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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

Page 138

by Ashley L. Hunt

  I just laid there, looking up at the ceiling. My body was spent, but I wanted so badly to go further with Luke. For all of my ignorance, Luke seemed to know exactly what he was doing, and it was thrilling to me.


  Seeing Candice come so hard makes me only feel more out of control.

  Again, I wanted to be gentle, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

  I got up from the bed and pulled my shirt over my head. Then I removed my pants and boxers and stood there, fully revealed, before Candice’s eyes. She looked slightly nervous when she took in the sight of my cock. I did have to admit that hybrid-humans had a normal human form, but our dicks were more Corin-sized. I hoped she was not too afraid.

  Crawling on top of her, I positioned my body just right. I put a hand on her cheek and kiss her again, then pulled away and looked into her eyes.

  “Are you sure about this?” Of course, I didn’t want to ask out of fear that she would say no, but because I cared for her, it was my duty.

  “Yes,” Candice said, her green eyes sparkling with anticipation.

  “Okay.” I kissed her again, and then slowly and gently put myself inside her. There was resistance at first, but then Candice relaxed, and I began to push myself inside her, but not all the way.

  I knew that I had to perform the one thrust that would open Candice to me forever. I did not want to cause her pain, but I knew that it had to be done. I pushed - hard.

  “Ah!” Candice hollered. Her pain seemed sharp and quick, but I hoped she knew that from now on it wouldn’t hurt ever again.

  Sensing that she was ready, I began pushing all the way inside her. The length of me was reaching so deep and wonderfully within her. It was a connection - a melding one - that I had never experienced to this degree. Not in this same way.

  The thrusting became more intense, and I was not quite sure how long I would be able to hold out - the feeling of her was so exquisite and perfect. But I would hold out for as long as I could because deep down I knew what the consequences of this act would be.

  Our bodies were moving in rhythm with one another’s, and I was consumed by passion, connection, and hunger. Candice moaned, and there were even times when I needed to cry out. The pleasure was so intense.

  I wanted to hold it off longer still, and looked into Candice’s eyes - maybe even to say goodbye. I held her face in my hands.

  “You know what is about to happen, don't you?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Candice said and smiled.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “Promise me that you’ll be safe.” She said, looking as though she was about to cry, but keeping a brave face.

  “I will. I promise.” Nothing was ever going to harm me. Or her.

  “This was…..incredible.” She said.

  “Well, it’s not done yet,” I said, and smiled. Candice laughed, and we kissed again. The feel of her lips, the sensation of being inside her, the fact that she had enjoyed it, all these factors sent me over the edge.

  I thrusted into her faster and faster, and I could feel myself becoming as hard as steel. The moment had arrived, and the time to say goodbye.

  I came so fucking hard, and filled Candice with my warmth. We both called out, crying with ecstasy and sadness.

  “I love you, Candice,” I said, and kissed her hard. I had never said that to a woman before.




  Before I could reply, the good-looking man with his lips against mine, the greatest warrior of the galaxy, had completely disappeared. It was as though he had never existed. I had to once again ask myself if all of it had been a dream.

  I laid in bed spent, and stared up at the ceiling. I chose not to cry, but to smile. I had lost Luke again, but more importantly, I had gained love. Even if I never saw him again, I finally felt loved. And this was the greatest gift.

  Our lovemaking had been yet another gift, and at the same time, a kind of death.

  Could I possibly have the strength to go through with this dance of love and loss, life and sacrifice, for years to come, or potentially eons?

  On this night, I chose yes. I resigned myself to this cosmic love that would stretch across the galaxy, lead to epic battles and collapsing empires, and would also bring quiet moments, holding hands in the desert.


  And on this very night - one of the greatest of my life - as I landed on planet Hecate, amid a key battle, where I would face the Krill general known as Grim. For the first time, it wasn’t the thrill of combat that brought a smile to my face, but it was the thought of her.

  And this pleasure that her memory brought, was the very thing that kept me in imminent danger.

  But fuck it, I can take it. Now that I’m in love, I can kill every last Krill alien with one hand.

  The Alien Cursed Souls

  Book #2



  Being back on Hecate in the battle was amazing, I had to admit. There was nothing that go me going more than a good war. I always won, so what was there to be afraid of? Adrenaline was pumping through my veins, smoke filled the air, and my light sword was already covered in the blue entrails of many Krill aliens.

  Hover crafts were speeding through the air above me. These belonged to our Corin troops. The Krill weren’t sophisticated enough for hover crafts, but man, they could fight. I just arrived today from Earth back onto the battlefield and I already had an enormous gash in my arm.

  Every moment that Candice came to mind, I reminded myself to focus. That was why I was the best of the best.

