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Flash Page 4

by Stella Andrews

  I feel sick. So sick I could hurl on the spot. The disgust in Ryder’s eyes matches my own, and he says roughly, “He runs a website offering kids for sale and I’m not talking to loving homes. Do you need me to spell it out to you because even saying the words makes me wanna hurl?”

  I shake my head and look at him with determination. “What’s the plan?”

  He picks up the letter and pushes it across the table. “Deliver this and get her to talk. Ashton seems to think she will open up to you, God knows why but you need to earn her trust. Remember, she’s vulnerable and likely to run if she thinks we know anything. Jennifer may know more than she’s letting on and we need to find out what it is before we take him down along with his sick business.”

  How is it I feel defeated before we’ve even started? I wasn’t sure what to expect when I came here but it sure wasn’t this.

  Ryder sighs. “You know, we’ve dealt with some serious shit in our lives and take down some badass motherfuckers but nothing like this. This is too much to take even for me.”

  I swallow the bile rising in my throat and nod. “Same.”

  As I stand to leave, I say forcefully, “Just so you know, this isn’t a job for me. This isn’t an order I’m carrying out because you asked me. This is personal, Ryder because I was serious when I came to you the other day. I can’t explain it but there is something about Jennifer that won’t let me go. I want to protect her and Imogen and make them happy. I want to take their problems and crush them into dust so they never recover. I want to put a smile back on that woman’s face and will die trying.”

  Ryder nods and I see his expression soften. “It’s why I asked you. There was no one else I could trust to do this because I recognized that look in your eye. We’ve all had that look at one point in our lives. Me with Ashton, Snake with Bonnie and Brewer with Lou - hell the list is endless, but I had never seen that look in your eye until you came and found me in the gym. It took Ashton to make me see things clearly, so go and get your woman and make sure you treat her right.”

  As I walk away from Ryder, I don’t need to reassure him of something I knew from the moment I laid eyes on Jennifer. She was always mine and now I need to show her what being mine means.



  I have an hour to kill before the school run and decide to head to the gym for a workout. I’ve tried to follow Bonnie’s orders and have disposed of all the bottles of Vodka I was hiding in my cupboard. Her words made me think because the thought of not being strong for Imogen doesn’t bear thinking about and I know what I must do. Fight back.

  Bonnie’s going to start teaching me tomorrow when the kids are at school between her college classes. She’s training to be an interior designer and given how amazing this place is, she’ll be a good one. The guys allow her to practise here and what she turns out is amazing.

  After about ten minutes, I realize I’m not alone and look up and my heart skips a beat. Flash is heading my way and by the look on his face, he’s got something on his mind.

  I sit up nervously on the bench and say lightly, “Hey, Flash.”

  I notice he’s holding an envelope and recognize it immediately. I can’t help it and my heart starts thumping so hard I think I’m in danger of a visit to the emergency room.

  He sits astride the bench beside me and hands me the letter, saying softly, “Here, this came for you today.”

  I try to look impassive but my hand shakes as I take it from him and I feel his eyes staring at me hard. As I take the letter, our fingers brush together and my body reacts like the whore it is. Then he leans closer and says softly, “You know, I just can’t keep away from you.”

  His words surprise me and not because they’re unexpected. No, Flash is a man whore and I’m used to him hitting on me but the way he said it, that was different. This time his words held meaning, there was a deep yearning spilling from his lips and the look in his eye melts my frantic heart. His lips are mere inches away and his eyes burn brightly as they hold mine and I shift nervously. I can’t look away as he says softly, “You feel it too, don’t you?”

  Words fail me and I just nod shyly. He shifts closer and lifts a finger to my face and pulls a stray piece of hair from my eyes. “I want to get to know you, Jennifer. Not just as a casual thing either. I want to treat you like a lady deserves to be treated. I want to take you out away from here and make you laugh and promise you the world. What do you say, would you like to go on a date with me?”

  His words take me by surprise because until now he’s always just been joking around. However, from the look on his face, this is different and I wonder what’s changed. “Why?”

  He smiles sweetly. “Because I’m tired of fighting something that’s been obvious from the moment you arrived. You see, you’ve ruined me for anyone else. I can’t think about being with another woman all the time you breathe nearby. I can’t touch another all the time I hear your laugh cross the room and I can’t even sleep at night as I picture you lying a few doors away. So, put me out of my misery and give a guy a break and say you’ll give us a chance.”

  The tears almost blind me as he says the words I’ve longed to hear but they’re bittersweet. I almost cry as I shake my head and say sadly, “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  He says softly, “Can’t, or won’t.”


  I shift back and say sadly, “I can’t ask you to spend time with me, Flash because it would hurt like crazy when I leave. It’s not fair on both of us because we know my stay here is a temporary one and I can’t fall in love with someone when I have no right to. I’m damaged goods and you’ll be better off without me, so forget me and save yourself a whole load of trouble.”

  I turn away so he can’t see my tears and feel myself being pulled against a hard chest. The arms that wrap me in comfort are strong ones and the voice that speaks is determined.

