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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

Page 103

by Ashley L. Hunt

  I always thought of myself as a strong, fearless person, a woman of the people, someone that would only speak the truth even it was harsh and cold. But, after letting Eladia cry on my shoulder when she told me about Dale’s death and even saw Jasih turn his head and walk away, tears running down his eyes, I couldn’t do it.

  His last will was to protect the Galaxy even at the cost of his own life, and by lying to the world, I decided to honor it with my own, imperfect way.

  A tear leaves the premises of my eyes; I promise that it’s the last tear I shed for Dale Cross, the man I never officially met.



  Walking while in labor has started to bother me. I’m six months in, my belly swelled up and heavy, and still, I can’t stop visiting all these Nusae ruins.

  Today we’re in planet Ziurus, discovering another Nusae relic indicating the existence of the Cube and of another civilization way before humans, way before time itself. It was that civilization that created the Cubes and the same civilization that left behind it a massive Great Mystery, the likes of it no one has ever seen.

  “Honey? Where are you?”

  It’s him, Jay. He’s the one that has lead me to this site.

  “Down here, baby! Follow the lights,” I say and grab my back, trying to alleviate some of the pain I’m feeling there.

  Usually, I want to piss every two minutes, and I’m hungry like I haven’t eaten for days, but when I’m inside an ancient Nusae site, it’s like my little angel understands my need for knowledge and stops squeezing my bladder all the time. I already know that he, or she, will become a great Chronicler.

  “Eladia! What I’ve told you? No ruin-exploring by yourself. What if the ruins collapse on your head? What would happen then?”

  “Relax, Jay. I got Pioneer here to check three times before entering. If there was a crack on the walls or anything indicating the ruins are dangerous, I wouldn’t venture in here all by myself.”

  Jay looks at me with disbelief. Pioneer is our little assistant robot, a small spherical-shaped robot that flies around me all the time and helps me with my research.

  “Really? Pioneer, show me a catalog of your last recorded scans,” Jay suddenly says.

  “Okay, okay. You got me red handed. I didn’t quite check it, but my experience tells me that the site won’t collapse. Isn’t that a good enough reason?”

  He smiles at me and shakes his head; he does that a lot since I got pregnant with his child.

  “You’re crazy, you know that?”

  “Yeah, but that’s why you love me after all,” I reply to him.

  He moves close to me and gives me a kiss on the lips. I kiss him back and pull him closer to me. My huge belly doesn’t allow me to feel his throbbing cock in my vagina, but hell, I can’t wait to get back on the spaceship and fuck like bunnies, all night. Pregnancy hormones get me horny all the time so I can’t get enough of him.

  “Well, you seem like you’re in the mood again,” he says, trying to keep a calm face but not quite managing it.

  “You know me. I’m in the mood every second. It’s the hormones. You’re like a big, hot sausage to me, and I want to keep eating you until I’m stuffed.”

  He laughs out loud and hugs me; I laugh as well. “That was weirdly hot. But now we have to keep on with this research. We’re close to discovering another Nusae Relic. Maybe, this time, we’ll get a time machine,” he says.

  “Or tastier food?” I continue his sentence. “Yeah, I would like that,” I say.

  He moves deeper into the ruins laughing, leaving me behind in the anteroom of the temple. There are many kinds of signs on the walls, most of them not even recognizable by Pioneer. It’s not that he can’t translate them, is that there are no immediate translations from the K.G.A. That means that this site is of Nusae origins and that we probably have to scan the whole room to get an answer.

  Still, it’s amazing that after so long, we’re still able to find new ruins almost every other week. Jasih is an endless pit of Nusae and Esuh knowledge, especially after his memories returned.

  I didn’t know anything about his life before the incident on Mosa, but since then, after we left Mosa he told me everything about his visions and his wife being inside the cube from the beginning, trying to protect him. It somehow moved me. Their relationship was strong, strong enough to span a whole century, strong enough for her to control the power of the Cube and save him, us, everyone.

  Lenora is the true hero of the story; her, Dale, and Dark Jay. It’s the anniversary of half a year since the incident, meaning that six months passed in a pulp. Sadly, it feels like a whole life away from where I’m standing today. Thinking back, I still wonder why Dale never told me the name of his lover; I could have made sure to bury them together or something. But it seems he didn’t want that.

