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Page 10

by Stella Andrews

  I laugh dully. “The only help you’ll get is to die, you son of a bitch.”

  He begins to cry and I look at him in disgust. “Not such a big man now, are you? You know, Greyson, I just can’t understand how a man can stoop so low as to exploit kids. You’re sick, you know that?”

  He says nothing and I snarl. “Imogen was your daughter, and you sold her as if she was a piece of cattle. Don’t you feel anything for her?”

  He laughs dully. “That bitch ran away and took the one thing with her I needed. Imogen isn’t my daughter and, as it turns out, neither is she Jen’s.”

  My blood runs cold, as I say roughly, “What do you mean?”

  “I found a picture of her sister, Ava, now there’s someone impressive. She also happens to be the spitting image of Imogen and the pieces finally fell into place. The fact that Jen worked as my assistant and then had a kid all of a sudden. She made up some excuse, but it was obvious to me she wasn’t the mother. I never said anything though because it suited me to stay silent. Jennifer needed a family and so did I. You see, I am in a business that likes its executives to be settled. It helped my career to have a wife and child despite the fact I wasn’t interested in that cold bitch from the outset. No, my tastes are more refined shall we say and Imogen was the main attraction in my family.”

  I feel sick and reach for my gun. He hears the barrel cock and looks up as I point it at his head. “I should shoot you like a dog but that will be too good for you. I should haul you out and tear you limb from limb but that would be too good for you. I should release a few snakes into the pit to eat you alive but that would be too good for you. You see, Greyson, your fate is in my hands and the only consideration is how painful I can make your death. I want to make it slow, torturous and unbearable. I want you to suffer while thinking about the sordid life you’ve led. It would be too easy to end this now, so you know what…? I’m gonna do nothing. I’m gonna leave you here to die and enjoy visiting every day to see how painful that is for you. You can scream and cry all you like but no one will hear. Enjoy your new home because this is where your miserable life ends. Oh, and another thing, while you’re festering in your pit of despair, Jennifer and Imogen will get their happy ever after because I’ll see to that personally. Everything you own will be hers and she will enjoy everything you’ve ever worked for.”

  Greyson cries out fearfully, “No, please, I’ll do anything. I’m sorry, I’m sick, I need help. You can’t leave me here.”

  His words fall on deaf ears as I turn and walk away. Sometimes the harshest punishment is to do nothing at all. I wonder how long it will take for Greyson to die. I hope it’s a long one because I’m a man of my word and I’ll return every day until he breathes no more. Yes, rough justice is what we do best, and this prison has no mod cons. Now I just want to go and claim my family and make sure nothing ever harms them again.



  I take Imogen home and enjoy spending time with her. Things could have been so different and I try not to dwell on that fact.

  I can’t leave her for a second and sit beside her as she sleeps and if there’s one thing I’m grateful for, it’s that she wasn’t harmed. She told me that Greyson told her he was here to visit. He’d missed her and wanted them to do something fun. She thought they were going to see a movie and didn’t seem to think anything was unusual at all.

  Ashton told me that by the time they reached the ranch, the Reapers had it surrounded. Lou and Ashton went to the door and knocked and when there was no reply, Ryder kicked it in. They found Imogen drawing a picture in the kitchen while Greyson tried to escape from the back. Luckily, Imogen was spared from seeing the pounding they gave Greyson and just went happily with Lou and Ashton to the waiting car.

  I squeeze my eyes tightly shut and offer up a silent prayer that I came here. The Reapers have given me my life back and now it looks a very promising one.

  A gentle tap at the door interrupts my thoughts and I slide off the bed and close the door to Imogen’s room carefully. Heading down the hall, I open the door and my breath hitches as I see Flash filling the doorway looking hot, sexy and concerned. He whispers, “Is Imogen ok?”

  Reaching out, I pull him close and as the tears fall, I whisper, “Thank you.”

  Just for a minute, we stand clutching each other as the relief hits. It’s over. My secret’s out and nothing will change. I can move on and I’m free of my past.

  Pulling back, Flash smiles softly, “Are you ok?”

  I nod and pull him into the apartment. “I will be. I can’t thank you enough for bringing my baby back.”

  He almost looks annoyed. “I wish it had been me, darlin’. The thought of what that fucker had planned makes my blood run cold.”

  I almost can’t form the words but have to know, “What about Greyson, where is he?”

  Flash looks angry and says in a low voice, “He’s gone. You don’t need to worry about him.”

  The relief hits me hard and I sink down on the couch and look at him with gratitude. “It’s really over… are you certain?”

  He smiles softly and sits beside me. “Yes, darlin’, it’s over now. You can move on and put the past behind you.”

  I feel so happy I could burst and Flash reaches out and draws me close. “You’re an amazing woman, Jen. Despite everything you’ve been through, you take it on the chin and don’t let it get to you.”

  I reach out and stroke his face, saying softly, “Stay with me, Flash.”

