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by Stella Andrews



  Stella Andrews

  Copyrighted Material

  Copyright © Stella Andrews 2019

  Stella Andrews has asserted her rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the Author of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction and except in the case of historical fact, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

  18+ This book is for Adults only. If you are easily shocked and not a fan of sexual content then move away now.



  Free Book

  Books by Stella Andrews

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Note from author

  Country Girl

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  Books by Stella Andrews

  In the order written

  The Highest Bidder

  (Logan & Samantha)


  (Jax & Emily)

  Daddy’s Girls

  (Ryder & Ashton)


  (Sam & Kitty)

  The Billion Dollar baby

  (Tyson & Sydney)


  (Jet & Lucy)

  Made in London

  (Max & Summer)

  Flash & Country Girl


  I’m a fighter by day and take my pick of the ladies at night.

  I thought my life was perfect – I was wrong.

  When Jennifer walked through those doors, I saw what perfection really is.

  Long, dark, hair that would look good wrapped in my fist.

  Soft curves that beg for my touch and a wicked mouth that promises pleasure of the most sinful kind.

  The trouble is, she’s not here for me and I must look but not touch.

  Warned to stay away because our protection is what she needs the most because Jennifer has a secret that causes power to shift and continents to fall.

  It’s a good thing I love a good fight and I’m about to have the fight of my life.


  He’s the man that steals the breath from your body and dares you to survive.

  Irresistible, insufferable and more man than one woman can stand.

  A smart mouth and eyes that sparkle with sin.

  Did I mention he’s off-limits?

  I shouldn’t want him but I do.

  I shouldn’t let him in but I can’t turn him away.

  I have a child to protect and her life has more meaning than mine.

  But I have needs and I need him.

  Can he save me from falling because I’m about to fall – hard.



  They’re here.

  The silence disappears as the shouts fill the air and the atmosphere becomes tense as we anticipate what’s coming next. I feel my heart thump as I mop the bar with my cloth, trying to act unconcerned but the hot flush traveling through my body betrays my interest.

  All around me the women straighten their backs and lick their lips in preparation and I’m no different. Then a hush descends on the bar as the footsteps get closer and the usual chatter is silenced by anticipation and desire.

  They are not here for me; I must remember that. I may work here, sleep here and live here, but I’m not one of them. I’m on a limited visa and my stay is a temporary one. I have no claim to any of the men who call this place home, no matter how much I wish it was different.

  The door slams open and the usual shouts accompany the men inside and I swallow hard.

  These men are magnificent.

  The Twisted Reaper MC and more trouble than a girl can stand. Men so hot, just one look is enough to burn you inside. Ex-military and Navy SEALs, now paid government assassins who make up an elite band of brothers hiding behind notoriety and fear. Nobody messes with the Twisted Reapers which is exactly why I came here.

  The squeals deafen me as the men swoop in on their prey, namely the various women who live here with the sole aim of indulging in the candy on offer. Club whores and Old Ladies make up this family and I must remind myself I’m just a visitor paying my way by serving drinks from the bar and caring for my daughter because she is the only thing that matters. Not me, not my own selfish desires, just her.

  I try not to but I’m betrayed by my own weakness and scan the room from under my lashes for just one glimpse of the one who interests me the most. Most nights I torture myself by watching him flit between the club whores trying not to wish it was me instead. The jealousy rages inside me as I watch him from afar - but tonight - he’s not here.

  Pushing the disappointment away, I smile at a couple of the guys who set themselves before me and order their drinks.

  As I tend to their request, two whores slide beside them and I watch the interest spark in the guy’s eyes. Sighing, I slide the beers across the bar and turn to the next customer.

  By now the bar is filling up, and the noise is deafening. Angel, one of the club whores, joins me behind the bar to serve the guys who need a beer to dull the memory of whatever job they carried out today.

  They may joke and laugh but it’s in their eyes. These men have fought for their country and that never stopped when they left the military. Every time they leave this compound they are going to fight a war. These wars aren’t reported in the press. These fights are never spoken about and the fallen are not heroes. They are the lowest of the low and the people the government want to hide. They are the threat to our country and way of life and the people the courts would set free.

  Yes, if you have the misfortune to be on the wrong side of a visit from the Twisted Reapers, you know your time is up.

  Today is busier than most and I’m glad of it. The busier I am the easier it is to forget the mess my life is in. I came here for refuge and safety because I had nowhere else to go.

  However, I never told them the true story of why I was running and that’s how it’s gonna stay. If the Reapers knew the real reason I ran, it would change everything.

  “Hey, babe.”

