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Mr. Popular: A Falling For My Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 11

by Nicole London

  “They don’t stand a chance. They have one of the worst records this season,” Zach and Liam both laugh.

  “So, who is it, this time, that you’ll be seeing after dinner?”

  “Mom, really?”

  “Yes, really. I can’t ask about my son’s love life?”

  “No. It’s not cool discussing that with you.”

  “That’s because you don’t have a girlfriend and you’re with a different girl all the time.” Both Zach and Liam laugh at my mom’s comment. She’s always been a pretty cool mom, but she never enjoys talking about my brother’s rotating date schedule.

  “If your dad was here, he would handle making sure you were making good decisions with girls.”

  I laugh at that as well because both Zach and I know that if our dad were here, he’d probably give my brother a pat on the back. From some of his old stories, we realized that he was pretty much a playboy in high school himself.

  “You three are laughing, but I’m serious,” my mom says. Then she looks at Liam. “What about you Liam? Do I need to have the ‘birds and bees’ conversation with you?”

  “Not at all,” he says, looking over at me for a split second.

  My mom smiles and tells Zach he should take a page out of Liam’s book, and we all burst out laughing.

  “Okay, I don’t want to know.” She throws her hands up in mock surrender.

  “Mariah, do you still have a date this weekend?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t be coy, you’re supposed to go out with that guy, what’s his name?”

  Both Zach and Liam are now staring at me. “If it’s that asshole Austin — ” Zach starts to say, but my mom cuts him off.

  “No, that’s not his name. It’s another guy.”

  “So, who is it?” Zach asks.

  “None of your business.” I can’t believe my mom mentioned it in front of him.

  “I think we both know it is my business. Plus, I already told you, whenever you have a date, I need to know. That way I can ask around and make sure the guy’s cool and make sure you have transportation.”

  My mom kisses him on the cheek and praises how “sweet” he is for watching out for me. I roll my eyes.

  She gets up to take a call on the phone in the living room. As soon as she’s out of earshot, Zach questions me again.

  “Alright, cut the shit, Mariah. Who’s this guy?”

  “Zach, I’m serious. I’m not telling you.”

  “Then you should tell me,” Liam stares at me from across the table. From the intense way that he’s looking at me, I almost forget that Zach’s sitting there too.

  “His name’s Sean and he’s a junior member of the Knowledge bowl team at Ridgeview. Happy?” I say, sighing.

  Thankfully, my mom walks back in the room before they have the chance to ask me a million more questions. A few seconds after she sits down, my phone buzzes against my lap with a new text message. I’m pretty sure it’s Kelsey and I’m happy for the distraction. When I tap the screen to check, I see Liam’s name instead.

  Liam: Are you really going out on a date?

  Me: Yeah... Why?

  Liam: Because I could have sworn my mouth was on yours not too long ago...More than once...

  I look over at him and blush before responding.

  Me: And? You don’t ‘own’ my mouth. And I could have sworn we agreed that kiss number one didn’t happen. Besides, it was already set up weeks ago. He asked me out way before your “mouth was on mine.”

  Liam: I don’t care when he asked you out. I need you to cancel it. (And I’m not “asking” you to.)

  Me: I don’t think so. (Who do you think I was going to ask to drop me off to see him? :-) )

  I look up at him and literally see a vein bulging in his neck.

  Me: Give me one good reason I should cancel it, outside of you not “asking” me to.

  Liam: Because if you go out with him, you’ll never get to kiss me again. (And I know damn well you’ve been thinking about it since it happened.)

  I don’t reply. I put my phone down and just look over at him as he smirks at me.



  It's an hour after dinner and although Mrs. Dawson had previously suggested that we all go to the lake for an evening swim, she was interrupted by a last minute mass order of cupcakes.

  "I'll be back in two hours," she says, looking at Zach. "I need you to drop me off and pick me up."

  "Why me?"

  "Because Mariah can't drive and I honestly feel like you're up to something."

  He smiles. "I'm definitely not up to something."

  My phone buzzes twenty seconds later.

  Zach: If I'm not back from dropping my mom off in 20, and Sarah gets here, show her up to my room. :-)

  I look up at him and shake my head. When he and his mom start talking strategy, I realize Mariah is no longer at the table.

  Standing up, I head into the kitchen and see her washing dishes. I walk over —silently determining what I should say, and before I can get a word out, she hands me a wet plate.

  I take the cue and dry it, placing it onto the drying rack. And for several minutes, neither of us speak.

  "Be back, Ryah!" Zach calls from the other room. "Liam, don't forget what I said." The sound of the door closing, and the familiar loud revving of Zach's car come next.

  "What does he not want you to forget?" Mariah hands me the last glass.

  "Nothing." I set the glass on the rack and look at her. "Look. About what happened at the party...”

  "So, when did you change your mind about what we originally agreed upon?" Her words rush out softly. "You seemed fine accepting that the kiss never happened and now all of sudden, I can’t kiss anyone else but you?"

