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Flash Page 13

by Stella Andrews

  I whimper as he continues to taste and explore every inch of my familiar body. He rolls my nipple around his tongue and bites softly making me gasp. Then he runs a trail to my stomach before roughly pushing my legs back exposing what he wants so badly.

  As he tastes the part of me that aches for him, I feel the world spin and close in on me. The heady rush that roars through my body makes me cry his name. He sucks my clit between his teeth and bites softly, making me come apart beneath him. Tears fall down my cheeks as I feel again and then with a guttural moan, he gives us both what we want. Gently, he eases his length into the tight, slick, space, that makes it easy for him. Inch by inch, he sinks inside me until his balls slap against my ass. With a groan, he moves at a tantalizingly slow pace as he rocks inside me in the gentlest of moves and the slow, excruciating, burn, of more pleasure than a body can stand builds within me.

  I rake his back with my manicured nails and cry out his name. My breasts drag against his chest as he moves inside me reminding my body of who was always really in charge.

  As the pressure builds, so do the feelings and our sweat runs together down a familiar trail. My legs wrap around his waist drawing him in deeper and he moans, “I love you, Sunny, only you, always you.”

  His words set me on fire as he claims my heart once more and I gasp as the white light of ecstasy hits me square between the eyes as I come apart all around him. As Tyson’s seed erupts inside me, I give no thought to protection as I should have done, because it doesn’t matter to me, anyway. I was always Tyson Rivera’s girl and there was never any barrier in the way of that.



  I wrap Sunny in my arms and never want to let her go. As she lies with her face to my chest, I hear my heart beating frantically against my ribs. Her soft sigh of contentment brings a smile to my lips and the way she strokes my chest causes an ache in my heart that time apart has caused.

  I stroke her soft hair as she kisses my chest lightly and says softly, “We were always good together, Ty.”

  I squeeze her a little tighter and say with regret, “I should never have left.”

  Her soft laugh gives rise to hope in my heart as she says softly, “No, you shouldn’t have.”

  She looks up and as our eyes connect, we share a familiar look. A connection that runs deep and I lean forward and suck her lower lip between my teeth and bite down gently. She giggles and shuffles closer and says in a whisper, “Stay the night.”

  I just nod. “I was going to.”

  She shakes her head and giggles adorably, “There he is, Tyson Rivera, the man who always gets what he wants.”

  I know she’s joking but she couldn’t be more wrong and I shake my head. “Not yet, darlin’, but I’m working on it.”

  Her eyes soften and I see a little of the pain in them subside as she leans up and kisses me softly. The kiss turns to one with a more urgent need and soon I push her back against the soft, satin, sheets and taste her all over again. This time it’s different. This time I taste myself on her. I have branded my woman with my scent which warns others to stay away. I may be a whore when I’m back with the guys but if Sunny agrees those days are over. I’m still a Reaper and always will be but it’s time to put my woman first which I should have done the first time.

  ‘Stay the night,’ she said, I’m never gonna leave.

  The night just isn’t long enough. After making love for the second time, we wrap ourselves in robes and sit on the balcony with the room service tray that’s fit to share. Corn dogs and fries taste just as good cold when an appetite is raging and sitting beside Sunny wrapped in the past, settles my heart—a little.

  Sunny tells me all about her life on the road and I listen to every word. I want to know what she’s been doing for every second she’s left and hearing her stories of places we only ever dreamed of visiting, makes me the proudest man alive.

  “You see, Ty, there’s a whole world out there that’s ours for the taking.”

  She smiles and I can see she really believes that. The trouble is, it’s a different world I see, and it’s nothing like the one she describes.

  Tracing the tattoo of the Reapers, she asks the question I’ve been expecting. “What does this mean?”

  Laughing softly, I say with amusement, “Where to begin?”

  She cocks her head to one side and says playfully, “Listen, I’ve just told you everything about my life and now I want a window on yours.”

  Reaching for her, I pull her between my legs and wrap my arms around her as we gaze at the stars.

