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Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1)

Page 19

by Haven Rose

  “I appreciate that, Hal. I’ll let them know. They should be here any minute,” my phone buzzes in my pocket right then, and I see it’s my mom, saying they’re in the parking lot. I go to stand, telling Hal about the message, but he stops me and says he’ll find them and introduce himself.

  I watch him walk away, amazed at his ability to take care of me while worrying about his daughter, instead of letting his fear overrule him. When Ruby and I have kids, I hope I’m even half as good a dad as mine, and Ruby’s, are.

  Deacon joins me, taking the seat Hal just vacated. In his usual style, being all the Deacon he can be, he doesn’t say anything, his presence offering support, an ear, something to yell at…whatever I need him to be in this moment. And right now, that’s my best friend, my brother.

  My parents come in as Deacon and I are sitting there, and they head straight to us, hugging us both. Just as mom is asking if we’ve heard anything, a doctor comes down the hall and walks toward us. I realize it’s Dr. Norris. He’d introduced himself prior to the surgery, wanting to let us know what was going on with Ruby.

  “Ruby Monroe’s family?”

  We all rise at his question, Bobby having returned earlier, and wait to hear if he’s about to ruin our world.

  “Ruby’s in recovery. She came through surgery quite well. We had to remove part of her spleen due to the gunshot wound, and she has a few cracked ribs, but, all things considered, she’s a lucky woman. Mom and babies are doing fine.”

  My heart, overjoyed that Ruby will be okay, skips a beat, and then my brain clicks in, realizing what the doctor just said.


  “Yes. Your fiancée is four weeks along. It is fairly early in the pregnancy, so she may not have even known.”

  “No, we definitely didn’t know. She has been more tired than usual, but we attributed it to everything we’ve been dealing with lately.”

  “She’ll need to find an OB-GYN and schedule an appointment within the next few weeks. We estimate the due date, based upon how far along she is, to be around February, but her doctor will be able to be more specific. The first ultrasound is usually around eight weeks, but in less than two, when she’s reached six weeks, you should be able to hear the babies’ heartbeats. It’s standard procedure to conduct a blood test on incoming patients, especially those of a reproductive age. Ruby’s came back positive for pregnancy, and, due to the hCG pregnancy hormone level, we’re able to determine there’s more than one baby, but no more than two.”

  “I’m going to be a dad. To twins. My Ruby is having our children. Mom, dads, we need to schedule this wedding right away. As soon as she feels up to it, we’re doing it. We both agreed we want it small and simple, so it won’t take long to plan.”

  The doctor, having said what he needed to, left after letting us know a nurse would return to take us to Ruby’s room as soon as possible, but the number of visitors would be limited to two at a time.

  I’m usually one for following rules, but that will never happen when Ruby is involved. Once I’m in her room, I won’t be leaving until she does.

  Thirty minutes later, a nurse is walking Hal and I to Ruby’s room. I immediately go to her side, looking for an uninjured area, just so I can touch her, assuring myself she’s here. My poor precious jewel. I’m thankful that not only was the doctor able to perform a laparoscopic splenectomy, therefore making it less invasive and a shorter recovery period, but that she’s currently receiving pain medication, and not awake to feel every ache, bruise, and injury she’s suffered. I would give anything to be able to see her beautiful blue eyes at this moment, but my need to make sure she feels no pain is even stronger.

  I pull a chair closer to her bed, then sit down and grab her hand. My intent to stay as long as she does being made known. Hal takes her other hand, talking to her as if she can hear us, and maybe she can. When thirty minutes have passed, he walks out of the room and Bobby takes his place. This continues, every half hour, until Deacon and I remain. I know he took the last turn for numerous reasons, the main one being so I can concentrate solely on Ruby, fully trusting him to keep us safe.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Five days later…

  It’s so good to be home, even though Ryan hasn’t let me do anything since I was released a few days ago. I still can’t believe I’m pregnant, almost five weeks now. When Ryan told me, the joy almost busting out of him, I was shocked, but that quickly gave way to happiness.

