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The Terms: Part One (The Terms Duet)

Page 4

by Ruby Rowe

  Dropping my hand, I grimace.

  “Introduce me so you and I can have a private discussion. We have some things to get straight.”

  Sighing, she turns back to Liam. He’s staring up at us from the floor while playing with a truck in his hand.

  “Liam, I want you to meet Mr. Burke.”

  “Ellis,” I interject.

  “We’re going to call him Ellis. He’s our new friend who bought you all these fun toys and made this nice bedroom for you.”

  His eyes never stray from mine as he stands and sidles up next to her leg. Wrapping his arm around it, he hugs it for dear life.

  “Tell him thank you for the presents.”

  A faint smile curves from his lips as he gazes up at me and over my head like I’m the tallest man he’s ever seen.

  “Thank you for my toys.”

  “You’re welcome. I can’t get over how much he resembles the males in my family.”

  She ruffles Liam’s hair with her hand.

  “I wish he had inherited my hair or eye color, but no such luck for either one.”

  “I don’t know. I see a touch of auburn in his light brown hair. He gets that from you.” I pull my phone from my pocket. “I’m going to have Irene come up to watch him while we talk, but tomorrow we’ll interview nannies and get someone hired right away.”

  “Wait.” Her hand grabs my wrist, and her hot touch catches me off guard. I look down at her fingers wrapped tightly around my skin the way I’d like them to wrap around my cock.

  Is it wrong I’m thinking about this in front of her kid? This is too confusing. Her hand releases me, so I meet her gaze. “I’m sorry, but could Mr. Day watch him? Liam took to him quickly.”

  For some reason, it irritates me that Liam is comfortable with Christopher already, but I’m going to have to bend a little for her to do the same.

  “Fine.” Hitting his number on my phone, I wait for him to answer.

  “Christopher, please come to Liam’s room–now.”



  Giving a nervous smile at the doorway, Christopher strolls into Liam’s room.

  “Chris,” Liam says, his eyes lighting up before he rushes past Ellis to show his old friend his new truck. Shit! I never thought of Liam outing us by way of his enthusiasm toward Christopher.

  “Hi there, little buddy,” Chris replies hesitantly. Ellis’s furrowed brow doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Well, it appears he likes you already,” he scoffs. “Stay here and, uh, play with him while Camilla and I go discuss some things.”


  “Please watch that he doesn’t run out of the room toward the staircase,” I add.

  Following Ellis to the door, my eyes round as I pass by Christopher. He’s delivering the same nervous expression, and I imagine he’s wondering, too, if we’ll be able to pull this off.

  “Have you seen your bedroom yet?” Ellis asks, not looking back at me.

  “No. Like I said, we hit a roadblock once we reached Liam’s room.”

  “Then we’ll speak in there.”

  “Can’t we talk elsewhere?”

  “No,” he quips.

  Geez, he’s annoying … and sexy … and moody it seems. Walking down the wide hallway, I try to pull my eyes away from his firm ass that’s accentuated beneath a pair of black tailored dress pants.

  He works from home, so I’m curious as to why he’s wearing professional attire. Hell, I wouldn’t get out of my pajama pants if I was working from home all day. Well, if it were just the three of us there: Liam, Sasha and me.

  A panic over how my sister will do living on her own washes over me. How often will I be able to see her? Will she fall further into her addiction if I’m not there to keep her in check?

  I’m disappointed, too, over the lack of privacy I now have. I can’t help but think of that as Ellis holds open the door to my room. Gasping, I cover my mouth. I struggle to take a step forward as my eyes absorb the stunning space.

  “Is there a problem? Christopher said you prefer light colors, but if he misunderstood, we’ll have it changed. The interior decorator is prompt to respond to my needs.”

  The luxurious bedroom is adorned in the colors of white and champagne. New furniture, with an antique feel, graces the room, and the bedding is too expensive to touch.

  “It’s beautiful and extravagant. I–I can’t do this. It’s too bizarre. Please let Liam and me go.” I turn to flee, but Ellis grabs my bicep and spins me around, slamming the door closed behind me with the force of his strong hand.

