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The Terms: Part One (The Terms Duet)

Page 8

by Ruby Rowe

  “And I need you well, so rest while we’re gone.”

  Taking hold of Liam’s hand, I walk him beside me down the long hallway to my office.

  Once we’re inside, his eyes take in all the surroundings, from my massive cherry desk and bookcases to the different trinkets sitting around.

  Distinguished leather chairs are to his right with a small table between them. “Do you want to sit in the chair?” He shakes his head no. “Do you wish to sit at my big desk?”

  With eyes gleaming, he nods and heads right for it. I help him onto the chair, and his small arms sit atop the leather armrests. Pushing my laptop back out of his reach, I then scoot him close to my desk.

  His eyes roam over the space before zooming in on a photo of Tony and me when we were about five or six. I’m only ten months older than my brother, thanks to an affair my father had, so we look similar in age and size.

  Liam’s blue eyes light up as he points at me in the photo with one hand and pats his chest with the other.

  “That’s me, Liam.”

  “Uh, no, that’s me.”

  His forehead scrunches. “That’s not me?”

  “No, that’s Boss.”

  He snickers and points to Tony.

  “Who’s that?” Damn, what do I tell him? Camilla and I need to have this discussion.

  “That’s my brother.”

  Patting his chest again, his head shakes.

  “I don’t have a brother.”

  “No, you don’t. Would you like to draw?”

  “Crayons?” he asks.

  “No, the crayons are in your bedroom. I have pens and paper. Why don’t you draw over at that table while I do some work?”

  Reaching for my printer, I steal some paper off the tray and grab a few different color ink pens from my desk drawer. I then help Liam out of my office chair and lead him over to the small table.

  In a flash, he drops to his knees and begins drawing with one of the pens. As soon as he sees the green ink, he beams up at me.

  “It’s gween, Boss.”

  “It sure is,” I reply with a chuckle. I tousle his hair and stroll back to my desk. I got this under control. As long as I’m comfortable around Liam, my parents will buy that he’s mine. Now, I have to get Camilla on board with the plan.


  Lying alone in Liam’s room, I lift my cell phone and type a long text to Sasha. Then, I remember Ellis is likely spying, so I decide to call her instead.

  “Hello,” she says before giggling.


  “Sis, how’s it going?”

  “OK. How are you?”

  “Good. Rusty and I are watching a hilarious movie.” She giggles again.

  “Sasha, are you high?”

  “No, but god, you’re such a buzzkill. We’re just having some beers.”

  “I called to make sure you’re doing OK.”

  “I’m good. Rusty’s keeping me entertained.”

  “I’m sure he is.” Christopher steps in the doorway and looks around. “Sis, I have to go. I’ll call tomorrow.”

  “OK, love you.”

  “Love you, too.” Ending the call, I sit back up in bed.

  “Where’s Liam?” he asks.

  “With Ellis in his office.”

  Furrowing his brow, he looks up and down the hallway before stepping inside the room and shutting the door.

  “What are you doing? We can’t be in here alone.”

  “I just need a minute with you since we can’t text. Why did you let Ellis take him?”

  “I didn’t have a choice. He genuinely seems interested in getting to know Liam. He even helped me get him to sleep last night.”

  Chris is wearing a scowl as he comes closer.

  “I don’t like it.”

  “Well, it’s better than him treating my child like shit or ignoring him completely, which would be confusing to Liam, seeing how we’re living in Ellis’s house.”

  He grips his hips and gives me a scrutinizing look.

  “You’re taking up for him.”

  “I’m doing no such thing. I’m being amicable for the welfare of my child. There’s a difference. You need to go before he comes back.”

  “OK, but I want more time alone with you so we can work on a plan to get you out of here. Ellis has an appointment at four tomorrow. We’ll talk then.”

  “I can’t. I have a doctor’s appointment.”

  “For your back?”

  “No, it’s something else.”

  “I’ll take you.”

  “I’m driving myself, and since Emma starts work tomorrow, I’m taking her with me to watch Liam.”

  “I’m starting to think you don’t need me here at all.” His hand slides over his short raven hair.

  “That’s not true, and you know it. I’ll call you tomorrow if I get a chance. Now go.”



  Finally getting Liam down for a nap, I head back to my room. Of course, Ellis kept him in his office for far too long since he thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants.

  I’m still angry at him over how he treated me last night in the kitchen. Everything was going great, and I was even finding myself liking him, but then he turned back into the cold man he was prior to his charade, blowing my good mood all to hell.

  Entering my bedroom, my eyes spot the crystal vase of bright red roses on my dresser. I walk over and notice the other items sitting next to them.

  There’s a heating pad, some topical pain patches to place on my back and several medications. Christopher is going to get us in trouble if he doesn’t stop this shit. How am I ever going to explain the flowers to Ellis?

  There’s a knock on my door, so I spin around and stand in front of the roses.

  “Uh, who is it?”

  “It’s Ellis. Can I come in?”


  “Good, you saw the things I purchased for you. I thought they might help your back until your doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”

  “What appointment?”

  “I made you an appointment with my physician. He’s going to examine your back for you.”