  My dad and Ryan’s parents are over the moon, already talking about their grandparent privileges, meaning buying whatever they want to for the babies. It’s adorable, really. They’re acting like giddy children, waiting for Christmas morning to see what Santa brought them.

  The sheriff gave Ryan time off, starting the Monday after I was injured, and lasting for two weeks. Bobby and my dad have taken turns bringing over dinner the past few days. We’ve insisted they don’t have to, and they insisted just as stubbornly they do. Bobby, or Uncle Bobby as he’s begun referring to himself, said his niece and nephew, he’s positive I’m having one of each, needs their mommy to rest. We did convince them we were okay for tonight though. Deacon will be leaving in a few hours, and while we love having him here and will miss him, we’re looking forward to some time together after everything that’s happened and learning we're going to be parents.

  Deacon told Ryan about his rescheduled appointment with Mr. Johnson, and it seems as if he’s planning on moving here. Plus, we told him our babies will need their Uncle Deacon around, not just visits here and there. Martin and Evelyn, having gone back home yesterday, called this morning to let us know they’re starting the process so they can move closer. They’ve decided to rent the house, instead of selling it outright, which means less hassle for them. They’ve already spoken with Mr. Johnson and asked him to find a house for them. They’re determining what they want to stay at their home in New Haven, and what to bring here.

  The wedding is being planned, with a lot of the details being agreed upon within the last few days. Since my graduation is in less than two weeks, with my birthday a week later, we decided to wait until August, which means six weeks from this Saturday I’ll officially become Mrs. Ryan Daniels. Also, the added benefit of having it so soon means there’s less risk of not being able to fit into my dress. As it is, carrying two babies, it could be tight already by that point.

  I’m currently resting on the couch, Boots, Lucy, and Princess sleeping huddled together near my feet. Ryan and Deacon come from the kitchen, carrying plates and drinks for our lunch. Deacon is watching Ryan, laughing at him. I have no idea what they’re up to now. They’re like two little boys sometimes.

  “Why must you strut around like that? You haven’t stopped since finding out Ruby was pregnant.” Deacon says, and I realize he’s right. Ryan has been swaggering since we were told.

  Ryan just carries on, whistling as he nears me, chest puffing out as he does so.

  “You act like you’re the first man to knock a woman up. How do you think you got here? A stork? Baby FedEx? Nope. You aren’t even the first in your family. Cut it out, dumbass. You aren’t a peacock.”

  I snicker, thinking a cock was definitely involved, then realize, as Deacon and Ryan fall silent, I said that out loud.

  Deacon just stares at me in surprise. “Ruby, did you really just make a dick joke?” I then hear him mumble, “it’s always the quiet ones.”

  Ryan, still smirking at me, then looks at Deacon and says, “I believe my Ruby told you. Besides, no, I’m not the first, but I am the only to put a baby inside my woman. So, nanner, nanner, nanner.”

  Deacon loses it, setting the food down as he wipes tears from his eyes.

  Shortly after lunch, there’s a knock on the door. Ryan, still vigilant even after the danger is over, takes his gun out of the holster on his waistband and holds it at his side while he looks through the front door window. When I see him relax, I do as well, knowing it isn’t a threat.
/>   He opens it, and in steps the Sheriff and Mrs. Wilson. The sheriff is understandable, but I can’t understand why she’s here.

  “Ruby, how’re you feeling?” The sheriff greets me as he shakes hands with Ryan and Deacon.

  “I’m good, Sheriff. Thanks for asking. Hi, Mrs. Wilson.”

  “Hello, dear. Do you need anything? I can have some of the ladies get together and bring over some dinners.”

  “We’re okay but thank you.”

  “Well, dear, you let me know if you change your mind.”

  “I will. Would you two like anything to drink?”

  This time the sheriff answers, declining the offer, and saying he needed to finalize a few details. An hour later, official business over, the sheriff looks directly at me and says he needs to apologize. I’m confused but let him continue.

