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Page 6

by Stella Andrews

  She squeezes me tightly and says in a broken voice, “I’m sorry, Flash.”

  Pulling back, I feel the fear gnawing at my heart as I say gently, “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”

  She laughs through her tears and whispers, “It was everything, you are everything and I don’t deserve to feel this happy.”

  I look at her with concern and say gently, “Tell me what the problem is, Jen. I know you’re hiding something and it’s eating you up inside.”

  She pulls away slightly and I see her tortured expression and I swear my heart stops beating for a brief moment. The sight of the pain in those beautiful eyes makes me want to tear down those walls and fucking kill whoever’s responsible.

  She pulls herself up and draws her knees to her chest and says in a dull voice, “I’ve tried so hard for so long and I can’t do it anymore.”

  I say nothing and just rub her back as she begins to let down a little of the guard she wears so well.

  “I don’t want you to hate me for what we just did, which is why I want to tell you something you should know. I may be married to Greyson but we’ve never… um… well… you know.”

  “Had sex?”

  I say the words in disbelief as Jennifer nods and I see the tears roll freely down her face. I carry on rubbing her back as she says sadly, “It was a marriage of convenience. I used to work for Greyson as his assistant and when Imogen came along, I had to quit to care for her. Greyson was sympathetic and worked out a business arrangement that would suit us both.”

  I’m not sure what I expected to hear, but it wasn’t this. I say nothing and she sighs heavily. “I thought it would be the perfect solution. Both Imogen and I would have a future. He would be my husband without the physical side and he got the perfect family he needed.”


  She laughs bitterly. “Yes, Greyson is a powerful man and with that comes a certain expectation. He needed the model wife and child and we were rolled out when the situation dictated it. There was never anything intimate between us and I told myself it was for the best—for Imogen.”

  So many questions beg to be asked but I just say, “Why?”

  Jennifer begins to rock like a frightened child and I can tell this is a painful subject. She shakes her head. “I can’t say.”

  The frustration bubbles up inside me but I push it away. She’s not ready to tell me whatever it is she’s hiding but this a breakthrough at least. She turns to face me and I see the pain in her eyes as she says, “Do you hate me, Flash?”

  I stare at her in shock. “I could never hate you, darlin’, whatever you tell me won’t change a thing. We’ve all done things in our past that we regret, that’s life. It’s the person we become that matters. You’re a strong woman, Jen and whatever happened in your past stays there as far as I’m concerned.”

  She reaches over and hugs me tightly and her muffled words are laced with pain. “I had to leave; it wasn’t safe anymore.”

  I hold her close and stroke her hair as I say softly, “Tell me baby.”

  She clings to me for a moment and says in a broken voice, “Greyson was - is, a violent man. He was always formidable even when I worked for him but I always thought he was just ruthless in business. When he married me, he told me it would be a business arrangement and nothing else. All I had to do was play the dutiful wife everywhere except in the bedroom. He made it perfectly clear he had no use for me there and I just thought he didn’t find me attractive. I was glad because I never had feelings for him in that way and then the more I got to know him, I realized what a mistake I had made.”

  Sighing, she traces the tattoo on my chest and says dully, “It didn’t take much for him to show his true colors. For some reason when he came home, he brought all his frustrations with him. He was impatient with Imogen and found her irritating but not as much as he did me. I could do no right and he soon started speaking with his fists.”

  I feel the anger burning a trail from my heart to my head as I work out a slow and painful death for Greyson Martin. Then Jennifer sobs, “I always thought he must have a mistress somewhere because he used to stay out nights, sometimes for days at a time. I suppose I always thought the obvious but nothing about Greyson, as it turns out, is obvious. I heard the odd whispered conversations on the phone when he thought I was out. Disgusting, lewd, remarks that made me think they were directed at his mistress. What I heard sickened me and I tried to get even more distance between us than there was. Then I found out he was interested in…”

  She breaks off and puts her head in her hands and sobs like a broken angel. I already know what she is about to say and feel the bile rising inside as she gulps, “Children.”

  I reach up and pull her to me and hold her tight. “You did the right thing, darlin’. You had to get away and now you and Imogen are safe.”

  She pulls back and I hate the fear I see in her eyes as she whispers, “What if he finds us though? What if he takes Imogen?”

  I shake my head firmly. “Never gonna happen. You forget who we are. You live in a ring of steel that only a man with a death wish would try to break through. Just trust us and no harm will come to either of you. In fact, just say the word and we’ll eliminate the fucker altogether.”

  Her eyes widen and I growl, “It would be my pleasure, darlin’.”

  I watch as her eyes soften and she leans forward and hugs me tightly, “I don’t deserve you.”

  I say nothing and just lower my lips to hers and show her instead. When I’m done devouring those plump lips, I say firmly, “You’re my lady now, Jennifer. If you just say the word, I’m yours. No whoring around and just one hundred percent total commitment to you because I’ve never been more certain of anything since you walked through those doors.”

  The look in Jennifer’s eyes says it all, as some of the pain fades and I see a spark of hope enter them. As I pull her to me once again, I have never been surer of anything.



