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Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1)

Page 15

by Haven Rose

  I could see my dad was getting through, though Deacon still looked as if his newfound family was going to be taken away from him at any moment. However, my mom returned within minutes, her eyes suspiciously bright, and went straight to Deacon, wrapping her arms around him, holding him tight, and said, the tears obvious in her voice, “Thank you.”

  The rest of us just stood there, letting them have that moment, then my dad hugged Deacon as well, telling him “it’s official now, you can’t get rid of us,” and we all sat down to eat. Deacon had become family. Oh, he always had been, he just needed to accept it, and today he did.

  Later that same day…

  “I’ll be there in a few days. I need to find that flash drive I sent the Monroe woman. I’ve made contact with her daughter, and if need be, I will force her to give it to me.”

  “I can’t believe you gave it to her with all that information on it, jackass.”

  “Fuck you, prick. I messed up, I know it, and now you’re going to help me fix it. If not, I’m taking you down with me. I may have driven the car that followed her and caused the accident, but you were there with me before that, throwing just as many punches as me.”

  “It was your idea, fucker. I still can’t believe she was able to get away. She saw our faces, realized we’re twins, if she had talked to anyone it would’ve ruined everything.”

  “It doesn’t matter who thought of it, we both did it. That’s all the cops and juries give a shit about. Yeah, there’s ways around it, accidents can happen, but my boss overheard us talking the other day, and started asking questions. Thankfully, he hasn’t told his brother yet, but they share everything, even the company. And she didn’t have time to talk to anyone. We made sure of that.”

  “We’ll find it, brother. We’ve come this far, there’s no way in hell some little bitch is going to ruin it for us. She’ll end up just like her mom, and that’ll be the end of this.”

  “You better be right. The people I have as clients, if they were to find out how much I’m overcharging them, and that I’ve kept a record of everything they’ve shared with me…”

  “You’re fucked.”

  “Thanks for the support, fuckface. I assured my boss it was all under control. To which he said it better be, otherwise the client will have to be told, and that would not be conducive to my breathing. They are not the type of men you want to fuck over.”

  “Then why’d you do it?”

  “I got greedy. All these whores were wanting my dick, and I gave it to them, but I had to buy off my wife when she started asking questions. That shit is expensive.”

  “Just get rid of her, man. She’s a bitch anyway, and a damn cock tease. Always touching me, wearing dresses and shit when I’m there, yet acts offended when I try to fuck her.”

  “I told her she better watch that shit, otherwise you were just going to ignore her denials one of these times, and it’d be her fault.”

  “She has it coming, and I’m just the man to give it to her. Maybe after we take care of this shit here in Colebrook I can pay your wife a visit and let her know she doesn’t get a choice any longer.”

  They just laugh, knowing what’s in store for the one’s wife, and they’re both okay with it.


  Later that night…

  I love Ryan’s parents, and Deacon, though he doesn’t say much, is a sweetheart. I can’t wait until he finds the one for him. I just know, when he does, he’ll no longer be able to contain his emotions as easily, and she’ll help him to see it’s okay not to.

  I loved being a part of Deacon accepting his role in this family, his family, and now mine as well. I can see why Ryan is as wonderful as he is. He’s had such a solid foundation and it shows in his character.

  After dinner, I officially met Deacon. Ryan and I had wanted to give him time to himself following the emotional discussion with Ryan’s, their, parents. Deacon is a sweet man, but I can see what Ryan meant when he said Deacon contains his feelings. I couldn’t help but hug him when Ryan made the introductions. I felt Deacon tense for a second, either from not expecting the show of affection or not used to contact of that nature. I think it might be a little of both. We then all sat around and talked, about the wedding, work, our plans, and the possibility of Martin and Evelyn, and hopefully Deacon as well, moving to Colebrook so there wasn’t so much distance between us, especially when Ryan and I start our family.

