Book Read Free

Firebase Freedom

Page 3

by William W. Johnstone

  “My fellow citizens of the American Islamic Republic of Enlightenment, I am speaking to you from Muslimabad, a city you once knew as Washington. I greet you in the name of Moqaddas Sirata, and swear my submission to this movement of enlightenment.

  “Since you elected me to this office we have suffered much, but much has been accomplished. And, as a woman must go through much pain to deliver a child, so too have we gone through pain, to deliver a new nation.

  “Yes, my fellow citizens, we, you and I, have set forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in obedience, and dedicated to the principle of holy submission. No longer are we a warlike nation imposing our will upon the rest of the world. No longer are we a society separated by a great gap between the wealthy and the poor. No longer are we a nation separated by apostates who practice heresy in the false religions of Christianity and Judaism, or even those misguided Muslims who have not yet found their way to enlightenment. For now, there is only Moqaddas Sirata . . . the true religion of Enlightenment.

  “This wonderful change in our country was made possible by the brave jihadists who martyred themselves by detonating nuclear weapons to bring us into the light. Now we are an Islamic nation obedient to Moqaddas Sirata, and we are an equal partner in a growing international caliphate that will one day bring the entire world into holy submission.

  “I am pleased to tell you that gradually our country is recovering from the turmoil it went through during its birth. We are printing new currency, to be called Moqaddas, which will be backed by our government, and accepted on the international market. In many parts of our country electricity has been restored, as you well know since you are watching this very television show.

  “Fuel is again being delivered. Telephone service has been restored, some television and radio broadcasts have returned to the airwaves, and soon, more programs will be available. I am also pleased to report that distribution of food and durable goods is under way. If distribution has not reached your area yet, it soon will.

  “You will also see that law and order is being returned, as I am greatly increasing the size and the scope of the State Protective Service. Soon you will be able to enjoy the safety and security of having men of the SPS patrolling your neighborhood. You will find comfort in knowing that the men who wear the forest green and gold uniforms will maintain peace and stability throughout the land.

  “Now that I have told you of the wonderful things that are coming, I must tell you how you can enjoy the fruits of these developments. It is very simple, and it is something that I know most of you will want to do, because with your own eyes you have seen the benefits to be derived. So that you may take advantage of the newly emerging economy, I am asking you to denounce any former religion you may have practiced. It is an absolute requirement that you do this, and that you convert to Islam, and become obedient to Moqaddas Sirata.

  “In order to do that, it will be necessary for you to appear before a government official where you will swear allegiance to me, to the American Islamic Republic of Enlightenment, and to Moqaddas Sirata, the Holy Path. Once you are enrolled, you will be provided with identity passes which will allow you to be reconnected to electricity and running water, and will enable you to purchase gasoline, food, and everything that is necessary to help us establish our new nation.

  “In order to assure the peace and tranquility of our new nation, we will start by confiscating all privately owned guns, Bibles, Torahs, and any books deemed hostile to Islam. We will also carefully monitor all publications and speech in order to prevent the spread of anti-government propaganda that would do harm to our new order.

  “And, so that we may bring this new nation into its proper place in the world order, I cannot, and I will not, waste your valuable time in seeking re-election. Therefore, I am declaring myself as president for life.

  “There are bound to be those who will neither understand nor appreciate the new direction I am taking this country, so I am announcing today new government measures to deal with anyone who refuses to swear obedience to me, as well as with those who would cling to their guns and Bibles. All true citizens can serve the American Islamic Republic of Enlightenment by careful observance of your family, friends, and neighbors, reporting to the nearest authority anyone who does not submit.

  “I am issuing an order today, that requires the police force in every city and town to swear allegiance to me. Those who refuse to swear allegiance to me will be eliminated. Soon, I will be sending members of the SPS to cities and towns throughout the land, to make certain that the police are acting in compliance with my orders, and that they, and you, are living in compliance with Moqaddas Sirata. Here is what you must do.

  “First, you must remove all pictures of animals and people from your walls. Destroy all statues, busts, and figurines.

  “In your place of work, be diligent that there are no images. If you must decorate, do so with ribbons, or colored cotton.

  “Take down any calendars that have pictures of animals of any kind.

  “Do not allow your children to play with dolls, for they are Satan’s playthings.

  “Do not take, or display, any pictures of children.

  “Satan sees through the eyes of dogs, and he hears through the ears of dogs. You may not have a dog as a family pet, and all dogs must be killed at once.

  “Those who fail to do these things, will incur the wrath of Allah, and Allah’s angels, in the form of the SPS. The punishment will be severe.

  “Thank you, and may the peace of Moqaddas Sirata be with you.”

  “Turn that crap off, Willie,” Deon said.

  “I thought we might like to get a glimpse of what we are fighting,” Willie replied.

  “Do you think there is anyone living on this island who doesn’t know what we are fighting?”