  It feels so good. When Flash and I left his home, we did so hand in hand and as a unit. One formidable team that will face whatever life throws at us together.

  I feel a lightness to my step that wasn’t there before. I have been so alone for so long—my whole life and now I’ve found a man who wants to walk with me. Words can’t describe how much that means to me and as we park in the yard of the Reaper compound, I wonder what the people inside will make of it.

  The first person we see is Ashton dragging some groceries from her car and Flash shouts, “Hey, let me take care of that for you.”

  She looks up and smiles happily and I don’t miss the amusement in her eyes as she sees us together.

  We head across and Flash takes the bags from her effortlessly and heads toward the house she shares with Ryder and Cassie.

  We hang back a little and she whispers, “Ok, I want to hear everything.”

  Grinning, I follow her inside and watch Flash place the bags on the kitchen counter and grin. “Here you go, is there anymore?”

  She shakes her head. “No, but thanks, Flash. You’re a gentleman.”

  He laughs loudly, “Keep tellin’ yourself that, darlin’.”

  His eyes soften as they fall on me and I smile as Ashton watches us with a smirk on her face.

  Flash winks and crosses the room, placing his arm around my shoulders and drops a light kiss on the top of my head. “I’ll leave you ladies to chat while I take care of some business.”

  He walks away before I can ask what that means and Ashton giggles as the door closes. “About time, Jennifer. Come on, I’ll make us a coffee and you can fill me in.”

  Pulling up a stool, I find myself facing her with the biggest grin on my face and she laughs. “I take it you’re with Flash now?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Um… yes. A fool could see it a mile off.”

  “You know, Ashton, I always fancied Flash and over every other guy here he was always the one I looked for in a crowd. I a
lways told myself it was because he was easy on the eye and had the gift of chat. However, after today, it’s made me realize it was because he was always my man. Even before today I was drawn to him by an unexplainable thread that has now bound us together.”

  Ashton smiles happily and says softly, “You deserve a good man like him. I’m not sure what happened before but I know you had a hard time. Where does it leave you though, I mean, you are still married?”

  “I know. I suppose I need to start divorce proceedings immediately. I can’t risk Greyson finding me though, so I’m not sure where to start.”

  She looks at me thoughtfully. “Maybe Ryder can help.”

  I take the coffee she slides across the counter and take a sip, before saying, “Do you think he would? I mean, he’s so busy and everything.”

  She nods with determination. “Of course, he will. Leave it with me, Jen. I’ll ask him tonight.”

  I spend the next hour talking continuously about Flash and how amazing he is and Ashton lets me. It feels good to talk with her about something that holds no fear and promises so much happiness. I almost feel like a normal person as I chat with my best friend and for the first time in a number of years, I feel happy.

  The next few days are probably the happiest in my life. It soon becomes obvious to everyone that Flash and I are now together. We make no secret of the fact and despite my concerns, nobody seems to mind and actually seem happy for us.

  As I mop the bar one afternoon Angel comes over and says lightly, “I should hate you, Jen but I just can’t.”

  I raise my eyes and she grins. “Flash has always been a popular Reaper and I’m sure you don’t need telling why.”

  She giggles at my expression. “Don’t worry, we’re happy for you both. He’s been insufferable ever since you arrived and it was obvious why. None of us had a look in since then and quite frankly, it was getting boring trying. At least now we know the score, you’re lucky though.”

  I nod and smile happily, “You don’t need to tell me that, Angel.”

  As she walks away, she shouts over her shoulder, “You know, if it doesn’t work out, I’d be happy to pick up the pieces.”

  She laughs at the frown I throw her way and says teasingly, “If you’re a Reaper’s old lady, you had better learn what that means. They are every bit as hard as their men and you need to get in training.”

  She leaves the room and I think about what she said. I know the women here train as much as the men and I never really understood why. Then I hear a soft laugh and turn in surprise to see Tyson watching me from a seat near the fire. I walk across and sit in the seat opposite and say, “What’s so funny?”

  He stretches his feet out and grins. “I was just enjoying thinking about Flash being somebody’s old man.”

  “Why is that so funny?”

  “Because he’s always been the biggest whore here. You know, I’ve watched you both over the weeks you’ve been here and enjoyed seeing him come apart with no understanding of why. You were trying to push your feelings aside, yet I saw the look in your eye when he was around. He’s been struggling with feelings he’s never had before and the fact you were off-limits just made his bad situation worse. I’m a little disappointed though.”


  “Because the bastard got what he wanted in the end. I wanted to see him suffer a bit more and now I’ll have to deal with the smug bastard’s shit-eating grin instead.”

  Laughing, I look at him with curiosity. “What about you, Tyson? Is there no one special in your life?”

  I see the light dim in his eyes and regret asking because by the looks of Tyson, it’s a subject he doesn’t want to face. So, I smile and stand up, saying quickly, “It’s ok, I don’t want to pry into something that’s none of my business. I know more than anyone how that feels, so I’ll just get you a beer instead.”

  As I walk away, he says gruffly, “Thanks, Jen.”

