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Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1)

Page 17

by Haven Rose

  He chuckles, then says “gross, I don’t want to know about my brother and soon-to-be-sister-in-law’s sex life.” Yeah, I caught it. He referred to me as his brother, but I didn’t want to bring too much attention, just in case it slipped out, or risk embarrassing him, so I responded as a true brother would.

  “You’re just jealous.”

  He snorts, but then quietly confesses, “I know.”

  Wanting to comfort him, and be supportive, but without getting all mushy which would just squig both of us out, I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze, the male equivalent of “there, there.” He nods, silently acknowledging my action, and we move on. I point out Harry’s, asking if he’s up to meeting Ruby’s dad, and, after he says yes, we park and go inside.

  Hal is just finishing with a customer as we walk in, and raises a hand in greeting, letting me know he’ll be there once he’s done. When he makes his way over to us, I introduce him to Deacon, and the two shake hands.

  Hal mentions he’s heard a lot about him, and Deacon turns and looks at me, receiving a shrug in response. He’s my best friend, of course I’ve talked about him. I want him to feel at ease with my future father-in-law, knowing as mine and Ruby’s lives become even more intertwined, their interactions will increase.

  As we chat, Hal asking after his daughter, I can see he too is concerned about her being tired, but I assure him she has recovered from being sick, and with everything that had been going on she was just probably catching up on sleep.

  He nods, understanding that possibility, and we chat for a while longer. As we leave, I ask if he’d like to join us for dinner and he accepts, eager to have Ruby’s cooking again. My jewel is a great cook, and I know her dad had to have gotten used to having it, savoring every meal she made, and the time with her.

  I send a quick text to Ruby, letting her know her dad is coming over for dinner, asking if she needs me to pick up anything. I show him my patrol route, and that my shifts will soon be more regular, giving me the day shift. I also let him know we’re buying my rental house, Mr. Johnson agreeing to sell it, and subtracting what I’ve already given him so far, which granted isn’t much as I haven’t even been in town for a month, but it’s nice of him to do it.

  We make our way back to my house, Ruby still not answering my text, and when we get there, me heading straight to our bedroom, I’m surprised to see her still asleep. We’ve been gone for almost two hours. I let her sleep, then ask Deacon if he minds staying there in case she needs anything while I run to the store. I’m just going to grab the ingredients we need for something easy, knowing she may not feel up to anything more than that, plus, this way if I end up needing to cook, I can handle it without giving all of us food poisoning. I can grill, and I’m good at it, but cooking…not so much.

  I run into Bobby while I’m there and ask how he’s doing. Ruby has shared with me that something is going on with his parents and it’s really bothering him, not knowing how to fix it.

  Thankfully, he looks better, not as burdened as the last time I saw him. I decide to invite him over for dinner too, warning him Ruby may not be making it.

  Showing how much he cares about his best friend, he instantly asks if she’s okay, and I tell him she’s just tired, probably everything, plus recently being sick, catching up to her. He nods, though he still looks a little worried, which I know we all are.

  I tell him he’s always welcome anytime, but we’ll probably eat in a couple hours, then we go our separate ways, finishing our own shopping. I run into Dan in the parking lot, and though he asks about Ruby, it seems off somehow. It’s as if he doesn’t want to know out of concern, but for some other purpose. I tell him she’s okay, just tired, and we’re both thankful the danger to her is over. There’s no way I’m letting him know I don’t think it is, not really trusting my co-worker. Something flashes in his eyes, even if only for an instant, but it’s there, and I recognize it…glee. But the question is, why?


  I stretch, feeling exhausted even though I know I slept, and, upon looking at my watch, realize I did so for about three hours. I stand, straighten my clothes and then head for the bathroom to take care of the sudden intense need to use it. After washing my hands and combing out my nap hair, I go looking for Ryan and Deacon, surprised to see my dad and Bobby as well.

  Everyone calls out a greeting, which I return, but Ryan heads toward me, eyeing me like he knows I’m not feeling myself. He kisses my forehead, stating I don’t have a fever, then does the same to my mouth. I assure him I’m okay, just tired. He’s still watching me though, unsure if I’m truly all right, or just telling him that so he doesn’t worry.

