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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary)

Page 2

by Wanda Edmond

  “Welcome,” The lobby hostess smiled politely, “The bell hop is taking your luggage to your room. Your father has reserved you the tower suite, with the most breathtaking view of the sunrise and land surrounding us that you could possibly witness. Enjoy your stay.”

  Kelsey headed up the winding staircase, passed by men and woman dressed in old-fashioned costumes. They smiled and greeted her heartily in old world tongue and she grinned. Perhaps this will be a little exciting. After some time she finally located the room and stepped inside, gaping in awe. Along the far wall stood a tall, wooden four-post bed garnished with soft velvet pillows and thick comforters. On the opposite, a four-chair table with old-fashioned seating that looked fit for a king. She leaned into the curved window and glanced outward at the view. From her high up vantage she could see for miles, noting the small village and other relic shells of castles that dotting the landscape. The aroma of fresh ivy and other scents wafted into the room and she took a long breath. It was stunning to say the least.

  Chapter 3

  That night at dinner, Kelsey sat across from her father, admiring the dining hall. It appeared in the same theme as the rest of the castle, with large wooden seating and soft velvet chairs. On the back of each chair lay a gold encrusted emblem, once worn by the original owner of the castle hundreds of years prior. As dinner was served, thick roast beef and hearty vegetables, the hotel manager took the podium at the front of the room. He cleared his throat to gather the room’s attention.

  “Thank you ladies and gentleman, you have arrived at a splendid time.” He began, “We are about to celebrate the hotels 10th year in operation with a week long medieval festival here on the grounds. You have a chance to partake in the festivities including shopping, games and all the food you can eat. Feel free to immerse yourself in the old culture as much as you wish.”

  As he exited, the crowd cheered loudly. Kelsey glanced around at the many people dressed in cosplay for the events and smiled. She wanted a fashion experience on her vacation but this was the last thing she had expected to see. Elena nudged her playful.

  “I feel a little underdressed don’t you?” She winked at Kelsey.

  “We can head down to the shop after dinner if you would like,” Her father smiled, “And get you a dress to match if you wish.”

  Elena’s eyes lit up with excitement, and it was clear that the first portion of their trip was for her. Kelsey rose from her seat and excused herself to explore the castle a little before bed. Soon the sound of loud footsteps on the cobblestone made her stop and turn quickly. There was Matt, bounding up the hallway behind her. He stopped, grinning loudly.

  “Your father said to head with you, to keep you safe,” He laughed, “but I think they just wanted some alone time. It is their honeymoon.”

  “Suite yourself.” Kelsey shrugged though on the inside her lust was quivering once again.

  The two wandered through the lobby to the old fashion tavern that was set up for guests. Inside an instrumental band strummed old German folk tunes and the guests drank beer from wood mugs. She smiled and turned down another long corridor towards the small shops lining the area. They were closing down for the night, pulling down their gates and shutting off lights, giving the hall an eerie dim glow. From the glassless windows a cool breeze blew in, sending Kelsey’s hair flying in her face. She brushed it back and sighed, glancing at the old portraits on the wall.

  “May I ask you something?” Matt cleared his throat.

  “Sure” Kelsey hissed, almost knowing what was coming. She had tolerated a little playful flirting, since he was irresistibly handsome, but that was as far as she would allow it.

  “Did I do something to offend you?” He looked down at his feet to hide the smile.

  “No,” Kelsey turned, surprised by the unexpected remark, “Why would you say that?”

  “Oh I don’t know,” He inched in closer as she took the bait, “You’ve been cold to me since we got on the plane and I was just curious if there was something about me you didn’t like.”

  “No,” She sighed, “You’re very attractive. But I know your type. Your attractive and built, a Navy Seal with a uniform which means you’re accustomed to having pretty much anyone and anything you want.”

  “That’s not very nice to fit me in with those goons,” He frowned, “Just because I wear a uniform doesn’t make me a jerk you know.”