  I can see his parents are seriously thinking about it, though they’re hesitant to sell their home as it’s where they raised their own family. Deacon though had a brilliant idea and reminded them, as the house was paid off, they could always keep it and turn it into a rental property. Plus, it would be a steady source of income.

  As for Deacon, I believe he’s considering it as well, and maybe when he visits us, seeing my hometown for himself, he’ll see the beauty of it all. He is quiet, but when he lets his humor shine through…I was crying a few times from things he’d casually slide into the conversation, and then act as if he didn’t say anything.

  Hours later, Ryan is giving me this look, and I know what he wants…me, naked, as soon as possible. I’m not at all surprised when he makes it happen either. Thankfully, Martin and Evelyn had stepped out of the room for a bit. Martin to answer a phone call and Evelyn looking for pictures of Ryan when he was younger.

  “Ruby, want to see my old bedroom? It’s time for some R&R, don’t you think?” He then winks at me, his intentions not at all hidden. R&R? It takes me a few minutes, but when I realize what he was referring to, Ryan and Ruby time, as in sex, instead of the usual meaning behind it, I can’t help the laughter that pours out of me. You’d think I’d be blushing, since Deacon is hearing this, but I’m not. Instead, I can’t wait to see Ryan’s old room, knowing I’m the only female that’ll ever be in it.

  I hear Deacon cracking up and look over to see him wiping tears from his eyes. Even Ryan looks surprised at Deacon’s reaction. He gets himself under control, somewhat, then call Ryan on it.

  “R&R? Is that what you guys call your sexy time? That’s freakin’ hilarious. And Ruby isn’t beating you silly for it? You two truly are perfect together. You both talk properly, something I can’t break Ryan of. He just doesn’t do slang. It’s why I’ve internally dubbed him “Rye bread.” He’s too sophisticated to just be white bread. And now there’s two of you?”

  Deacon starts laughing all over again, and I can’t help but look at Ryan and mouth, “Rye bread,” only to have him shrug in response, but his eyes are twinkling, pure happiness radiating from him at seeing Deacon’s relaxed and easy-going manner at this moment. I have a feeling, even with their close relationship, Ryan’s chances to see this side of Deacon have been very few, if any at all.

  We talk some more, with Martin and Evelyn rejoining us shortly after that, all of us laughing over some of Ryan’s old pictures, and I found quite a few adorable, and then end up watching a movie together.

  As the movie ends, noticing how late it’s gotten, Deacon says his good-byes and heads for the door, Ryan walking out with him. I thank my future-in-laws for letting us stay the night, of which they say they’re happy to have us anytime, and take care of Boots, Lucy, and Princess. They’ve have been so good on this trip, something you’re never sure of with animals using the bathroom in a strange place. I run the dogs out on last time, then fix bowls of food and refresh the water for all three.

  Ryan returned as I was cleaning the bowls, leaving the water in case they wanted more later, and any stray pieces of food. It may be small, but it hurts when you step on it sometimes.

  He told his parents we’d see them in the morning, and then led me, with our three furkids following, to his childhood bedroom. He did let me know his parents had redone it after he moved out, so it was now a guest room, which means I wouldn’t see any potentially embarrassing adolescent stuff. Darn it.

  The dogs and Princess quickly ran for the beds, though we knew they’d join us later on ours, and got comfortab
le. Ryan shut and locked the door, then undressed within seconds. I just stood there, taking all of him in, relishing in the fact that my tongue would soon be tracing every muscle on that body of his. My man was sexy as hell, and completely unaware of it, which was even hotter.

  I began a slow strip tease, delighting in seeing his jaw clenching, and his dick growing hard while he watched me. I made sure to caress myself as I went, loving when a growl slipped from him. When I was completely bare before him, I dropped to my knees, then took him into my mouth, knowing I wouldn’t need my hands because he’d take care of that for me, and he did, using one hand to hold himself while I swallowed around him, and the other to fist into my hair as he guided my movements.