  Two words softly spoken that caress my soul. There is so much promise in the voice that speaks and I feel my heart thumping as I try to disguise my interest. Raising my eyes, I swallow hard as they connect with the man who steals the breath from your body and dares you to survive—Flash.

  Time stands still as I devour him with my eyes. So good looking it’s almost criminal. Dark, messy hair sits on top of a face crafted into perfection. Two glittering eyes that hold the meaning of life and a mouth crafted by lust with a smirk on his face telling me he knows the effect he has and revels in it.

  Plastering my face with my usual disinterest, I try to get my breathing under control and say rather sharply, “What can I get you?

  He laughs softly, “Is that how you greet the man of your dreams, babe? What, no loving hug or sexy kiss for the man you dream about at night?”

  Shaking my head, I say impassively, “No, I don’t think I see him, just an annoying man who thinks waaay more of himself than any other person in this room. A man who thinks he’s the answer to every woman’s prayers, yet can’t understand the prayers offered up are to keep him away.”

  I grin wickedly to take the bite from my words and he laughs. “Keep tellin’ yourself that, darlin’. We both know you entertain yourself at night in that cold bed for one by picturing me inside you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I slide a cold beer toward him and laugh. “Cool down with this, soldier. You mistake me for someone in here that cares.”

  I turn to serve the next man and he reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me across the bar until my lips are inches from his. I can feel his breath on my face as I struggle to control the overwhelming urge to plant a kiss on that smart mouth that promises so much pleasure.

  He whispers, “You know it’s only a matter of time before us.”


  He leans closer and whispers, “Yes Jennifer. Us. One day you will let me in and I’ll never leave.”

  “Put. Her. Down.”

  Like a bucket of cold water, the words that hit have the desired effect and I see the light dull in Flash’s eyes.

  “Sorry, Ryder.”

  Shaking myself, I look behind Flash and my heart starts thumping for a different reason. Ryder King, president of the Twisted Reapers and the biggest badass of them all is standing hand in hand with his pretty wife, Ashton - my best friend.

  I don’t miss the amusement in her eyes and the anger in his as Flash shrugs, grabs his beer and grins apologetically. “Sorry, boss, you can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  Shaking his head, Ryder rasps, “Fuck off, Flash. You’ve been warned about hitting on Jennifer before, don’t disobey an order again.”

  For a moment, Flash looks as if he’s about to say something but one look at the surly biker watching him with eyes that could strike a man dead on the spot, he just shrugs. “Ok, consider me warned.”

  As he turns away, I watch a whore grab hold of his arm and press against him, giggling as his hand snakes around her waist pulling her beside him. I try not to let it upset me but despite how hard I try, I know my gaze follows them for a fraction longer than it should and when I look back at Ashton, I see the pity in her eyes. Ryder moves away to speak to one of the guys and she perches on the barstool and looks across at Flash as he pulls the whore onto his knee. Turning to face me, she says softly, “I’m sorry, Jen.”

  Shrugging, I clean a glass and pour her the usual wine she prefers. “Don’t be. I’ve no time for Flash, or any of them come to mention it.”

  I know my words don’t fool her and she smiles before pulling a letter from her bag and pushing it toward me.

  “This came for you, honey.”

  My heart starts thumping for a completely different reason this time as I study the handwriting. I try to feign disinterest but my mouth dries and I feel the tears building behind my lids. As my hand moves to take it, she places hers over it and says softly, “You know you can tell me anything, Jen.”

  Nodding, I smile weakly. “Of course, really, there’s nothing much to say.”

  Ashton nods but I see the look in her eye. She knows I’m hiding something and I pray to God she hasn’t told that husband of hers because as sure as I’m in the deepest pit of despair in my life so far, he will want answers I’m not prepared to give.



  Fucking Ryder. As I sit with Milly on my knee, I try to push away the wish it was Jennifer instead. I’m not sure why I like her so much; it’s not as if she’s ever given me anything but sharp words from her sexy mouth but I know the connection we share is different.

  She came here one night in pieces, clutching the hand of the most adorable little five-year-old girl, Imogen, Ryder’s kid Cassie’s friend.

  I watched as she was taken in and given a job behind the bar. She lives in a set of rooms in the main house with her daughter and pays her way by helping out around the place.

  Yes, Jennifer intrigues me and I don’t know why.

  Milly wriggles on my lap and says in a sultry voice, “Hey, honey, why don’t we head off somewhere more private?”

  She lowers her lips to mine and I taste the sweet wine she loves to drink, mixed with the lipstick she smears on her face.

  An image of Jennifer comes to mind as I close my eyes and taste the whore who perches on my pride.

  I try to pretend she’s just another conquest - a challenge for somebody who doesn’t get many of them. A woman with a sexy body and a smart mouth that promises fire and ice in one forbidden package.