  I really don’t feel like getting into a long, drawn out conversation about this or arguing with her tonight, so I turn off the tap and grab her hand, leading her into the backyard with me.

  I lead her toward their family's oak swing set and drop her hand. "Can we have a truce for twenty minutes?"


  "A real truce, Mariah."

  "You're the one who messed up the last truce, Liam." She looks upset, but then her expression slowly softens. "But fine."

  I grab the handles of the swing and motion for her to take a seat.

  "I never got the chance to say thank you," she says, taking a seat.

  "Thank you for what?"

  "For Austin," she whispers. "I'm glad you were there."

  I don't say anything. I just gently push her forward on the swing.

  “I think we should try to be friends again,” I say finally.

  “No we shouldn’t.” She looks back at me. “That didn’t work the first time, Liam.”

  “That was years ago, Mariah. Things have changed between us since then.”

  “Changed how?” She shakes her head. “We can barely be in the same room together five minutes without arguing.”

  “And whose fault is that?”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s yours.” I smile. I didn’t bring her out here to argue so I cut straight to the chase. “I think we could at least try to be friends again—I mean, it’s obvious that you like me, so it’s the least I can do.”

  “You’re kidding right now, right?”

  “I am.” I laugh. “Just tell me you’ll think about it?” I hold the swing ropes in my hand, preventing her from moving forward.

  “Okay.” She smiles. “I’ll think about it.”

  I lean in and gently kiss her on the back of her neck, and then she looks back at me as if she’s about to say something, but we freeze when we hear the familiar sound of Zach’s car coming up the street.

  “We should go back inside,” she says.

  “Absolutely.” I take her hand and help her off the swing.



  Subject: Friends?

  Have you thought about my offer yet?

br />
  Subject: Re: Friends?

  No, and why are you emailing me if you’re sitting right next to me in Lit class?


  Subject: Re: Re: Friends?

  Because I’m staring at something rather interesting. (I shouldn’t have to beg to be your damn friend. We were once BEST friends...)


  Subject: Re: Re: Re: Friends?

  What are you staring at? That C plus you got on our last quiz? #Studyharder (Yes... “were” is past tense...You’re learning. :-)


  Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Friends?

  I got an A plus on our last quiz. #beserious. I’m staring at the girl next to me who forgot to wear a bra again...C cups, right? :-)


  Subject: Still no answer...

  Really though? I’m not asking you to rob a bank...


  Subject: Re: Still no answer

  No, but it’s just as insane...



  Why did you stuff all those goddamn letters in my locker, Liam? Like, seriously?



  There were only letters? I paid the ball guy twenty bucks to add flower petals. too. What a ripoff...


  Subject: The new pink sign in your window.

  I preferred when you just had your blinds closed...What the hell does MUYFM mean?


  Subject: Re: The new pink sign in your window.

  Make. Up. Your. Fucking. Mind. :-)



  It’s rainy season in Blue Harbor and every day I’ve managed to arrive to school drenched thanks to Zach. He accidentally drove over my umbrella after coming home way past curfew, and he has yet to keep his promise of buying me a new one.

  Soaking wet, I rush inside the school and head toward my locker, where I’ve learned to keep a change of clothes stashed away. As I’m walking past some of the more stuck-up people in the hallway, I can tell that they’re admiring my “wet dog” look.

  Ugh, I’m so ready for this day to be over. It can’t possibly get any worse...

  I pass the main office and am immediately stopped by Coach West. “Mariah?”


  “I need you to stay two hours later for practice today.” He crosses his arms. “You’ve been slipping lately. You got a lot of the historical events wrong.”

  “No, I only got two wrong.”

  “Two is two too many.”

  Oh, my god! “Okay,” I grit my teeth. “I’ll be there.”

  “I know.” He pats my shoulder and I walk away before I can scream.

  I finally make it to my locker, but as I’m opening it, I see a note fall out. I don’t have to open it to know who it’s from, but I do it anyway.

  Have you made a decision yet?


  Even though I’ve been keeping him in suspense, we’ve actually been acting like friends over the past few weeks. We’ve talked on the phone until sunrise every other day about absolutely nothing, he’s driven me to school on days when Zach is being an ass, and he’s even helped me practice with my Knowledge Bowl trivia cards.

  He hasn’t kissed me again, or even tried to, so I’m just assuming those were random, isolated incidents. It almost feels like we’re on the verge of being best friends again, especially since last night he came over and stayed on the floor of my room—telling me how his dad is truly driving him crazy lately.

  I actually feel really bad for him. It’s like I’m the only one who sees how he really feels about playing basketball.

  I refold his note and stick it in my pocket. I grab my dry clothes and head to the ladies’ room to change. Then I rush to Advanced Lit before the bell rings.

  “Mariah,” Liam says as I take my seat.


  “Did you get my note?” He smiles.

  “I did, again. Thank you.” I decide to put an end to this. “I have an answer for you today.”

  “Is it the right answer?”

  “It’s a yes.”

  “Oh really?” He actually looks upset.

  “Um, yeah really. I’m finally giving you what you wanted.”