  He wanted for his life to mean something, even if his name would only remain in the archives of the Organization as the Legendary Swamp. It was a rough life the one he lived.

  When he told me his plan to set a bomb in the City Hall, one strong enough to bring down the building, I thought he was crazy. Still, he somehow managed to think ten moves ahead, taking into consideration that Jay wasn’t in the mental condition to decide the destiny of the whole Galaxy, while also wanting to take down the other black-maskers with him and give us time to get out.

  However, he didn’t have a remote detonator for the explosives, so the only way to follow through his plan was to detonate them himself, sacrificing himself in the process. I knew that, and I walked away to save the man I love the most, the father of my child, Prime Officer Jasih. If it wasn’t for Dale, the other Jay would have chosen to drive humans into extinction, renewing a long cycle of deaths and revenge. If it wasn’t for Dale, Mosa would still be a wasteland of undead humans and destroyed buildings.

  I walk deeper into the ruins until I find Jasih, shirtless, using his shirt to remove the dust from a tablet on the east corner of the temple. He’s dusting off the ruins, the muscles of his back tensing up and down, giving me a sense of hotness deep into my belly. I’m either horny or the little guy, or gal, in there decided to suddenly cause me trouble.

  Still, holding my belly between my hands, I can’t stop thinking of that last, hazy memory I have of Dark Jay.

  I remember opening my eyes, looking at him sparkling like an angel, the cube flying around him in circles. I remember him squatting next to me, giving me a kiss on the forehead, and smiling. And then, he said those words that I’ll keep inside me for the rest of my life.

  “You’re my love and light, the only human I ever loved and will love as long as I’m alive. I couldn’t spend an eternity with you, my love, but I’ll make sure you spend a lifetime with me. Or at least, a part of me.

  “I love you and...well, that’s it. I love you. I hope I dill tell you that sooner,” he said and then walked away, like a dream long lost.

  I asked Jay what happened during that hour that the building was frozen in time. The Cube had engulfed the building into a time-warping sphere, allowing enough time to Dark Jay to say his goodbyes. According to him, Lenora had brought him to life to become the sacrifice needed for the Cube to unlock, so that even if Jay opened the Cube, as he eventually did, he would have a way out of its curse.

  What Lenora didn’t expect is that someone would fall in love with that parasite, that bloodthirsty monster that killed everyone in his path. She couldn’t have known that the same woman that fell for her husband would also fall for his armor. And so, when the time came for him, Dark Jay, to choose, he chose to sacrifice himself so that I could be happy with a part of him, the platinum-skinned Jasih.

  Everything comes back to me, and I turn my head so that Jay doesn’t see me crying again. I’m so happy with him that I wouldn’t change this for the world, but every now and then, tears run from my eyes, reminding me everything that came to be.

  The only thing I regret the most is never saying goodbye to him. He was alone back ther
e, a man wondering in and out of people’s lives, waiting for someone to recognize him as a living being.

  “Honey, you really should come and see this!” Jay yells from deeper into the temple.

  I wipe the tears from my eyes, shush my belly so that the little critter in there doesn't say anything to his, or her, father, and then walk next to him.

  “Tell me! I’m all yours!”


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  Night has fallen as I stand in the vast garden of antique roses my father had made for my sister and me to enjoy. I’m not willing to go back inside just yet though as I think about my future and how it no longer will be here on Earth.

  The pale pink roses are my absolute favorite of the various colors which surround me. Reds, oranges, and even a vine of the rare blue tiny roses captivate me. Though not enough to keep my mind from wandering away from me to my impending fate.

  The stars twinkle over my head and the news my father, the Senator, has just given me tells me somewhere up amongst them is the man who is to be my husband. Since Earth is trying desperately to stay out of a war with the Euthenia Nebula, I have been informed it’s my great honor to be the first Earthling to be awarded as a bride to the hierarchy who rules the distant planet.

  Only thing is I don’t see it as an honor. I see it for what it is. I am a pawn in this game the men who run Earth call expansion. The need to expand constantly our reach as Earthlings is a thing the handful of men who rule the entire Earth have foremost on their minds.