  In a beat, I’m against his chest, staring at another crimson tie, one brighter than he wore to Tony’s visitation.

  “Look at me.” His fingers lift my chin to give me no other choice, so I close my eyes in defiance. “I said look at me, Camilla.” Huffing, I open them back up. God, his rich blue portals puncture me with depth and fortitude.

  “We had an agreement, and you’re not going anywhere. This will be an adjustment for everyone, but I’m doing what I can to make you comfortable. At least in most areas you’ll be comfortable.”

  “What do you mean by most?”

  “I’m thirty-four and haven’t met a woman I see a future with. I’m tired of searching. I hate dating. And as I previously stated, I want Liam growing up here, so it seems like a perfect arrangement for you to meet my sexual needs in exchange for the security I can provide you.”

  “That makes me a prostitute.”

  “Let’s call it companionship. You won’t have financial worries, and Liam will receive the best care and education. You won’t have to pay for the remainder of yours, either.”

  “Maybe you don’t want to date again, but did you ever consider that I might want another man in my life?”

  “Six empty bottles of pills were found next to Tony’s dead body. Did you know he took his own life?”

  “No,” I whisper as I look to the floor.

  “You withheld from my brother that he had a son, and I believe he’d be here today if you hadn’t. I guess you’ve forgotten how fast I can destroy your life and take Liam. If you take that into account, this should seem like a generous term.”

  I wish I could tell him Tony knew about Liam and chose not to have anything to do with his son, but I’ve already said he didn’t, and I don’t know what would happen if I confessed the truth about Christopher. What if it blew up in my face, and I lost Liam?

  Besides, I have a feeling it wouldn’t change a thing. Ellis made his decision and has the upper hand no matter what.

  “So, I would have sex with you when you want it?”

  He inhales, and it’s as if he sucked in some of the sexual tension floating in the air around us. It quickly settles like fog in his gaze.

  The lust is clouding my vision, as well, and apparently my better judgment, since my nipples are hardening beneath my blouse, rising up to weigh in on whether we can despise Ellis at the same time he bends us over that magnificent king-size bed.

  “Actually, it’s more involved than that.” Sliding an arm around my waist, he pulls me even closer, and I feel his cock thickening against my pelvis.

  “You’re going to be my submissive.”

  “What? No, I–I can’t do something like that.” My attempt to break free from his hold is futile as he strengthens his grip. He’s much taller than me, probably six foot four, yet I can feel his scorching breath on my face.

  The scent of every part of him is drawing me in, from his aftershave to his minty breath, or maybe it’s some sort of pheromones that are causing my irrational behavior where I’m envisioning what he’s asking of me … of what he might want to do to me.

  “You can and you will if you don’t want to lose—”

  “Don’t bring Liam into this. Anything else but not this,” I snap, poking his chest.

  Without warning, his fingers press into the back of my neck, and he slams his lips to mine. He tries to push his tongue in, but I don’t let him.

  His fingertips apply more pressure, the act so primal and dominating that I relent. Just like that, my mouth opens for him, giving him exactly what he wants.

  His groan sails between my lips before his tongue assaults mine. Sharp and precise strokes are like a strike to a match, igniting my dormant sexual needs, the arousal gripping my senses. My skin flushes, and as blood swooshes to my ears, the sound of my heartbeat chimes in as the chorus.

  Unexpectedly, he releases my lips, and although it seems sudden, I can’t help but wonder if it was actually a lengthy kiss I was utterly lost in.

  His strong hand moves from my neck to my thick hair, and he gathers it into a ponytail before tugging downward, lifting my eyes and chin to meet his penetrating stare.

  “You…” he says in a breathy tone. “I’m going to pleasure your body and inflict pain on you until you’re splintered down to your soul. Stripped bare and kneeling at my feet, you’ll beg me not to stop. To never let you go.”

  “Please, Ellis. I can’t. I have to be in control at all times. I have to be.”