  “That’s not what really wanted...”

  I bite my tongue to prevent myself from cursing at him. “Then what do you really want, Liam? CVS is going to run out of notecards if you keep buying them at the rate your going.”

  “I want you to be my girlfriend again.” His words come out sweet and genuine as ever, as if he’s speaking them from several summers ago. “You took too long to make up your mind for my ‘friends’ offer, and I think we’ve been hanging out enough lately to warrant more.” He leans over and kisses my cheek, leaving me blushing redder than ever. “Let me know when you make up your mind about that.”



  “You think I’d like it at a summer camp like this?” Zach hands me my bag once I step out of mom’s van.

  “I don’t think so,” I say. “You don’t like to study and you wouldn’t do any of the mandatory library hours.”

  “Very true.” He laughs and pats me on the shoulder. He walks with me to the brand new building by the lake and helps me carry my all of my luggage into my room.

  Since the camp received a huge donation last fall, they’ve made even more renovations and made it possible for returning campers to have their own rooms. At first, I wasn’t sure I would even want to have my own room. There were some nights in the past that I liked overhearing the whispered conversations between the other girls, feeling some type of comfort in the fact that I wasn’t alone.

  The second I hit the lights in the newly renovated room, though, I’m pretty sure I’ll be begging to have my own room next summer, too.

  “Wow ...” I walk around the bright blue room — smiling at the sweet quotes that are etched onto the walls. I open the closet door and realize that it’s not a closet at all; it’s my own private bathroom.

  “Our bunks at basketball camp don’t look anything like this.” Zach pulls open the drapes, admiring the amazing view of the sunset, “And we definitely don’t have girls who look like this either ...”

  He stares out the window and I roll my eyes.

  I open my suitcase and start placing all of my T-shirts and jeans into the dresser drawers. I place all of my sneakers in a neat row under the bed, and tuck my personal journal under the mattress.

  When Zach finally stops staring at whoever is outside, he unpacks my backpack and organizes my books onto my desk.

  As I’m placing all of my toiletries in the bathroom, I hear a familiar, deep voice.

  “Did you get lost on the way here or something?” The sound of Liam’s voice makes my heart begin to race. “I actually thought something happened to you two.”

  “No, smartass.” Zach laughs. “Our mom wanted to stop a few times to take some scenic pictures together. Why didn’t you tell me about the girls here?”

  “Because there are no girls here.” Liam says. “We only get to see them during activity hours.”

  “You’re shitting me ...” He lowers his voice and starts to ask him other questions about the camp, questions I’ve answered years ago but I guess having girls on the brain makes him see everything with new eyes.

  I quietly shut the bathroom door and look at myself in the mirror. I shake my head at my reflection because I look awful.

  I’m wearing an oversized T-shirt with jean shorts, and my hair is a frizzy mess due to riding most of the way here with the windows down. And for some reason, I don’t want Liam to see me like this.

  “Ryah?” Zach calls out. “Ryah, you’ve been in there awhile. You okay?”

  “I’m fine! Just organizing stuff.”

  “Well, hurry up. Liam and I are going to go to that Wind Cafe place down the street before you’re off
icially stuck here for the summer.”

  “You guys go ahead,” I say. “I’m not hungry.”

  “You just said you were ten minutes ago ...”

  “No, um ... I’m okay!” My stomach growls. “Just bring me back a burger.”

  “Alright, we’ll be right back.”

  I hear the sound of the door shutting and sigh. Then I open the bathroom door and see Zach and Liam still standing in my room.

  “You fall for that every time,” Zach shakes his head. “As if I wouldn’t make you go with me.”

  “Right ...” My cheeks turn bright red as Liam’s eyes meet mine.

  Zach starts asking about “how good” Wind Café is, and Liam slowly looks me up and down. He smiles and looks as if he wants to say something to me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he assures Zach that yes, we should go to Wind Café instead of driving thirty minutes out to go to McDonald’s.

  I follow the two of them out of my bunk and back to the car — noticing that every girl we pass does a double take at the sight of them. I can see the blushes and hear the giggles with every step, and for some reason I feel slightly uneasy about it.

  Liam and my brother sit in the front, and I take my place in the backseat. I do my best to tune out their conversation for the short ride and keep my gaze toward the window.

  When we arrive to the café, Liam slides open the back door for me and whispers. “Are you purposely avoiding me?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You have yet to even say hello to me ...” He holds the café door open and our conversation ends right there. We take a seat at a booth in the back, me and Liam on one side and Zach on the other.

  “Okay, this may not be so bad after all.” Zach holds the menu open. “What exactly is a chocolate pie slide?”

  “Best thing on the menu,” Liam and I say in unison, and I blush.

  “Interesting.” Zach shrugs. “Any reason why all of their burgers are served upside down? And what’s up with the ...” He starts listing all the crazy things that makes Wind Café unique, and Liam answers all of his questions with patience.

  I smile at our waitress and she sets down three glasses of water and says she’ll give us all a little more time.


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