  He looks surprised. “What about Imogen?”

  “She’s asleep and even if she wasn’t, I want you to be part of my family. I don’t want to hide anything ever again, no more secrets ever.”

  He lifts his hand and traces my lips with his thumb and then leans down and kisses me so sweetly and with so much love I feel my heart bursting. As we kiss, I taste new beginnings and happy ever afters because now I know I’m home. I’ve found everything I was looking for and I’m not wasting another minute. Flash and Jennifer begin today and will last a lifetime.

  I take his hand and lead him toward my bedroom. He follows silently and as the door opens and the moonlight picks out the large bed that dominates the room, I turn and hold his eyes with mine.

  Shrugging out of my skirt, I unfasten my top, while watching him the whole time. I feel the sense of anticipation in the air as he watches me through those long, dark, lashes, that should be illegal on a guy.

  As I strip myself bare for Flash, I want him to know I’m his. He says nothing and just watches me from the doorway as I perform his own private striptease. I see the lust flare in his eyes as slowly, he removes his battered leather jacket, revealing arms that protect and defend and offer so much pleasure.

  He rips off his shirt and I see his abs rippling in the moonlight and then I lick my lips as his jeans follow, setting his cock free. I can’t take my eyes off the one thing I want more than anything as Flash holds his thick cock in his hands as he rubs it while holding my eyes.

  We take a step toward each other and the anticipation grows. I reach him first and run my fingers through his wayward hair and grip it hard and then he punishes me for daring to be so bold by plundering my mouth with his tongue. As our lips crash together and our tongues dance a sexy dance inside, I feel my heart flutter as his hard body rocks against mine.

  I feel the desire sticky and sweet as I leave a trail to welcome him inside and he groans as I cup his balls in my hand and gently squeeze. I unleash the beast in him as he pushes me back onto the bed and holds me down with one hand. Then using the other, he proceeds to stroke, titillate and drive me wild as I gasp, “I want you so much.”

  He growls as he positions himself above me and gazes into my eyes. “You’re my woman, Jen, no one else, just you.”

  I wrap my legs around his waist and draw him in. As his thick, velvet, shaft, drives home, I call out his name. He groans as he sinks balls deep inside me and it feels fucking amazing. This time it’s different. This time
it has meaning, and I never knew I could feel so… desirable because Flash makes me feel like the most loved woman on the planet.

  He kisses me softly and gently strokes my hair and looks at me with so much love I forget to breathe. As he moves inside me, I gasp as I feel his hard cock grazing my slick walls and the pleasure he gives me is like none I’ve ever experienced before. Then I groan as I feel the pressure build as my clit drags against his shaft and our sweat joins and cements us together as we become one entity. Feelings are powerful and these are like none I’ve ever experienced before. This isn’t sex, it’s everything. It’s a connection of souls and a promise made to nature. Flash groans and whispers, “I love you, Jen.”

  Hearing those words on his lips drives tears of happiness to my eyes. Is it possible to feel so many emotions all at once—it must be because I feel it deep? I whisper, “I love you, Flash. You’re my everything.”

  He thrusts harder and I call his name. It’s as if we just can’t get enough of each other and never want this to end. His balls slap against my butt and I feel him tense. The pressure builds as I can’t hold on anymore and we come together just like nature intended. The burst of pleasure that crashes through my whole body is like none I’ve ever experienced before. I feel hot, sore and sexy and I owe it all to the man holding me so tenderly in his arms.

  Afterward, he just holds me tight, murmuring over and over again how much he loves me and I wonder how I can dare to be so happy. Yes, happy ever afters do exist and I’m testament to that. I may not be a princess like Imogen but I’ve found my prince.



  Three weeks later

  “Now close your eyes little darlin’ and no peeking.”

  Imogen giggles and Jennifer laughs softly. We lead Imogen to the door of her room and after a nod from Jennifer, I open the door with a flourish.

  “Here you go, princess. Now you have the room you deserve.”

  Imogen’s squeal is music to my ears, as she runs inside and gazes in awe at the transformation.

  Jennifer laughs as Imogen shouts, “My princess bedroom, I love it. Thank you, mommy, thank you, Flash.”

  Jennifer laughs. “Thank Bonnie, honey. It was all her doing.”

  I grin as Imogen races around and jumps on the mini four-poster bed, with beautiful pink drapes hanging from the rails. The carpet is the softest pink and the furniture white and in the image of a royal room. All around are Imogen’s prized toys brought over from their house they shared with Greyson and a little closet stands proudly in the corner, filled with pretty dresses and shoes.

  My heart softens as I see the bright eyes of a child who had such a hard start in life. Then I look at her mother and my heart swells with an equal amount of love. Yes, Imogen and Jennifer are my family now and I’ll protect them with my last breath.

  Imogen races around, diving into every drawer and cupboard and Jen takes my hand and smiles. “I think the room’s a success.”