  “First, for not solving this twelve years ago, and saving you and your dad a lot of pain and suffering. Second, for not realizing the kind of man my deputy really was. If I had never hired him…”

  I stop the sheriff there, not finding any apology from him necessary, and tell him so. “Sheriff, you don’t need to do this. I don’t place any blame on you. Although, I do have one question.”

  He nods, letting me know I can ask it. “That day, at Harry’s, it sounded almost as if you were threatening me.”

  I can see I’ve shocked him, but he does answer, and it wasn’t one I was expecting.

  “I’d overheard you and Bobby talking about your mom’s case, and later looked at his notes on it. I knew then you were trying to solve it, and Ryan and Bobby were helping you. I’m so sorry you misunderstood what I was saying. I was trying to warn you. I’d long thought your mom was murdered but could never prove it. I’ve felt so guilty that I couldn’t find justice for your family, and learning you were looking into it, it just brought everything back. I took this job, vowing to watch over the residents, and I let three of you down. My guilt became overwhelming, it even caused problems between my wife and I because I was pushing myself so hard to help you in any way I could.”

  Now Bobby’s talk about his dad being different lately makes sense. For a man to feel as if he’s failed, especially one in the position of protector, I can see how deeply that could impact him.

  As it takes a little longer for me to stand right now, I don’t even try, but instead reach out and cover his hand with mine, letting him know it’s okay.

  “Oh, and before I forget,” the sheriff continued, “the charges have officially been dropped against Dustin Stanton. We’ve found enough evidence to prove Dan set him up, planting things to make it appear he was responsible for the destruction of your bedroom, and the pictures you received. He’s been released, and hopefully almost being sent away on what would’ve been his third strike, scares him into the straight and narrow. I just thought you’d like to know.”

  “Thanks, Sheriff. I was curious what would happen to him.” He nods, acknowledging me. It’s Mrs. Wilson’s turn now, and her confession causes Ryan to leap into action as he retrieves my laptop. It seems Dan was blackmailing Mrs. Wilson into helping him, using her to gain access to my computer so he could download a program on it that allowed him to spy on me.

  When Ryan returns, he asks Mrs. Wilson for the name and then begins searching. He quickly finds the program and uninstalls it. What he does after that I have no idea, but he continues working on it as Mrs. Wilson shares the rest of her story.

  Apparently, Dan threatened to plant evidence implicating John in a few crimes if she didn’t cooperate. I can tell she feels awful, but again, I don’t hold any ill will toward her. Of course, she’s going to do anything to protect her son, as she should. I reassure Mrs. Wilson I’m not upset with her and ask the sheriff if she’s in trouble. He says they worked out a deal, where she pays a fine and completes some community service. Then once she’s done that, they’ll act as if it didn’t happen. Bending the law, yes? But in this case, I’m okay with it. Both Dan and Ron are dead, and as all the evidence points toward their guilt, as well as quite a few unsolved cases, including their own father’s, there won’t be any court proceedings, which means Mrs. Wilson’s part in this can remain our secret.

  Before they leave, the sheriff asks to speak with Deacon alone, so we talk with Mrs. Wilson until they rejoin us. A few minutes after they leave, my curiosity is getting the best of me and I ask if we’re allowed to know what the sheriff spoke with him about.

  “He wanted to know if I’d be interested in a job, since Dan’s is now available. I told him I’m really considering moving here as I like the town, and my whole family will be living here, but that I needed to think about it. He said to take my time, that the offer is always open as long as he’s the sheriff.”

  “And?” I nudge, knowing the answer Ryan and I hope for.

  “I think I’m going to accept. I’ll need to give notice at home, transfer my cases, deal with my apartment, and so many other things, but it’ll be worth it. New Haven has nothing for me anymore, so it’s time I move on.”

  Then he gets quiet, so Ryan changes the subject, knowing Deacon is thinking things through.

  A couple hours later, we’re saying good-bye to Deacon. I give him a hug, thanking him once again for helping Ryan save me, and tell him as family, he’s always welcome at our home. Then I head toward the porch, wanting to give Ryan and Deacon time to themselves.