  “What time? I managed to get a cancellation appointment with my gynecologist tomorrow afternoon so I can get on the pill.”

  “It’s at two. Will that work?”

  “Yes, it should. My appointment is at three-thirty.”

  “OK, I’ll make sure my driver, Fletcher, knows he’ll be taking you.”

  “I was going to drive myself.”

  “No. That car of yours is a death trap, and I have a driver so he can do just that–drive us around.”

  “You think I’m going to run when I have the chance.”

  “That’s not why I don’t want you going alone.”

  “I won’t run away, Ellis. I wouldn’t risk losing Liam. I’ll stay here as long as you make me.” Remembering the flowers, I look back at them over my shoulder. “Did you buy me the flowers, too?”

  “Yes, and there are more in your study and throughout the house.” His forehead creases. “Who did you think they were from?”

  “Um, I didn’t know. I’m just surprised they’re from you since you were hateful to me last night.”

  Strolling over, he clasps my chin and tilts it so I’ll look at him. His gaze is sincere, like the one I was lucky enough to see last night.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

  “What would that be?”

  “You manipulated me to hire Emma. Don’t think for a second it’s going to happen again.”

  “If you believe I had sex with you so you’d hire her, that wasn’t the case.” I look away. “I had sex with you because I wanted to. I liked seeing you sweet and playful.”

  Still holding my chin, he slides his other hand around my waist and brings me closer.

  “That isn’t the norm for me. I got caught up in the moment; however, I’ve come to believe it will be more sati
sfying for the both of us if you submit to me willingly, rather than under duress.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t want to participate in BDSM, or whatever you call it. I’m sure I wouldn’t like it.”

  “How do you know if you’ve never tried it?”

  “I’m not a fan of pain, and after some negative experiences in my life, I have to be in control. I told you that.”

  His thumb skims over my bottom lip, and his eyes bore into mine with a thick haze of desire. Already, he’s imagining our time together, fantasizing about what he’ll do to me.

  “You need to trust me. I promise I’ll bring you pleasure.”

  “Then you–and please don’t get upset when I say this–need to be less hot and cold. You have to show me it’s safe to trust you. Threatening that I’ll lose my child is not the way to earn it.”

  His forehead wrinkles, and he puffs out a breath.

  “Fine. I’ll work on it.” Releasing my chin, he presses his fingers into the back of my neck, weakening my knees on the spot. Ever so slowly, he plants his warm lips on mine.

  The zing I feel is instantaneous as my body recalls what he did to it only hours ago. It’s anticipating more, the electricity between us a jolt to my nerve endings, but I quickly discover this kiss is different.

  It’s slow and teasing, lips brushing along mine from right to left, and back again … and back again, and god, back again.

  “Ellis, I’m scared you’re going to destroy me,” I whisper against his lips.

  “I won’t. I only need the power to.”

  Sensing my weakness, he holds me closer and feathers again a taste of hair-raising pleasure to my lips.

  Although it’s petal-soft in touch, the electric current is Morse code for a secret longing between us. The message travels straight to my pussy, signaling it to clench in search of his hard cock.

  I whimper, the craving overpowering, and I wish I didn’t need his touch to feel this alive, but I do. I’m desperate for more, so I open my mouth, encouraging his tongue to slip right in. It moves on cue and at the same taunting pace.

  Having to touch him, I shove my hands between us and up into his hair. His low groan fills my mouth as his fingers that are pressing against my neck begin massaging it.

  The tip of his tongue explores mine, and I finger the coarse strands of his hair while we move in a hypnotic rhythm.

  It’s as if we’re apologizing for the ugly moments shared between us since we met, but knowing I’m still here against my will, can we truly start over?

  Separating our lips, Ellis cradles my cheeks.

  “The way I just kissed you is how I’m going to taste your pussy tomorrow night. Languid strokes and faint licks to your clit until you’re coming apart against my mouth.

  “The only difference this time is you’ll be bound. You won’t be able to stop me, and that’s what I need, Camilla. I don’t understand why, but I have to dominate you. I’ve known since I stared into your eyes that first night we met.”

  Once again, the guilt from years ago rears its ugly head, and I know what I have to do.

  “OK. Whatever you need, I’ll try it,” I murmur.


  Inhaling all the air my lungs will allow, I crack open the door to one of Tony’s spare bedrooms. Ellis Burke sits up from the bed immediately and slides a hand over his thick brown hair.

  “Can I help you?” he asks.

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know anyone was in here. I was looking for a place to hide out. Care if I join you?” I hold up the bottle of champagne and my flute glass. “I have alcohol.”

  “I was actually looking to get away from the crowd.”

  “It’s only me, and I promise I won’t try to give you a lap dance like the rest of them.” I display a timid, sweet smile, hoping he’ll take the bait.

  “OK, sure.” Strolling over to him, I sense his heavy gaze lingering over my scarcely clothed body. The only light shining through is from the cracked door of the adjoining bathroom, but once I’m close enough, I can’t miss how attractive he is.

  Tony is a beautiful man, with symmetrical facial features and silky hair, but Ellis’s characteristics are rugged and pronounced. He has an intimidating presence that has stolen my breath.

