrett frowned. "I'll give you credit for having the patience of a saint. I don't know that I would be able to handle having to chop off my limbs."

  Go half laughed. "It's not like I have much of a choice. Besides, this whole process, while painful and nerve-racking, has been kind of exciting. I mean, a fully functioning robotic arm... how cool is that?"

  Garrett looked over the arm with a satisfied expression. "I'll admit, it is cool. How's the lung coming?"

  Go shook his head. "Still having trouble with the oxygen transfer, but we'll get there. I did have a brainstorm moment the other day. After a short discussion with Anterra, it turns out that the lung would function both underwater and in a toxic atmosphere. I would be able to breathe with the cyber-lung under both conditions, without adverse effect.

  "It would also work in atmospheres with only 8 percent oxygen. That just about doubles the number of planets I could breathe on without having to have a suit. Anterra is working on an extra kidney for me too."

  Garrett laughed. "Sounds like you might just want to build a whole android body and then lop off your head and stick it on there."

  Go nodded. "Don't laugh. I've been thinking about that very thing. I could rework my whole gut so its only purpose would be to keep my head alive."

  Garrett stepped back with a scowl. "OK, now you're starting to scare me. Would that even be possible?"

  Go pulled up a holo-display image of the HMI for his arm. "Everything musculoskeletal should work exactly the same. Would have to replace the heart, which shouldn't be difficult, and the digestive system, which is quite complex. I've been looking at how the bio-gel system in that AMP suit works, for ideas."

  Seconds later an autobot carried a small device onto the bridge deck, handing it to Go. "This would be the pump I would use for the heart. The same pump is used on a number of the ship's systems and it has a great reputation for not failing or wearing out. I don't think I've ever heard of or seen one of these being replaced."

  Garrett laughed. "OK, well if you're going that far, why don't you just pull your brain out and wire everything directly to it? For your eyes, ears, and everything else you could make use of our sensors. You want a scan of the planet, just do it yourself."

  Go stared. "Now who's being scary?"

  I cut in with a statement. "You two can continue this conversation on our way to Jorus. Jack, inform the Odentas of where we're headed, and pass word on that they will have full control over the Talisans while we are gone."

  Half an hour later we lifted off on our journey. I sat on the bridge, wondering about the health of my family. It was a conversation I had with myself a dozen or more times every day. I was eager to know they were safe, but apprehensive about what might be.

  We arrived on the edge of the Jorus system five weeks later.

  Jack was the first to speak. "I'm not seeing any ships. Mr. Jefferson, take us in close enough to scan that planet for the Gruntas."

  When the first planetary scans came in, the results were negative. No Gruntas, or any other life forms of that size, were identified.

  I said, "Take us in close enough to scan the bunkers."

  Jack nodded at Lieutenant Jefferson, who then followed his command. My heart sank as the deep scan returned what I hoped it wouldn't. There was no sign of the Gruntas or their transports on Jorus. No ships occupied the system.

  Jack looked back at me. "What do you think?"

  I replied, "My guess would be they took them to either M
ayanis or Bolitha. By taking all those Talisan at Doomlight, we may have forced my people back into service. This might be my own fault."

  Jack shook his head. "This isn't your fault in any way. It's Harden Salton's fault, it's the Grumar's and Grotus's fault, and it's the fault of your Council. How could they not see this coming?"

  Joni said, "There's another possibility. They may have taken them back to Doomlight for regrouping with the rest of their fleet. Or, maybe they were sent back to the Moddle Empire to do policing?"

  I looked at Jack, "How far to Mayanis?"

  Jack replied, "Five weeks. Are you sure we don't want to head to Bolitha? That seemed to be their target earlier."

  I wrapped my big hand around my forehead, massaging my temples as I anguished over my decision. "Yes. I think Bolitha is the better bet. I wouldn't doubt they enlisted the Grumar and Grotus in another bizarre alliance. They lost a lot of ships at Jorus. I could see them being eager to buy time to rebuild. And I could see Harden offering them a deal they just couldn't refuse. Let's head to Bolitha. What is that, four weeks?"

  Jack replied, "Just under. It'll take us another seven weeks to get back to Odenta from there. We'll have been gone for at least four months by the time we get back."

  I nodded. "I think we have to do this. With the Tamarins watching out for Odenta, everyone there should be safe. I told them to negotiate hard before making any new trade deals—and if they do sign contracts, to keep them short and limited. We don't want to get ourselves in trouble with the Tamarins. They try to portray themselves as being honest and lawful, but that may only apply to their own citizens, which we are not."

  Jack looked over his shoulder. "Mr. Jefferson, please take us to Bolitha."

  I said, "I just hope we're making the right decision."

  At the midway point of the journey, Go came onto the bridge. "Anterra has done it! I now have a leg ready. I'll be under for two days at least, but I should be able to try out the HMI before we reach Bolitha. If I need to, I can always drop back to the exoskeleton. It might take a little training, but I think I can master it in a few days."


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