  Matt turned away, pretending to be hurt by her remark. He glanced out at the moonlight as it began to flood the hall. Kelsey softened slightly, unaware that a strong man like Matt could actually be offended by her harsh remark. She stepped forward towards him, placing her delicate hand on his shoulder. He turned, placing his best frown on once more, and inched in arms reach of her. She gazed up into those shimmering blue eyes, feeling herself entranced by his looks and charms. Sudden he grasped her by the waist and pulled her nearer. She could smell his delicious scent close to her body and feel the heat coming from his sun kissed skin. With his strong hand he cupped her chin and pressed his soft lips deeply onto hers. Kelsey felt her body light up with excitement, the wetness growing between her legs as his tongue invaded her mouth. Matt savored the sweet and salty taste of her, inhaling the smells of her hair as he continued his accost on her mouth. Kelsey pushed away, staring at him wide-eyed a moment as she struggled to catch her breath. The kiss was passionate and his smell so inviting for more, but she knew she wasn’t about to fall victim to this pretty boy’s game. She scowled at him fiercely and balled up her fists in frustration. Matt couldn’t help but laugh at her look and scowled deeper.

  “See?” She sneered, her voice echoing down the vacant hallway. “You are just like the others, can’t keep it in your pants for five minutes. Well not this girl sorry.”

  Matt looked shocked, usually his latest conquest would give in after that kiss and yet she still resisted. He took a step forward, arms reaching out to grab her again but Kelsey darted backwards, avoiding his grip. She stamped her heels on the ground and growled.

  “Oh come on,” He pleaded, “I like you Kelsey. I wasn’t trying to get in your pants I just couldn’t help it, I want to be near you.”

  “Like me?” She snapped, “You don’t know anything about me. Listen, I grew up watching my father bounce from woman to woman. Your mother is wife number three in a long line of followers before her. My dad is right, love doesn’t last and neither do relationships. But success in your career does. Look what it has done for my father, and it will do the same for me.”

  “So what, you don’t believe in love now?” Matt raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

  “No I don’t as a matter of fact,” Her voice lowered as she calmed from the attack, “Relationships are a waste of my time too. If I wanted sex a girl like me would have no trouble finding it now would I. There are hundreds of guys just like you in the world waiting for a chance.”

  “Hold on a second, that was a low blow.” Now Matt really was offended, “I want to get to know you more. That’s why I kissed you. Truth is I’m too shy to tell you flat out, so I thought if I kissed you, you would know how I felt.”

  “Fine then,” She turned to walk away, “Get to know me, we have plenty of time stuck together over the next three weeks anyway. But keep your hands, and your lips, to yourself.”

  Matt watched her storm off down the hallway, then turn out of sight. He stood gaping a moment, attempting to make sense of what had just happened. Did she just reject me? His mind pondered the possibility. Matt was accustomed to getting what he wanted. Anything he asked for, swooning woman would give him. Back home he hardly ever paid for his meals as the giggling waitresses would pick up the tab and if he wanted a woman in his bed it was no trouble at all. He had his fair share of conquests in the past too, beautiful woman that took more finesse to win over, but he considered it a challenge and always rose to the occasion. But none in his line of woman had been as stunning and successful as Kelsey and he looked forward to winning her over. It was uncomfortable and str
ange, the feeling of rejection, and left him wanting more when he knew he should just turn away. There was definitely more to her than she was letting on, and he would have to find a way around those barriers if he wanted to claim his prize.

  Kelsey slammed the hotel door behind her and leaned back against the door with a long sigh. It was going to take all her strength to resist this handsome, strong man and she would have to do her best to keep him at arm’s length the rest of the trip. He wants to get to know me. She rolled her eyes and flopped onto the bed, sinking deeply into the thick covers. Though it would be nice to have some company, maybe even a little playful romance while away, she knew it wouldn’t pan out as her career came first. It was her first and only love, the only one that wouldn’t lie to her and betray her in the end. With her career, she was in charge of her fate, know that all it took was to think on her feet and she would soon find herself as financially secure as her father. But with love, that depended on another to stick it out and do what was right. Something she never had faith would happen.