  “I’m not letting you ditch me so easily, Jennifer. In this case, I know what I’m doing. Even if we have two weeks, two days or two hours they are enough to make my life count for something. I’ve never wanted a woman like I want you and not because I want to fuck you senseless but because I want to love you. Let me love you for whatever time we have and we’ll deal with whatever shit happens together.”

  Just for a moment, I dare to dream. I’m in Flash’s arms and he’s promising me a future. Maybe he’s right and it could work, maybe I’m making problems where there aren’t any. Then I feel the bite of the letter in my hand and realization kicks me in the gut.

  Pulling away, I say sadly, “You may be a Reaper but even you can’t deal with the problems I have. It’s bigger than all of us.”

  I look down at the letter and he says, “Open it.”

  I look up in alarm and he says firmly, “Open it and read it out loud.”

  Something shifts inside me as I see the determination in his eyes. He wants to help, it’s obvious and perhaps he is someone I could trust. It would be good to share the burden with someone and maybe I don’t need to tell him everything.

  So, with shaking fingers, I tear the envelope open and pull out the piece of paper that’s folded inside.

  As I open it the words are few but devastating.

  Say goodbye, Jennifer.

  Flash takes the letter from my hand and reads the words out loud. He looks confused and I say dully, “The letter’s from Greyson. He’s been sending me one-line letters for weeks now. I think he’s trying to spook me and it’s working.”

  Flash places an arm around my shoulder and rubs it reassuringly, “This is a good thing though—isn’t it? I mean, he’s saying goodbye, you’ll soon have him out of your life.”

  I smile through my tears and nod. “Maybe. I certainly hope so. The trouble is, things are never that black and white where it concerns him. I’m not sure what he has planned but whatever it is, I’m not going to like it.”


  I’m not sure what to say but maybe it’s because he’s b
eing so kind and I feel vulnerable, I say falteringly, “Greyson was a violent man. Our marriage was a sham because once the honeymoon wore off, I saw him for what he really is.”

  Flash stiffens and I say sadly, “He had a short fuse and if I did anything to upset him, he used to take it out on me with his fists. It started one day when his dinner was cold and then got more frequent even if I looked at him in a certain way.”

  Flash says nothing and so I continue as if he isn’t here at all. “He was clever though. He never left a mark and made sure he hit me where it wouldn’t show. I’m surprised I have any hair left he used to pull me around by it so much. He didn’t just abuse me physically but mentally as well. Many times, I was told I was worthless and no man would ever love me. I was fat, ugly and stupid and after a while, when you hear the words enough, you believe them to be true.”

  I daren’t look at Flash but his hand continues to rub my shoulder, so I say tearfully, “Then he started to notice Imogen.”

  I almost can’t get the words out and Flash tenses beside me. “She used to annoy him and he would lash out. I would rush to her defense and suffer for it later. I made my decision to leave when ...”

  I sob as the memory pays an unwelcome visit and Flash says softly, “It’s ok, darlin’, you can tell me, it will help.”

  Swallowing hard, I say in a whisper, “I came in from the yard where I was bringing in the washing and heard her cry out. I rushed inside and he had her across his knee with her panties pulled down. He was slapping her hard and I will never forget that moment for as long as I live.”

  I can’t help it and start to shake as he pulls me close and holds me firmly but gently as I sob, “The next day he left for work and I packed up and came here. I’m sorry, Flash but I lied to Ashton.”

  “It’s ok, darlin’, that doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “I told her he was threatening to take her to France. I’m not sure if it’s true, but I did find a passport he had for her and two tickets to France but I didn’t wait around to find out. I came here because I knew that Ryder was the only man alive who could keep her safe.”

  As I sob in Flash’s arms, it feels as if a huge burden has lifted. Talking has helped, even though I kept the most devastating part to myself. I didn’t lie though, everything I said was true and it feels good to unburden myself to a man that I have fast developed feelings for.

  After a while, I remember I should be doing the pickup from school and pull back, wiping my eyes with my towel.

  “Thanks, Flash.”

  He smiles sweetly. “For what?”

  “For listening.”

  I stand to leave and he fixes me with a look that won’t accept no for an answer and says firmly, “Clean up and I’ll drive you. You need a friend right now and I’m volunteering my services.”

  It feels nice when he smiles at me.

  It feels nice when he takes charge and it feels nice when he looks at me with the promise of what’s coming in his eyes.

  As I look at Flash, I see my future and suddenly that’s not so scary anymore.



  Something has changed between me and Jennifer and we both know it. This time the journey to school is a different one and the air sizzles with sexual tension and unspoken words promise a relationship that will change two lives forever.

  I concentrate on the road ahead because one look at the quivering woman beside me would be enough for me to swerve to the side of it and claim her immediately.

  After a while, she says nervously, “What happens now?”

  I grip the wheel so tight it burns and say roughly, “We get to know one another and you will learn to trust again.”

  She nods and settles back in her seat and I try to shake the image of what I want to do more than anything, which involves her naked and quivering under my touch. That will have to wait though because her well-being comes first. She is broken, and it takes a special kind of guy to fix a broken angel and I’m the only man for the job—where it concerns Jennifer, that is.

  We turn into the school lot and I’m glad of it because every minute I spend with her is pure torture for my raging cock.