  As I kiss Milly, I imagine it’s Jennifer. I feel myself growing hard for a woman who is off-limits which makes me want her even more. I groan as I picture her sitting astride me riding my cock with her long, dark, wavy, hair draped over her breasts.

  Milly giggles as she feels my interest which disgusts me because I’m not the sort of man who uses a woman to drive away the image of another.

  Pulling away, I hear Milly panting softly as she purrs, “Come on honey, let’s go to your room.”

  Sitting back, I grab my beer and shrug her from my lap. “Another time. I just want a cold beer and to chill for a bit. Sorry, maybe later.”

  I feel like the biggest asshole that ever lived but aside from the disappointment that flares in her eyes, she shrugs. “Ok. Just call when you’re ready.”

  She walks away and wiggles her ass in my direction, showing me exactly what I’ve just turned down. Then I hear a soft laugh beside me and turn to see my buddy Tyson looking at me with amusement. “What?”

  He raises his beer to his lips and takes a large swig before saying, “You’re fucked, man.”

  Raising my bottle to his, I grin. “Almost fucked, brother. There’s still hope.”

  Looking around, I see Ryder talking to Brewer by the door and can’t help but look back toward the bar. I see Jennifer talking to Ashton and my heart swells.

  Tyson says with amusement, “What are you gonna do about it?”

  My heart quickens as Jennifer laughs and I watch as she tosses her head back and her soft voice carries across the bar. “I dunno.”

  Tyson leans closer. “You know she’s off-limits.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  He laughs. “You’re one dead man if you go there.”

  I can’t help but stare at her as she chats with her friend and feel my cock throb with an urgency to claim its prize, because Jennifer Martin is that prize. The lottery win, the trophy, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and the woman of my dreams.

  Turning to Tyson, I grin. “It would be worth it.”

  Shaking his head, he pulls out a pack of cards.

  “Fancy a game, you may need to practice your poker face?”

  Laughing, I grab the hand he deals me and try to get my head in the game and away from the woman who is the sexiest kind of trouble.

  Tyson soon gets bored when Angel heads our way and plants herself on his lap. Sighing, I kick back and head to the bar leaving them to it and try to get my head straight. Tyson’s right, I am fucked because where I used to indulge in every woman on offer, now I can only think of one.

  I look across the bar and see her staring into space with a troubled look on her face. Just for a minute, I watch and wonder what’s troubling her. Somebody calls and she shakes herself and plasters a bright smile on her face and it troubles me.

  Leaning on the bar, I watch her for a moment before feeling eyes on me. Turning, I see Snake watching me from a barstool and he beckons me over.

  “What’s happening, Flash?”

  I face him with my back to Jennifer and shrug.

  “Nothing much, more’s the pity.”

  Snake just star
es at me with a look that reveals he knows and after a slight pause, says bluntly, “There’s a story there.”

  Nodding, I whisper, “Do you know what it is?”

  “No, and I’m guessing Ryder doesn’t either.”

  “So, what are we gonna do about it?”

  Snake shakes his head slowly. “Nothing.”


  He nods. “Secrets always come out in the end and that little lady is terrified about something but isn’t strong enough. She’ll crack soon and it’s my guess she’ll need us to pick up the pieces. Ryder’s right to warn you off; she’s vulnerable and doesn’t need a jackass like you complicating her life. If you feel anything for her at all, you’ll back off.”

  His words irritate me and I snap, “Fuck off Snake.”

  He laughs and I see the twinkle in his eye as I grin. Like all brothers, we fight but our anger has no heat behind it. I know he’s doing the right thing warning me off, but this is out of my control. Jennifer Martin is the hottest little package to ever catch my attention and there’s something different about her that calls to the protector in me. I may be the biggest whore in this compound but I’d give it all up just to call her mine.

  Yes, Tyson was right. I. Am. Fucked!



  This is pure torture. The letter burns a hole in my back pocket and the sight of Flash burns a hole inside my heart. I try to ignore him but nature is a cruel bitch and every time I see him my body reacts like an addict craving the source of its pleasure. Ashton knows, Ryder knows, Flash knows, hell, they all know. My interest in the cocky, self-loving, irritating biker, is as plain as the fact I have a beautiful little girl who calls me mom.

  That thought drags me through each day and I just need to picture her innocent blue eyes and angelic smile to give me the strength I need. My little girl is everything to me and my own wants and lustful thoughts must be packed away because she doesn’t know how much but Imogen needs me more than anyone knows. Her story is the sort that causes continents to fall and power to shift. I am the only thing standing between her and devastation and so I must be strong and protect her secret with my life.


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