  It’s painful to speak and I can’t see the look in her eyes when she discovers how fall I fell, but I need to tell her what a monster her man became.

  “The day I left you, Sonny, I enlisted in the forces. It was the only way I could make something of myself and make you proud to call me yours. The letter I wrote told you I would be back for you but I needed to find my way and make you proud.”

  She tenses but I carry on. “I was assigned to a special forces unit soon after I passed my training. Apparently, I was the right type, whatever that means and my future was set. We were part of a hit squad who were sent in on covert operations. I’m not proud of what I’ve done but I am proud of why. Everything I did was for my country and that has never changed.”

  She spins in my lap and runs her fingers across my cheek gently. “That’s an honorable thing to do, Ty, you shouldn’t be ashamed.”

  My eyes burn with the memories of battles fought and men that have fallen and I stare at her with the lifeless eyes of a man who has ghosts living in his heart that will never leave.

  “I was thinking of leaving and spoke to my platoon commander with words to that effect. He told me of a unit that would be glad of my services, same job but in a more covert way. I was to be detailed to a unit close to Washington who hid behind notoriety and fear. A gang of bikers who made up a team of ex-soldiers and military personnel all with one aim in mind.”

  The silence hangs in the air as I tell the first person I’ve ever told about my new life. “I live like a biker but our real job is top secret. I still work for the government but in a very different way. I can’t tell you what it involves, but it’s hard, physically and mentally.”

  She spins around and looks me in the eye and says softly, “I don’t care what you do, Tyson. Whatever it is, I know you and you’re an honorable man. What you told me about your reasons for leaving annoy the hell out of me but I understand. You’ve always put me above you and how can I be angry at that?”

  Leaning forward, she kisses my lips lightly and as I feel the soft, sweet, taste, of the one woman I have ever loved, explanations cease to matter.

  I run my hand around the back of her head and grind my lips to hers. The surrounding air is laced with need as we try to make up for all those wasted years. Sunny sits astride me and her robe falls open revealing her perfect breasts that glisten in the moonlight. Lowering my mouth to taste the sweet joy of my woman, I groan with need. She shifts on my lap until she finds what she wants and gently lowers herself onto my willing cock. The robe provides a satin curtain against the world as she rides me like the cowgirl she is. Slow, sensuous and blissfully sexy, she works her magic on me until I can take no more. As her clit drags against my shaft, I feel the blood roaring in my head as I explode inside her with a force that takes my breath away. She clenches hard and I feel the waves of her pussy throbbing all over my cock and I swear it’s the sweetest feeling in the world. Her breasts graze my chest as she bites my neck softly and whispers, “I’ve always loved you, Ty.”

  Her words destroy me because I know she always has. Sunny never gave up on us and I fell at the first hurdle. With her still inside me, I pull her even closer and say gruffly, “I love you, Sunny and if you’ll have me back, I’ll spend my life making it up to you.”

  Just for a moment, she stills and something shifts. There’s a change in the air as she pulls back and looks at me through tormented eyes. Something’s about
to change and I’m not gonna like what I’m about to hear.

  The tears spill from her eyes as she chokes, “I can’t make any promises, Ty because the day after tomorrow, we leave for Vegas and my wedding.”

  Like the iciest bucket of water, her words have the desired effect. I pull back and feel my heart being ripped out with my words, “What the fuck, to who?”

  She shakes her head and her eyes are sad. “To a man I can’t stand and for a reason that makes no sense.”

  I grip her wrist and say in a hard voice, “Tell me.”

  Sighing, she stands and moves inside, grabbing a nearby blanket and wrapping herself in it like a child before sinking onto the huge couch. The tears spill from her eyes as her voice wavers, “The man I’m to marry is Colton Jeffrey.”

  “What, the Colton Jeffrey?”