  Now I was bludgeoned in the head by a sword.

  “Damn,” I grunted and looked up to find an enormous Krill standing over me. “Not so fast, my blue friend.” I pulled out my sword and began to fight. The Krill was drooling mucus, and he spitted some on my face. This seriously annoyed me.

  The alien lifted his arms to lower his sword onto my head, and I took the opportunity to run my laser blade through his spine. He gave a shrill cry that made my ears split, and the blue ooze inside of him splashed across my entire front. It was disgusting and smelled like rotten eggs, but at least that was one more down.

  “Nice one, Arias.” A Corin soldier fighting next to me said.

  “I think that the Krill’s general, Grim, is just beyond that hillside.” My adviser Septimus said.

  This couldn’t have come a moment too soon. Finally, I could stand before my greatest adversary and face my destiny. My heart started pounding with excitement.

  “Let's go, men,” Pete said, barreling along in his pearlescent armor. Pete was one of our fastest soldiers. Most of the Corin were tall and slim, but Pete loved to eat, and he never turned down a glass of Root.

  “This could all end today, Arias. If Grim is taken, then peace is restored to Hecate.” Septimus said with hope.

  “There’s nothing I would want more,” I replied. It was what we had been fighting for so long now, and perhaps today was the day.

  “If there is anyone that can take him, it’s you.” He added. “But you know how vicious he is. You must be careful.”

  “He doesn’t stand a chance,” I replied, cleaning the blue ooze from my light sword.

  “They’ve got nano armor now.” He added.

  “What?” When did the Krill get something as sophisticated as nano armor?

  “It’s true. I think they stole the technology from the Balo aliens.”

  “Damn,” I replied. This was not going to be good. One of their biggest vulnerabilities was their delicate blue skin. I recalled the alien I just killed, how my blade went through him as though he was made of paper. Then he cried like a shrill child. The sound of it was both pleasing and disgusting.

  “Why didn’t the other Krill have it? The ones I killed today?” I asked.

  “Those are just infantry. Only the higher-ups have the technology.” He said. I looked down at my own flimsy armor and shuddered. It was not as strong as the nano
armor by a long shot, but I was confident that I could still get the job done.

  We walked along the beautiful hillside, talking strategy, and then we were taken by surprise.

  “Alien dogs!” A soldier screamed. The Krill alien dogs were used to strategically protect the general, and they were some of the scariest creatures you had ever seen in your life. With blood-red eyes, 4-inch long fangs, and black spiky fur, the dogs could grow to be as long as 7 feet. I had seen one of them bite the head off of a Corin soldier and swallow it whole.

  I saw them running towards us in one vicious, howling pack.

  “We must be close to the general,” I said. That was the good news. The bad news wad that we could all pretty much die right now. I said a little prayer to every God I could think of, and I drew my light sword.

  “You can’t take them, Arias. We need to get into the trees. They can’t climb.” A soldier said.

  “We have to kill them. It’s our only passage to the general.” I replied.

  “It can’t be done. Every soldier that has ever tried has lost their life.” Septimus said.

  “So, they're the key to the battle, and the battle must be won,” I said. It was no time for fear. The passage to the general was the only way we were going to win the war, and it was the only chance that I had to lift my curse. It wasn’t a time to back down.

  “I’m out of here!” Another soldier yelled, and ran for the trees.

  “Stop being so weak,” I said. “Here they are.” The dogs were charging at us at a dizzying pace, and just cresting the hillside. It was now or never. If I was going to die, then I had to resolve this. But, if I died, I would never see Candice again. And yet, I was determined to do it for her, and for the Corin. It was my duty. Without peace, we lost everything, and I was willing to sacrifice my life for it.

  The first one that approached me got its head chopped off with one swipe of my sword. The second one tried to come from behind and got his abdomen split in two.

  It was the third and fourth that were more of a challenge because they came at me from both sides. Pete came to help, and together we took them both down till they were howling and writhing on the ground in a pool of their own entrails.

  I had never seen alien dog blood and guts before, but it wasn’t pretty. The interior of the dogs was a greenish color, and it smelled like sewage, not unlike the disgusting entrails of the Krill.

  “What are they feeding these things?” I asked, wiping the green goo from my uniform.

  “Look alive!” Pete screamed, pointing to another dog coming in for an attack.

  It was the biggest dog that I had ever seen, and probably the last one that the general sent when all else failed. The dog tackled me to the ground and began gnawing on my arm.

  Blood was coming from my forearm with rapid speed. I finally threw the dog of me and sprung to my feet. I could hear the Corin soldiers springing from the trees to come to my defense, but now it was personal. This dog was going to be my conquest.