  I pull over and she smiles sweetly. “I won’t be long.”

  She turns and then hesitates before looking back and the look on her face causes time to stand still. She smiles, and it’s the change in her that knocks me out because her face has relaxed and the light sparkles from her eyes. She looks, dare I say it, happy for once and it’s all directed at me.

  I watch like a hungry dog as she bites her bottom lip and says sweetly, “Thanks, Flash.”

  I just stare and she giggles, “You know, even though my life is one hot mess, being with you causes the sun to shine. I just want you to know that I can’t wait to get to know you properly and if this–us–goes nowhere, at least we had the chance to try.”

  She turns on her heels before I have a chance to answer and I watch her walk away with my heart. Fuck me, that woman has more power in one fingernail than I have in my whole body because one smile from those lips will cause me to die protecting her.

  I watch the other moms collect their kids and recognize a few myself. Some of the other Reaper’s kids go here and it’s not unusual to see a familiar face. As I wait, one, in particular, looks my way and rolls her eyes as I grin.

  I leave the car and meet Lou heading toward me. “What are you doing here?” she says, looking surprised.

  I nod and she follows my gaze and laughs softly. “Of course, I should have known.”

  I can’t help the smirk that betrays my true feelings, and she says softly, “You’ll be good for one another. She needs someone like you and you need to settle down.”

  I lean back on the car and grin. “I sure do and I think that little lady is the one who’ll finally tame the beast.”

  I hear a giggle nearby and looking up, see two women walking past staring at me with obvious interest and Lou raises her eyes. “There’s a reason the Reapers keep away from the school, Flash. Leave the collections to the women because these moms can’t be trusted around you.”

  I grin and wink as one of them looks my way and Lou shakes her head. “You may be in love, or think you are, but you’ll always be a whore around women, Flash.”

  Shaking my head, I say firmly, “You’re wrong there, Lou, there’s only one woman for me now and I’m waiting for her.”

  She looks thoughtful. “You know, I think you’ll be good for Jennifer. It’s obvious she’s struggling and maybe you’re the man to solve her problems. I hope so because she’s walking a fine line and it won’t take much to make her snap. You do know she’s been drinking, don’t you?”

  My earlier humor vanishes as I see the concern in her eyes and I nod. “She was but I think she’s working through that.”

  Lou nods and we watch as Jennifer heads back with Imogen and Cassie in tow. The two girls shriek and rush toward us and Lou laughs, “Here comes trouble.”

  She grins as I swing each little girl in turn and then Jack, her own boy, races over yelling, “Mom, can we get ice cream?”

  Lou rolls her eyes and looks at Jennifer and says, “Why don’t I take them all for ice cream?”

  The cheers almost deafen us and Jennifer looks worried. “That’s kind, but it’s too much.”

  Shaking her head, Lou smiles with determination. “Nonsense, I can handle three kids, it’s a walk in the park. Leave them with me and I’ll take them back to the compound. Why don’t you both have fun and I’ll watch Imogen for the evening? She can stay at mine until you get home later. If you’re too late, she can sleep in our spare room.”

  Jennifer looks worried and I take her hand and smile at Lou gratefully. “That sounds like a plan. Is that ok with you kids?”

  Three little voices yell, “Yes!” and Jennifer holds her hands up in defeat. “Ok, you’ve persuaded me.”

  She turns to Imogen and says softly, “Are you ok with that, honey?”

  Imogen nods
and wraps her arms around Jennifer’s legs saying sweetly, “Thank you, mommy. I’ll be good, I promise.”

  Lou laughs out loud. “Imogen you always are. In fact, I need you to teach Jack a few manners, so you’ll be doing me a favor.”

  We laugh as we see Cassie and Jack play-fighting and by the looks of things, Cassie is more than his equal.

  Lou rolls her eyes and yells, “In the car, all of you, otherwise, they’ll be no ice cream for anyone.”

  That does the trick, and she says slyly, “Have fun kids, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  She winks and I grin wickedly. “Then that’s a long list to be going on with because I heard there’s nothing you won’t do.”

  Her laughter follows her as she heads to the car with the three children in tow and Jennifer looks worried.

  “Do you think they’ll be ok?”

  Reaching out, I pull her against me and leaning down, whisper, “They’ll be fine but I’m not so sure you’ll be safe from me.”

  I feel her tremble under my touch and silently thank Lou from the bottom of my heart because I know exactly how I’m gonna spend these few precious hours. I’ve pictured them on repeat ever since she walked into my life and I’m not wasting a second of this opportunity.

  Now my minds made up I’m keen to get started, so I pull Jennifer purposefully behind me because I don’t want to waste a minute more.



  My heart’s racing and my body is on full alert for something that was inevitable the moment I laid eyes on Flash. I feel a little guilty that I took Lou up on her kind offer but sometimes the selfish bitch in me wins and the promise of an afternoon spent with the man beside me was too much to ignore.

  Flash appears on a mission of his own as he pulls out of the school and says quickly, “Ok, this is how it is. You have precisely twenty minutes to ask me anything you want because then what comes next will not seem half as desperate as it is.”


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