  Ryan tells me he invited the others to dinner and started making it himself as I was still asleep. I raise a brow at him, nervous he’s cooking, and he squashes my concern for our safety after telling me it’s only spaghetti. I laugh, that being one of the few things he can make that doesn’t require a grill. I offer to help, but he has me sit down and visit, which is Ryan code for “I still think something isn’t right, so I’d prefer you relax.”

  We all chat, Deacon surprising me by stating how much he likes the town. I want to ask if that means he’ll move here, but don’t, not wanting to push it. Ryan brings dinner out as our conversation is dying down, and we all start eating.

  My dad and Bobby stay for a few hours, and on a happy note, before he leaves, Bobby tells me everything is okay between his parents. It seems his mom had been given some medication and it impacted her hormones, therefore making her extra emotional. As for his dad, the Sheriff had apologized, stating he hadn’t been feeling good and was stressed about his work. Bobby said he thinks his dad might be retiring soon, but he isn’t sure yet, so nothing is being said.

  Dad leaves after Bobby, giving me a hug and double checking that I’m still coming to his house tomorrow for the meeting with Mr. Smith. I tell him I am and will be there early to visit and go over my things for him before a few hours before he’s due to arrive. My dad says he’s going to open Harry’s, then Alex will take over around eleven. There’s no school Friday due to an in-school day for teachers, so he can come in earlier than usual. That works though because Mr. Smith scheduled his appointment for eleven-thirty, which means my dad will beat him there. That makes me feel better.

  Ryan and Deacon have already taken the dogs out, using the back door to do so, Ryan still not ready to unlatch the doggie door yet. The three of us decide to relax, choosing a movie to help with that, and after making popcorn we get comfortable and escape into make believe for a couple hours.

  Chapter Twenty


  The next day…

  I’m sitting in my training class, counting down until I’m done and back home with Ruby. We were told class usually lasts until one, but as there aren’t many here, things were able to move faster. Thankfully, it’s almost over, just less than an hour to go until twelve. It was hard to leave my precious jewel alone in our bed this morning. She looked so beautiful, as always, but there was a sort of glow about her today.

  I drag my mind to the present, and focus in on Sheriff Morrison’s words, reminding myself I need to pay attention. As he’s talking over past cases, speaking in general without sharing names, just to be safe, he starts discussing a homicide he investigated before transferring to this town. He mentions how we’re taught to look at the spouse first because they do have the easiest access to the victim, and usually the most to gain from the person’s death.

  While it isn’t always the case, it does happen, so we can’t automatically rule it out, because the killer also has the most to lose if they’re discovered, so they will pull out an Oscar-worthy performance because they’re intent on CTA…covering their ass. He reminds us that sometimes the most plausible answer, the easiest one, is the right one. That we need to be sure we aren’t spending too much time looking for one more complicated, because there are times the answer is directly in front of us, just waiting for it to sink into our brain
, to process what we’re seeing. And once we exhaust that avenue, we can look for other possibilities, but either way, we are to always follow the evidence, don’t let our minds dictate what the evidence says, just let it speak for itself because it wants to share what it knows.

  “Fuck!” I shout, my brain piecing together the puzzle that’s eluded me this whole time. I knew it was there, but for some reason I couldn’t get all the facts to align and show me what I needed it to…until now.

  “Deputy Daniels, do you have something to add?”

  “No, sir, but I did just figure out something. I need to make a call. It’s urgent,” I say, and then, without waiting for an answer, not like anything could stop me, I race out of the room, grabbing my cell out of my pocket as I head toward my car.

  As I’m opening my door, Deacon picks up and I don’t even take the time to offer a greeting. I just ask, the urgency clear in my voice, “Where are you? Where’s Ruby?”

  “I’m in town, and she’s at her dad’s. She sent me a text about thirty minutes ago to let me know her appointment arrived.”