  Bob Varney had been sitting in a chair, watching the news along with the others. Bob’s wire-haired Jack Russell terrier, named Charley, was in Bob’s lap and Bob was casually rubbing the animal behind his ears. It was a ritual they went through often, and Charley, to take advantage of it, would jump into Bob’s lap anytime he had the opportunity to do so.

  “Did you hear what that son of a bitch said?” Bob asked. “Excuse the vulgar language, ladies.”

  “Is it vulgar, if it is the truth?” Karin asked. “I mean, the man is a son of a bitch, there is no way of getting around it.”

  “He has just sentenced a million or more dogs to death. How could anyone do such a thing?”

  “I don’t think the people will do it,” Marcus said.

  “They won’t have any choice,” Willie said. “If someone is standing there pointing a gun at them, telling them either to kill their dog or get killed, what else can they do? If they refuse, they’ll get killed, and so will their dog.”

  “And all this business about pictures,” Cille Laney, James’s wife, said. “Pictures are all I have left of my mama and daddy, and there’s no way I’m going to destroy them.”

  “I can’t believe we let our country get into such a mess,” Willie said.

  “What do you mean we let our country get into this mess?” Deon asked. “Hell, we not only let it happen, Willie, we caused it. Don’t forget, Ohmshidi didn’t take over by coup. We actually voted him into office.”

  “Not me. I didn’t vote for the son of a bitch,” Willie said.

  Deon chuckled. “Since you can’t find anyone who actually did vote for him, you have to wonder how he ever got elected, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, well, like I said, I didn’t vote for the son of a bitch.”

  The core of Jake Lantz’s team was made up of a group of soldiers, men and women. And while the United States Army was no longer in existence and there was no longer any rank, a natural hierarchy had developed within the team. As a result, Jake Lantz, though no longer a major, was still regarded as the commanding officer of the survival team.

  Shortly after the team arrived, they rescued a young woman who had been raped. Her name
was Becky Jackson, though now she called herself Becky Warner, because she and Marcus were married. There was no existing legal authority to bind the marriage by contract, but their marriage had been blessed by an Episcopal priest on the island, and they were bound by love. When the baby, who was a result of the rape, was born, Marcus treated it as if it were his own son.

  There were three families who lived in a housing compound known as the Dunes, when Jake and the others arrived. They had since abandoned their beach houses, and moved into the fort with Jake Lantz and his team.

  Bob Varney was, as he liked to say, “a fount of useless information,” and before the Internet was restored, his knowledge was put to good use when he told the others the principle of wood gasification. By applying those principles, Marcus and James built a series of burners that would allow them to operate their vehicles without gasoline.

  James’s mechanical and construction skills had proved to be very valuable since the survivalist group had formed at Fort Morgan, and, with salvaged lumber and equipment, a complete village was taking shape within the walls of the fort.

  First called “Mobile Point,” a zealous chamber of commerce had changed the name of the barrier island to Pleasure Island. There were two towns on Pleasure Island: Gulf Shores, and Orange Beach. The combined permanent population of the two towns was less than 15,000, but because Pleasure Island had been a popular tourist destination in the “before time,” at any time during the summer season the population could be as high as 250,000.

  Although considerably fewer than 250,000 people were on the island now, the current population was significantly higher than 15,000, because many Americans, unwilling to submit to the dictates of Moqaddas Sirata, had come there. The island had no central source of electricity, nor did it have running water, but it did have a fairly stable supply of food from the many gardens, as well as unlimited seafood, ducks and geese, and a rather sizeable herd of goats. There were also enough freshwater wells and desalination units available, that the water supply was never critical.

  So far the residents of the island had not been bothered by any security forces from the American Islamic Republic of Enlightenment, primarily because the AIRE was just now beginning to get back on its feet, and Pleasure Island was so far out of the way that nobody was, as yet, paying any attention to them.

  “Did that son of a bitch say he was going to be president for life? What the hell is that all about?” Deon asked. “This is like some third world country.”

  “Where have you been, Deon?” Jake asked.

  “This is a third world country. No, that’s not right. We’d have to come up some to be a third world country.”

  “The way I see it,” Bob said, “it doesn’t matter what Ohmshidi, or anyone in Washington . . .”

  “Muslimabad, remember?” Karin said.

  “Yeah, Muslimabad,” Bob said. “But what I’m saying is, it doesn’t make any difference where he is, or what he says. We are off in our own world down here, and if we are lucky, they’ll forget all about us.”

  “Yes, well, we can’t be lucky forever,” Jake said. “You know what I think we should do?”

  “No, but I have a feeling you are going to tell us,” Karin teased.

  “I think the South should rise again. I say we secede from the union.”

  “Wait a minute,” Marcus said. “I’m not from the South.”

  Chuckling, Bob Varney pointed south. “If you go two hundred yards that way, you’ll get your feet wet in the Gulf,” he said. “You can’t get any farther south than that.”

  “Ha!” James said. “He got you on that one, didn’t he, Yankee boy?” James had lived in Georgia before he and Cille moved down to the beach.

  “I guess you’re right,” Marcus said. “Okay, let’s secede. It might work for you this time, ’cause you got someone from the North with you.”