  While still clutching my hair, he makes quick work of undoing my jeans. “What’s happening?” I ask. Jerking my pants open, he shoves his hand in the front of my panties. His fingers push inside me, and I whimper from the pleasurable intrusion.

  “You’re not going anywhere because you’re a fucking liar. You’re dripping wet for me, so I feel no remorse. If we were truly alone, I’d already have you on your knees with my cock buried in your throat. Be ready because I’m coming back for you.”

  He storms from the room, and I drop to the plush carpeting, my body limp from being shaken to its core.

  To drown out a sob, I cover my mouth, but could anyone even hear me? I’m sitting in a mansion, where most of the rooms are far apart, and I’m not close to Liam’s, which I hate.

  Feeling a dire need to be with my little boy, I jump to my feet and hurry to a door in my bedroom that I suspect leads to a bathroom.

  Once inside, I grab tissues from a fancy container on the vanity and wipe my eyes. My face is pink and puffy, and there’s no doubt Chris will know something’s wrong. I have to be strong for Liam, but I’m already failing to draw on that strength.

  I have to find it.

  Quietly, I pad to Liam’s room, and with trepidation, I peek around the doorway, hoping Ellis isn’t present. Seeing that Christopher and Liam are alone, I walk in and shut the door behind me.

  Chris must see the agony in my eyes since he jumps up from where he’s been playing on the floor with Liam. I sling my arms around his neck and hug him, needing to believe he’s still my friend.

  I’ve survived many stressful, disturbing events in my life, but this one is kicking my ass early in the game.

  Pulling back, he grasps my shoulders, and his expression is one of concern as he surveys my face.

  “What happened? What did he say to you?”

  “It’s–it’s OK. I’m overwhelmed, is all.”

  “Tell me what he said.”

  “He reinforced what I already knew; he’ll be calling the shots. I feel owned, and I’m confused about so many things. I want out of here.”

  His thumb brushes a tear away from my cheek.

  “My offer still stands, Cammy,” he whispers. “I’ll give up this job in a heartbeat if you’ll leave here and be with me. Maybe over time, your feelings will change. I’ve waited this long to have you, and I’ll wait longer if need be.”

  Shaking my head no, I pull away. Pressure over something else is not what I need right now.

  “I can’t. The day might come when I flee from this place like a tornado is chasing me, but right now I’m too scared of losing Liam. It’s not a chance I can take.

  “My hope is that Ellis will grow tired of us being here and let me leave. Like you said, he’s not used to having a woman and child in his home.”

  “I’m getting you and Liam out of here one way or another. You’ll see.”

  “Momma, I’m hungry,” Liam says, tugging on my pant leg.

  “Crap, what time is it?”

  Chris pulls his phone from his pocket.


  “We’ve missed lunch, and he’s normally down for a nap at this time. It’s our first day here, and I’m already neglecting Liam.”

  “Stop, he’s fine. We’ll go to the kitchen and feed him something. Then, I’ll have Irene make an early dinner. Take some deep breaths, OK?”

  Nodding, I start to pick Liam up, but with my back already hurting, I take his hand instead.

  Reaching the top of the staircase, I shudder from the thought of how Ellis’s office is just to my left.

  On the tour, Chris said it’s the only room to the right as you’re coming up the stairs. All the bedrooms, including Liam’s and mine, are at the opposite end of the hallway.

  Starting down the stairs, I show Liam how to hold the intricately designed railing with his right hand, and I give strict orders that he is never to be alone on the staircase.

  It feels like an eternity before we get down the winding masterpiece of architecture. Liam’s cute in his little jeans and white tennis shoes, taking each step so carefully. He’s a touch fearful, and I hope it stays that way.


  “I can’t get over this place,” I utter to Chris while we sit at the dining room table that probably seats sixteen. I’m not counting the damn chairs.

  “I hate to ask Ellis for anything, but if he wants to save this expensive rug beneath us, he should put a small dinette set in the kitchen for Liam to eat at. There’s plenty of space for one.”

  “I can ask him.”