  As it charged back at me, I ripped off one of its ears with my hands, and it began to whimper. I almost felt sorry for the thing, but not enough to prevent me from coming at it with my light sword and stabbing it dead in the face. The green ooze poured out like lava.

  “Impressive.” I heard a disturbingly deep voice say. I had to wipe the green goop from my face to see. Once I could open an eye, I saw Grim standing ominously before me.

  “It wasn’t that hard,” I replied with only one eye open. Although the Krill general was intimidating, to say the least, I did not feel any fear. This 10-foot tall blue monster was the only thing that stood between me and freedom.

  “You smug hybrid-humans are always lying. It’s something that we Krill are not capable of.” The general said. When he spoke, I could feel the venomous heat of his breath blowing against my face. His claws were more like talons, sharp and drawn for action.

  “So, if you can’t lie, then tell me. Did a hybrid-human just kill all your dogs?” I asked.

  “No. There are much more where they came from.” Grim replied.

  “Then why aren’t they here? You’re on your last leg.” I said.

  “Because, you do not pose a threat.” He replied, lifting one of his sharp brows.

  “And why is that?” I asked, stepping forward and straightening my armor. Grim was overly confident, and he shouldn’t be. There was something that he was not sharing with me.

  “Because you won’t harm me,” Grim said.

  “And why would you say something like that?” I asked, knowing full well that I wanted nothing more than to harm him.

  “Because if you kill me, you have no passage back to Earth. I am the gatekeeper.” Grim stood still and stared me down.

  I considered this for a moment and fel annoyed.

  Will the gate close forever if Grim is dead? This element of the curse hadn’t been revealed, probably because I’d never gotten this close to the general before.

  I could feel myself slipping. A slow, cold pain started in my chest and began to creep, cell by cell, into every corner of my body.

  If I killed Grim right now, I would never see Candice again.

  I was a soldier with a duty. I needed to sacrifice my own happiness for the good of the Corin. I lifted my sword to come at Grim, but when I looked over to my arm, it had already faded so much that I could see right through it.

  “No,” I said.

  This can’t be happening. Not when I’m so close.

  “Yes,” Grim replied and revealed his long, sharp teeth with a smile.

  Once the pain completely filled my body, I disappeared from Hecate.

  This was my curse.


  He had only been gone a few weeks, but I was beginning to question the reality of this situation. It was hard to tell now what was real and what wasn’t. What if he had been hurt right at this very moment? All he did on Hecate was battle aliens, and that meant that every time I served someone a plate of pancakes, whenever I took a shower, brushed my teeth - whatever – he was facing death, and I had agreed to allow it.

  “I have a boyfriend,” Iris said at the hostess stand. The diner was pretty slow this afternoon, and it was a gloomy day outside. Even the desert could be gray and dreary.

  “Who is it?” I asked, cleaning one of the menus.

  “This new guy moved into town with his brother,” Iris said with a big old grin on her face.

  “Well, how long have you seen each other?” I asked. Iris was always impulsive when it came to guys, so I would imagine that it hadn’t been long.

  “A week.” She said.

  “You’ve been seeing him for a week, and you’re already calling him your boyfriend?” I asked.

  “He’s a real keeper. I just know it.” She said.

  “What does he do?” I asked.

  “Well, he’s kind of…..between jobs right now. But his brother is a doctor!” She said exuberantly.

  “Why don’t you date his brother then?” I asked.

  “Because he’s not as cute.” Although a sweet girl, Iris was never known to be the smartest. “I want you to meet his brother.”

  That was going to be out of the question. How could I explain to Iris that I was stuck in a cosmic romance that stretched across galaxies, and that I was sublime, completely, and uncontrollably in love? And I might never see him or hear from him again.

  “No,” I said, and walked off to refill someone’s coffee. Iris followed me.

  “If it’s because of that Luke guy—” She said solemnly.

  “No. It’s not.” I said, turning to her and trying to give the hint to stop the conversation. There was too much to say, and she wasn’t going to understand.

  “I’m sorry that he left. I’m actually bummed that the carnival is gone. It added some life to this place.”

  Just then my body was filled with a cold wave of fear, and I dropped the hot coffee on the floor.

  “Candice?” Iris asked. “What’s wrong?”

  I got down on my hands and knees with a rag and tried to clean the spilled coffee and broken glass. I was shaking.

  “Oh, nothing, it just slipped out of my hand,” I said.

  But truly, inside I was panicking. I hadn’t looked over at the lot where the carnival once stood when I came into work this morning. I just assumed that it was there. If the Carnival of Cursed Souls was gone, then would Luke ever be able to find his way back to me?


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