  Chapter 4

  As the days of the festival wore on, Kelsey found Matt keeping to his word and spending time to get to know her. Their parents, off on their honeymoon and lost in the love they share for the moment, were happy to see the two getting along so well though Kelsey caught an occasional suspicious glance towards Matt. It was as if he was sensing a little of himself in Matt, which was also no surprise to her as Daemon was a womanizer. He traveled along her side, looking at the strange and interesting items for sale in the mock marketplace outside the hotel, marveling at the jewelry made of pewter and gems. Kelsey came upon an irresistible piece she just had to have for her collection and shelled out the money happily. It was a red ruby, encased in a dragon’s claw and dangling from a pure silver chain. Though not her typical trendy taste, it called out to her. She wore it proudly the remainder of the stay as Matt teased her on her fashion sense.

  “You know,” He smiled playfully as they walked through the crowded streets, “I don’t think your fashion friends would approve of that piece.”

  She clasped the necklace in her hand and scowled at him, though a smile remained on her lips, “I don’t care I like this one. Fashion is a hobby, like anything else, but that doesn’t mean I’m controlled by it. I wear what I want, which just happens to be the latest trends. It’s been like that since I was a kid and watched my mother in her work.”

  “What shopping?” Matt laughed sarcastically.

  Kelsey stopped, the hurt flashed in her eyes, “When my mom was alive my dad was still building the business so we didn’t have much money. She worked in fashion, setting up designs from the some of the great names in clothing and apparel. It was her dream to become a designer herself after dad was through getting his company off the ground. But she died before she could achieve it. That’s one of the reasons I will never let a relationship stand between me and my success.”

  Matt froze in place, embarrassed and ashamed at his rude remark. He had pinned her as a spoiled girl from the sunny state of Florida, but now he was beginning to see another side of her coming to light. He had learned quite a bit over the last few days that surprised, even attracted him to her. After graduating high school she went straight into college and hadn’t take a single day off since, and that though her father could have pulled strings to get her into Harvard she insisted on making the cut on her own. Kelsey was not just a beautiful face with gorgeous legs, but intelligent, bright and determined to make something of herself. He had trouble finding that type of drive and dedication in his own men.

  “So your fashion hobby,” He was hesitant, “it’s kind of a way of remembering your mom?”

  Kelsey nodded and continued to browse, “In a way yes.”

  Up ahead the large arena was buzzing with commotion and the two hurried to see what the fuss was all about. The show was holding open contestants, anyone from the audience who wished to challenge their mock hero to a dual would win a prize if they could defeat him in three rounds of jousting. Kelsey watched as a tall stranger paraded around the dirt floor of the area on a horse after his latest victory. He wore a suite of black metal armor that covered all but his eyes from view.

  “Are there no more challengers?” Shouted the announcer. “No one else brave enough to come before the king’s court and take on the black night.”

  The crowd cheered and Kelsey glanced up at the King and Queen of the show, sitting high above in a shaded deck of their own. If she didn’t know any better the whole set up almost felt real. She turned to Matt and laughed. He was preoccupied, staring intently at the man on horseback, a gleam in his eye. He wanted to test his might against it, and see if he could master this medieval game as he had done his role in the military. He glanced back at Kelsey and grinned widely.

  “Oh you can’t be serious Matt.” She read his face clearly and he may a dash for the front of the crowd.

  A few minutes later, Matt was seated atop a brown horse at the far end of the area, wearing borrowed metal armor and carrying a long, sharp jousting pole in hand. On his side a sword, which was in case the two both fell from the horse and had to dual to finish the match. Kelsey stood watching in horror and anticipation as made rode slowly to the starting position. A long, wooden fence separated the two men on either side and the entire goal was to ram the joust and knock each other off. As barbaric as it was, Kelsey couldn’t help feel a little bit of thrill watching Matt bound towards the brooding black night at full speed. The first strike was from the stranger, knocking Matt straight to the ground as the crowd cheered in delight. Her gut twisted in knots, fearing he was hurt. Am I worried about him? She questioned her intentions. He gathered himself and hopped back on for round two.