  She nods miserably. “Grady cooked up some scheme that it would be good for business—for both of us. Two country stars riding high, joined together as one powerful duo. It will be front-page news and good for both of us. Colton is the biggest star to come out of Nashville in decades and I’m the new kid on the block. We would be a power couple who could demand huge sums for personal appearances and collaborations. It’s all make-believe because, between me and you, Colton Jeffrey prefers men, any case.”

  I stare at her in shock and she laughs bitterly. “Yup, he has no interest in me and I certainly don’t in him. Grady said if we marry, we only need to make it look good for the cameras. After a couple of years, we could stage a whole load of fights and then clean up with the inevitable break up. Apparently, it’s what they all do but still, it doesn’t sit well with me.”

  “That makes two of us, darlin’. What the fuck?”

  She looks at me with an expression of pure desperation. “I don’t want to marry Colton, Ty. The trouble is, my hands are tied. There’s nothing I can do.”

  I start to pace the ground angrily, “Like fuck there isn’t. Leave it with me and I’ll find a way.”

  Jumping up, Sunny crosses the room and pulls me close, saying desperately, “Please, no! I don’t want you to get caught up in this tainted world I live in. I’ll do what they say and then I’ll be done with the lot of them. As soon as I have enough money, I’ll tell Grady I won’t perform anymore.”

  “What do you mean, as soon as you’ve made enough money? You must be earning millions.”

  She shakes her head sadly, “Apparently not. Grady told me it’s all tied up in start-up costs and the tour. My cut is small and I don’t have much, just enough to buy the ranch back home that we always dreamed of owning.”

  Something doesn’t feel right and I pull her close while I think. This whole set up stinks and I’m starting to realize that I let her down even more badly than I first thought. As the cogs turn and the clock ticks, I know what I need to do. But not tonight. Tonight is our night and nothing is gonna stand in the way of that.

  So, I stroke her hair and kiss her head lightly, saying softly, “It’s ok, darlin’. We still have tonight and married or not married, I’m not leaving you again.”

  She melts against me as the relief hits and I swing her in my arms and carry her to bed. As I lie her down beside me, I stroke her face gently and say softly, “It changes nothing. I will be here for you, darlin’, you’re not on your own anymore.”

  She snuggles next to me and I feel a strong sense of protectiveness kick in. Tomorrow it begins because tonight is ours. As I make love to my woman for the third time, I know it won’t be the last. Come morning, Sunny will be marked inside and out on every inch of her by my touch and stroke and she has crawled so deep in my heart she will never leave.



  The day dawns and reminds me that last night was fleeting. A moment of madness in an insane world. As I look across at Tyson sleeping carelessly beside me, I smile. His leg spills across the sheets looking tanned and dark against the crisp white bedding. His face is rough with stubble and his breathing deep. As I watch the rise and fall of his tattooed chest, I shiver inside. My man. He always was and probably always will be. How cruel fate is to deliver him to me now.

  With a sinking feeling, I remember the mad day ahead. First stop will be the usual assistants who turn me from the country girl into a star. Then the endless round of interviews that make up a large part of my day, before heading to the venue and sound checking ready for the performance tonight. There will be no time to waste when that ends because Grady has arranged a private plane to deliver the blushing bride to Vegas ready to stage a huge publicity coup.

  Colton Jeffrey will be waiting because he has a residency there for the next two months. The papers and media will be full of the story tomorrow night which will seal my future for the next two years, anyway.

  Tyson stirs and my heart flutters as he opens his eyes and fixes me with the look of a man with one purpose in mind. He reaches for me immediately and pulls me into his hard chest, murmuring, “Morning gorgeous. I forgot how the morning suits you.”

  I blush as he rakes his fingers through my hair and groans, lowering his lips to mine and kissing me hard and fast. I feel the desire lit through me like a gunpowder trail and am ready for him in seconds.

  Slowly, he eases into me and as he fills me it sends a message straight to my heart. He owns me, mind, body and soul and whatever happens, nothing will ever change that. We rock together as the pressure builds and maybe it’s because this feels so final, it brings the tears from my eyes. Tyson kisses them away and says huskily, “No cryin’, darlin’, it’s all good from now on. I found you for a reason and I’m not gonna let anything tear us apart again.”