  He turns his attention to the game playing on the big screen but I’m not fooled for a second and know he’s deep in thought again. It strikes me that despite the gentle teasing and easy friendships in this place, there is many an untold story. Everyone here has a story to tell and a reason for ending up here and I wonder what Tyson’s is because, by the looks of him, he’s holding something inside that’s tearing him up, and if anyone knows what that feels like—it’s me.



  It feels good. As I watch Jennifer serving the guys, I feel a smug sense of satisfaction that she’s all mine. They can look and not touch because once a Reaper claims an old lady, she’s off-limits. As soon as Jennifer’s divorce from that non-marriage comes through, she’s gonna be mine forever.

  Snake sits beside me and laughs softly, “So, you got what you wanted in the end.”

  I grin and stretch out with contentment. “You could say that.”

  “So, what happens next?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Snake looks worried. “You know, something ain’t right there. Have you found out what she’s hiding?”

  I feel a prickle of irritation at the words that threaten to burst my happy bubble and stare at him moodily. “It’s fine. That creep can’t touch her and Ryder’s looking into getting her marriage dissolved.”

  Snake shakes his head and I say irritably, “What?”

  He narrows his eyes. “We both know it won’t be that easy. Whatever she’s hiding is threatening to blow your cozy world apart, and you had better be prepared for it, that’s all I’m saying.”

  Now I feel anxious and look at him angrily. “Fuck off, Snake. Whatever’s bothering Jennifer will have no effect on our relationship. You should know more than most what happens when someone gets in our way.”

  He shrugs and leans back as Bonnie wanders over and plants herself firmly on his lap. I watch as they kiss a long, lingering, kiss that shuts the world out and demonstrates that happy ever afters do exist. I know things were crazy for them at the beginning and they are living proof that obstacles are just there to challenge not destroy.

  Bonnie pulls back and I watch his arms wrap around her protectively and she smiles sweetly, “How're things, Flash?”

  I grin. “Couldn’t be better.”

  She looks across at Jennifer laughing at something Angel is saying and smiles. “I can see that. You’re good for her.”

  “She’s good for me too.”

  Bonnie nods. “That goes without saying. It’s been a long time coming but you have finally met your match. You know, I’ve got to know Jen quite a bit since I started teaching her to fight and she’s one of the strongest people I have ever met.”

  I raise my eyes. “Strong?”

  She nods. “I don’t just mean physically. She has a mental strength that has served her well in the past but I’m sure I don’t need to tell you there’s only so long a person can withstand that sort of burden before they crack.”

  Her words unsettle me and not because they are ones I don’t want to hear. I know she is shouldering some kind of burden and hearing Bonnie point it out reminds me it needs dealing with before we can move on.

  Snake says in a low voice, “Do you know what it is?”

  He is directing his question to Bonnie but I answer, “I think it has something to do with Imogen’s natural father. I know that loser she married isn’t her natural one, so I’m guessing she’s hiding a secret from her past.”

  Bonnie nods. “I guessed as much. Jen will talk about Greyson and what a low life he is but as soon as Imogen’s mentioned she clams up.”

  She turns to Snake. “Does Ryder know anything?”

  I watch Snake shut down before our eyes and Bonnie sighs. “Ok I get it; you wouldn’t tell me if you knew. For fuck’s sake, Snake, sometimes I think you’re married to Ryder, not me.”

  She giggles as he slings her across his shoulder and growls, “Do you want me to show you what I don’t do with Ryder?”

  She yells, and the bar erupts with catcalls and jeerin
g as he carries her caveman style from the room. I catch Jennifer’s eye and she shakes her head, laughing. Yes, this is the family we live with and there are more secrets in this particular one than any I’ve ever known. It’s up to me to make sure I find out what my lady is hiding from me because until I do, she’s not safe.

  Heading over, I lean on the bar and watch her serve a couple of the guys. I could watch her all day because she looks that good. I still can’t believe my luck because Jennifer’s the sort of woman every man dreams of finding. She has long, dark, wavy hair that surrounds the face of an angel. Her dark, brown, eyes flash with a seduction that reels a man in and her ruby red lips promise the taste of heaven. As I watch her lean down to fetch something, I catch sight of a perfect ass that sits atop a pair of shapely legs. I can feel myself growing hard at just the thought of those legs wrapped around my neck as I taste the honey deep inside.

  She looks up and the look she shoots me would boil sugar and I’m impatient for her shift to finish. With Imogen safely tucked up in bed the night is ours and I intend on showing my woman how good it can feel to be loved.



  Flash is waiting as soon as my shift finishes, in fact, he hasn’t left the bar all night. Mostly he’s chatted to the other Reapers but whenever I look up his eyes are on me and it feels good. There is a supercharged air of expectation as he walks me back and we head to his room. Knowing Imogen is safely monitored means I can indulge in a little ‘me’ time before heading back. I want Flash to be with me all the time but it’s too early to reveal our relationship to my little girl. For now, we will take it slow around her because her welfare is the most important thing in my life.

  As we walk, we talk and Flash says softly, “I like watching you, darlin’.”


  He smirks, “Because I know you’re mine.”


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