  Fuck, this was hot. I never thought I’d enjoy being dominated as he does with me, but I can’t get enough of it. His grip tightens, his thrusts become harder, and I know he’s about to come soon. I want him to mark my skin, leaving his scent on me, but I also want to feel him inside me, leaving an ache I’ll still feel in the morning. Just as I’m wondering which one he’ll choose, he quickly pulls me to my feet using his hand still in my hair, and turns me around, then pushes me onto the bed. I instantly get on all fours, knowing this is going to be a hard and fast fuck, and feel my juices sliding down my leg in anticipation.

  Within seconds he’s behind me, shoving into me with one thrust. He orders me to play with myself and I do, knowing how close he is to coming. I flick my clit hard, the pressure being exactly what I need to send me over the edge, and when I climax, clenching around his cock, he explodes, sending me into another orgasm, though this one isn’t as strong.

  We collapse onto the bed, both breathing heavy, and then move only enough to crawl under the covers and wrap ourselves around one another. Exhaustion tugs at us and we gladly give into it, a whispered “I love you” our last words before falling asleep.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Two days later…

  It’s back to work today for both Ruby and I. She went to Harry’s this morning, calling when she arrived, then she’ll be at home working on a few things for her new client, Mr. Smith, which I still think is an alias. At least I’m on an earlier shift today, which should be my normal one now, and will be able to get home hours before I usually would.

  I still have that same niggling feeling I did Saturday at my parents, knowing the final piece of the puzzle we need is here somewhere, whether in the notes or our brains, and we’re overlooking it.

  At least, on a happy note, the surprise visit to my parents went great, and Ruby even got her wedding dress, though she refused to let me see it. The garment bag covered the entire thing and she never left me alone so I’d have time to look at it. She knows me too well.

  After we returned to Colebrook, a sad good-bye to my parents making it hard to leave them, we stopped, at her insistence, at her dad’s so she could hide the dress there. I still can’t believe she refused to tell me where she put it inside.

  My phone beeps, signaling a text, and I see it’s from Ruby. She’s letting me know she’s heading home and will be there for the rest of the afternoon, unless something comes up. She also tells me her new client, Mr. Smith, called and said he’d be in town within the week to visit family, and wanted to know if they could meet and go over her designs in person.

  She didn’t agree nor deny the meeting, but said she’d have to get back to him after checking her schedule. My girl is smart, wanting to talk to me about it with everything going on before committing to meeting a stranger, despite their work-related communications.

  I respond, letting her know if she doesn’t meet him alone, it should be okay. She asks if I can be there and remind her it depends on the day as sometime this week I’m supposed to visit one of the neighboring departments for a training session. It seems the various stations in this county take turns hosting, so it doesn’t always fall on one specific location.

  Ruby decides to ask her dad, as a plan b, if he’ll be available later this week, and if not, she’s sure Bobby can do it. I breathe a little easier knowing there’s two other choices.

  I get a call from dispatch, so I let Ruby know duty calls and I’ll talk to her later. I then spend the rest of my shift going from various situations, whether it’s a car accident, to a possible break-in, to a noise disturbance. The latter ended up being a bunch of young kids playing their music too loud for the neighbor’s liking.

  By the time I arrive home I’m tired but looking forward to seeing my jewel. She can brighten any dark day, and she does, the second I walk in and see her smiling face. I set my stuff down, and then she welcomes me home with a kiss destined to get a fire running through my veins, then pulls away with a smirk, knowing she’s teasing me. Then she walks away, twitching that sexy ass of hers in a skirt I’m destined to push up later as I take her from behind.

  The animals all greet me, happy to have me home as well, and follow Ruby into the kitchen where she’s finishing dinner. I wash my hands, then ask what I can do, and help her by making a salad, lighting the grill I bought before moving here, knowing I’d now have the time to use it, and prepping potatoes so I they can bake with our dinner, steak for me, and chicken for her.