  “I want to believe you, Ty, so badly but…”

  He silences me with a kiss and groans as he thrusts harder and takes me high with him. As I fall apart under my man, I feel my body shudder with ecstasy and adrenalin. Tyson was always a good lover and maybe that’s because he was always meant to compliment my body. We were made for each other and will get through whatever shit falls in our path. I just need to learn to trust him again.

  The phone rings by the bed, signifying the end of the dream and my heart lurches as I look at Tyson with fear in my eyes. He looks thoughtful as I grip the receiver and say a shaky, “Yes.”

  Grady’s voice comes through loud and angry, “For fuck’s sake, Sunny, haven’t you had long enough to sleep off your tantrum? We need you ready for hair and make-up in five and no excuses.”

  I bang the receiver down and burst into tears, I can’t help it and despise myself for my weakness.

  Tyson pulls me close and strokes my hair. “Listen, darlin’, do what you’ve gotta do. I’ll be back later, I promise.”

  Through my tears, I say with desperation, “Come to my show, Ty. I’ll leave your name on the door and they’ll let you through. Bring whoever you want but please come.”

  He nods and smiles happily. “I love hearing you sing, darlin’. You just try keeping me away.”

  Reluctantly, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and run my fingers through my hair with distraction. “I suppose I had better play my part as usual. Promise me you’ll come though; it makes it all more bearable if I think I’ll see you later.”

  He nods and something in his eye settles my heart. I know that look. Tyson has a plan and I know that involves me. He always was my rock and now I need him more than ever. I know it’s futile and he can’t possibly change the direction my life is taking in the next few days but if he sticks around, at least I’ll have something of home, something that was always mine beside me to sweeten the blow.

  Tyson leaves the way he came, and I set about the usual routine. The assistants rush in to do my hair and make-up and the outfit laid out for me is the usual shorts and revealing t-shirt, paired with my cowboy boots.

  Grady has arranged back-to-back interviews with radio stations and magazines and I answer their questions as best I can.

  We only break for a light lunch before we head across town in the blacked-out li
mo to rehearse for the show tonight. I tune it all out and just think about what happened last night and it feels good to have a secret the world can’t share. Grady would throw a hissy fit if he ever found out, and that thought fills me with the most pleasure. Yes, if anyone knew of my night spent with the rough as hell biker, my image would be trashed and it’s almost worth telling just to see the look on Grady’s face when the shit hits the fan.



  As soon as I left, I headed back to the compound. I need a shower and a change of clothes before I present my problem to Ryder. If anyone can find shit out on Grady Donaldson, it’s him and I doubt he has to dig far to find any.

  As soon as I bring my bike to a halt, I see Flash heading my way and he grins. “Late night? Who’s the lucky lady?”

  I can’t stop the shit-eating grin from cracking my face and he laughs. “I knew it. Well, do we get to know who this mysterious lady is?”

  He must see the look in my eyes because he stops and says, “Oh, so what’s the story?”

  I lean back on my bike and shake my head. “I met up with the girl I left behind. My girl from home, you know, the one we saw getting out of the limo yesterday.”

  He looks surprised and whistles, “Man, I knew you had a look about you. What’s the story?”

  “Sunny was my childhood sweetheart. We were gonna be married and then she hit the big time. I overheard her men in suits saying I would hold her back, so I left—for her.”

  Flash shakes his head. “No wonder she looked pissed, bad decision, bro.”

  “I know, the trouble is, I always put her before me and thought I was doing the right thing. Now she’s so far up shit creek I’m the only paddle she’s got.”

  Flash’s eyes harden and I know that look. He senses conflict, and he’s right to. I know he’s got my back; he always has and we deal with shit together but not in this case. This time it’s personal and no manner of fighting will solve this problem.


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