  “Fuck! Get to her, now! Her client is the killer.” I’ve barely finished when I hear his breathing change and I realize he’s running. “It’s the same asshole her mom took on as a client. He connected with Ruby to keep an eye on her, to see what she knows, to take her away from me. No fucking way will I let that happen. I’m half an hour away. Please, Deacon.”

  “I’m getting in my car now. Call the station and have them send someone, just in case.”

  “Good idea. Bye.” I know that was rude, but Deacon will understand.


  I wake up, the sunlight brightening the bedroom, and reach over for Ryan only to realize his side is empty. I look at the clock and am surprised to see its almost nine o’clock. I don’t even remember going to bed last night. Ryan must’ve carried me up here because the last memory I have is of starting to watch a movie. I get ready for my day, then head downstairs, intent on checking on our animals and seeing if Deacon needs anything before getting ready for my appointment with Mr. Smith.

  As I head toward the kitchen, the most glorious smell hits me…coffee…due north. It shall be mine. I admit I do a mental evil laugh as I picture myself walking in and taking the beverage of life from Deacon’s hands if need be. Yeah, he’s a giant compared to me, then again, who isn’t, but I can take him if coffee is involved.

  I walk in and see Deacon leaning against the counter, and, as if he knows his life is in danger, quickly pours a cup of coffee and holds it out to me. I take a drink, not even bothering with the usual creamer I’d put in it. That can wait, at least two sips, just enough to get my brain back online and somewhat functioning. Now that I’m human again, I smile at Deacon and thank him for the coffee. He just laughs, apparently no longer in fear for his well-being.

  Since he took care of the coffee, I ask if he’d like breakfast and begin making French toast for both of us, adding cinnamon to the batter before dipping the bread inside to give it extra flavor. I see he’s intrigued by that, and the dash I add to it once it starts cooking. It isn’t long before the smell invades the kitchen, and both our stomachs call out for food. We eat, chatting about our plans for the day, Deacon confessing he has an appointment with Mr. Johnson to talk about rentals and any available properties for sale. He says Ryan doesn’t know yet as he’d called first thing this morning and scheduled it.

  I don’t ask any questions, though I want to badly, but I do say how happy Ryan and I will be to have him closer. Then I tell him he can work on their parents with us, that they can’t hold out against all of us, and it isn’t until I see him nod his head, turning away from me as he does so, that I realize I referred to Martin and Evelyn as his and Ryan’s parents, not just Ryan’s.

  We’re done eating, so I change the subject by gathering the dirty dishes, telling Deacon I’ll clean up if he wouldn’t mind running Boots and Lucy out. I’m sure he’s already done so, but it gave him an excuse to have some time to himself, even if only a few moments, to get his emotions under control.

  An hour later, I’m getting ready to leave the house, Deacon having already done so about ten minutes prior. I know he wasn’t comfortable letting me drive myself, but I promised to let him know when I arrived, and when Mr. Smith did as well. I also made sure my pepper spray was in my jeans pocket and showed Deacon I had it. No, it wasn’t the same as him going with me, but it was better than nothing, plus, my dad would be home before my client gets there.

  Now, I’m sitting in the living room of my childhood home, talking to my dad. I left all three animals at home, not knowing how Mr. Smith would feel about them, nor how long I would be. I have everything arranged at the dining room table, for some reason not wanting to have the meeting in my parents’ office. I’ve also set out some snacks, cheese and such, just to be a pleasant host, and made a fresh pot of coffee.

  Dad and I have talked about it, and he knows Mr. Smith makes me uncomfortable for some reason. My dad asks in what way, and I take a second, trying to put it into words.

  “He’s just…”

  “Smarmy,” we both say in unison, then laugh because the word describes him perfectly.

  When the doorbell rings later, about fifteen minutes earlier than it should, I know Mr. Smith has arrived. I verify who it is, then open it upon having his identity confirmed. We officially introduce ourselves, this being our first face to face meeting, and yet, he somehow seems familiar to me, even though I don’t recognize him at all.

  He and my dad shake hands, then my dad excuses himself, but I know he isn’t going far due to my concerns about the other man. He told me he’d be in the office, taking care of some paperwork if I needed him. We quickly sit down and get to business after that, and Mr. Smith informs me his bosses, brothers that own Gemini Law, have narrowed it down to two designs, and were wondering if they could somehow be combined. So, for the next twenty minutes, I make some rough sketches, trying to merge the qualities his employers liked from each one until settling on a design.