  This time Matt was ready, he had gotten a grasp on the game and how it worked. He lounged outward as he aimed his joust and hit the black night square in the shoulder, sending him toppling to the dirt. The crowd was a mixture of boos and cheers. On the third round it almost looked as if Matt was done for, the black night furious over his first fall of the day. He came bounding with great speed towards Matt, would stood steady and waiting as they neared one another in the center. With a powerful clang of metal both jousts struck one another, but Matt managed to collect his balance despite the armor and remained on his horse. He was announced the winner at a big display where the King and Queen waved and made the crowd go into a frenzy. Matt was awarded a small trophy and two tickets to the exclusive dinner theater on the grounds for the following night. And he paraded off the field towards Kelsey. She put her hands on her hips, pretending to be mad, but the wide smile gave her emotions away. He laughed, rubbing his strong hands along his thick neck.

  “Well? What did I look like out there?” He teased as they headed back towards the river.

  “I loved the fall,” Kelsey laughed, “Very graceful.”

  The riverbed was deserted, expect for birds that chirped loudly above head. In the distance behind them, they could hear the crowd continuing to roar as more challengers emerged from Matt’s victory. Kelsey sat down in the cool grasses, overlooking the shimmering waters and smiled, taking in the beauty of her surroundings with a deep breath.

  “Oh so you’re not going to congratulate me then?” He flopped down beside her, “That wasn’t as easy as it looked.”

  “It didn’t look easy,” She gave him a playful nudge, “And congratulations.”

  He couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of her in the evening light. He was falling for this stunning, smart mouthed woman despite his own typical free lifestyle. He glanced at her nervously and Kelsey could see the genuine flicker of his worry in his eyes.

  “Kelsey,” He sighed and grasped her hand gently, “I can’t help it. The more time we spend together, the more I am falling for you. This isn’t some kind of trick to get you in bed I really mean what I say.”

  “I know,” She raised her hand to caress his smooth cheek and smiled warmly, “I can see it in your eyes.”

t leaned in, hesitant at first, and kissed her softly on her supple lips. This time her body couldn’t resist him though her mind still fought hard a loosing battle. She soon gave in to his kisses and allowed his tongue to explore her mouth, tasting his salty essence as he moaned. His hands found their way up her shirt and fondling her luscious breast from underneath, her nipples hardening at his touch. She lay back into the soft grass, her blonde hair fanning out around her face in soft ringlets. Matt gazed down at her, a look of pure joy and desire spreading across his face. He kissed her once more, pressing himself against her so that she could feel the weight of this solid chest on her breasts. Soon his hand was wandering once again, traveling down to her waist and sliding down her designer jeans. He grasped at her wet mound, sending a gasp escaping from her lips from the sensation of his strong touch. She clawed at his back as his finger slid quickly inside, pleasuring her and building the desire even more. She closed her eyes to savor the feel of it, allowing her body to give in and release. She heard voices behind them and the crunching of leaves on the pathway, making her jolt suddenly from her spot. Matt looked up as she straightened herself and smiled politely at a young couple walking by, oblivious and in their own world. The two shared a nervous laugh, feeling awkward in the disrupted moment.

  Kelsey remained silent through dinner, lost in her conflicting thoughts. Though she knew from watching her father that relationships in his world had been a complete waste of time, would it be the same for her if she allowed Matt into her life. His eyes were so honest when he confessed his feelings near the river and his touch left her wanting more. She had boyfriends over the years, and was no stranger to sexual desire, but this felt different from the others. How can I trust this isn’t all part of his game to get me in bed? Her mind growled its good senses as she picked at her meal. She glanced sideways at Matt who also seemed lost in his own world. Suddenly her father chimed in.


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