  Pulling her close, I drop a light kiss on the top of her head and smile. “I think that’s a given.”

  Imogen races over and I swing her in my arms and she wraps her little arms around me and plants a huge kiss on my cheek. “Thanks, Flash.”

  My heart melts as I hold the little girl who has come to mean so much to me and Jennifer watches proudly before saying lightly, “Imogen, how would you like it if Flash moved in here with us?”

  I look at her in surprise and she winks as Imogen yells, “Yes, oh yes, please say you will, Flash and then we’ll be a family like Ryder, Ashton and Cassie and Lou, Brewer and Jack.

  I feel the emotion burning me up inside as I catch Jen’s eye and silently thank her with everything I’ve got. “I think that’s a great idea, darlin’. When shall I pack my bags?”

  Imogen squeals. “Now, get them now. I’ll help you if you like.”

  Laughing, Jennifer shakes her head and says with amusement, “I think Flash can manage that himself. We’ve got a play date at Cassie’s to get to first.”

  I drop Imogen gently to the ground and she races off laughing fit to burst. As I look at Jennifer, I feel quite emotional as she has given me so much. Finally, I have a family to call my own and purpose. A beautiful daughter who I am proud to call mine and the most amazing woman to walk by my side.

  As I pull that woman to my lips and kiss her like a man desperate for air, everything slots into place. Family is everything and none more so than a Reaper family. The future is bright with them all by my side and I won’t let anything interfere with that.

  The End

  Thank you for reading Flash.

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  Stay healthy and happy and thanks for reading xx

  Ready for another Reaper story?

  Country Girl

  A Reaper Novella, short, sexy and sweet with a second chance romance that gave Kindle Fire its name.


  He took my first kiss.

  He took my virginity.

  Then on the happiest day of my life he stole my heart and left like the thief he was.

  I moved on regardless and became a star.

  To the rest of the world I’m living the dream. That dream is a nightmare

  Now he’s back and wants to give my heart back.

  It’s battered and bruised and I’ve changed so much it may no longer fit.

  He sees the real me – he always has.

  Can love work second time around, or is it too late?

  As I said, I’m living a nightmare because tomorrow is my wedding – he’s four years too late.


  She was my first love.

  She was my only love.

  I made the ultimate sacrifice and regretted it every day for four long and lonely years.

  She doesn’t see it like that and now I’m back I must prove myself all over again.

  This time the clock’s ticking because tomorrow, I stand to lose her all over again.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  More Books



  The seatbelt sign illuminates and my heart sinks. We’re here. Another town another hotel and another night spent wondering if this was all worth it.

  “Hey, babe, do you wanna run over the setlist one more time?”

  Feeling irritated, I shake my head, “No.”

  I turn away, sighing heavily and the harsh tones of Grady my manager ring in my ears “You can drop the attitude, honey. If you want the stardom, you’ve gotta put in the work.”

  I ignore him hoping he’ll go away but he never does. Grady Donaldson is always by side 24/7 and it gets more on my nerves as the weeks go on.

  The flight attendant checks our belts are fastened and I look out of the window with the usual disinterest. Most cities are the same these days. Touchdown, limo, hotel and then stage. That’s my life and I shouldn’t complain because it was everything I ever wanted, or so I thought.

  We touch down and Grady laughs softly, “This one should be good. We sold out months ago and word is, they’re selling their kids to get a ticket.”

  I say nothing. Yes, we sell out where ever we go, yes, we’re the hottest ticket in town and yes, I should be grate
ful, but I’m tired. Tired of selling my soul to the devil and tired of life on the road.

  My eyes smart with unshed tears because I stopped feeling years ago. The young, impressionable, country girl I was had been molded, polished and perfected into a star. I don’t even recognize myself anymore when I look in the mirror because it’s not just my appearance that’s changed. The light has gone from my eyes and I know who I hold responsible for that.

  We taxi in and all around me the passengers make to disembark. I have people to carry my bags and take care of the paperwork which means I don’t have to think about anything at all, giving me more time than most to think about where it all went wrong.

  The doors open and we are the first ones off the plane. They hold everyone back and I hear the murmurs as I pass through the cabin. Eyes follow me with curiosity and reverence. Phones are held at an angle to get a good shot which is why I must always be on my guard. One hint that the dream is actually a fucking nightmare and my career would be finished. Sometimes I want that more than anything else because when this began, the most important part of me ended.

  The paparazzi are out in force and the flashbulbs go off around me like my own personal firework display. Grady smiles and jokes with the press and I dutifully smile and pose for the shots that will make the papers and every form of social media on the planet. Sunny Scott is riding high and has the world at her feet. The darling country star who holds a place in everyone’s heart. The small-town girl made good and America’s sweetheart. Why did nobody think to tell me just how much fame costs?

  The limo is waiting at the first-class entrance and I leave Grady to deal with the authorities because my only job is to look good and smile for the camera. It’s an empty life and holds no interest for me anymore.


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