  She asks about my day and I fill her in on the calls I received, then do the same. She tells me she was able to finalize a few projects and send them off for approval, as well as responding to Mr. Smith, asking him to let her know when his arrival date was more planned out and she could arrange her schedule to see him. It seems her dad is open this week and is willing to be there whenever she needs him, and if he must be at the shop, he’ll either close early, or have Alex take over for him.

  We talk about Deacon’s upcoming visit, he’s due to arrive late Thursday morning and stay for close to a week. The guest room is almost ready for him, we just need to make the bed and rearrange the furniture the way Ruby wants it.

  I have to say, and I think Ruby agrees, that this house suits us. It’s perfect for our needs, especially as it has three bedrooms, four if you count one that’s currently being used as an office by Ruby and me, which means we have the space for when we start our family. I’d prefer not to continue paying for a rental as I begin my new life here and wonder if Mr. Johnson would be willing to let me purchase it, whether as a rent-to-own, or just outright buying it. Plus, we’re only minutes from Ruby’s dad, the hardware store, and the sheriff’s department. And, if I can talk my parents and Deacon into moving here, there are also numerous houses available close to us.

  Once the grill is warmed up, we take our food onto the deck and start grilling. Thankfully, the weather is nice, and we can eat outside. She sets the table that came with the house, then comes to stand beside me afterward, keeping me company while we wait for it to be ready.

  We eat, slipping both Boots and Lucy a few pieces of our meals as we do. We may spoil them with people food here and there, but it’s always in moderation, and never junk food.

  Instead of immediately cleaning up after ourselves, we sit and talk, avoiding any mention of the case, hers or her mom’s. As we’ve only known each other a short time, though it feels as if we’ve been together for years, we share stories, play twenty questions, and then, an hour or so later, put away the leftovers and load the dishwasher.

  At this point, remembering my earlier thoughts about a permanent place for us to live, I ask what she thinks about this house, if she could see us raising our family here.

  She grins, which gives me my answer, and says she’d love if we could stay here. As this rental is one of Mr. Johnson’s personal properties, and not something through his company, she thinks he’d be open to the idea of us buying it from him. I make a note on my phone to speak to him about it this week, and if he agrees, I’d like to start the process as quickly as possible so Ruby and I can begin putting our own personal touch on it.

  We spend the rest of the night, aside from an hour or two spent making love, watching television and discussing what we’d like to do to the
house if we get it.

  I take the dogs out while Ruby gets ready for bed, and then we all get comfortable for the night. Ruby pulls out a book and tucks the covers around herself as she prepares to lose herself in it, and I turn on a program I’d recorded earlier.

  My show ends as she’s closing her book, and we assume our normal sleeping positions, wrapped around each other, and fall asleep, curious about what the next week will bring. If only we’d known then, we probably wouldn’t have slept so easily.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Two days later…

  Ryan left for work not even an hour ago, and I’m sitting at my desk doing homework. I’m now only weeks away from graduation, less than three to be exact, and only need to attend my class on campus a couple more times. This Friday isn’t one of them, though the next two are.

  When my phone rings and I see Ryan’s picture on the ID, I’m surprised. I answer, always happy to talk to him, though I don’t get the usual greeting. Instead he sounds upset, yet relieved at the same time.

  He tells me they caught the man they believe destroyed my room and did what he did on my lingerie. I ask who and he says some local guy a few years younger than me. According to the arresting officer, someone called in a tip after seeing pictures of me inside his bedroom. He claimed they weren’t his, denied ever seeing them or being at my house, but the same person that turned him in stated they’d overheard him talking about me, and what he’d done to my stuff.

  Ryan says the evidence points to it being him, which means it’s completely unrelated to us digging into my mom’s case. He said the guy is a two-time loser, so this is his third strike and he’ll be going away for a while. The Sheriff wants me to come in and see if I recognize the guy, though his name doesn’t sound familiar.


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