  As he’s sending it for final approval, I see a shadow cross the dining room windows. I know I’ve been slightly paranoid lately, and rightfully so, but that was not from a tree or anything else easily written off. It was a person. Unsure what to do, I sit there a few minutes longer, waiting to see if it passes my vision again. When it doesn’t, I breathe a sigh of relief, until I hear a noise at the back door. Now that, I know is bad. Someone is here, and they shouldn’t be. It’s not my dad, nor Ryan or Deacon, and Bobby is in class.

  I lift my cup, trying to signal to Mr. Smith that I’m going to refill it, and then point to his, silently asking if he’d like more coffee as well. He nods his head, so I grab his and make my way toward the kitchen. As I’m walking away, so thankful my dad’s floor plan is different from most homes in that the dining room is further inside the house, as opposed to being right next to the living room, I move both mugs to my left hand and use my right to get my cell out of my pocket, quickly dialing the sheriff’s department.

  I walk into the kitchen and refill our cups, knowing I need to so I can maintain my cover story of stepping away from Mr. Smith. I hear Mrs. Wilson answer, giving her usual greeting, and quickly let her know it’s me, and, as she’s gearing up to start chatting, I gently stop her, knowing if I don’t she could go on for a while.

  “Mrs. Wilson, can you send someone to my dad’s? I think someone is sneaking around, trying to get inside.”

  “Oh, Ruby, yes. Right away. You be careful, dear. Your dad would be devastated if he lost…Yes, of course. I’m dispatching help right now. Stay on the line with me until they arrive.”

  I’m thankful she cut off her thought, even though I know she was going to say my dad would be devastated if he lost me too. The whole town knows he’s never fully recovered from losing my mom, and the only reason he was able to go on was me, and a strong will to give me the life he and my mom wanted for me.

  Mrs. Wilson continues, getting he
r small talk in, trying to fill the silence as we wait. Someone must’ve been near the neighborhood though as there’s a knock on my door. It’s only been about three minutes by my estimation, which in this case is a relief.

  “Mrs. Wilson, someone’s here. I’m going to see if it’s the sheriff or one of his deputies. If Ryan calls in before coming home, could you let him know what’s going on? I’m sure it’s nothing, so I don’t want to bother him during his training class.”

  “Of course, Ruby. He’s due to call in when he leaves. It’s policy as he’ll be going off duty then. I’m sure you’re right and it’s nothing though.”

  As she’s talking, I’m heading toward the door, and upon reaching it, peek out the side window to see who it is. I recognize Dan, and though he’s not one of my favorite people, I’m thankful a cop is there.

  “Mrs. Wilson, thank you again. A deputy is here, so I’m going to let you go.”

  “A deputy? But I sent…” I didn’t hear her talking until I’d already pulled my phone away from my ear, but by then it was too late to make out what she was saying or stop the end call button I’d pushed from hanging up.

  I open the door, letting Dan in as I thank him for getting there so quickly. An expression comes and goes quickly on his face, not giving me time to determine if it was confusion or something else. I tell him I saw someone walking around outside, their shadow crossing the window in the dining room where I’m holding a client meeting. I also mention I’d heard someone at the back door.

  Dan enters, not even walking toward the door I’d mentioned, or checking out the house first, something I know Ryan would’ve done. I’ve heard around town that Dan doesn’t seem to do his job as thoroughly as he should, and now I’m seeing that firsthand.

  My dad must’ve heard the door as he walks out of the office, saying hi to Dan as he heads for me. I tell him what happened and can see the concern on his face as I do so. He grabs my hand, offering and receiving comfort at the same time, as we look from Dan to Mr. Smith. It hits me, with a startling clarity, why Mr. Smith seemed familiar when he arrived. No, it’s not the face, it’s his mannerisms, the way he says certain words. I hear my dad’s sharply drawn breath beside me, and know he’s figured it out too.


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