  His jawbones square off sharply at each side of a cleft chin. He’s taller than his brother, more muscular, too. And his deep-set eyes give off a haunting vibe.

  Gathering my wits, I pour the champagne in my flute and hold the bottle out toward him.

  “Drink up. It might calm your nerves. I don’t like big crowds, either,” I say.

  “I don’t normally drink, but I have to admit it’s helped this evening. I’m already a touch lightheaded.” Laughing, he swipes the bottle from me and holds it to his mouth to take a drink.

  He’s in jeans, and the sleeves of his burgundy button-up shirt are rolled up his forearms.

  “May I?” I ask as I point to the spot next to him. He nods, so I sit. Being on a bed with him while I’m wearing only a short negligee and panties feels intimate.

  And wrong.

  My god, I’ve been having sex with his brother.

  Of course, Ellis Burke doesn’t know that. What feels worse is that Tony put this plan into motion.

  Swallowing a drink, I turn to Ellis and smile.

  “This is much better … the quiet. I’m more of a homebody myself.”

  “Me, too.” After taking another drink from the bottle, he turns to me and stares. “I didn’t see you at the party. I would’ve noticed you; you’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I arrived late.” Although his eyes are glazed over, they’re a stunning blue, and I can’t help but stare at them.

  Becoming more nervous, I drink the rest of the champagne from my flute. He wasn’t supposed to be gazing at me in return, acting interested, but he is.

  “Let me pour you more to drink, and then we can get to know each other better,” he says seductively.


  “Please get off of me.”

  His lips kiss up my neck, and I smell a citrus scent from his coarse hair that’s tickling my face.

  “Let me touch you,” he whispers.

  “You weren’t supposed to do this.”

  “But you feel so good beneath me. Please, whoever you are, give me this one night with you.”

  Shoving my arms out in front of me, I spring upright in bed. “Ellis! Ellis!” My eyes fly open, and once my mind registers it was a dream, I cover my pounding heart with my hand.

  The beginning … the end. The dream is always in fragments, and maybe it’s better I don’t remember it all.

  My bedroom door flies open, and the sound of thumping footsteps coming toward me causes me to scoot back farther in my bed. My heels dig in the mattress until my back is pressed against the headboard. “Who’s there?” I ask.

  “It’s Ellis. Are you OK? I heard you yelling my name.”

  “Please go.” The bed sinks in, and seeing his eyes transports me right back to my vivid dream.

  “I’m not leaving. What happened?”

  “I had a bad dream. I’m fine.”

  He grabs my hand and presses it between his, but then he touches my forehead and cheek.

  “You’re clammy and shaking.” Before I can stop him, he’s next to me in bed and pulling me to his side. The only clothes I feel against me are his boxers.

  He can’t comfort me. It’s confusing, and I need away from him. God, I need away.

  “Ellis, please go back to bed.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed. I have bad dreams, too. You’d think we would outgrow that shit as adults. Maybe you had it because you’re sleeping somewhere new.”

  Pulling on my body again, he shifts me until my torso is on his broad chest. His lips press to my hair. “I’ll stay here with you.”

  “Liam and I have disrupted your sleep enough already.”

  “Maybe it was too quiet in this big house before you came.”

  “Maybe you were
also lonely.” Feeling his lips press to my head again, I realize I’m safe. He won’t hurt me and even came in here to comfort me.

  I touch his chest with my lips in a few different spots and feel his heartbeat accelerate.

  My body moves down his, my lips soon tracing his rippled abs. His fingers delve in my hair, and his fingertips massage my scalp.

  “Mmm …” I hum from the relaxing feel of it.

  Hooking my fingers around his boxers, I inch them down until his hardness springs free and is smooth beneath my palm. Twirling my tongue around the head, I taste his pre-cum before I seal my mouth over his length and suck.

  Groaning, he spreads open his legs a little, and his fingers clench my hair. He likes it, so I continue to move my mouth, picking up speed.

  “Oh, keep sucking, just like that,” he breathes.

  I do until he tenses and comes in my mouth. What’s this man doing to me? Days ago I thought I hated him, and now I’m voluntarily giving him a blowjob.

  It’s because deep down I’ve always suspected he’s not the enemy. I didn’t want to see it because it made his brother and me the villains.

  What if what Tony told me about Ellis was a lie? If so, then I was a victim, too.



  Yawning, I open my eyes and see Camilla’s body blanketing me. It’s funny how she’s sprawled out across me, sleeping peacefully.

  Her body’s sizzling atop mine, and I can’t resist fingering her soft hair. Feeling my cock harden, I sigh and slide out from under her.

  Shit, it’s eight-thirty in the morning. I glance to the video baby monitor on her dresser, and surprisingly, Liam is still asleep.

  He stayed in his bed last night after our agreement that I’d read him a story each time he succeeded. Since he’s three, I’m shocked he’s held up his end of the deal.

  I smile. Like his mom, the kid’s cute. Quietly, I shut Camilla’s door behind me. I turn and spot Christopher coming down the hallway, but he freezes about twenty feet away. He looks to her bedroom, then at me. Fuck.

  At first, he glowers, but then he clears his throat and walks the remainder of distance toward me.


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