  “Liam also needs a booster seat. The poor kid’s eyes barely see over the top of this cherry table. He probably wonders where the television is and the TV trays we always eat from are.”

  After popping a grape inside his mouth, my kid studies another one he’s holding in his hand. Lowering my voice, I whisper, “He’s quiet. I hope he’ll be able to adjust.”

  “He will. He’s got both of us, and I’m sure the nanny will be great, too.”

  Sighing, I stare out the windows facing the back of the property. The sun is shining over the snow-covered lawn, making it glisten.

  I notice a couple of men in coveralls entering and exiting what appears to be a guest house. One is holding a ladder, and from the look of things, the guys are doing some kind of maintenance inside the grey brick building.

  “Are you moving in back there?” I ask Chris. “February seems like an odd time to be doing construction.”

  “Ellis is odd,” he mumbles. “No. Mr. Burke won’t share with me what he’s having done to the place, and he was adamant I never go near it. Those men have been working since I started.”

  “Interesting.” I help Liam with the last bite of his ham sandwich, and he dusts his hands off in his lap. “I guess I need to ask Irene to vacuum under the table daily, too.”

  “Don’t worry so much. Ellis needs to see what he’s getting himself into with wanting to help raise Liam. He’s not cut out for this.”

  Realizing he’s talking loudly, Chris glances around to ensure we’re still alone. My kiddo yawns, drawing my attention back to him.

  “I hate for Liam to nap this late in the afternoon, but he’ll be a horrible dinner guest if he doesn’t get at least a small one in. I’m taking him to my room. Where is Ellis, anyway?”

  “I believe in his office. From what I’ve gathered, he’s a workaholic.”

  “That’s a relief. Maybe we’ll see less of him because of it.”


  Christopher steps inside my office and shuts the door behind him.

  “In the future, you need to ask before you barge in here.”

  “Right, sorry. Liam had lunch and is napping. Irene’s fixing an early dinner since I couldn’t get Camilla to eat anything.” His gaze shifts to the floor. “It seems whatever you two discussed upset her.”

  Glowering, I lean back in my chair. He’s really
butting into my business, and I don’t like it; however, for now I’ll bite my tongue on this matter, which is not an easy task for me.

  “Thank you. I’ll talk to Ms. Rose, and please tell Irene I’ll have my meal in my office. You’re welcome to stay for dinner before you head out this evening.”

  “Sure. Thank you.” He hesitates, so I raise my eyebrows. “Is there something else you’d like to say?”

  “No, that’s all.” Exerting a breath, he turns and leaves. What was that about? There was obviously something else, and he held his tongue.

  Curious as to what Camilla shared with him, I set out to find her. As I stroll down the hallway, I look over the half wall and spot Christopher reaching the bottom of the staircase.

  I come to a stop at Liam’s room on the right and find his full-size bed still neatly made. Where the hell is he? Striding farther down the hallway, passing a guest room and what will be Camilla’s study, I reach her bedroom.

  No one answers after I knock twice, so I crack open her door. She sits right up in bed, still fully clothed, and I notice Liam asleep next to her.

  Dammit. He’s not sleeping in here.

  “I want a word with you.”

  Rolling her eyes, she climbs out of bed and pads toward me. Following me into the hallway, she pulls the door until it’s only cracked behind her.

  “What do you need?”

  “Why is he in your bed?”

  “He always sleeps with me.”

  “He’s three and needs to be sleeping in his own room. Do you want him to grow up weak, or would you like to see a strong, independent man?”

  “Jesus christ, Ellis. Look, I’ve never had an extra bedroom, so this is all he knows. I can’t toss him into this new environment and also expect him to sleep alone in a room he’s not familiar with. He’ll be terrified.”

  “Well, I’m going to want you alone with me soon at night, so he has to get comfortable in his own bed. I’m giving you three days to get him acclimated to his room.

  “I purchased monitors so you can see and listen to him, and the nanny will care for him when you’re with me.” I hold up three fingers. “You get three days, Camilla. I mean it.”


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