  My father made sure the blood which flows through my veins is as pure as any Earthling’s can be. A bit of a science project my older sister and I are. Only she was smart and lost her innocence to a common man and by doing so, she took herself out of the supposedly honorable position as a pure bride to be offered or awarded to the alien races.

  To ensure my father had, at least, one viable prodigy he could use in aiding his addiction to rule over as many planets as possible, I have been kept locked up.

  Oh, my prison has been a place of grandeur and great beauty. Large stone walls fence in a hundred acres of gardens, sports courts, a vast swimming pool and even a labyrinth of tall bushes my sister and I nearly got lost in a few times.

  They call what I now live in alone with my father, a mansion. I don’t know how people can live in anything smaller than what I live in. We have a private theater and at times, actors come to do private plays for my family.

  The treatment I’ve received in this protected state has been good. I have never been treated without respect and honor. I also have never been able to make my own decisions or leave the estate.

  Due to my special lineage, I’m too perfect not to be used for the supposed good of our planet and our species. My father often tells me how the surrogate who carried me died as she gave birth to me, but told him she was not dying in vain. She promised him I would help to make Earth the superpower he dreamt it would be one day.

  My body carries the DNA of fifteen people. Some are prizewinning scientists, some are great athletes, and a couple of them are scholarly geniuses. Then there were two, a man and a woman, who were simply added because of their great beauty.

  When I look in the mirror, I don’t see all of that. I see a young woman who has been kept much like a diamond in a box, waiting for someone to open it and see it sparkle and shine. But an alien is not who I wanted to open it.

  I love this planet and have no desire to even visit another, much less rule it. The man I’m being awarded to is a prince. The Prince of Euthenia, Kerr, is who will become my husband in the matter of one week.

  It was a thing I always supposed might happen to me. Somehow I managed to keep the fact I would most likely be awarded to a man and made to marry him without ever knowing him out of my brain all these years.

  My new husband’s face I will see for the first time when my father walks me down the aisle to give me to him. After the reception, I am expected to let the stranger take my innocence. I am expected to be submissive to him, his wants, and his needs.

  Euthenia is a planet ruled by men. Much the same as Earth, only on Earth we all pretend we have the same rights. It’s not that way on Euthenia. As a princess and one-day queen, my father has told me I will be honored and respected more so than other females on the planet. He tells me my life there will be fantastic, and I’m so lucky.

  Then why do I not feel lucky?

  I put up a fight about being given to the alien man. My sister may be out, but there are other women who have been bred similar to me, and they are viable options. I begged my father and then when that didn’t work I threatened him with the typical, I’ll kill myself, antics, but nothing worked.

  He told me it was a done deal, and I must accept my fate. He also warned me about how the men of Euthenia deal with unreasonable females. Let’s just say, I don’t want to be at the stinging end of anyone’s strap. Especially a man built the way most Euthenian’s are.

  I have no idea what Kerr will be built like, but the pictures I’ve seen of other males from that planet have shown me they are massive men. Tall in stature, broad shoulders, thick waists, and thick legs. Every muscle in their bodies is defined and large.

  A shiver runs through me as I think about the sheer strength my new husband might have. I do hope he’s a gentle giant. A man who will treat me with some semblance of love. Eventually anyway.

  Many books I’ve read while trapped in this paradise my father has made for us. Romance novels fill the shelves of the large library we have here. To be a heroine who finds a hero to love and care for and be loved and cared for has always been my dream.

  My dream hero was no alien, though. It seems my father and the other men who rule this world have decided my fate is not going to be one I’ve dreamt of. And I can accept that if they can accept the fact I will not be going out of my way to make sure they get the future they think they’re going to get by marrying me off to an alien.

  I really have no idea why they gave me the genes of such strong people if they wanted me to shut up and sit back and do as I’m told without any arguments wh
at-so-ever. They really are idiots.

  The rulers of this world have made sure to keep the women made to be awarded to the alien races apart. I’m pretty sure if we were all together we might just overthrow the handful of old men who think they know best for our race.

  My education has been vast. I’ve been told all of the females like me have also been equal educated. In my opinion, it’s high time the females took over running this planet. Hence, the reason we are kept separate and are now being given to people who live on other planets.

  Perhaps the old men thought we’d be no threat and seeing as we would be, if let out on the planet, they saw fit to send us all away, keeping Earth for themselves.


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