  “Hell, I thought we already had seceded,” Willie Stark said.

  “Well, in essence we have,” Jake agreed. “But I think we should make it official.”

  “You mean make our own Declaration of Independence,” Deon asked. “Just like George Washington and those guys did?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean,” Jake said.

  “If we do that, I think we should actually write out a document,” Karin said.

  “I think so too,” Jake said. “Why not?”

  “And do what with it?” Marcus asked. “It’s not like we can print it up in a newspaper and circulate it around.”

  “I don’t know. Post it somewhere, I suppose,” Jake said.

  “What if we called a meeting of everyone down here on the island, read it aloud, then got a vote on it? If everyone agrees, by vote, then we will be, officially, seceded,” Bob said.

  “Good idea,” Jake said. “No, that’s a damn fine idea. You’re the writer, Bob. Will you write it?”

  “Yeah,” Bob said, smiling broadly. “You’re damn right, I will.”

  “You write it, we’ll get the word out to everyone else down here, and have a town hall meeting to make it official.”


  Dallas, Texas

  Sam Gelbman wasn’t exactly sure how he had gotten here. Why had he turned down this dark alley? And why were his headlights not bright enough for him to even see where he was going? Where was he? And where was Sarah? When he left he thought Sarah was in the car with him, but she obviously was not.

  Sam felt a sense of panic, and he stared through the windshield, trying to figure out where he was. The buildings on either side of the alley were getting closer, and if he were to meet a car coming in the opposite direction, there wouldn’t be room for both of them to pass.

  Rats darted out from behind a large trash receptacle and ran across the alley if front of him, their beady eyes shining bright red in the reflection of his headlights. The alley grew even narrower, and now he could barely proceed without scraping the sides of his car.

  The engine died, and Sam tried to restart it, but the engine wouldn’t turn over. The battery was dead. He tried to get out of his car but he couldn’t, because the car was now so tightly squeezed in by the buildings on either side that he couldn’t get the doors open.

  Where was he? Where was Sarah?

  Sam tried to make a call on his cell phone, but he couldn’t. Every time he tried to dial, he got the numbers wrong.

  “Sarah, where are you?” he asked aloud.

  Sam woke up then, and found himself lying in his own bed, in his own bedroom. He was breathing hard, and he knew he had just had one of his recurring dreams, where he is lost and alone. He reached over to find his wife lying beside him, and he took her hand in his. He felt her squeeze his hand reassuringly, even though she was still asleep.

  Sam lay in bed for a long moment until the beat of his heart slowed, and his breathing became more normal. Then he got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Turning on the bathroom light he stared at himself in the mirror. Sam was thirty-three years old with brown eyes, and hair that he kept short, because it had a tendency to curl.

  This wasn’t the first time he had had such a dream. At least twice a month, and sometimes even more often, he would be lost and separated from Sarah, not knowing where she was, knowing that she didn’t know where he was, and unable to communicate with her. He had no idea what caused the dreams, but they were very disturbing, and each time the dream occurred he would wake up, highly agitated.

  Oddly enough, when he had been in Afghanistan, and really was separated from Sarah, he had no such dreams. They had only started when he came back home, but they had been recurring now for almost ten years.


  Sam heard Sarah’s call, and he turned the light off in the bathroom, then returned to bed.

  “Sam, are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.”

  She reached over to take his hand. “The dream?”


  “And I wasn’t with you?”


  “Well, I am now.”

  Sarah lifted his hand to her lips and kissed it.

  “I don’t know why I have that damn dream all the time,” Sam said.

  “Where were you lost this time?”

  “I don’t know,” Sam said. He chuckled. “If I knew, I wouldn’t have been lost.”

  Sarah chuckled as well.

  “Well, you know where you are now. You are right here, in your own bed, with me. And I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Sarah snuggled up closer to him. “Maybe if you feel me next to you, you won’t dream that we are separated.”

  “Maybe,” Sam agreed, reaching his arm out so she could lay her head on his shoulder.

  When Sam went out to his car the next morning, he saw that, during the night, someone had put up a sign in his front yard. He went over to look at it, even though he knew what he was going to see.

  Get Out

  Filthy Jew!

  Throughout most of his life, Sam had not had to deal with real ethnic prejudices. Oh, from time to time he might see a slight reaction in people when he was introduced to them, and he had heard a few off-color ethnic jokes. But shortly after the election of Ohmshidi, Jew-bashing became an official policy, and the anti-Semitic epithets were appearing more and more often. Last month someone had actually scratched a swastika into the paint on the side of his car.

  He checked his car to see if it had suffered any further damage, and was glad to see that it had not. Walking over to the sign, he pulled it from the ground and tossed it into the back of his car before Sarah could see it. He knew that the growing mood of hostility disturbed her, and he wanted, as much as possible, to protect her from it.

  As he drove out Interstate 635, however, he saw a big billboard which brought home the fact that he couldn’t protect her from everything.


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