  I’m not sure what they say to each other, but after a few minutes of conversation, they do the equivalent of a man hug and Ryan joins me as we watch Deacon until his car disappears.

  Ryan and I go inside, Boots, Lucy, and Princess following us, and spend the rest of the day enjoying the life we’ve begun creating together. The journey to find justice for my mom may have ended, but another one, that of our new family, has just started.


  The next day…

  It’s Thursday, my first day back since leaving Ryan and Ruby’s the day before, and I can’t shut my brain off. Work isn’t the same without Ryan as my partner, my hours outside of that are lonely, and I know a change is exactly what I need. Well, that and to find the woman for me, my soul mate, like Ryan found Ruby, but I don’t think she’s out there, regardless of how much I wish otherwise. After what my mom suffered due to my dad, and likewise what I did because of them both, I feel as if I’m destined to be alone. I know everyone here views me as standoffish, and that’s okay. I prefer my own company, aside from Ryan, and, though I may never admit it to him, I’m glad he pushed his way into my life.

  I can be abrupt and grumpy, but it’s not like my childhood left me with happy memories to move toward adulthood with, no good times to look back on with a smile, or future ones to hope for. Besides, there’s nothing keeping me here. My mom, not that we have much, if any, of a relationship is gone, and my visits to her were more of a sense of duty than an actual desire to see one another. I could pack my things now and resign my position, and I probably wouldn’t be missed. And though I say I’m okay with being alone, I find that fact quite depressing, even though it’s the truth. There’s nothing and no one keeping me here.

  Snap out of it, I tell myself, giving my head a shake to stop these thoughts. Now isn’t the time for these thoughts, I’m at work and need to focus on my job. I can continue them after my shift as I begin working on my checklist, of which I’ve already crossed off turning in my resignation, so I can get out of New Haven and move to Colebrook, with my family.

  Besides, the desk sergeant, Susan, is calling my name. I tune in, and realize she’s directing someone to my desk. As the person gets closer, I realize it’s a beautiful brunette, her eyes so light in color I swear I can see our future reflected in them. I make a mental note to call Ryan and apologize for teasing him for falling for Ruby so quickly. I didn’t get it then, but I do now. The woman with the golden eyes is mine. I don’t know why she’s here, but whatever it is, we’ll figure it out and then I’ll win her heart. Nothing will stop me from making her my wife.

/>   “Detective Kennedy? My name is Leah Taylor. I think someone’s trying to kill me.”

  Epilogue One


  Nine months later…

  “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels. It’s a boy and a girl.”

  It’s been almost an hour since we were told that, since we officially became parents, and we’re still sitting here, each holding one of our children, as we stare at them, our love for them, and one another, growing stronger by the minute.

  There’s a knock on the door followed by Hal peeking in, asking if it’s okay to come in.

  “I wanted to meet my grandbabies. They said we could only come back one at time for now as Ruby was resting.”

  Ruby and I wave him in as she says, “Papa, meet your grandson, Grayson Harold, and your granddaughter, Joy Anne.”

  “You named them after your mom and I?” He’s barely able to get the question out before tears start tracking down his cheeks.

  I’m currently holding Grayson, so I move toward Hal and place Gray in his arms. He realizes what I’m doing, so he sits in the chair beside the bed before I reach him. Once they’re situated, Hal already chattering away to Gray, I take Joy from my wife and lay her in them as well. Papa is now sitting there, his smile reaching from ear to ear, a baby in each arm, sobbing.

  After some Papa time with his grandchildren, I take both babies, one at a time as I’m still learning, and place them in their cribs. As I do, Hal stands and sits by Ruby, taking the place where I’ve spent every moment I’ve been allowed to since she was admitted this morning.

  He kisses her forehead as he wraps her up in his arms. I know this is a tender moment between father and daughter, but I can’t look away. The love between them, their bond, is a beautiful thing to see, and I hope to have that same closeness with my children.


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